the simple answer to this equation is. no money no problem. this update already has stopped me and my entire guild from spending rl currency. so your whole fixer upper plan seems to have cut off cash flow from 48 players on a personal level already. each of my spenders , spend over 40$ a week. there goes someone paycheck. sorry but fix this issue so we can all get what we want and be happy. rewards for us and ofc rl currency for you. simple economics my friend. this wasnt meant to hurt you but to really open your eyes. I guarantee 98% of the community especially guild leaders feel the same.
If this is the real reason for lowering rewards, which i doubt, even doubling mod bonuses wouldn’t change the feelings here. If invasion is supposed to be the path to mods, should take them back to the drawing board. Consider the stat value of mods currently, its insanely low and even at high levels they are low value. Compare this to disks and disk power. Takes far less time to get disk power doing heists and the tokens are way more rewarding than a couple of stam pots over the course of a week. On top of that, high disk level grants significant bonuses to a hero’s stats. Even 3 mods at high level arent significant and honestly, are only beneficial to maxed players who have literally nothing else to do to benefit their heroes. The pre-nerf rewards were liked by not just maxed players bc it was beneficial to everyone while the current state of mods is beneficial to a select few, and even to those select few they are marginally beneficial. Would suggest a significant rework to mods if you want people to care about invasion for the mods themselves. Perhaps add extra perks for advancing mods or set bonuses for equipping multiple mods. Make them good and useful if you plan to remove good side bonuses from an event you work on slowly over the course of a week.
The real question is… Why lower the tiers so drastically?
I’d answer that, but I think I’d get flagged.
At this point, all I really want is some sort of confirmation that the general reason for the outrage is understood.
It’s one thing to reduce the non-mod rewards by a little, it’s another to almost completely remove them.
I believe it worth noting that multiple people have commented that they’d be fine with the decrease if it wasn’t so substantial. A 20-ish% decrease compared to the 90% one we got.
And right before a level cap increase, a time where many people leave due to difficulty catching up anyway.
I think I might have been ok with a 50% decrease. Not happy but ok.
Look, I get that you guys need to make money, so i’m not complaining about the prices and stuff like that, i honestly fell like they are fair (maybe not as much for brazilians… but oh well).
When you guys made the invasion update i felt like you where finally making up for the lack of ways to get xp bottles and Free staminas, and i loved it. It made me interested to work hard for the prizes (and when i say hard… i mean it… the invasion requires A LOT of time and effort).
I understand y’all needed to “Nerf” the prizes… they were op… but to do what you guys did… it is not cool/Fair. And i also get that you were trying to focus the prizes on the mod stuff… but they are completely useless if you don’t have a team with a good enough level.
what you guys did was, up the prices for the diamond bundles and lower the reward for the part of the game that requires the most effort. I mean… 3 Free Staminas for tier 21… like… really? I don’t even know what to say… like… i’m kinda offended by that tbh.
I used to have a LOT of respect for the DH team a lot because they managed to make a game that was fairer than pretty much all other games like this that i’ve played ,and, trust me i’ve played A LOT of games like this, but it seem that with each update the game gets less and less fair.
And, Finally, don’t get me wrong, the game is still fairer than most… but it is going in a direction that is awful… and it pains me to see it go that way because i genuinely love it. Looking forward to a response.
(Sorry if i misspelled anything… brazilian here)
Based on what? Certainly not the horde of players that are here posting their dissatisfaction. Where is this decision coming from?
Yep. This is horrible.
I believe mod fragments amount would be increased too. Assuming mod advancing after +2 will require more fragments than you can gain from 1 invasion for 1 mod, getting this little atm is ridiculous.
Completely agree except The big spenders are also completely alienated. The big spenders will have no choice but to stop spending, cuz there’s no point. What’s the point of competing with nobody? The fun is gone. I just don’t get why? You have to give a little something, to get something… in every business. What is it hurting to give out a little bit of rewards?it really wasn’t even a lot that was given to begin with in invasion. It was reasonable. It just seemed like a lot because we’re not used to getting anything without spending.
This. Thank you for finally saying this. Finally, you have responded with a meaningful response. I sincerely appreciate you responding with this. Now I know how to explain why this seems logical but is an incorrect valuation metric for evaluating the in game economy.
