Invasion Rewards and Mods

okay, but invasion was also rolled out with tons of great perks that provided great incentive to spend loads of extra time in the game. Mods have not been around long enough to become yet another necessary addon (though i’m sure they’ll get there). So PB removed the original incentive PRIOR to the originally-intended incentive being fully appreciated or considered worth the effort. Y’all may have SAID the mode was intended for Mods and Mod Power, but the players FELT the other rewards that were given. We’re not dependent enough on Mods yet to have the useful rewards drastically reduced.
I was not a huge fan of Invasion at rollout, and barely made it through the tiers due to time constraints (i definitely have the power), so this particular adaptation doesn’t change my view of the mode. It does, however, greatly affect my opinion of PerBlue and lets me know that i can expect continued disappointment in this game. It will be interesting to see how i go about breaking an addiction i’m not bored with yet. Cutting off $$ will probably speed that withdrawal process up though.

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Polaris, keep in mind that regardless of what your team thinks, Invasion scores are FAR lower now than last week or any other week I’ve seen. Aside from a few top overachievers, most people have stopped FAR short of the points they would usually attain by the 4th day. Facts are proving you wrong. We want invasion to be about a variety of balanced rewards, not just mods.


I don’t know if this will be a personal opinion, but if you put the score higher than what people can reach, this make us feel that you aren’t giving more prizes, to contrary we feel you are quitting us prizes (like costume threads) that were available to everyone. Most people couldn’t get those rewards the last 3 contest, even spending all their stocked resources (like city fair contest). If this mean more prizes added, please put the normal amount again I’m prefer a BEATEBLE contest with few rewards that a UNBEATABLE contest with tons of rewards.


Polaris…you play the game,as you should its your job , but two problems with your statement. You didn’t say how far you were in the game. Maybe you are not far enough to see the amount of resources you actually need. And this would be why everyone is so disgruntled about the chance to obtain some of them in invasion. The other problem was when you said it’s not all gloom and doom. It’s not all rainbows and unicorns either. Lol But you being the spokesperson for the game should have a lot better to say about it. It’s a game. It’s supposed to be fun . The happier people are the more willing they are to spend(invest) in it. I’m not saying give stuff away but make it worth the time .
Your mathematics experts go off predictions of trends like the weather people. The backlash from this will put a serious damper on their numbers. Sad part is that it’s going to take time for that data to filter back so they can come up with new predictions. This can hurt the game in the long run but they are the experts.


Just my point of view, first two weeks of Invasion was nice, it was like, wow, nice! Another competitive mode with some customization possibilities for your heroes. Went quite deep in spending some diamonds for power packs and staminas, reaching about 600k points and 240ish in breaker fights, was nice indeed.
From 3rd week, finding out that the rank prizes are pitty and the limit for point prizes ends at 27, shut down totally my will of being competitive in this new mode. Getting the point prizes was just enough. And the power packs are just losing it´s sense, the last pack is unpurchaseable, giving mostly “momentaneous” items for such a high price.
And now, after the last update, lost totally my interest in this game mode, for me its just, “get those poor point rewards and stay in challenger” what is totally achieveable without spending a single diamond.

@Polaris if PB really wants to make this mode successful. please restore the original rewards and try at least to give a “limitless” point scale prizes, it makes the game mode more competitive.


Not sure if it’s off topic, but one more question about contest. The recent ones had Mod power as a rank prize. Will it stay there? I mean, if Invasion is the mode where we get this resource, would be better to bring badge bazaar and friend tokens as a contest rank reward. Like, not there, but here :smile:

I feel this topic has run its course. Many good and logical points were made by my fellow players.

However there is quite obviously no consideration given to us so as players we either put up or shut up.

I’ll be trying to break with the game. I find this whole experience very bothersome and I don’t agree with the way the development on this game is being run.


I spent 893 stamina bottles to take 11 characters to orange 5, 10 were orange 4 and only one was orange 2.

893 bottles.

There’s no way to be competitive in any other way, only way to obtain them easily was invasion, and it’s gone, I’m not playing it and my guild mates are voicing their intentions to drop the game, which would be a big hit to us.

I won’t complain about gold because the harder it gets to promote heroes, the less I spend.

If you’re not giving us back the invasion rewards at least make the diamond deals less insulting.

Bring back the 15k memory tokens and 25 shop bags for 800 diamonds

The 100 stamina bottles for 2k, doesn’t even have to be 1.5k like before.

Let us have a way to obtain these resources on considerable amounts, not only money.


A bit late to get back at this topic point, but I suppose if the resource spending went down lately is because people were saving up for the anniversary, or at least I would imagine so. People also might not spend new resources they get right away anyway as leveling up and all of that can take a bit I assume.

