My idea for a Disney Smash Bros. game

Wow, a lot of requests today. On this post, here will be the movesets for Joy, Maui, Donald, Elsa, Rapunzel, Anna, and Vanellope. On the request above, I did see Elsa listed twice, which I assumed the second Elsa was meant to be Anna, so I decided to go ahead with her since I’ll eventually be posting hers anyways.


Trophy Description:

One of the emotions who lives inside the mind of a young girl named Riley, and the leader of the group. Joy’s goal is to make sure Riley is as happy in life as possible, not realizing that being happy all the time isn’t healthy, and one needs to express a variety of emotions to live a well-balanced life. Joy can summon memory orbs to clutter the battlefield and be thrown around but is light and has below-average KO power.

General Information:

The three Inside Out characters are all inversely proportional to each other in terms of their strength and endurance, and of the three, Joy is the quickest and most balanced when it comes to attack power and durability. Granted, this isn’t saying a ton, as Joy is still a lightweight character (albeit on the heavier end of that spectrum) and her strength is fairly low, but she is both more powerful than Sadness and is heavier and easier to recover with than Anger, in addition to being the quickest of the three, making her arguably the easiest one to use. Joy’s running and air speed are high, with average falling speed, and her memory orbs are the most standard between the three emotions, with hers staying out the longest and traveling in the biggest and least predictable movements, but not having noteworthy damage-dealing capabilities or additional effects. Joy’s up special is a good tool for recovery and is also one of her strongest attacks, and her side special allows her to travel a great distance very quickly in addition to being a strong tool for horizontal recovery. Joy can also receive a brief speed increase with her down special. However, as noted earlier, Joy’s defense and strength are not the greatest. Most of Joy’s attacks, while quick, don’t do that much damage, and her up special, up smash, and forward smash are her only reliable KO options, and while they have decent strength, they aren’t as powerful as the most powerful options possessed by most other characters. Therefore, Joy needs to take advantage of her good attack and movement speed to rack up as much damage as she can. If you’re able to consistently score KOs with Joy by utilizing her strengths to your advantage, she can be quite a good combatant.

Standard Special - Happy Memory Orbs

Joy summons two memory orbs in front of her, which she can pick up and throw. Between her, Sadness, and Anger, hers stay out the longest and randomly roam around slowly, being the most likely to get in the way, but her orbs don’t have the special effects of Sadness’s orbs of the offensive abilities of Anger’s orbs.

Side Special - Graceful Skater

Joy does a short dash forward as if she was skating, functioning as a great tool for horizontal recovery and doing mild damage and knockback to those hit.

Up Special - Rocket-Wagon

Joy hops into Bing Bong’s rocket-wagon, which emits rainbows out of the thrusters and carries her into the air. This is the most powerful of Joy’s special moves, possessing some KO potential at higher percentages, and serves as a good tool for recovering.

Down Special - Radiating Energy

Joy radiates happy energy off from her for two seconds, which make her move slightly faster and cause enemies near her to take sudden damage during that time.

Superstar Attack - Memory-Sucking Tube

Upon activation, Joy becomes invincible for the attack’s duration and a large tube appears from the top of the middle of the stage. A bunch of memory orbs rain down from the sky, and the tube emits a strong wind that moves the orbs towards it at high speeds. The memory orbs are more powerful than they are normally, and the most dangerous part is that if you get sucked into the tube, you’ll be sucked off the top of the screen and be instantly KO’d. This attack lasts for 15 seconds.


Up Taunt - Joy says “Think positive!”

Side Taunt - Joy facepalms and looks annoyed for a brief second.

Down Taunt - Joy says “See? You’re a pro at this!”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Joy hops around playing an accordion.

Victory Animation 2: Joy says “What a perfect match! Nice job, everybody!”

Victory Animation 3: Joy yells “Whoo-hoo! I did it!”

Losing Animation: Joy applauds.


Trophy Description:

A powerful demigod who is decorated with sentient tattoos and has the power to shapeshift into various animals with his magical fish-hook. Maui may not be a saint, having a bit of an ego and being the one who stole the heart of Te Fiti, but he isn’t a bad person deep down and redeems himself by helping Moana restore the heart. Maui is a powerful heavyweight fighter with many strong attacks and can use his hook to shapeshift into various animals such as a hawk or shark.

General Information:

Maui is among the ten heaviest characters in the game and prioritizes endurance and strength over speed. Due to his large size and how big his hook is, his attacks that have him using it have great range for melee attacks and tend to be quite strong as well. Maui has many great tools he can use for scoring KOs, such as his standard and side specials, dash attack, forward air, and all of his smash attacks, and these tools tend to do good damage as well. Maui’s jab combo is a good tool for racking up damage that is fairly quick to execute, and his down special can help keep those that he is facing away from him while damaging them with debris. Maui’s recovery is also decent, giving him good air-time but his poor air speed keeps it from being exceptional. As noted at the beginning, Maui’s speed, both in terms of movement and execution of his attacks, is his biggest weakness. Maui is slow on the ground, very slow in the air, falls very quickly, and many of his attacks tend to possess noticeable starting and/or ending lag. Additionally, since Maui is quite large, he is a big target and more susceptible to combos than the average fighter. Overall, if Maui can consistently land his powerful attacks, he can be quite dangerous to his adversaries, though his speed issues can potentially pose a problem.

Standard Special - Sharkhead

Maui morphs into a shark and takes a big bite right in front of him, doing great damage and knockback to those he bites. This is a very effective KO move, but is slow to both start and end, and has a short range, so try to use it when the moment arises and not constantly spam it to leave Maui vulnerable.

Side Special - Hurling Hook

After a brief charge-up, Maui throws his hook a distance in front of him, being a powerful KO move that can also instantly break shields.

