Invasions Tiers Reward Change

True, they’ll keep spending and realize theres no one else playing.


It doesn’t matter if you’re f2p or not, everyone enjoyed the grind of invasion because it was worth it. Plain and simple. Now that the change has been made the grind is no longer worth it.

After reading all the posts about the change in tier rewards it’s clear to see that people who posted (people that are arguably the foundation in the community and take time to read forums and give feedback) are not happy. I think after a year of playing (free or not) a response from @Polaris is warranted.


I think until or unless this is fixed, I will move on to other games. As I do have a monthly budget to spend on this game, I am speaking with my wallet.

I am sure the other games will be glad to get my money.


I have a monthly sub to this game and have spent money otherwise as well. I will admit I have spent more on this than any other mobile game.

I am a paying customer for PerBlue and would like to register my displeasure at another bad decision that makes this game less enjoyable for me to play.

We were introduced to Invasion just a few short weeks ago, and it really breathed a new life into the game for me. There was a challenge and unique play and there were also a reasonable reward for my time. I felt it was very well balanced. I could use those resources in other parts of the game.

This game mode has been totally nerfed to oblivion only about 1 month into releasing it on server 14.

PerBlue, this decision of yours has driven away this customer. I just wanted to let you know.


you’ve reduced and increased items and costs in the the game before - always with pushback; the gold increase being the greatest pushback, i believe. but many of us are still here (you did run a few good ones off though). Many stayed because the promise of invasion was still hanging out there.
you’ve never changed something this drastically (at least not all at once). if you were thinking that the rewards might not be balanced the way you wanted, it seems that is information you had access too during testing on two different, active servers. this has been a wonderful attempt at bait and switch: offer the customer something - heck, let em test drive it for a while - is the customer comfy? oooohhkkayyyy - now let’s give em the real deal.
War is already a tedious affair with little output, but mostly only a true time-sucker for the ones more involved in organizing it. Invasion requires several hours through the week to complete - and some of your customers were actually EXCITED to spend those hours in YOUR game, not elsewhere, because there was a great incentive to not only complete the tiers, but even help guildmates get through the grind. You nipped that in the bud pretty quick. nice job.


Bingo, great reply. Our eyeballs inside your game should be your ultimate goal. The longer our eyeballs stay in your game, the more money you will have the opportunity to make.

Drive our eyeballs somewhere else and you lose money.

I don’t get it, this seems pretty simple.


Yeah, unless this is balanced out better, I think I’ll keep my monthly subscription money for something else. I just KNEW when they waxed on about decreasing non mod rewards that they were going to pull this…

Newsflash PB. Mods really aren’t that great and choosing something so mediocre over letting players enjoy the game? Bad jujomugumbo.


Mods aren’t very useful to me. They were a nice to have, along with the other Invasion rewards.

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I for one and many in my guild (Team Wreck It) will not be participating in Invasion. It was already too long of a grind but at least had some decent rewards. Now, it is a joke. Just get rid of it and try a new game mode. Yikes. Listen to your userbase please.


This is really just the last in a string of changes over the last several months that have made the game less and less enjoyable.

  1. Increase in gold cost to skill up heroes.
  2. Heist game mode is awful. I cringe when a hero I want is put in that shop.
  3. Constant cap raises at a rate that no player can keep up. I feel like the rug is being pulled out from underneath me, or I feel like Charlie Brown falling down again because Lucy pulled the football on me.
  4. Invasion NERF.

I was giving you my money, and my time. Now I won’t be giving them to you.

Can you learn from this and improve?


@Polaris I’m sure you guys are reading and discussing the feedback. Should we expect a response today or maybe sometime later this week?


What I don’t get is that everybody who saw the rewards leak last week KNEW that this would be the reaction & that it would be a disaster.

You’d think that the people who actually make these decisions could’ve also seen it. At least, I probably hope they could, since I’m not sure which is worse - being genuinely clueless as to what gamers like, or knowing full well but being too brazen to care…


The rewards were the only reason I played Invasion.


Mod powers nice but you said scaling it down a bit. If this is per blues definition of a bit its ridiculous. Everything from stamina to bottles of xp down by what 4 times what it was roughly.


I just deleted the game from my iPhone.

I feel the need to take a break.


The top guilds on server 2 are planning a boycott of diamond purchases in light of these changes as well as the constantly increasing level caps. Hoping it’s enough to send a message that players need value to spend money; this isn’t the way to get it from us.

Love spending money on new heroes. Love spending it to raise a hero to play around with. Being nudged into spending to chase arbitrary number increases just doesn’t feel respectful.


Invasion not worth it, guys. It was one of the best things to strive for all week. Also, one of the best changes different from dragonsoul. Bring back old rewards.


I must admit, while I saw the leak last week, I was hoping the weekly reward would make up for the loss or Invasion rewards might be adjusted before they go live.

In my opinion we could have done with the Mod Power buff without any adjustments to other rewards - I thought they tuned the rewards to “just right” while in Beta on S1 and S3 and I’m puzzled with this rework


@Polaris Given the resounding feedback that is being expressed, can you comment on the reconsideration of the tier awards?

Most people saw them as a balancing to the cost increases for leveling and the amount of mining one has to do to get badge components.

Boss tech has been doubled, but that in no way covers what we are seeing in the reductions of tiers.

Look forward to hearing how this is being addressed. And if this is the final configuration of the tiers, please let us know so we are not in suspense. Something definitive will be helpful.



I am not sure if Perblue’s office are still up or not, so might be why Polaris aren’t answering as they have closed for the day.

I can also see them wanting to make a well thought-out response, so might wait until tomorrow so they have more time to think.

But yeah, I agree Polaris/Perblue should respond to all the feedback and preferably within 3 days at least if not later today or tomorrow.

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