As for hyper inflation if Perblue is worried about that I don’t think will happen to Disney Heroes like in the sense of an MMORPG where hyper inflation would mean that the currency is sort of worthless, Disney Heroes likely have way too many resources sinks for that to happen. It seems to me more like the cut in terms of Invasion rewards is to keep the resource creation in check to what is a manageable natural inflation, like they just added Weekly Quest reward thing,

I can understand if Perblue felt for getting back to a more predictable resource creation if so as I can see the previous Invasion rewards could break the game a bit in the sense of months from now on, but as a fun anniversary boost that ended in the middle of June I think shouldn’t break the game and just create happy and pleased players as they could power up their characters some more :-).

So yeah, hope all of this make sense :-).

I can buy 50 stamina packs for 8,000 diamonds today.

This is up from 35 packs for 337 diamonds approximately 2 months ago.

There is a huge problem with this game.


@Polaris, Do you still feel that having to pick and choose which heroes to level up is the fun part of the game? This is honestly the most frustrating part of the game for me. I get much more enjoyment from trying to solve the puzzle of which set of heroes and disks will be the right counter to a given team.

If I only have a limited number of heroes that I can get to max level, then I’m stuck using the same small set of heroes over and over. It takes far to many resources, and therefore far too much time, to be able to change course and decide to level up different heroes.

This goes for new heroes also. What’s the point in unlocking a new hero if I will not have the resources to level them up?


the funny fact is that they don’t really care about their users, we can complain as we want and they will do nothing about it


I honestly do not understand how the great rewards were a distraction from invasion /mods. I feel if anything they gave more life to the game. I am unsure where pb is driving this game but I feel if you reached out to the guild leader’s and champions for feed back you may find answers to help this game survive. I know you guys are working hard for this game but we are the ones who spend alot of time here. We love this game and our friends that have become our dh family! I am unsure if you’ve noticed but a lot of people are leaving the game :weary:. Please listen to the dh family you created and let’s keep the game fun and alive.


Well, no matter what happens I suppose it is 4/5 days to the anniversary update depending on time zone :-).

Looking forward to the anniversary update ^^.

so this response really did not answer anything at all. we were worried about the “rewards” not the mod power. if you really did read what everyone has been ttalking about. you would have had a better response to this crisis. simply everyone has stated they do not like mods. they do not want more mod power. I believe there is no way to fix this other than suck up your pride and admit , appologize and revert this update. its exactly what everyone has been saying and or wanting. theres nothing really you can do to repair the wounded community. but you can turn this around and have a real sincere response to this crisis rather than this post that will just escalate and anger the community further. by not listening and continuing to force mods on us while taking away the only thing that could potentially catch players up and bridge the gap between new and vetran players , you then in time will lose us forever. I really do not want a year of my gaming life go down the drains. please pb take caution next time before whipping up a quick response like this without a solution. mods and mod power is proven to be a non solution.


The crux of the problem here is that mods do not help anyone bring their hero roster up.

Mods are a nice bonus, for heroes which are already strong. We get 1 mod per week.

Stamina, XP, etc, help us to work on other heroes who are not part of our main team.

I’m already down to less than 15 at O5, even with the invasion bonuses, and O6 will be coming soon. None of them are heroes released in the past 6 months or so, those sit useless at White or Green. How many will I be able to keep up then without those bonuses, 10? 5? Will they compete at all against the shiny new OP heroes released each update? Modes like Coliseum & War are becoming more & more p2w, ever more so thanks to this change.



Mods are the better reward for maybe 100 people on each server. The next 10,000 below them dont need mods yet.


No offence at you polaris, but I think there is not a single player that agrees to this. We all feel the rewards have gone down, while the stuff needed to get said rewards went up.


I dont understand the reasoning behind the huge reduction in secondary invasion rewards. Like, what would happen if you had kept the secondary rewards as is and also boost mod power rewards. Would that then mean that P2W players would stop investing real money just because the secondary rewards stayed the same? Would that mean that F2P players would still complain? My guess is not. Sure, the world shames u for the 1 error u make rather than applauds you for the 9 rights, but still. If u wanted to be smarter about this, try maintaining the balance between carrot and stick better. Like, more carrot, less stick. Because so far, the stick is so long, that most players dont even bother gazing afar to see the carrot. I understand you have a vision, just make sure that you prepare the community beforehand to see it too and appreciate it, rather than just announcing that it is what it is, and get over it. Because after all this is a game. And games are meant to be fun. Not stressfull! :slight_smile:


Polaris what you seem to be missing is the point. People f2p will always be f2p people who spend spend. What you are actually doing is stopping a person who spends a bit but isnt flush with cash from ever catching up or competing with mr and mrs whale. That then becomes disheartening. The players quit as they feel they are making no progress and it dies. Point 2 if you are comparing old servers to new you will get a v v patchy outlook on data. 12 is dying down now to under 6500 and the competitive players have died off in their droves. Now if this is happening elsewhere on earlier servers you have it all wrong. You should be tempting players back etc

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