Mailbox Emptied?!

I pray they don’t start deleting our unused badges next :pray:

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It would be nice (guild perk maybe) to get better items from the guild chest like orange bits or red ones, heck why don’t diamond chest have a chance (very rare) for red badges yet. I don’t use guild coins other than to clear out the 10k limit, my heroes are max and the rest of the loot is trash for me, it only helps early players


Mine wasnt as my guild coins were full. 1 need reimburse 2 raise the amount we can store there. 3 put a useful hero to spend guild coins on

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@Polaris Why was the notification to the user several hours ago when the specification was already changed when updating to 1.12.2?


Je ne veux pas utiliser mes pièces pour peter pan.
Je veux les utiliser pour des personnages qui m’intéresse. Pourquoi ne pas laisser l’ancien système.

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I think you are loosing credibility with each such action.

The players account should be a red line for all companies. I’m worried.

Recently the amount of errors have risen to an unprecedented amount.
I hope you make a short break for rebuffing older characters and finally root some errors out.


Has this thread been put to the back of the pile? Because I’m still not happy with the explanation

No one is…but what do you want to do ?

Morale is at its all time low (because of this and other issues)…I am hoping for better times

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The past is the past man PerBlue is trying to redeem themselves

An example is the huge decrease in chips that would be used to unlock red skills

Errrr the cutback in Red Skill chips was BEFORE that…

(And I still believe the loop 7th and 8 th Star is coming because of the reduction in Red Skill chips)…

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FIRST they reduced the Red Skill cost down from 200 to 25 chips (which basically announced the 7th star) then they made the grab into the mailbox…

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Pretty shocking that this issue is just being ignored now

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Pretty clear what PB can do with us as gamers - pretty much everything according to service and terms

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You wrote in the patch notes that anything over the limit would be lost. Is that not true now?

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It was literally in the most recent patch notes.

@Sarah_LXXIV here’s proof of in-game warning as well before the patch was even released.

@aph the change was in the 1.12.2 patch, 30 days prior to this post. It was not included in those patch notes.

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But the mailbox was emptied before a warning was issued ???

Am I right or wrong ?! :sweat_smile:

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Yes 5 whole days before any warning was given


As I thought…

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