Invasion Rewards and Mods

Been ng that we have too many resources for these items , I will no longer make a purchase. Saw plenty of deals out there I would have bought but I waited to see the response to this thread. I have only been here 4 months and got to vip 12. With the amount you need at higher levels the resources gained from invasion gave me some hope and I would spend money because there was some progress after rewards. With how slow it is without any incentives such as this help from rewards it has become a free game for me now. Thanks for saving me money!


Seems like maybe the developers have gotten sick of developing - and are wanting new jobs? Thats what i can see happening with so many people leaving. To be honest, i am barely a dolphin, but guild spends a bit of money in this game. Already we have had 2 people leave this week - and thats the game - not the guild. The real issue is the bottom line - money, money, money!!! If the dolphins leave, the game will head south very very quickly, as I would assume that there arent enough whales to keep everyone there employed.


Here is the problem I see with your response. Let’s start off with what mods do. They add a little power boost to a unit and give slightly more customization to your character by picking which mods to equip. This can change how units are used in pvp modes or give you just the push you need to clear that annoying friend campaign that uses awful units.

Now let’s look at your solution and what that will do. They add a ok power boost to a unit and give slightly more customization to your character by picking which mods to equip. This can change how units are used in pvp mods or give you just the push you need to clear that annoying friend campaign that uses awful units. But require more work to increase just to keep up with people who dump tons of money to power up faster.

So basically you are taking something in the game already and making it so you have to drop cash for those mods sitting behind the purchase packs or to get those extra fragments needed to level up the mods faster. At the same time completely removing the rewards f2p players appreciated and needed so they could use them for contest and other modes to keep up.

Your solution is to make the game more pay friendly and hope that people appreciate your effort in adding something new (or rather updating something that exists) and ‘listening’ to them.


I don’t mind the mods and I for one have always seen invasion as an emphasis on mods. My concern does not lie in mods but when you roll out the collection bonuses of the game in server 1. For those who have invested so much time (and money), and to change the complexity of the game with the addition of collection bonuses. I feel that making it too complex will defer people from playing and the disparity of power between the newer players and the older players will continue to grow further apart. Since the introduction of mods, it has been complex enough with badges, team leveling,
and skills leveling… but to add another layer? I think it is too much. I for one am one that will consider quitting the game when that time comes.


This appears to be talking about collections…? This topic is about the recent change to invasion rewards, and what’s going on with mods. Collections is off-topic.

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I’m not talking about the quantity of the items, but the quality. What I am saying is that the amount of the mod increase isn’t much valuable compared to the decrease of the secondary rewards. Hope this clear things up.

Since when do you care about us F2P players?

The gold we earn is so limited, the stamina we get is not enough, the badges we can craft is a joke and we can’t never reach the max level and rarity before you guys release new one

If you care about us, as you stated, even in a slightest, you would never ever release those new content that much, that fast

We always fall behind, we could never keep up and what do you do? You keep releasing new level and rarity :slight_smile:

We only have diamonds to buy some deals that help us keep going in the game. And guess what, those deals have been terrible for the past months. So yeah, we are stuck, AGAIN

The main reason I play Invasion because of the other secondary rewards, which somehow, but not so much, keep me relative to the game

And you don’t want that. Because if we could keep up, then some days we could surpass the P2P players (which will never come true because we all know how hard it is to beat some one reaching top level the minute they are implemented)

You said you didn’t want to upset your F2P players, well, isn’t that too late?

I’m one of them, and I’m sure as hell not happy


I remember when they increased the amount of gold you needed to increase skill levels, they said it was for the best. Their reason was that we all had too much gold. Then for the next couple of months, we got deal after deal selling gold. I can’t wait to see which deals come up now. Not that I’m going to spend another dime on this game.


People have extra unused chips, let’s introduce 6 stars and offer those in deals

People are hoarding gold, let’s increase the cost and offer (a huge amount of) gold in deals

People are having nice time playing Invasion, let’s cut down the other good rewards, double the mod which almost no one cares and eventually offer some deals…

Beware guys, the deals are coming!!!

Hopefully no one will ever buy them :slight_smile:


I’m so proud of dis community. U guys listen 2 us & dats wot good companies do. Great job @Polaris & team perblue! Keep up the amazing work.

I dont think you understand what you are doing here… you aren’t prolonging the gameplay for the players… you are doing this so more people pay and then realize even that isn’t enough hence the bad diamond deals and deals for money… yes no one wants a game where you just get everything so quickly you don’t feel like you’ve done anything but what you are doing is too much so of course there will be people angry at you… either give us more gold somehow or lower skill costs this is all we need


After all that talking I was thinking about those balance things…So, if we get a way to earn more, we lose an old one, or something. I can even understand the gold/XP drop decrease in Invasion, as you give us more daily events, which is great. But all other resources…We mostly get those from contests. And if some of them, such as badge bazaar and friend tokens are not so important, the stamina batteries make me feel sad. We don’t get them really, only with Invasion and deals. And with more complicated badges, growing stamina spending in chapters and FTN point decrease we need even more. I honestly think that the best way would be to increase the number of batteries in diamond deals, like it was before, when you get 80 items for, how much, 700 diamonds or something. I really hope that you hear us, and that you understand us, so please, do something with the stamina loss :sweat_smile:


I’m truly stunned at the attitude shown by PB through its representative.

