Embarrassment Concept (Likely)

Embarassment (Inside Out 2, 2024)

Embarassment may not be fully out of his shell, but he’s a great friend who stands up for what is right. Even if it’s a bit awkward when he does.

“And she’s got us! Ooh! Yeah! Right? Cause she’s… heheh- maybe?”

Stars: :star:

Type: Frontline Tank

Trials Team: Yellow Team

Entrance: Embarrassment shuffles in awkwardly.

Victory: Embarassment blushes, then pulls his hood shut.

Defeat: Embarassment stretches out his arms and falls over backwards.


Basic Attack:
Normal Damage :fist:
Embarassment timidly swats at the nearest enemy with his open hand.

:white_circle: White Skill: “Bottle Up”
Normal Damage :fist:
Passive: Embarassment gains 1 stack of Unease for each ally and enemy currently on the battlefield, including himself. Embarassment can have up to 10 stacks of Unease.

Active: Embarassment runs to the Most Wanted enemy and grabs them tight until his energy runs out, making himself and the selected enemy unable to move or activate attacks or skills. While channeling this skill, Embarassment deals X normal damage every second to the held enemy. While channeling this skill, Embarassment gains Y armor and reality. While channeling this skill, Embarassment also Distracts all enemies and takes 8% less damage from all sources per stack of Unease he has.

:green_circle: Green Skill: “Built-In Hiding Place”
Embarassment pulls his hoodie closed to hide all but his nose, healing himself for X health. Embarassment also becomes Invisible for 8 seconds, plus 1 additional second per stack of Unease he has.

:large_blue_circle: Blue Skill: “Taking Up Space”
Embarassment pulls off his hood and stands proudly, turning all other allies Invisible for 8 seconds and granting himself X armor for 14 seconds. If Embarassment is Invisible when he activates this skill, his Invisibility is removed and he heals himself Y health for every second of Invisibility left. This skill can be used once every 12 seconds, and only if Embarassment has less than 5 stacks of Unease.

:purple_circle: Purple Skill: “Decidedly Quiet”
Once every 10 seconds when Embarassment is damaged by an enemy, he gains X armor for 8 seconds and gains a 40% chance to dodge incoming attacks and skills for 7 seconds.

If Embarassment is damaged while this dodge buff is active, he Cleanses himself and becomes Invisible for 8 seconds.

:red_circle: Red Skill: “Humbling Experience”
Embarassment is Invisible while he has 10 stacks of Unease. This Invisibility cannot be removed.

While Embarassment is Invisible, he heals himself X health per second.

25% of all damage to Embarassments allies is redirected towards himself.

Additional Stat Boosts:

  • +X armor

  • +Y max energy

  • +Z “Built-In Hiding Place” healing


Embarassment and Sadness: Suppressing Bad Behavior

Take less damage from True damage

Disk Power

  • +X armor to all Tank role allies

  • +X reality to all Tank role allies

  • +Y max health to Embarassment and all allies


  • Embarassment takes 19%/38%/57%/76%/95% less damage from all True damage

Allies: Sleepy, Envy, Ichabod Crane

Embarassment and Meilin Lee: Turning Pink

Activate “Taking Up Space” more often

Disk Power

  • +X “Taking Up Space” reality increase

  • +X “Taking Up Space” armor increase

  • +Y tenacity

  • +Z evasion


  • “Taking Up Space” also increases Embarassment’s reality, and can now activate if Embarassment has less than 6/7/8/9/10 stacks of Unease

Allies: Wendy Darling, Rapunzel, Shank


Good concept :+1:

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Great concept. :+1:t2::star_struck:

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