Up Special - Heroic Hawk

Maui transforms himself into a hawk, allowing him to fly and damage those who get in his path. He doesn’t fly particularly quickly and it doesn’t do too much damage, but it’s still a solid enough recovery.

Down Special - Mighty Lungs

Maui blows towards the ground, sending debris flying away from him that does decent damage and flinches those damaged. Maui is invincible from the front while using this, but his back-side is vulnerable to attacks.

Superstar Attack - Kakamora Catastrophe

Upon activation, the giant fortress-like ship that is home to the Kakamora sails into the background, and the Kakamora jump off the land-mass to wreak havoc on the battlefield. The Kakamora can either latch onto foes and do repeated damage or stun them with darts for three seconds. While neither attack does that much knockback, the latching attack does a lot of damage, and the stun is long enough to make it likely they’ll grab you and rack up your damage to high levels. The attack lasts for 15 seconds, and Maui can’t be hurt by the Kakamora.


Up Taunt - Maui fist bumps his tattoo, who does the same action back.

Side Taunt - Maui says “It almost sounds like you don’t like me, which is impossible.”

Down Taunt - Maui raises his hook above his head and yells “Cheeeehoooo!”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Maui flexes his muscles and does a strongman pose as his tattoo dances.

Victory Animation 2: Maui sings “What can I say except you’re welcome… and thank you!”, sprinting off-screen as he sings that last part.

Victory Animation 3: Maui says “Maui always has time for his fans” as he uses Heihei to write an un-seen message on an oar.

Losing Animation: Maui applauds.


Trophy Description:

A duck wearing a sailor outfit who is one of Mickey Mouse’s best friends. He has a girlfriend named Daisy and three nephews named Huey, Dewey, and Louie. Donald’s most notable trait is his explosive temper, as it doesn’t take much to make him angry and the world in general seems to have it out for him. Donald’s aggressive nature makes him powerful for not being particularly big, and you want to make sure he doesn’t end up having an axe to grind with you…

General Information:

Much like his two best friends, Donald is a relatively well-rounded character who doesn’t possess crippling flaws. Whereas Mickey has the least pronounced advantages and disadvantages of the three, and Goofy places the most focus on durability of the three, Donald’s more aggressive nature and short temper makes him place the most focus on attack power of the three. Donald is slightly lighter than Mickey, being one of the lightest middleweight characters, and his agility is comparable to Mickey’s, though his air speed is lower than Mickey’s and his running speed is slightly higher. As noted, Donald does have above average attack power, with his standard special having decent KO potential, his smash attacks having good strength, and his aerial attacks do very solid damage. Donald does have a projectile attack with his down special, but it’s a bit more unpredictable than most projectiles due to all the various directions it can fly in, making it a little inconsistent. Donald’s weaknesses aren’t severe ones, but they are more pronounced than Mickey’s lesser traits. Donald’s recovery is fairly unspectacular, with his up special being fairly middle-of-the-road, and while he can use his standard special for horizontal recovery, it doesn’t cover significant distance. On top of that, since Donald is in the lighter half of all the characters in the game, he does need to be careful to avoid taking a significant amount of damage, as an attack that may not have KO’d a character like Goofy or Pete at a specific percentage may potentially KO him. In general, Donald is a character who specializes in rush-down tactics, trying to constantly attack opponents, while trying to also weave in and out to minimize the damage he takes. As mentioned, his flaws aren’t super detrimental, and he is still a relatively well-rounded character, but his unspectacular weight and recovery do need to be noted.

Standard Special - Furious Beat-Up

Donald charges a short distance, and if he comes in contact with someone, he will give them a quick series of punches that deals good damage, and possesses some KO potential at higher percentages. This move also can be used as a tool for horizontal recovery.

Side Special - Cool Your Temper

Donald bends over forward and takes off his hat, with steam unleashing from his head as he starts to become angry. The steam increases in range for three seconds before Donald puts his hat back on his head, dealing good damage, though no knockback, to those the steam comes in contact with.

Up Special - Panic Attack

Donald is about to sit down when a rake suddenly appears where he was about to sit, sending him squawking into the air in pain, though don’t worry, this does not damage him. Donald can do decent damage and knockback to anyone he hits on his way up, but as a recovery goes, the vertical distance covered is only average.

Down Special - Piñata Whack

Donald summons a piñata and whacks it, causing it to explode and send pieces of it flying as projectile attacks that can damage opponents. There will usually be an item or two inside the piñata that can be used by anyone after it breaks.

Superstar Attack - Demented Duck

Inspired by a scene from Fun and Fancy Free, Donald will send anyone who is close to him upon activation into a cinematic where he menacingly approaches them with an axe, breaking into a rage and giving them a beating with the axe. The axe has very high KO power, though its power is primarily directed towards whoever was the closest to Donald upon activation, with that person being in the front in the cinematic and taking the bulk of the pain, though the others will still get hurt.


Up Taunt - Donald mutters that “I’ll be alright… I’ll be alright…”, while clearly looking like he’s not alright.

Side Taunt - Donald yells “What’s the big idea?”

Down Taunt - Donald says “Ah, phooey!”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Donald tips his hat and puts it back on his head.

Victory Animation 2: Donald says “Well I’ll be doggoned. I won!”

Victory Animation 3: Donald adjusts his bowtie and does a triumphant pose.

Losing Animation: Donald falls to the ground and throws a tantrum, banging his fists on the ground.


Trophy Description:

The queen of Arendelle and the older sister of Anna. Elsa was born with the power to summon ice and snow from her hands, which she became afraid to use after an accident during her childhood where she injured Anna with them. Unknowingly sending Arendelle into an endless winter, Elsa goes into isolation to avoid harming Anna. Elsa can use her ice-creating powers to produce freezing blasts, dangerous spikes, and a bridge for recovering in combat.

