Invasions Tiers Reward Change

@Winterbotton they gave us answers to both of those. So let’s see what they say.

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Yes and I’m more afraid of the answer by the way in both scenarios they didn’t want to revert the change done and I’m pretty sure they will stay firm in their decision. They aren’t going to listen us… again.


Invasion Rewards: Thanks, I Hate It!

Nobody asked for this.

The reduced rewards are supposed to justify the increase of Mod power, but to bring it all the way down to this level is non-sencical. The resources that Invasion awards us is supposed to be the most helpful thing about Invasion. Mod powers are great sure, but they are a balanced mechanic that was never meant to make or break a hero. But the Gold? The Stamina pots? The XP bottles? The Memory tokens? THOSE are the things that make a huge impact to our heroes!

When Invasion was only available for servers 1 and 3, the feedback we gave you was to polish the flow of Invasion’s 5-day endeavour. That way, other servers don’t have to wait 2 hours before they can revive a KO’d hero (amongst many, many other design flaws that were remedied because of feedback). We did NOT ever say that the rewards were too much. In fact, the rewards tier was one of the most celebrated aspects of Invasion. Invasion is a FIVE-DAY effort. Players SHOULD be rewarded for their efforts. Invasion’s rewards EASES the playing experience for the free-to-play demographic while providing a challenge for players who have hit the level cap.

This change is insulting to the player base as a whole, regardless if you spend money or not. This is a huge embarrassment with the timing of it all. Patch 1.9.2 brought so many issues to the game, then patch 1.9.3 sends a huge blow of the game’s economy by crippling it even further. All this going down on the game’s anniversary too. This is utterly shameful. I can only hope the PB team takes all this feedback seriously.

(Copy and pasted my thoughts since my topic was closed. This needs to be put up, so now it’s here).


Only play invasión for xp cans lol,not even worth the time now hahaha Rip Disney heroes


“Joy” left the game

Nothing good and satisfying for players, terrible “huge” rewards from weekly quest and another bad choose from PB. This game will even alive until anniversary update?


I imagine that if they don’t play well their cards there that will be the last drops that the community will tolerate.


Invasion’s been rendered pointless. Why bother going to all the effort for those awful rewards?!


Can’t say about the weekly rewards, as those are fine IMO, but the changes for Invasion scare me a bit. I mean, I don’t remember mentioning the boss power increase in the Patch Notes. People say we now get less points for them. And the reward changes…We now have 50% gold, 25% stamina and 10% XP. I understand that this mode is mostly for getting mods and upgrade them, but that doesn’t make those decision less disappointing :sweat_smile:


You’re getting 25% of stamina? On s3 we’ve gone from around 80-90 stamina drinks to 10.

Like I said when the screenshots dropped last week - no more invasion from me.

The problem is that the spenders will continue to spend, and therefore nothing will change.

Doesn’t anyone remember them doing exactly the same thing with Heist? Ran it for a while when it was new with good rewards and a lower cost. Then, they hiked the cost and reduced the rewards.

All for them to increase the rewards & reduce cost a few months down the line as a “look, we’re giving you more, aren’t we great!” stunt.

Oddly I hope this is their plan for invasion, however bizarre and duplicitous it may be.


This is the very reason why I stopped spending money on this game 3 months ago. These unfair changes simply prove that they are not after the customer satisfaction. Sorry @Polaris but this anniversary update is not worth it just like what you mentioned before. Maybe it’s worth it for PerBlue.


90 on S2? We had maximum 16 Stamina batteries on S14, now we get 4 :sweat_smile:


Hey who flagged my comment?

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It wasn’t me, but swearing is a sure-fire way to get flagged


Oops my bad

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This is probably the best response to the changes involving rewards.


Yeah. Invasion AND Weekly Rewards are sad and minimal. I enjoyed climbing Invasion before. Even underleveled, my guild banded around me and helped me get to Tier 20-23 every time. Now they don’t plan to go past Tier 4. The effort is not worth the reward. My guild is mostly full of adults with jobs and kids. If the game stops feeling worth the time, they’ll stop playing. Two of the reward types that take most of a week to complete now give subpar rewards.

Needless it say, since I don’t know how much of my family-of-friends guild will stick around through this disrespectful treatment of the player base, I won’t be renewing my subscription.

Very disappointed, PerBlue. You’ve done a great job on the characters. Heck, I don’t play most games this long in any format. Why ruin someone else’s legacy with greed? :confused:


Sad rewards.


One (unimportant) thing to note since I’ve seen a few people mis-post - 1.9.3 is not the culprit here, the invasion rewards were changed (removed) in 1.9.2. the new update just happens to coincide with the new invasion week.


Same. Stopped spending since December.

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I am so disappointed with the new rewards. I play on s1 and started “late” (100 days old) and it is already a GRIND to catch up, even by spending and doing a good amount of tapjoy/fyber/survey deals, invasion rewards was a huge help And motivation to do well and get all tiers - what a disappointment, so now we have to spend more? No thanks.

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