Scratch Concept (#229)


Description: Resident and new chairman of the ghost realm, Scratch is a ghost with a personality that is quite… ghastly. He’s mostly seen as a grumpy, rude, and crude, but after accidentally cursing himself with his new human friend Molly Mcgee, Scratch has softened a lot more as a result. His knack for cursing others is sure to become quite the handy tool, especially for creeps who dare defy the law of the ghost realm.

Quote: “I have been waiting for this moment my entire afterlife!!”

Role: Control
Position: Mid
Team: Yellow


Basic Attack:
-Passive: All curses applied to enemies from Scratch or his allies will also deal X true damage over time to them, until their curse duration goes away.

Entrance: Scratch will materialize from the ground and present himself.

Victory: Scratch pulls out a taco and eats.

Defeat: Scratch sloops his arms down and frowns.


White Skill:
“Bad Luck Curse”
Scratch will pull out a talisman, and curse the two enemies with the most amount of skill power with bad luck, as he decreases their crit rate, and damage output by 50%, as well as cursing them for 10 seconds. Scratch will also grant his allies curse immunity for 11 seconds.

Green Skill:
“Shocking Jumpscare”
Scratch will jumpscare the three closest enemies, dealing X damage to them, as well as scaring and cursing them for 7 seconds. Scratch will also gain an immunity to confusions, and will heal if an enemy tries to confuse him.
(Damage Type: Fantastic)

Blue Skill:
"Body Possession”
Scratch will float towards the enemy with the most amount of skill power and possess their body, charming them for the 8 seconds. The possessed enemy will lose all of their active buffs, and will have their attack and movement speed increased by 200%.

Purple Skill:
“A Ghastly Ghost”
Scratch will become invisible for 10 seconds everytime he attacks a cursed enemy, and will also become energized for 12 seconds. Scratch will gain X skill power and heal X HP when an enemy gains a debuff when he is invisible.

Red Skill:
“Ghost Council Ruler”
When Scratch is knocked into the enemyline from any source, he will drain all enemies, and will deal X fantastic damage to them for 7 seconds. Also, Scratch’s crit rate will increase by 50% when an ally gains an increase in their Max HP for 6 seconds.

  • +X Reality
  • +X Evasion
  • +X Max HP

Molly Mcgee

Disk Name: “Terror-Filled Fun”
Disk Effect: Enemy Invisibility Equals Hex

Other Effects:

  1. When an enemy becomes invisible, they will be hexed for 2 seconds and will gain three stacks of fatigue. (+2 seconds per star level)
  2. +X Skill Power to all Allies
  3. +X Reality to all Allies

Campaign: (Molly is super hyped to see her best friend Scratch in the city, and just in time too, because she has been super drained with chairman {or woman in this case} duties. Scratch assumes his position, but learns he has to hold the position along with the sisters of fate, deciding when a person’s time has come to enter the underworld. Scratch is all about scaring folks, and is a bit taken aback by all the new requirements of this new job.)
Allies: Alameda Slim, Ennui, Steelbeak

Mary Sanderson


Disk Name: “Dabbling in Dangerous Curses”
Disk Effect: Body Possession Increases Energy Gain

Other Effects:

  1. When Scratch is in possession of an enemy, his allies will gain 40 more energy when performing basic attacks. (+40 energy per star level)
  2. +X Damage from Basic Attacks for Allies
  3. +X Reality for Allies

Campaign: (Scratch may have his old friends like Geoff and Jeff in the city, but he has also met a few new ghostly faces around the blocks. One of them is a little girl by the name of Emily Binx, who reminds him of Adia Williams when he and her were children. She warns Scratch of a trio of witches who seek to steal the life essences of children in the worst ways possible. Fearing for the safety of Molly and her new friends, Scratch gives a bit of a scare to the Sandersons, and makes them retreat, if only for a little bit.)
Allies: Chicken Little & Kirby, Priya Mangal, Tyler Tuskmon


Great concept :+1:

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I guess it look okay. :ok_hand:t2:

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