General Information:

Many people will naturally compare Elsa to her sister to figure out who is the better fighter of the two, and between them, Elsa’s advantages and disadvantages tend to be more pronounced than Anna’s. In general, Elsa’s special attacks are flashier and more powerful than Anna’s, but her non-special moves tend to have less strength than her sister’s and she is overall the slower of the two. Elsa is slightly heavier than Anna with average weight, but her agility is worse, having average running speed, below average air speed, and above average falling speed. Due to her ability to summon ice from her hands, Elsa utilizes that heavily in her special moves, with two of the four also having the potential to freeze opponents. Elsa’s up special gives her great horizontal recovery and is a very powerful tool against opponents who aren’t above the ground, as if they touch the icy bridge she creates, they get frozen and will fall off the stage, typically resulting in a KO. Elsa can also freeze a small area in front of her that greatly reduces the traction of everyone (except her, with her speed actually being increased) who walks over it, and her down special is a powerful tool for both scoring KOs, making it harder for foes to approach Elsa, and also being able to reflect projectiles. Elsa’s standard special is a unique move in which she summons a magic snowball and throws it into the sky, where it explodes and emits snow that falls to the ground. The snow is a great tool for reducing traction, and the explosion is also incredibly powerful, albeit tough to land due to it occurring high in the air. Despite her effective special moves, Elsa does have some flaws worth noting. As mentioned, her agility stats are only average at best, and her vertical recovery isn’t too great either. While her smash attacks do good damage, they don’t possess a ton of knockback, meaning Elsa can sometimes struggle to score KOs despite having plenty of good tools to rack up damage and annoy opponents. Overall, Elsa does very well in controlling the stage with her hazards, and her ability to limit opponents and deal damage to them is pretty solid and make her quite effective if you’re able to consistently score KOs with her.

Standard Special - Skyborne Spectacle

Elsa summons a magic snowball and throws it into the sky, where it explodes and emits snow that falls to the ground. The snow falls for ten seconds and decreases the traction of anyone who walks in it (except for Elsa), and it will also deal damage to frozen opponents. The explosion that occurs in the air is very powerful and has high KO potential, though due to the height at which it occurs, it can be hard to land.

Side Special - Icy Blast

Elsa shoots out ice from her hands, freezing an area of the ground in front of her for five seconds, and freezing anyone who touches the ice for three seconds. The frozen ground will also greatly reduce the traction of everyone who walks on it. Elsa’s movement speed is increased when on ice, and her traction is not decreased.

Up Special - Bridge of Ice

Elsa uses her powers to create a bridge out of ice, of which she can walk up to help her recover, as this bridge stays in place for three seconds. Anyone else who touches the bridge will be frozen for three seconds and take mild damage, and if touched in midair, they will still freeze and fall off the stage, making it something you don’t want to touch if you’re not above on the ground.

Down Special - Frozen Spikes

Elsa summons a group of icy spikes right in front of her, which do good damage and knockback to those they touch and can reflect projectiles. Only one group of spikes can be out at a time, and each group stays out for five seconds.

Superstar Attack - Spirit of Water

Elsa summons the water spirit, being a horse called the Nokk, who dashes around the stage. Those who touch the Nokk will become frozen for ten seconds and take high damage during their frozen duration. If the Nokk runs into a foe that is already frozen, they’ll become unfrozen and be launched away, which possesses great KO power. The Nokk stays out for 15 seconds and can’t hurt Elsa.


Up Taunt - Elsa says “You’re not safe here!”

Side Taunt - Elsa says “Please, just stay away from me.”

Down Taunt - Elsa uses her powers to create a snowflake right in front of her.

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Elsa puts her foot down, emitting lights on the ground underneath her.

Victory Animation 2: Elsa says “Thank you. I never knew what I was capable of.”

Victory Animation 3: Elsa uses her powers to summon Olaf. If Olaf is present in the battle, then this victory animation can’t be used.

Losing Animation: Elsa applauds.


Trophy Description:

The princess of Corona who was kidnapped as a baby by a witch named Mother Gothel, who used Rapunzel’s magic hair to keep herself young. Intrigued by the floating lanterns she always sees in the sky on her birthday, Rapunzel ventures to the kingdom against Gothel’s wishes and learns about her true identity. Rapunzel uses her long hair as a tool to pummel foes or grab ledges for recovery and keeps her trusty frying pan on hand for emergencies.

General Information:

Rapunzel is a well-rounded fighter who has a variety of tools to help her perform well in combat and doesn’t possess severe flaws. Rapunzel is a middleweight fighter with above average running and air speed, average falling speed, and adequate strength. Due to her long her hair is, Rapunzel is able to utilize it as a tool for an effective tether recovery, her primary way to grab foes for pummels and throws (and one of the longest ranged grabs in the game), and she can utilize her hair’s magic powers to heal herself of some of her damage with her down special. Most of Rapunzel’s KO power comes from her frying pan, which she is able to use as a projectile with her standard special and she attacks with it as a melee weapon in her up and forward smashes, which have great power and are quicker than average for a smash attack, but have poorer range than average for one as well. Rapunzel’s down smash is a bit different, allowing her to whip her hair across the floor, which has great range, but less power and more lag than her smash attacks with her pan, giving both reasons to pick one over the other in the proper situations. Rapunzel doesn’t possess things that greatly hinder her gameplay, but one must keep in mind that while she has solid speed and strength, she is not exceptional in either category. Additionally, Rapunzel must be careful with using her down special to heal herself, as anyone near her hair when she does it will also be healed. Overall, Rapunzel is a solid fighter who is easy to use and can pose a threat to her competition in the right hands.

