Description: For thousands of years, a special group of hunters have made their name on the terrorization of all magical creatures known to men. This group known as the Hunstclan seeks to eradicate every known creature of magic away from the earth, and their leader is extremely ruthless with a thirst for violent tendencies. Utilizing his clan’s ancient and futuristic technology, the Huntsman is ready to claim his next creature to enslave and destroy.
Quote: “Release the hounds! And let the hunt begin."
Role: Damage
Position: Front
Team: Red
Basic Attack: The Huntsman will use his staff to shoot a net at the closest enemy, dealing X damage to them, knocking them back, and snaring them for 7 seconds.
(Damage Type: Normal)
Entrance: The Huntsman will teleport into the arena into the arena.
Victory: The Huntsman will twirl his staff in victory.
Defeat: The Huntsman will fall down in defeat.
White Skill:
“Debilitating Arrows"
The Huntsman will fire three arrows at the three farthest enemies, dealing X damage to them, and draining them for 9 seconds. The enemy with the most amount of HP will also be hexed for 6 seconds. The Huntsman will also have his fantastic damage increased by 60% for 9 seconds after using this skill.
(Damage Type: Fantastic)
Green Skill:
“Energy Blades"
The Huntsman will channel green energy into his hand blades, as he slashes away at the closest enemy, dealing X damage with every strike, and removing 100 energy with each strike. If the Huntsman lands a crit on any one of the strikes, he will remove an additional 50 energy from that enemy and drain them for 6 seconds.
(Damage Type: Fantastic)
Blue Skill:
“Enraged Wrath"
Once per wave, when the Huntsman reaches 50% of his HP, he will rip off his suit in a rage and will gain invincibility and an immunity to all fantastic damage for 9 seconds. The Huntsman will also deal true damage from any attack or skill after using this skill.
Purple Skill:
“Mythical Eliminator"
When the Huntsman is given a stack of weakness, he will instead convert that stack into a permanent 5% damage boost from all sources. He can have a total of 10 damage boosts.
Red Skill:
“Ambition of the Huntsclan"
Reality decreases from enemies will grant the Huntsman & his allies X tenacity, as well as energizing them for 8 seconds. Also, drains from any source will grant the Huntsman to deal X true damage over time on his next attack.
- +X Damage from Debilitating Arrows
- +X Damage from Energy Blades
- +X Skill Power
Shan Yu
Disk Name: “Tickle the Dragon’s Tail"
Disk Effect: Debilitating Arrows at the Start of Each Wave
Other Effects:
- At the start of each wave, the Huntsman will immediately use Debilitating Arrows with the drain duration being reduced to 5 seconds. The Huntsman will also gain a 14% chance to crit on any source for 6 seconds. (+14% per star level)
- +X Damage from Debilitating Arrows
- +X Skill Damage
Campaign: (The Huntsclan are still on the hunt for mythical creatures and especially dragons in the new city. A neighboring clan of enemies known as the Hun army has recently joined together with the Huntsclan in a common goal. The Huntsman could use some assistance in finding Jake Long and capturing him, and Shan Yu gets right onto the hunt with descriptions told by him. Unfortunetely the descriptions weren’t al clear, as Shan Yu did indeed find a “red” dragon with a yellow underbelly, but just smaller than what the Huntsclan is looking for… WAY smaller, and WAY too talkative.)
Allies: Abby Park, Arthur Pendragon & Archimedes, Mr. Waternoose
Disk Name: “Unfortunate Reunion of Hunters"
Disk Effect: Starting Energy for Support Allies
Other Effects:
- At the start of each wave, every support ally will start the battle with 130 energy, and have their healing increased by 50% for 7 seconds. (+130 energy per star level)
- +X Armor for Support Allies
- +X Healing for Support Allies
Campaign: (When Rose first came to the city, she thought that she wished for the destruction of the Huntsclan with the aztec skulls. The clothes should have been a dead giveaway, but she saw no signs of any of her fellow minions around. Imagine her horror when she sees her Huntsman who is planning to eliminate Rose for her disobedience and betrayal. Rose finds herself allied with Jake and his other friends when she seems to outnumbered, and finally gains the confidence she needs to hold her own against the squad.)
Allies: Brick, King Magnifico, Scratch