Megara and Mulan Error

Funny enough I…didnt change my lineup and im fine

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and since there was absolutely no info from support (check the forum thread that people reported it) and they just introduced this “fix” without notifying anyone that they were trying to resolve it, people had to take action by themselves…

No they didnt. I didnt and Im okay. Whats your point?

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Great that PB took fast action over the w/end, thanks!


they shouldnt change how the game works without notifying players about that at least a day before…they didnt correct the problem, they just removed mulan from such line ups. and who and why made such decision? why they didnt decide to remove meg? at least that way the line up isnt completely defenseless, but they removed the OP hero …but anyway, what is done is done , they just should try correct any unfairness from now on that occurred cause of their actions…

The game was ‘changed’ to that by accident. As a bug. They fixed it within a day and youre complaining because you chose to abuse it and now you have to deal with the consequences of abusing it. It was fixed this fast because its a completely unfair advantage which you chose to use, no one forced you, nobody picked up your phone and did it for you, you did it. Funny enough we have a guild post as a mutual agreement to not stoop so low as to using bugs to get ahead. You do you but don’t expect the game to wipe your bottom when they fix a bug too fast for you to abuse it.


they took action for it just 2 hours ago without even notifying about that.everyone knew about it from yesterday if not days ago. since perblue was late that much I decided today since it was completely unfair towards me to do the same thing as everyone else and change my line ups. an hour later they are removing mulan from such line ups , and is some hours the line up defense change is locked cause it’s the last day of the season week. so everyone that decided to change their line ups today since perblue hadn’t seemed to do anything about it are stuck with a 4 hero line up till the end of the week , is that fair? wouldn’t be fair for everyone if they gave more attacks to everyone (to compensate the wasted attakcs) + arena defense reset ? this would make things fair for everyone since people didnt win something from the whole situation, they were just protected from attacks for a day or less than that…

It is fair in my opinion because why did people use this bug as an advantage in the first place? People already knew that there would be consequences so many didn’t use this advantage. This is the consequence that those people will have to pay because they used the bug for an advantage.


I saved all of these lineups until the end. I had faith that pb would do something. They always do. We as a guild choose not to use it as we do everytime a glitch happens. It’s never worth it to stoop.


people saw that no action were taken by perblue about that so they had to do something about it. the only advantage they gained from it was to be protected by attacks for a day or less than that depending when they decided to change their line ups . since now they corrected this they should balance things with a fair way and bring things back to normal .why you want so desperately people to be punished for not waiting perblue to fix things if their are ways for more fair actions to be taken towards everyone.

Big, we ask our team not to stoop whenever there is a glitch. (and pb does make them alot lol) It’s always come into our favor in the end. As the #1 guild in our server we try and lead by example as much as we can.


Before I give you any more money, I will need to see action to rectifying intentional exploitation of this to sap arena coins thats were used to in turn power up heros and mods.

Again, I know this isn’t an issue on bigger severs that do not receive coins for a defense win. However on my server this will impact the normal player base. Especially those who were instructed to avoid such actions.

If you are planning to do nothing about this on the newer servers… Please let us know, we will no longer support your company, or games.

I will not support a company that rewards those who exploit the game. Period…

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So you want to punish people who didn’t exploit the bug?

If everyone in your arena used it, then everyone’s losing from the fix, so things are still even.

More specifically, it’s the ones who chose not to exploit the bug (or who were completely ignorant of it) who are going to gain from this quick-and-dirty fix.

The fix is coming Monday or Tuesday because it involves a client update. That’s pretty fast.

This I’ll actually agree with, though in practice I don’t think it’s a huge difference.

…in roughly a day’s time over the weekend. And if PerBlue had implemented this temporary fix yesterday evening, I bet we’d be seeing almost as many complaints.


I dont blame that much for introducing a temporary fix late , it is understandable that they are trying to fix things on anyway they can .But they never told anyone about it, their is no response from the community manager on this topic on the known issues. he just locked the topic after they removed mulan from the line ups.If they had informed people yesterday formally that they are aware about this issue and they will introduce a temporary fix asap then they would be ok towards their community. there was no info , people thought that perblue wont fix it anytime soon like many other bugs that exist in the game which they just postpone them, so they had to do something about that. yes I also changed my line ups 1 hour before they introduce the “fix” but before doing so , I checked forum . there were complaints about it , but no response from Polaris . so I couldnt know for how long this will go on, it could be a day, a week, a month.i couldnt stay like that waiting and now I have to be punished,staying with that line up for 2 days (the line up change will be locked in some hours)… that’s my problem. they didnt bother informing the community formally yesterday or even today.


Same here actually but probably on a different server😂

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Maybe pb doesnt work 24/7, they dealt with the issue as fast as they could to help players who play the game fairly. This bug fix is for people that play fair, not for people who want to abuse bugs


they knew about it yesterday! They just chose not to inform the community and that’s the biggest problem . You keep telling that you are playing fair and you believe people that used that should be punished. punished for what?? because they chose to be protected against attack like everyone else until perblue fix it? nobody got anything by changing his line ups. ok some people probably wasted some attacks until they realise there is a problem ,but that’s it. that’s why I am not telling only to give people arena defense reset but also spair arena attacks to compensate those that didnt use that but wasted their attacks on those line ups. That’s a fair solution.

Karma’s a *****.

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You abuse it and lock other out of your spot. People who probably have a team strong enough to beat that line but because of a bug cant. In the end you chose to exploit it at whatever time you decided. Nobodu forced you to do it. You couldn’t get to the spots where other used the line. In the end you only took out some fair players who used regular defense lines and locked them out. Its a risk you take when you abuse a bug. It can be fixed quicker than you would think. Tough luck wait out the 24 hours and change your defense line again


Yeah I think this is a brilliant fix as it helps gain back some points against those who exploited this hack. I only wished that they locked arena defenses when this fix was released also as some people have managed to change their defenses already as past the 24 hour wait. So they get off with no worries. I only wish there was someone to punish these people :confused:.
Anyways, nice fast response PB before the arena/coli season ends :grin:

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