Standard Special - Frying Pan Throw

Rapunzel throws her frying pan a distance in front of her, which does reasonable damage and solid knockback, being able to potentially KO at higher percentages.

Side Special - Candle Maker

Rapunzel throws a lit candle a distance in front of her. Compared to the frying pan, it does much less knockback and initial damage, though it can be thrown farther and inflicts damage-over-time effects on those who get hit, making it the more damaging of the two projectiles.

Up Special - Hair Whip

Rapunzel whips her hair a long distance from her into the air, doing decent damage and mild knockback to those hit, and serving as an effective tether recovery.

Down Special - Healing Hair

Rapunzel’s hair starts glowing, healing a small portion of the damage she has. However, the catch is, due to her hair being so long, anyone within close vicinity to her also gets healed too. As such, Rapunzel wants to make sure she’s away from the crowd when she wants to use this move to avoid helping her opponents.

Superstar Attack - Tough and Thuggish

A gang of thugs from the Snuggly Duckling enter the stage and roam around attacking people. Most of them do solid damage and knockback, but the two most powerful thugs are Vladimir and Attila, who attack with charging dash attacks and a frying pan, respectively, and have very high KO power. The thugs stay out for 15 seconds and can’t hurt Rapunzel.


Up Taunt - Pascal appears on Rapunzel’s shoulder and beats his fists together.

Side Taunt - Rapunzel yells “Best day ever!” cheerfully.

Down Taunt - Rapunzel pulls out her frying pan and threateningly says “I will use this.”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Rapunzel bends backwards with her arms out as she celebrates her victory.

Victory Animation 2: Rapunzel’s hair is hanging from somewhere above the screen and she slides herself down, holding onto her hair while in midair.

Victory Animation 3: Rapunzel says “Too weak to handle myself out there, huh, Mother?” while inspecting her frying pan.

Losing Animation: Rapunzel applauds.


Trophy Description:

The princess of Arendelle and the younger sister of Elsa. Anna and Elsa were separated from each other for many years after an incident in their youth when Elsa accidentally injured Anna with her ice powers, and Anna wants to do everything she can to reconnect with her sister and have things go back to being the way they used to be. Anna may not have her sister’s magic powers, but she can hold her own in battle with an ice sword and a flaming projectile attack.

General Information:

Between her and her sister, Anna’s advantages and disadvantages are generally the less pronounced of the two, with her generally having less powerful and/or troublesome special moves than Elsa has, but also having more effective non-special moves than Elsa which usually do more damage and tend to be quicker. Anna is a middleweight fighter who is slightly lighter than Elsa due to being the younger of the two, though her agility stats tend to better than Elsa’s and are solid, having good running and air speed with average falling speed. Anna has one projectile attack that does great damage and has some KO potential, but it doesn’t travel far, and her up special is a good tool for covering horizontal distance, though its vertical lift is poor. Anna’s down special allows her to eat a piece of chocolate, but unlike most moves where someone eats something, she does not heal from eating this, and instead will receive a small and temporary attack speed increase, which can be useful for landing her more powerful attacks more easily. Anna’s smash attacks have more KO power than Elsa’s but also do less damage, and Anna’s most powerful attack is her standard special in which she wields an ice sword, which can swing more quickly and freeze foes if quickly inputted or can be charged up into a very powerful attack with great KO power (though it does lose its ability to freeze). In general, Anna is well-balanced without any major weaknesses, though her vertical recovery isn’t the greatest with average jumping power and her up special prioritizing horizontal distance. Overall, Anna is a solid choice for those who want to use her, and can easily hold her own in battle.

Standard Special - Ice Sword

Anna pulls out an ice sword and swings it, which can either be tapped or charged for a few seconds. If tapped, it does decent damage and freezes those it touches for two seconds. If charged, the attack loses its freezing ability, but does more damage and does great knockback, serving as Anna’s most powerful attack and having high KO power.

Side Special - Burning Tent

Anna burns a bundled-up tent with a torch and throws it a short distance in front of her, doing great damage and decent knockback to those hit, and inflicting brief damage-over-time effects.

Up Special - Swing Along

A wooden swing spawns below Anna and she uses it to travel in an arc that covers solid horizontal distance, though its vertical gain is minimal. Those who hit the swing take mild damage and knockback.

Down Special - Tasty Chocolate

Anna pulls out a piece of chocolate and eats it, slightly boosting her attack speed for 5 seconds. She can use this move every 15 seconds, but unlike most moves where someone eats something, this move does not heal her.

Superstar Attack - Rampage of the Earth Giants

Anna summons two Earth Giants, whose giant hands appear from the sides of the stage trying to hit you. Their punches are slow, but incredibly powerful and can easily score KOs on opponents whose damage is around 15-20. Anna can’t be hurt by the Earth Giants. This is very similar to Hades’ Superstar Attack, but the Earth Giants attack a little quicker than the Titans, but don’t instantly guarantee KOs on those they hit.


Up Taunt - Anna says “You’re distracting me.”

Side Taunt - Anna sniffs the air and says “Chocolate…”

Down Taunt - Anna says “You won’t get away with this.”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Anna giddily hops up and down saying “I can’t believe it! I won!”

Victory Animation 2: Anna hits someone off-screen with a snowball, and says “I got him!”, while clapping and chuckling.

Victory Animation 3: Anna slides into the scene on a pair of ice skates and poses triumphantly.

Losing Animation: Anna applauds.


Trophy Description:

One of the racers in the game Sugar Rush, who is scorned and detested by the other racers for being a “glitch” in the game’s programming. Determined to win a race to become an official part of the game, Vanellope befriends Ralph, who helps her succeed in her game in his quest to prove himself that he is a hero. Vanellope carries a blaster made of candy in combat, which can shoot mint-flavored residue and sticky Nesquik chocolate.

