Invasion Rewards and Mods

“The game is not designed to have every character maxed out.”
It’s always funny when I see the ppl are trying to explain smth with this statement. Please stop, because that’s not true at any aspect of the game and it never was.
There are many places in the game when you need more than a few of maxed characters: first - friendships missions, second - off duty heroes across the different modes, third - you can’t pick your few favorite toons from the beginning and keep focus on them because not all toons are released from the beginning and besides that the game continue adding new toons in the pool.
And the last but not least - it’s completely boring to play with only few toons.

And please don’t tell me there are enough other ways for getting resources(gold, stamina, exp) in the game. There are NOT.
Taking into account your example with free stamina across the day - it’s barely enough to get 10 orange bits for a badge. Do you know how many bages are needed for a songle charcter?
And from this point of view, the old invasion rewards was a huge gulp for both f2p & p2w players.


So you’re saying that if you don’t have every single character maxed out and nothing left to increase, the game isn’t fun and you can’t compete? Everybody must be given the resources to have everything to keep the game interesting? I never said to keep only a few. I only said you don’t need everything full in the game or else you run out of things to work on which does take the interest out. I myself enjoyed the perks like I stated, I’m just not going to get bent out of shape that it changed. I can understand why and move on like I have for the past almost year I’ve gone without already. The aspect of the being enough is a complete matter of opinion. Depends on your goal, if it’s to have everything maxed out every increase, then you’re right, it’s not. In the same aspect, they’ll never be enough to keep up with the whales unless you spend like a whale.

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We need 20 heroes to be maxed.
Coli and guild war.

It’s even more if we count heist and over 20 heroes off duty each day.

But let’s make it harder while keep increasing all caps way too often.


@Musketeer That I agree with. The whole thing. 20 or so to be competitive and the cap raises are too often. I think that’s the problem. More time would allow the lower players to catch up


That is disappointing and not what anyone asked for, I don’t see doubling the mods helping the issue. The only way I see this making the slightest sense is if you’re assuming all players go to the newest servers so they won’t need that kind of rewards to keep up when the cap is e.g. level 60. However, the older servers are being hurt because the F2p/suscribtion players cannot catch- or keep up.

Personally I actually ended up buying deals for the first time since I started 3.5 months ago due to the invasion rewards.

  1. I felt I could catch- and keep up with invasion rewards + subscription/deals
  2. I actually wanted my heroes levelled up so I had heroes for every colour to make all tiers if I was active enough.

10x stam packs is 4-6% of a single level on S1, doesn’t seem worth the time and effort.

Whatever your plan is I truly hope it works out because I do enjoy the game and I don’t want it to end like DS. I do wish you’d listen more to the recent feedback.


Hey , I thought it’s been said to keep topics and chat rooms clean. All I see is someone posting someone holding three fingers up and saying read between the lines in explaining why rewards decreased.

@MrMix i have to say I agree with you. You’re right. I may have interpreted you’r first statement differently than you intended. I don’t think you’re off track. You make a solid point. I’m just expressing why I’m not getting upset and throwing the game away. My points aren’t directed towards you, they were directed towards the few that were seeming the world is ending. I respect your opinion and agree. It wasn’t right. They felt the rewards were a mistake and took them away and over did it. No disagreement. They explained why they did it. To be fair, there is no reason that will satisfy everybody. Sorry you felt attacked, was not my intention. I just want to see less people leaving and remembering why they enjoyed the game to begin with. Good luck however this unfolds!


I overshadowed one thing back on my original reply. As a suggestion I wonder if it would be possible to make guild perks for invasion?
Since everyone is speaking about only reward wise, just going to leave as in Invasion reward guild perk increase.

Oh yeah, I agree, the world isnt ending at all. I will keep playing, but because of things like this I stopped spending a while ago. PerBlue just isnt listening to their playerbase and just doing what they like. That is a huge problem that a lot of developers have these days. They can have all the studies and doctors and phd’s they want, they are developers, not players…
And indeed, you cant satisfy everyone, its quite impossible, but you have to satisfy the majority or else you will lose what you have tried to build up.
No worries or hard feelings anywhere, didnt felt attacked, we just had a lost in translation kind of disagreement. Text only shows text, not emotions or intents ^^


I still spent money but now with them basically saying we do not care what you guys feel I will not be spending any more money. As a whale I appreciated the help it gave to f2p players as the game quickly dies.

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@Vainmajesty A bit late to the conversation maybe, but wanted to mention this as well.

You mentioned earlier that maxing out all the characters in the game isn’t the point of the game, but for story loving people like me it is hard to justify spending resources on newer characters as their friendship unlock level is so high. I want experience the stories of the characters which is why I play the game, which for the newest characters mean spending a ton of resources on them, especially those over level 100 friendship level. I might not max them, but at the same time in many cases it requires me to max them as much as possible to play through their story content.

That’s why I mentioned earlier that the story content could be unlocked earlier than the disk content to make it easier for players to access the story content.

But yeah, just a view point I thought I mention :-).

As for Invasion I can agree that the rewards were likely a bit too good even if super nice for us players, but I can understand if people feel like the rewards now are slightly too small now to really get motivated.
I don’t mind Invasion focusing on mods and if anything the reward balance is kept with the new things they add to the game and we did just the Weekly Quest reward feature as well :-).

