Live Chat: 3/19

Are there any new status effects that you want to make?

This seems like Vegapunk’s job

We have a general idea of how we want older heroes to get Red Skills. The batches are chosen by picking which heroes we feel can be brought more into the meta by giving them a Red Skill. Sometimes we want these new Red Skills to react to the current meta in some way. Either by synergizing with a team we want to uplift or countering a meta we want to pull back. We also like to let the players decide sometimes in forum polls!


They have certain rights to all characters in the game…

Any plans for red skills for old (beta) characters: WIR/Zootopia?
Any bigger plans for more hero refreshes?

Has the idea of a third friendship for the heroes ever been brought up / talked about? Would that work out ever?

I loved designing Miguel and Ursula!


Yes, we, players, want to have more influence in it ,:grin:

Hi thanks for taking the time to answer our questions

I would like to know if you will be looking at needing/adjusting the beast ? I think he is too strong worse than Randall. His white skill is the problem he shouldn’t be able to withstand a 5v1 onslaught in my opinion. I’ll attach a screenshot


So they are similar in a way? Cool

It won’t be. In plans

Did u need to have rights for Mickey to add him in the game?

I answered you already @IAmASnowySpongeYo

I asked the question different

They are still similar. Along with the answers

What is any place outside of the City, including islands, which looks familiar in the movies?

Some of the most interesting characters in Disney/Pixar films (like Yax from Zootopia) only get a couple minutes of screentime. We think it’s cool to make a game where they can get a lot of exposition, like friendship campaigns. Everyone has a favorite character–and if yours is a side character hopefully we got you covered :sunglasses:


Who do you believe are some underrated characters that should be used more by the players?

As Hero Designer, DoubleBeans is part of the team that concepts the character that in turn kicks off what we base the art and animations off of. In addition, DoubleBeans designs hero skills (including red skills), balances their power, and designs what the friendship disks will be. Also, they design and balance red skills for old heroes as well as are in charge of the old hero refreshes!


I was fixing a mistake also

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