General Information:

Vanellope is a lightweight character who possesses good agility, with high running speed, very high air speed, and low falling speed, in addition to good tools to help rack up damage and score KOs. Vanellope’s candy gun, which she carries on her for the whole battle, can shoot out a variety of candy, with her being one of the only characters whose basic “A” attack is a projectile, albeit a very short-ranged one. The candy gun can potentially shoot out mint-flavored residue that reduces a foe’s movement speed, or Nesquik chocolate that stays on the stage and traps those who step in it. Vanellope’s standard special is a great projectile for racking up damage that also nerfs a foe’s attack power temporarily, and while her KO options are a little limited to just her smash attacks, all of which have her using a large lollipop as a melee weapon, her smash attacks have very solid strength and are effective tools for scoring KOs. Vanellope’s up special also covers a good distance for recovering. However, Vanellope’s biggest weakness is that she is quite light and can’t take much punishment before getting KO’d, and while she can rack up damage easily and safely, her primary KO options need her to be fairly close to opponents to land them, which can be risky if you hit you first, especially if the hit was powerful. Overall, Vanellope can do well and easily be an annoying pest with the negative effects that her candy-themed moves possess, but she needs to be careful to avoid taking more punishment than she deals if she wants to reliably win matches.

Standard Special - Ice Cream Launcher

A large ice cream on a cone spawns above Vanellope’s head, and the ice cream flies off in an arc. Those hit by the ice cream are stopped in place, take decent damage, and have their attack power slightly reduced for ten seconds.

Side Special - Mint-Flavored Residue

Vanellope shoots mint-flavored residue out of her candy gun, which does mild damage to those it hits, flinches them, and slightly reduces their movement speed for five seconds.

Up Special - Glitchy Phase

Vanellope uses her glitching powers to phase herself a diagonal upwards distance from where she was, doing damage to those she is touching when she reappears. It covers a reasonable distance and does decent damage.

Down Special - Nesquik Sand

Vanellope shoots Nesquik chocolate out of her candy gun onto the ground, which creates a puddle that stays on the stage for ten seconds. Those who step foot in the puddle will be unable to leave the chocolate or jump for the time it is out, though they can still move around in the small space and attack. The move does no damage and Vanellope can’t be affected by the puddle.

Superstar Attack - Diet Cola Hot Springs

Upon activation, a few small lava pits spawn on the stage, doing heavy damage to those that touch them. During the attack’s duration (15 seconds), Mentos rain down from the sky, doing damage to those they hit, and if a Mento falls into a lava pit, it will create a big explosion that sends lava flying out, doing heavy damage and good knockback to those hit. Vanellope can’t be hurt by the Mentos or lava created from the Mentos, though she can still be hurt by touching a lava pit.


Up Taunt - Vanellope says “Sweet mother of monkey milk!”

Side Taunt - Vanellope says “How was that, Stinkbrain?”

Down Taunt - Vanellope says “Hey, are you a hobo?”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Vanellope says “I’m a winner! I’m adorable!”

Victory Animation 2: Vanellope rides into the scene on her kart and hold a medal in celebration of her victory.

Victory Animation 3: Vanellope says “Lying to a child, shame on you!”

Losing Animation: Vanellope applauds.

Tomorrow, I’ll probably post a list on the first post to show people who is left to be put on here and what post number you can find their moveset on.

While I’m on the subject of myths and gods. Can you show Hercules, Zeus, Hades, Ariel, and Triton please.

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For today’s movesets, I’ll be doing Mister Toon’s requests for Hercules, Zeus, Hades, Ariel, and King Triton. I’ll also add a list to the first post showing what characters’ movesets are present on here and what post number you can find it on.


Trophy Description:

The son of Zeus, the King of the Gods. Hercules was born with superhuman strength, but an attempt by Hades to get rid of him made him a mortal human, albeit with retaining his strength. His strength makes him an outcast amongst society, and Hercules is destined to become a true hero and join his father up on Mount Olympus. Hercules carries his trademark strength to battle with a good speed to power ratio, making him a tough opponent to face.

General Information:

For many players, Hercules may be one of the tougher characters to have to fight in the game, as he has a lot of advantages, and some of them are major ones. As you’d probably expect, Hercules is very strong, and is among one of the more powerful characters, and similar to someone like Beast, Hercules is strong without sacrificing a ton of speed in the process. Hercules has good running and falling speed, with above average air speed, though he is a bit lighter than most characters who share similar strength to him. Hercules is a middleweight fighter, albeit on the heavier end of the middleweights, so his defense is still above average, but most similar characters power-wise tend to be heavyweights. For KO options, Hercules has many great options, such as his back and down airs, all of his smash attacks, and his standard and side specials, with his standard special being one of the most powerful special moves in the game. Hercules’ down special, while slightly slow and short ranged, allows him to bury anyone he hits with it into the ground for three seconds, giving him time to deal damage to them while they’re vulnerable, and he does have a projectile attack that allows him to fight at a distance, albeit it is slower than the average projectile attack. Hercules also has very good recovery thanks to the help of Pegasus, whose wings and great air speed make it easy for the demigod to recover. Hercules has many strengths, but his biggest weakness is that his very powerful attacks tend to be slow, and thus they can be hard to land. Fortunately, Hercules has many faster attacks such as his standard and tilt attacks that, while not KO moves, are good at racking up damage. Overall, Hercules is a very good fighter that can be very daunting to face, but if you’re able to put enough distance between him and you to avoid getting hit by his powerful attacks that are often slow and short-ranged, you can beat him, as he is a tough opponent, but definitely not invincible.

Standard Special - Grecian Punch

After a lengthy charge-up, Hercules unleashes a devastating punch that has excellent KO potential if you can overcome its slow start-up time and short range. The move’s knockback is almost all horizontal.

