March 2021 Sign-In Hero & Shop Refresh!

  1. PB has confirmed that they’re only focusing on Disney and Pixar characters for the time being, so Star Wars is unlikely, if not impossible.
  2. PB has also stopped making alternate costumes.
  3. Even if the above 2 points weren’t true, it would make no sense for them to make an alternate costume from a completely different series than the original character is actually from.

If the rocketeer looks like anyone from star wars, then it is this character



This is the only real treat out of these changes. Rocketeer is very unknown to me, and I will surely not use him(/her?)

I believe in the 1991 movie, it was male… in the tv show from 2017, it is a girl


Well I haven’t seen either, but got a bit confused reading through the comments. This explains it well, so thanks!

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Rocketeer Disney Jr

I have not seen it either

That’s a man in that suit

The Rocketeer looks pretty cool. Probably the closest this game will get to The Mandalorian so not bad. Shop refreshes are alright too. More Honey Lemon and Clawhauser chips which is cool.

Seems like PB is focusing a lot on super hero/villain characters lately. The BH6 team, this guy, Drakken, etc. I’m loving it though.

His real name is Cliff Secord

I have seen him on wakkatu, i didn’t know anything and had never heard of him before, honestly didn’t expect him to be the sign in hero but he seems really cool.

Well yeah but they’re basically the same thing

Where is the source ?

No, they’re two different things. PB leaked or spoiled Kermit and Drakken. While Rocketeer was datamined by not PB and PB didn’t spoiler it.


Unexpected but appreciated



I think it was xena, and being fair, she should look like him because he came out before her /j

Xena may be her name… I have not seen the film yet

Sorry, I mean zorii.

Zorii Bliss is her name

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