As for level cape increases I think lowering the overall amount you need to level up should take off some of the pressure in terms of how frequent the level cap increases are :-). I don’t know if Perblue would do it, but I do know they lowered the EXP requirement a bit in 1.2 as they lowered it by 20%. Something similar now should help on the level cap maxing rush.

But I hope you don’t mind me commenting to you since you have already gotten so many replies, but yeah wanted to share some ideas :-).


The fact that “there are other ways to get rewards” is not really true. Free Stamina is only given through winning Guild Wars and finishing Weekly Quests. Badge Bazaar tokens are only given in contests, and now the tokens have become less common. And it is the same deal about Memory Tokens. Also, It is hard to obtain a lot of gold all at once. The only way is through City Watch. I don’t know about other players but for me the gold I get from a City Watch is only a bit more than a third of 900K coins, the usual Tier 12 (I think 12 I could be wrong) reward.

And why change the mods? Sure I know why but you choose the mods over the rewards that made people fight in Invasion? You can only get one mod (without any diamond purchases) per invasion. If I sound like a spoiled person here okay, but no one likes the rewards. For example, if you worked at a restaurant and you were payed well because you worked hard. Then “oh no.” Apparently the economy changes a bit and your manager decides that after all your constant hard work, he is going to cut your check by 60-70 percent.

In conclusion, you could have decreased rewards but you could have decreased them by a way smaller percentage. Probably between 5-30 percent. The rewards will not be so low, nor so high. But you guys just say “we want mods to be the primary goal for the Invasion” and bring all the non-abandoned skyscrapers down (except a building) just to build a house, to make the building look “outstanding”


The double normal and elite drop event today has very little benefit to me. I can raid maybe 8-10 times on the later chapters. This will get me maybe 2-3 more chips than I would get otherwise.

So, it sounds like a great day, but since the nerf on Invasion, it’s just a reminder of what I lost.


Oh, I would mention also that I can purchase 50 stamina packs today for 8,000 diamonds.

Prior to the diamond deal nerf that occurred approximately 6-8 weeks ago, we were being offered about 30-40 packs for about 350 diamonds.


If that is the mindset of invasion then it doesn’t need to be hours of grinding for those awards. Just doesn’t make sense compared to other aspects of the game. Hours of grinding for mod rewards that really isn’t that good

Good morning! :sun_with_face:
Excellent discussion - I just want to add a couple things.

We’re avid gamers - console, PC, tabletop, mobile - free and paid. Most people who get into game design do so because they love playing games and want to make fun games. I have an account that I started during beta on server 1. No bonuses, no win button, not godmods. I did enough free offers to get to VIP2. I haven’t spent any money in the game, and haven’t magicked up any currencies or items. I have a great guild that’s active and supportive of casual players. I know the Free to Play experience and it isn’t all doom and gloom like people say.

We are a bit surprised to see this comment in a few places. When we first introduced Invasion on the forums we mentioned Mods and Mod Power are the main focus of Invasion. The opening screen of Invasion talks about winning Mods and Mod Power and those are the featured rewards listed on the How to Play screens. We can certainly look at ways to better communicate game modes and make sure that it’s more clear to players in the future.

This is a little off-topic, but I want to correct a misconception about the contests. When we adjusted the points so you’d need to spend more resource to reach the tier rewards, we increased the value of the rewards at the same time. We know it’s extra effort to reach the tiers, so we added in more prizes.


I must say I have to disagree with the sentiment here. When we started getting more rewards we also saw a increase in the difficulty of contests to adjust for the free rewards. Now with removing those rewards I doubt we will see contests getting easier. So those free rewards weren’t exactly without a cost, the cost was harder events that you may or may not use the invasion rewards towards. Or you may use those rewards towards catching up to higher members of your server. Those rewards gave a bit of flexibility to players instead of having the same quests, same rewards and same routine.

I see Polaris said the contests have higher reward per the increase but to be honest I don’t see that. Maybe a few more chests? But that’s honestly all I noticed. They feel the same as they did months ago as far as value.


Seriously, at this point, its not even worth trying to counterpoint. They made it obvious they don’t care what the players want and are going to do what they want anyways.


They have went extreme for the f2p players. They feel like making progression so hard that people will open their wallets and pay for progression (imo most of the things they are selling not worth the $$$). They will figure out people aren’t willing to pay to progress and leave


But ‘featured’ rewards are not worth a ton of time which needs to be spend to reach tier 30.
Mods are still worthless, gives small numbers to stats which are enough big to make mods useless (giving 500BD for heroes which already have +20k BD isn’t good).
You could think about giving mods some unique bonuses such as 10% chance to resist ONE type of disable such as charm or freeze or giving 10% speed-up for first 10s of battle, something what will make mods worth at looking.

From long time contest rewards wasn’t include any memory tokens/badge tokens or mission speed-ups, or at least at big amouts like few months ago.
Back to invasion, can you listen what ~160 comments above was about and increasing this tragedy which are invasion rewards?
Reduce them by 30-50% from what was like 2 weeks ago, 90% reduction is way too big, while 3 new tiers push players to play invasion even longer, spend more time for less rewards?

It’s just like a job, spending more time at work should increase payment not reducing it, who would like to work somewhere like there?

Invasion WAS biggest part of game which give great rewards for spending a lot of time.

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