Side Special - Sword-erang

Hercules bends his sword and throws it as if it was a boomerang, traveling a short distance forward and returning back to him to become a sword again. It’s decently strong and can KO at higher percentages, with it being stronger on the return back to Hercules, though the process of throwing it out and it returning back to Hercules is slower than the average projectile.

Up Special - Flight of the Pegasus

Hercules summons Pegasus, who flies him upwards in a diagonal direction that Hercules was facing for two seconds. Pegasus’s wings and high speed make it so Hercules can usually recover from anywhere on the stage with this move, making it a very powerful recovery tool, though Pegasus doesn’t do much damage or knockback to those he hits.

Down Special - Burial of the Fists

Hercules performs a punch that is aiming towards the ground. Anyone hit by the punch is buried into the ground and stunned for three seconds.

Superstar Attack - Zero to Hero

Hercules hops onto Pegasus and flies into the background where he proceeds to throw a bunch of “sword-erangs” onto the stage to fly around before returning to him. These ones are stronger than the ones he uses in his side special and can easily rack up damage to critical levels or KO opponents if hit by several, which can be easy since the speed and number of them can make getting through without being hit difficult. The attack’s duration is around 12 seconds.


Up Taunt - Hercules flexes his left arm.

Side Taunt - Hercules does a series of practice punches.

Down Taunt - Hercules pulls out an action figure of himself and says “I’m an action figure!”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Hercules triumphantly says “I have finally found where I belong.”

Victory Animation 2: Hercules flies onto the scene on Pegasus and hops off of him.

Victory Animation 3: Hercules celebrates with Phil as the latter says “You did it, kid! I knew you had it in you!”. If Phil is present in the fight, then this animation can not be used.

Losing Animation: Hercules applauds.


Trophy Description:

The King of the Gods and father of Hercules, Zeus is the benevolent ruler of Mount Olympus, who has his son stolen from him by his scheming brother, Hades, when he was a baby. Upon discovering who his true father is, Hercules meets a statue of Zeus that tells him he can join his father on Mount Olympus if he proves himself a true hero. As to be expected from one of the most powerful Gods, Zeus is a force to be reckoned with as he brings his lightning bolts into battle.

General Information:

As you would probably guess from his large size and his status as the King of the Gods, Zeus is a very powerful fighter. Zeus is in the top ten heaviest characters in the game, and is even more powerful than his son, who also has superhuman strength, residing in the top tier of attack power and among one of the strongest characters in the game. Zeus’s smash attacks do good damage and amazing knockback, his forward aerial has one of the highest knockbacks out of any aerial attack, and his throws are also quite strong. Zeus has great opportunities for both attacking up close and at a distance, featuring projectile attacks involving lightning bolts and clouds, with the lightning bolts travelling far and doing good damage, and the clouds also working well both offensively if a lightning bolt hits one, causing it to bounce away with increased speed and strength, and defensively by absorbing most of the damage and knockback Zeus takes if he is hit by an attack while making contact with a cloud. Zeus also has a down special that, while a little slow to start, does great knockback, can reflect projectiles, and will keep foes away from him briefly. Due to all these special moves, Zeus does well in controlling the stage with his hazards, considering up to three clouds can be out at a time and his lightning bolts can cover a good distance. However, despite his great strengths, Zeus does have some notable disadvantages. One area Zeus struggles in that his son does not is in speed, with him being slow on the ground and in the air, while also falling very quickly. With his up special, Zeus does have good horizontal recovery, but his vertical recovery is weak with that move not giving much of it and him not being able to jump very high. Zeus is also one of the bigger characters in the game, making him a large target and increasing his susceptibility to combos. Overall, while Zeus can be overwhelmed by faster opponents, his good projectiles and stage control still give him opportunities to capture them, and his incredible power makes him an intimidating opponent to face.

Standard Special - Lightning Bolt

Zeus throws a lightning bolt in an arc in front of him, zapping enemies that get hit. The move does good damage but can’t be spammed as much as some other projectiles. Lightning bolts that hit a cloud bounce off at double the speed and have their strength increased, and Zeus can’t get hurt by a lightning bolt that does this.

Side Special - Cloud Barrier

Zeus creates a cloud and gently moves it a short distance in front of him. The clouds do mild damage to anyone who touches them, and if someone tries to attack Zeus while he’s standing next to a cloud, the cloud will absorb most of the damage and minimize the knockback he takes. Up to three clouds can be out at a time, and each stays out for about ten seconds.

Up Special - Heavenly Ascent

A cloud appears under Zeus and travels him a short distance in the direction he’s facing, with a slight vertical lift. The move covers great horizontal distance, but the vertical distance is fairly weak. The cloud emits electricity as it travels and anyone who touches the cloud gets zapped away, taking decent knockback and damage.

Down Special - Electric Impact

After a brief startup, Zeus summons an electric force field around him that does low damage, but high knockback, to anyone hit. Zeus can’t be damaged when in the force field, but it only lasts for a second or two. The force field can also reflect projectiles.

Superstar Attack - Bolts of Fury

Zeus lets out an angry scream as he becomes invincible and rains down lightning bolts from the sky for about ten seconds. The lightning bolts can randomly spawn in from anywhere on the top of the screen, with the ones closer to the end of the attack’s duration being more powerful than the ones at the beginning. While getting hit by an individual lightning bolt at low damage isn’t too threatening, the damage can quickly rack up if you get hit by several, being likely to lead you to a KO if one hits you when a reasonable amount of damage has been taken.


Up Taunt - Zeus says “Don’t be such a stiff!”

Side Taunt - Zeus says “I need more thunderbolts!”

Down Taunt - Zeus says “You ought to slow down. You’ll work yourself to death!”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Zeus holds a lightning bolt in his right hand while triumphantly raising his arms up and down.

