Lance Slashblade Concept (Likely)

Lance Slashblade (Inside Out 2, 2024)

A powerful warrior cursed with a useless attack, Lance Slashblade is learning how to use his weak attacks to his advantage.

“But I am a warrior cursed with a feeble attack.”

Stars: :star:

Type: Frontline Damage

Trials Team: Yellow Team

Entrance: Lance rolls in as a ball, then pops up with his sword.

Victory: Lance poses, holding his sword up and standing on one leg with the other leg up.

Defeat: Lance falls to his knees and drops his sword.


Basic Attack:
Normal Damage :fist:
Lance swings his blade at the nearest enemy.

:white_circle: White Skill: “Feeble Roll”
Normal Damage :fist:
Lance collapses into a ball and rolls out of the battlefield slowly, before ending up back on the ally side. While rolling, Lance has a 95% chance to dodge any incoming attacks or skills. Each enemy Lance passes is Distracted for 12 seconds.

Anytime an enemy tries to damage Lance while rolling, that enemy is dealt X normal damage. If an enemy successfully damages Lance while rolling, that enemy becomes also Confused for 10 seconds and takes an additional X true damage. Lance cannot be Stunned, Frozen, Silenced, Charmed, or Confused while he is rolling.

:green_circle: Green Skill: “Slashblade Swing”
Normal Damage :fist:
Lance swings his sword in a circle, dealing X normal damage to nearby enemies and Knocking back enemies within melee range of Lance. Damaged enemies gain 3 stacks of Weakness and have their movement speed reduced by 60% for 10 seconds.

:large_blue_circle: Blue Skill: “Hero’s Longing”
Lance poses handsomely as light shines down on him, Cleansing him and granting him X basic damage for 16 seconds. Lance gains also 3 stacks of Hardy and 3 stacks of Determination. This skill can activate once every 8 seconds.

:purple_circle: Purple Skill: “Believe In Me”
Anytime Lance consumes a stack of Hardy, Determination, or Empowered, he heals himself X health and has his attack speed increased by 40% for 14 seconds. Attack speed increase with this skill can stack up to 200% at once.

:red_circle: Red Skill: “Hero With A Haunted Past”
While rolling, Lance heals himself X health per second. This healing stops if he is successfully hit by an enemy.

While rolling, Lance applies 2 stacks of Weakness to any enemy he passes.

Lance has his basic damage increased by 10% for every stack of Hardy, Determination, and Empowered he has.

Additional Stat Boosts:

  • +X basic damage

  • +Y tenacity

  • +Z “Feeble Roll” damage


Lance Slashblade and Disgust: A Classic Tale of Love, Monsters, and Self-Worth

Defeat enemies to increase attack speed

Disk Power

  • +X basic damage

  • +X skill power

  • +Y basic damage to all Damage role allies

  • +Y skill power to all Damage role allies


  • Anytime an enemy is KO’d, Lance has his attack speed increased by 10%/20%/30%/40%/50% for the remainder of the wave, plus an additional 25% if Lance KO’d that enemy

Allies: Envy, Embarassment, Ennui

Lance Slashblade and Arthur: The Quintessential Hero’s Journey… Sort Of

Make buffs last longer with “Hero’s Longing”

Disk Power

  • +X basic damage to Lance and all allies

  • +Y max energy

  • +Z evasion


  • “Hero’s Longing” now adds an additional 1/2/3/4/5 seconds to the duration of all active buffs on Lance

Allies: Peter Pan, Taran & Hen Wen, Piglet


Great concept :+1:

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Good concept. What about Bloofy from Inside Out 2? Because I made this wish.

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He is so likely instead of least likely.

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Don’t worry, Bloofy & Pouchy are coming soon 🫣

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Really? They’re coming soon?

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Check back in a few days, they’re my next concept

What? They said the concept was coming in a couple of days and you’re implying they are being “rude” to Bloofy cuz the concept isn’t ready yet?

Well it’s ready today.

I can’t wait to see bloofy and pouchy

Me too. I can’t wait either.

I gotta go tell them.

Who are your next concepts?

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