How can DHBM be saved?

Wonder how soon the game would crash in this mode :thinking:


I guess so. It’s a hard program to execute.

That’ll be too easy imo, only a guild participating is kind of enough

would it be server wide? or world wide?

Server-wide, of course

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I got a few for an example I have been wondering if they can add a way you can go on campaign levels with your friends like you each choose one hero and 5 people here is a example:
Player 1. Hero: Cheshire Cat
Player 2. Hero: Sulley and Boo
Player 3. Hero: Buzz Lightyear
Player 4. Hero: Joy
Player 5. Hero: Maximus
You get their skill set on the side of your screen and select the skills you want to use the white skill stays the same the other skills have a cooldown. The other 4 heroes are controlled by other players who joined you and selected a hero they want to use.

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Just asking. How does PB promotes their games to make more players play the game?

We don’t want to copy DSA, besides how would you pick the skills from each heroes when the fighting mechanic from this game doesn’t count on turns


Exactly. Players can only control their own heroes.

…no they can’t. Players can only choose which heroes can fight.

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The heroes move on their own the player can just click in all the skills other than one skill.

I know. What I mean by that is that players can only control their own heroes in battle.

No, i don’t think that’s a good idea, the skills also counts on seconds cooldown, not like energy cooldown

@Miraculous_Lance Yes! You go into a battle and you have a option to invite friends they come and you can’t select anymore heroes after you choose the one however if you want to change you click change hero.

Energy cooldowns are usually for white skills no?

Dhbm campaigns doesn’t count on multiplayers

No. That’s not what I meant.

I am not saying they come in and they have to select player one’s heroes.

You mean like Heist? You can call other players’ characters?

The map isn’t big like heist its basically campaign but if this doesn’t happen add a whole other feature for the multi-player idea.

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