Victory Animation 2: Zeus sits in his throne and jovially laughs.

Victory Animation 3: Zeus says “A true hero isn’t measured by the size of his strength, but by the strength of his heart.”

Losing Animation: Zeus applauds.


Trophy Description:

Lord of the Underworld and a villain on a quest to take control of Mount Olympus due to his hatred for their leader and his brother, Zeus. Hades plans to unleash the Titans from their prison and storm Mount Olympus for him, but has to watch out for Zeus’ son, Hercules, getting in the way. Hades is a slow, but powerful fighter who uses his god-like powers to terrorize the battlefield.

General Information:

Hades clocks in as a heavyweight fighter, and while he isn’t as strong as Hercules or Zeus, Hades still possesses high attack power. Hades has a strong set of special moves, from a heavily-damaging standard special, a very powerful recovery tool in his up special, and the ability to throw mortal potions that make his opponents temporarily weaker. Hades also possesses some of the stronger tilt attacks in the game, which do good damage and knockback without being too slow. Still, Hades does have some flaws you need to look out for. While he isn’t one of the slowest characters, his agility is still fairly poor, with poor air speed, high falling speed, and below average running speed. Many of Hades’ attacks tend to be on the slower side, with either high start-up lag (his standard special) or ending lag (his forward smash). His jumping is also quite poor, but his up special thankfully allows him to have a solid recovery. Overall, Hades should prioritize getting into set-ups that allow him to use his most powerful attacks, and if he can’t use them, then he should try to hit opponents with mortal potions to help lower the chances that they KO him before he KOs them.

Standard Special - Fiery Temper

Hades get rifled up and summons a blast of flames from his head and both of his hands. The move is very slow to execute and isn’t that strong for scoring KOs, but the damage potential is incredibly high, and anyone who does touch the flames will also take additional damage-over-time effects for a short period of time.

Side Special - Cunning Grab of Death

Hades extends his arms out to very long lengths in front of him. Any opponents who touch his hands will be grabbed by him, and Hades will proceed to drag them to him, where he shoots flames in their face and launches them away. It’s a powerful attack with good KO potential, but Hades is left immobile and potentially vulnerable as he uses it.

Up Special - Chariot of the Underworld

Hades summons a chariot, which can fly around in for three seconds. While it isn’t very strong as an attack, the chariot moves very quickly, and considering Hades has poor jumping abilities, it grants him a surprisingly strong recovery for someone of his stature.

Down Special - Mortal Potion

Hades throws a mortal potion a distance in front of him, causing anyone who hits it to have their attack power reduced for 10 seconds. The effects of a mortal potion do not accumulate, so getting hit by one after you’ve already been hit by one will not decrease your attack power further.

Superstar Attack - Titans, Arise!

Hades unleashes the Titans, whose giant hands appear from the sides of the stage trying to hit you. While the Titans’ punches are very slow and aren’t hard to avoid, the cost of getting hit is that any punch that does land will instantly KO the opponent. The best strategy for Hades to score KOs with this attack is to try and throw opponents in the direction of oncoming punches. The attack lasts for 15 seconds and Hades can’t be hurt by the Titans.


Up Taunt - Hades does some over-the-top arm motions while going “Boom-ba-da-boom-boom-boom!”

Side Taunt - Hades goes “Huh?” and looks around as if he just told a good joke.

Down Taunt - One of Hades’ fingers catches on fire and he blows the fire out.

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Hades gives a thumbs up with his thumbs on fire.

Victory Animation 2: Hades yells “YES! HADES RULES!!!”

Victory Animation 3: Hades yells “Zeusy, I’m home!”

Losing Animation: Hades turns red while angrily shaking in fury.


Trophy Description:

The youngest daughter of King Triton, Ariel is a mermaid obsessed with humans and their way of life, which often creates conflicts between her and her human-hating father. She falls in love with a human prince named Eric and is transformed into a human by Ursula, unaware that she’s been used as a pawn for the sea witch to get revenge on Triton. Thanks to magic from her father’s trident, Ariel can hover on the land to properly fight, and she can summon her seagull friend, Scuttle, to help her recover.

General Information:

Ariel is a character who probably falls closest to being in the “glass cannon” type of character, meaning her offensive capabilities are generally stronger than her defensive capabilities. Ariel is on the lighter end of the middleweight characters, and her agility stats are good, having good running and air speed, though she falls slowly. Ariel’s jumping power is also very good, and while her up special is just alright as a recovery tool, she usually doesn’t struggle too much to recover due to her good jumps and high air speed. Ariel’s standard and tilt attacks are great tools for combos, her side special is a projectile attack that allows her to fight from a distance, and her aerial (no pun intended) attacks are generally effective as well. While not as powerful as her dad or Ursula, Ariel is more powerful than she looks and has decent KO power, with powerful smash attacks (especially her down smash), and her most powerful move, her standard special, in which she summons a big wave that both moves her forward and hurts enemies she hits. However, the move’s power is dependent on how much damage Ariel has, with it being stronger with the more damage she has taken. When Ariel is at high damage, the wave has great KO potential and executes quickly (though it has a bit of ending lag), but if her damage is low, the wave does little damage or knockback, making it a high-risk, high-reward type of move. Ariel’s down special also allows her to temporarily become stationary, but be immune to knockback and will heal if she is damaged by an attack, with her healing more for the more damage the attack deals, giving her a good way to heal and stay in the game. However, Ariel does have some flaws to be aware of. Her weight is below average, and due to her hovering, she is tall for someone of her weight, making her more susceptible to combos than the average character who weighs around the same as or lighter than her. Ariel’s down special, while good for keeping her alive longer, doesn’t give her invincibility upon ending it, meaning she can be vulnerable to being counter-attacked. It’s also important to note that Ariel healing with this move will also lower her damage, which will in turn, reduce the power of her standard special, her most powerful and easy to land KO option, so it is important to keep this in mind if you want the wave to be as strong as possible. Overall, Ariel is a good character for those who want to experiment with a “high offense, low defense” type of character, as her disadvantages in that field aren’t as extreme as someone like Stitch or Jack Jack, and she is a solid choice for those who are able to take advantage of the options she has.

