SHES THE SPIDER WAITING TO KILL (cruella de vil) Feb 15th, 1st concept

In my Country, it’s feb 15th, but for villaintines or valentine’s day, i will be doing Cruella de vil! So here’s my extravagant, just kidding, concept :expressionless: !

CRUELLA DE VIL from disney’s 101 Dalmatians


Source: 101 Dalmatians
Star: :star:
Role: Damage
Position: Front
Trial Team: Red

QUOTE: “I live for furs! I worship furs!”

Bio: it’s her, A Fashionista is coming her way! Beware!

Entrance: Cruella drives in her car onto the battlefield.
Victory: Cruella elegantly walks across the battlefield with her arms out!
Ko’d: Cruella cigarettes, until the ink splats on her!


White: :white_circle: Cruella, Cruella De Vil :microphone:
Fantastic Damage

Passive: Cruella starts calling Horace and Jasper, Horace walks up at smacks all the enemies, gaining Cruella 102 energy. Cruella can share this to her allies if not activated.

Active: Cruella, Horace and Jasper team up, Horace and Jasper take away nearly all the enemies buff, dealing 1000 damage over 5 seconds that negates all enemy buffs.

Green: :green_circle: Cruella De Vil’s Car Crash

Bio: Cruella crashes into the enemies, using her red Panther De Vil car.

Cruella hops in her car, she first starts calling the enemies “idiots!” Gaining 1012 energy to her! Horace jumps in and punches and stuns the enemies taking away MAX Hp from the enemies!
She hops in her car, she crashed into the enemies!

note: Scared, Studied and armor/reality decreased all counts as ailments

Blue: :large_blue_circle: Blast this Wretched, Wretched Pen! :pen:

Bio: Cruella uses her ink from the pen, splatting all the ink to the targeted enemy, dealing 1945 damage, blinding them for 1-6 seconds.

Purple: :purple_circle: Get those Little…Wretched Puppies!

Bio: Cruella calls all the puppies, she tortures and throws the puppy taking away enemy buffs, dealing 1678 Damage.

Cruella stuns the enemies with the puppies for 1.09 seconds.


Shank - Slaughter Race…Race now!

•Slaughter Race deals an additional 2012 damage

•Allies: Vanellopee, Ralph, Simba and Nala, Carl and Baymax

Cruella de vil and Shank are now best friends!
Shank is racing solo, when suddenly another car out-speeds her!
“Whoa sorry, that crazy ladies trespassing!” -Shank
“Who ya calling crazy, Ms Race Car Driver Wannabe?” -Cruella
“Looks we got some competition!” -Shank

Queen of Hearts - Off with Cruella’s Head!
•Off with Cruella’s head deals an addition 2700 damage

•Allies: Alice, Duke Caboom , Quorra, Fix it Felix and Anna

Queen of Hearts and Cruella are now best friends!
Queen of Hearts was walking around wonderland looking at the red roses, then suddenly Cruella scares Queen of Hearts!
“Hey you, what are you doing in wonderland you skunk?” Queen of Hearts
“Well, Your just so obsessed with Red, sucks to be you!” -Cruella
“OFF WITH HER HEAD, NOWWWW!!!” -Queen Of Hearts

Cruella is a successful villain. I will create my Box :package: of concepts soon, it’s due to today!

tell me what i missed or if i left anything out! first concept so i won’t be “Perfect”, anyways thanks for reading!


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