You have stated you have PhDs in mathematics working on this. You need someone with a PhD in economics. You don’t need to be looking at “resources created” and “resources destroyed”, you should be looking at cost/opportunity cost, supply/demand, elasticity curves, and the rate of diminishing returns. Basically, you have a bunch of quants running regression analytics when you need someone looking at the qualitative factors at play too.
Your basic problem with your resources created/destroyed approach is the game qualitatively encourages hoarding. Contests are held to see how much people can spend resources at one time, rewarding players who spend the most. Therefore it is in the best interest of each player to hoard as many resources as possible, delaying the resource’s destruction, until the most cost efficient time.
Because players were intelligently hoarding resources to maximize the opportunity cost of their destruction, the developers mistakenly thought there was a supply/demand problem. So the devs exponentially increased the cost of leveling up, both in gold and stamina. This is fine as long as the supply of these items are also accordingly increased for players during their progression. They have not been though. They have marginally been increased, but certainly not at the rate the cost has been exponentially increased.
Then comes the rollout of invasion. Players rejoice, because finally there is an appropriate increase in resources for the exponential increase in costs of progression. Players can finally get their heroes more caught up. Items that have been sorely lacking are finally available, all it takes is a serious grind of time and effort. Devs see a substantial increase in resources created, but players are smart and waiting for the best opportunity to spend. Now the devs get worried “too many items have been created and not destroyed”. So the devs eliminate the new source of resources.
So here we are. Players have no increased way of keeping up with the exponentially increasing costs of leveling up. Players were given a taste of how awesome the game could be if resources were actually available. Devs have gotten the players addicted to higher resources, and instead of allowing higher levels, new characters, or a huge spending contest to take care of the issue, the devs have decided to force us to quit high resources cold turkey.
In short, the in game economy was not broken with higher resources available from invasion. They could have been lowered by half and no one would have complained. Having spending contests, adding new heroes, and continuing to increase the level cap would have solved the problem without eliminating the new resources. Game developers instead over corrected by ending the new resources created and increasing the level cap at the same time. This has pissed everyone off and has caused many people to quit the game, never to return.
Your solution should be to increase invasion rewards to 1/2 of their previous amounts. You could even double the number of tiers and spread them out more. And you should also delay this level cap increase.
I am in a server 2, Top 10 guild, and Platinum Tier 1 Arena. There are 3 people in my Arena Tier who have level 115 heroes. No one in my guild has a full coliseum team at 115 maxed out. No one. I have had 6 people quit the game in my guild since these changes. Please understand this and make a change, because 15 more people are discussing quitting the game in my guild. Not one person cares the devs think they are right. Everyone feels disrespected by the way this has happened. A change to our benefit needs to be made if only to convey that you are listening and actually care. The game is at a breaking point, and it is entirely of your own making.
Wish I could like this 1000000 times because it describes the problem perfectly.
Bravo. I would only add that at this point I would find returning the rewards even at 100% to be unacceptable. They showed their hand by mistake and it’s clear they’re not only aware how broken progression is, but they’re actively trying to make it worse. I need a sign of something big- an end to level cap increases.
I don’t think cap increases should end altogether, that would essentially be the end of the game.
They do need to be at least 50% longer intervals, though. Even double the interval wouldn’t be too long. I’d happily wait 8 weeks between cap increases.
I agree with Pipsqueak, I wish I could give this more likes. I fully agree with you. However, I highly doubt if Perblue will listen, since past experiences have proven that it’s a rare occurrence.
Doing so only made the invasion boring and uninteresting.
They have cosmetics, mods, new heroes, invasions, and color ranks they can use to continue bringing in cash after players hit the cap. And as a player I’d feel better giving them money for those things instead of level caps.
Yes I got this explanation from support but still doesn’t change the fact on server 16 even buying things with cash doesn’t get you far because the offers are a terrible value, then you don’t gradually lower tier prizes you just took 95 percent of the stamina out thus decreasing out play time and desire to spend money this isn’t rocket science. In my opinion it is fleecing the players.
They need to consider hiring you, or at least getting PB to listen to your advice. Your comment needs more and more likes!