The player base is screaming, saying slow down, stop increasing the gap, stop moving the goal posts, stop making time sinks? The response? Let’s double down and do the exact opposite!

As the old adage states, the customer is always right. In a situation where the vast majority is in unison making the same complaint, it’s probably a good idea to listen.


I’m just doing invasion for the daily, lol


@Polaris thank you for listening to what we have to say and giving us a reason, even if we don’t like it I appreciate you telling us.

And would it be possible to get more information/warning next time to avoid some of the confusion, like for example making it clearer that mods are the main reason for invasion sooner as I think I can speak for most of us when I say I thought mods were just another thing but the other rewards were the proper rewards.

Also when invasion came the FTN contests and others got harder because we could earn more resources, however now some of the resources have been taken away will it be easier to get points again, or could this be something you would think about in future?

Sorry if I explained that badly!


@Polaris Thank you for your response and interest in the matter and taking the time to respond accordingly.

I have to say I disagree with the majority of the community here. Sure getting those items was nice to use for minimal work. I think a lot of the community is missing the point of the game. The game is not designed to have every character maxed out. If you did, what would you do now? The pointof the game is to pick some favorite characters and spend TIME grinding them out and improving them. Too many rewards and it simply breaks the game.

Everybody is so upset about something handed to them that they never would have missed in the first place. Other servers never even got the rewards where invasion wasn’t released yet. They won’t be missing it and upset. Perblue is trying to tell everybody that the purpose of invasion is for mods. Period. They took the time to introduce new gameplay and ideas and a lot of you are stuck on something that is really irrelevant. Everything else is available elsewhere In the game. The stams, gold, and XP is available multiple times a day for free by collecting and doing missions just like how the game started. It’s not like you paid to take part and then it was taken away like a nerf does on a character. They quit nerfing since that was an issue and buff instead. They listened.

This game is massive and well thought out. They address bugs and issues really quickly and the game runs incredibly smooth. I just ask can we please slow down the level increases. I think that’s what’s driving the bigger wedge on the higher servers. New characters and gameplay I’m all for that can keep us busy and intrigued. I’m one that’s pretty maxed out. I’d rather see us not move forward allowing others to grind up and catch up to help fill our guilds again and even have other guilds to compete with. The free rewards also helped those of us get farther ahead, not just let those behind catch up.

I play invasion because it’s something different and compete with my guild members. Those that can enjoy the game are having fun with it, which is what it’s intended to be. Fun. Take a deep breath everybody, don’t read too much into it. They are not ignoring you, they’re not saying you need to spend money, you’re coming up with those ideas yourself.


At this point, the rewards make it very, very, very difficult to even justify spending such a large amount of time on Invasion. I know a great deal of my guild would spend hours to compete in Invasion and now, no one cares. The rewards are laughably bad to a point where its not even a mention and people are focusing on other things.

Here’s a suggestion. Keep the rewards the way they are and make the rest of the game actually manageable in terms of XP costs for leveling and gold costs on skills. Its the entire reason people are so upset over all of this. It was the first way for players to actually be able to advance at a weekly rate and now everyone is falling back down into the gutter. People were stock piling the stamina for contests or double badge days because its so dang difficult to even get badges now late game.

I myself have been playing for almost the full year now and can honestly say progression pre-invasion was getting to a point where it was making me want to quit. When the rewards came out, it was a breath of fresh air that made a ton of people in my guild happy and it was a way for us to bust our humps every week and advance at a decent rate. Now, we’re back to square one and it went from being a good game mode to making no one happy. The mods were fine the way they were with minor increases. Doubling them in power is going to unbalance what little balance is already in the game and skew any sense of trying to figure out what IS balanced and what isn’t.


As part of the original invasion feedback, people complained that the massive time consumption was not worth the rewards. That resulted in you increasing the rewards to the level of 1 week ago. Now you are reversing that and basically telling the players that invasion is not worth the time consumption unless you really want to work on mods.
@Polaris, you talk about your mathematicians and statisticians, but what do your business graduates say about conflicting story lines and what they do to your consumer base?


Well there is a lot of complain here, and thank you reading our complain into the consideration.

I hope the buff you will give to the mod upgrade later on is gonna be the new meta change, not because it have awesome power as the compensation, but it can change some weak heroes that hasnt reworked to be great, like enhancing the skills like some disks do.

Ie: granting invicibility or berserk on jackjack when the milk drink is completed or interupted.

Then about the side rewards from invasion, it is really a huge blow since the reducement of the rewards is unimaginable. But actually it may be ok if you compensate it with more tier (higher tier give a bit highet rewards anyway). It can be dragging because we will need more work to be done and more concern to invasion, but it can shut those ftp player who complain they lose the resource to keep up.

Of course paying player got a lot of advantage, but that doesnt mean it can stop the dilligent ftp player to compete it in hard environment (cw, surge, invasion)

Once again, thanks for the good work, even under the hate of a lot people in the community. They complain because they love the game for now, but you guys making some improvement so the game didnt become static game with no improvement, thats good to know :grinning::grinning:

Haha. So if they release one character with OP skills, you have to max out 50+ characters to cope with it seemings you can use a max of 5 in a given battle. And you call me ignorant. There is no perfect team. Every team and every character has multiple counters. You do not need to max out everything to be competitive. Otherwise the top player wouldn’t change so often in the arena. It’s a good thing the meta changes. If it didn’t, everybody would use the same 5 characters then it comes to luck of the rng and that takes the fun out of it.

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