Jack Skellington’s Red Skill

Well, here it is in action. This was in Challengers Arena, taking (briefly) first place. It’s a little hard to see, but observe that each time Jack and Mike are causing scares, enemies are taking extra damage.

This is my Jack at the time of writing. Red Skill is not maxed (that will take a very long time), so he can’t cause Scare with his regular attacks. However, causing damage by scaring already scared enemies WORKS.


Amazing how they are stunlocked the entire time, and the burst is immense. If Jafar was nerfed, do you think Scared team with Sulley will be strong?

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what level does the red skill go up to?

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I really don’t know for sure at this time. I would be more interested looking at it again when Mike and Sulley get their Red Skills eventually. To be honest, I think I might have been able to get the win with Sulley instead Goofy. I just thought I needed the speed more than power.

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I’m no where close to making it there yet, but unlocking it will start the skill at level 121. So at the time of writing, it will go up to 15 levels. For every time the level cap gets raised, just add 5 to that number.


Have you tried MH disk? It’d give him a very very powerful burst scare to add to his red. Even without the red I think MH is better for the backline nuke.

Contrary to popular belief, the MH disk is NOT better. Well, at least not in this meta. At this time, Joy is too effective at minimizing Fantastic damage, so triple ducks cannot “nuke” anything, like, at all. Yes, it’s useful, but in a more utility-based context. The biggest good it can do is that it gives Jack more burst healing and of course, better healing for his team. The amazing thing about Sally’s disk is that it allows Jack to spread his damage all over the place–much more effectively than the “burst” damage of triple ducks. Also, the damage over time it causes puts a lot more pressure on teams that rely on Joy.

So yes, I’ve tried both disks. And time after time, Sally’s disk consistently allows Jack to do more damage than Hatter’s disk. And more damage is what I need to get more wins.


The burn is fantastic too. If anything, that would make hatter disk better since the quick and early burst would allow you to kill joy before she can get a ton of stacks.

The ducks hit everyone.

This doesn’t make much sense to me. The damage over time would simply get healed or shielded. It’s much more difficult to heal or shield during a burst.

Okay then, let me just show you. The first fight uses Sally’s disk. The fight ended with 1 minute and 5 seconds left. The second fight uses Mad Hatter’s disk. The fight ended with 57 seconds left, so it took a little longer. While the difference may seem negligible, this is what happened using the exact same characters up against the exact same team. Sally’s disk gets the job done more quickly and efficiently.

Nice theory, but in practice, that’s just not how it works. Like, ever. I’m speaking from practical experience here as someone who’s been taking Jack to Challengers for many months now.

And amazingly, three of these ducks don’t quite do as much as you may assume. Spreading that damage with regular attacks with more potent burns then throwing out a single duck for a nice burst equates to more damage overall.

This almost sounds as if you don’t actually know what happens when Jack is in battle. But more damage over time means more pressure. That’s extra damage on top of regular hits and a small burst from a single duck. That literally means healing or shielding is made harder in every situation.

But hey, I guess I’m just some guy who’s actually taken these fights to Arena. How could I possibly know better.

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I do use jack on my arena team in plat 1. Been using him since February and I know that hatter disk buys me a majority of my damage over the fight. Maybe our servers just have different metas.
Team is:
Shank(va) Huey, Dewey, &Louie (no disk yet, got stuck in joy campaign), Jack Sk.(MH), Mike(su), Maleficent(Ur).

The bonus damage only applies to Damage heroes, hence why Sally disk is better overall: it increases damage for all, on top of allowing Jack to target back line as well. The damage over time has its duration increased as well.

His Red skill and Sally disk further enhances the DoT up from 14k damage to 64k per second. The ducks mean while only deal 51k in total (80k if the enemy is in DAMAGE role) and only every 8 second (so about 10k per second).

Overall, Sally disk deals more damage in every way, while also providing him with constant back line pressure.

Edit: My bad on the DoT number, it would only be 64k at max level red skill. Still, the dps is definitely above 10k from the three ducks.

Then I highly suggest you invest more into Sally’s disk. To have both means you can switch them around. Both of my Jack’s disks are at 4 stars, level 80. Sally’s do more damage, Hatter’s do more scares (so way more healing).

MH disk is better for when burst is required. Against a Joy, who mind you won’t die from it, Sally disk is objectively better.

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