Ennui Concept (Likely)

Ennui (Inside Out 2, 2024)

Ennui takes boredom to a new level by straight up ignoring enemies on the battlefield.


Stars: :star:

Type: Frontline Tank

Trials Team: Yellow Team

Entrance: Ennui drudges onto the battlefield, hunched over her phone the whole time.

Victory: Ennui looks up from her phone, smirks, then looks back down.

Defeat: Ennui looks around confused, then grasps at her head in panic.


Basic Attack:
Normal Damage :fist:
Ennui taps her phone, dealing normal damage to a random enemy.

:white_circle: White Skill: “The Boredom”
Passive: Ennui’s basic attack grants her 1 stack of Boredom. Any time an ally, not including Ennui, activates their White Skill, Ennui gains 2 stack of Boredom. Ennui can have a max of 20 stacks of Boredom.

Active: Ennui looks away and tosses her head dramatically, consuming up to 10 stacks of Boredom and Cleansing herself. For the next 15 seconds, Ennui takes 5% less damage per stack of Boredom she consumed.

Damage reduction has a chance to fail against enemies above level X.

:green_circle: Green Skill: “Excusez-Moi”
Fantastic Damage :sparkles:
Ennui looks up from her phone briefly and shoos away the enemy team, slightly Knocking Back every enemy. Up to 3 armor and reality buffs are removed from each enemy. If less than 3 armor and reality buffs can be removed, those buffs are removed and the enemy also takes X fantastic damage. This skill can only be used once every 8 seconds, and only if at least one enemy has an armor or reality buff.

:large_blue_circle: Blue Skill: “Console App”
Ennui uses her phone to manipulate the battlefield, Cleansing all allies and increasing every ally’s reality by X for 14 seconds. Every active disable on every enemy has 0.5 seconds added its duration per stack of Boredom Ennui currently has. This skill can be used once every 12 seconds.

:purple_circle: Purple Skill: “Total Dissatisfaction”
Ennui takes 2% less damage from all enemies per stack of Boredom she has. If there is more than one enemy on the battlefield, Ennui takes 100% less damage from the Most Wanted enemy.

Damage reduction against the Most Wanted enemy has a chance to fail against enemies above level X.

:red_circle: Red Skill: “Keeping Cool”
Ennui’s basic attack and “Console App” deal Knockback to affected enemies.

Anytime an enemy is Knocked Back, their movement speed is decreased by 10% for 20 seconds. Movement speed decreases with this skill can stack, up to a max of 100%.

While Ennui has 10 or more stacks of Boredom, she heals herself X health per second.

Additional Stat Boosts:

  • +X skill power

  • +Y evasion

  • +Z “Excusez-Moi” damage


Ennui and Anger: Caring Too Much? Or Too Little?

Reduce damage further per stack or Boredom

Disk Power

  • +X armor

  • +X reality

  • +Y max health to Ennui and all allies


  • “The Boredom” now causes Ennui to take 6%/7%/8%/9%/10% less damage per stack of Boredom she consumes, but the damage reduction now only lasts for 14/13/12/11/10 seconds

Allies: Quasimodo, Embarassment, Zero

Ennui and Shego: Too Literally

Activate “Console App” faster

Disk Power

  • +X armor increase with “Console App”

  • +Y armor to Ennui and all allies

  • +Y reality to Ennui and all allies


  • “Console App” now also increases Ennui and every ally’s armor for 14 seconds, and its cooldown is now only 11/10/9/8/7 seconds

Allies: Cruella de Vil, Dr. Doofenschmirtz, Iago


Great concept :+1:

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That’s a good concept.

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