Standard Special - Big Wave

Ariel summons a big wave that pushes her forward and damages and launches anyone hit. The wave’s strength depends on how much damage Ariel has, with the more damage she has increasing the move’s power, making it a high risk, high reward move. At high damage, the wave has great KO potential, though it also works the other way around and if Ariel’s damage is low, the wave is weak.

Side Special - Dinglehopper

Ariel throws two “dinglehoppers” (forks), one after the other, in front of her. The first fork does more damage, but has low knockback, and the second fork has slightly more knockback, but does less damage.

Up Special - Scuttle’s Flight

Scuttle appears and Ariel grabs ahold of him as he flies her up a short distance in the horizontal direction inputted. Scuttle moves fast but isn’t out for very long, and his wings do mild damage to those hit.

Down Special - Beautiful Voice

Ariel sings a long note, which renders her stationary, but allows her to heal from any attack that hits her and be immune to knockback. She can heal considerably if hit with a powerful attack, but the catch is that Ariel needs to be careful to make sure no one is about to hit her with a powerful attack right when the move ends, as she doesn’t have any invincibility upon the attack ending.

Superstar Attack - Wedding Crashers

Upon activation, Scuttle flies into the battlefield, calling for various aquatic-related creatures like starfish, seals, and dolphins to enter and cause chaos. The creatures’ movement speed and attack power are inversely proportional to each other, with the starfish being the fastest, the seals being the strongest, and the dolphins being the most balanced. This Superstar Attack has great damage potential, and its KO potential is decent, but there are plenty that are stronger. The move lasts for 15 seconds, and Ariel can’t be damaged by any of the creatures.


Up Taunt - Ariel takes out a fork and briefly combs her hair with it.

Side Taunt - Ariel says “Don’t be such a guppy.”

Down Taunt - Ariel pulls out a pipe and blows it, sending contents flying out.

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Ariel does a little dance while seahorses float around her.

Victory Animation 2: Ariel sits on a rock plucking petals off a flower, saying “He loves me!”, and giggles.

Victory Animation 3: Flounder appears with Ariel and the two do a friendly gesture in victory as Ariel says “I did it, Flounder. I won!”

Losing Animation: Ariel applauds.

King Triton:

Trophy Description:

The ruler of Atlantica and father of seven daughters, including his youngest daughter, Ariel. Triton has a strong dislike for humans, which in combination with Ariel’s obsession with the human world, often creates tensions between the two, but despite their disagreements, Triton does love his daughter and feels guilty if he gets too mad at her. King Triton’s magic trident allows him to hover on land, and he can fire powerful blasts from it to zap his foes.

General Information:

In terms of general statistics, King Triton is quite similar to Genie, with both of them weighing exactly the same, being on the lighter end of the heavyweight characters, and having average running speed, high air speed, and being floaty for a heavier character with low falling speed, though Triton is slightly faster in the air but slightly slower on the ground than Genie is. While not in the top tier of attack power, Triton’s attack power is in the high tier, having plenty of damaging attacks and a good number of KO options, including his smash attacks, forward air, and standard and side specials. Triton has good opportunities for both fighting up close and at a distance, with his standard and side specials both being projectile attacks, and his standard special is unique in that it functions identically to the trident item (which is based off his trident), that other characters can pick up in gameplay. One may think this would make Triton picking up that item pointless, but while nothing changes if he uses the actual item, it’s still a good idea to pick it up to keep his opponents from getting it, as it is a useful move. Its normal blasts travel fairly quickly and do decent damage, and when Triton has landed three hits with the normal blasts, the trident will be charged and ready to unleash a big blast that travels less distance, but is incredibly powerful. Triton’s side special is also a powerful projectile, and more consistently strong than the trident blasts, but slower than them as well. Triton’s recovery is decent, with his up special covering an acceptable distance and him having good air speed, and his down special allows him to create a whirlpool that enemies can get stuck into, reducing their movement options and making it easier for Triton to land powerful attacks on them, though his side special can’t enter the whirlpool. In general, Triton’s strengths outweigh his weaknesses, though his attack speed tends to be slower than average, and a lot of his most powerful moves can be tough to land, whether it be due to being slow, having poor range, or needing to build up the ability to use it in the case of his standard special. Overall, King Triton is a very powerful fighter if used correctly to make it so he’s able to consistently land his more powerful attacks.

Standard Special - Trident Blast

King Triton fires an electric blast from his trident, which zaps and launches enemies that get hit. The normal blasts do decent damage but don’t do much knockback. However, after Triton lands three hits with the normal blasts, a very powerful blast is charged up and can be fired, which has excellent KO potential, but three more successful hits need to be made to get the big blast again. This move can also destroy items, turning them into smaller items.

Side Special - Trident Throw

King Triton throws his trident a short distance forward, where, after hitting the first thing it comes across or after three seconds have passed, it reappears in his hands. Though a little slow to start, it is a powerful projectile attack and has pretty good KO potential. This move can also immediately break an opponent’s shield if it makes contact with one. This is functionally the same as Kida’s side special, doing slightly less damage but slightly more knockback, though the trident can’t be thrown into the whirlpool if it’s out.

Up Special - Royal Chariot

When activated, King Triton summons a chariot being pulled by two dolphins that takes him a brief distance diagonally in the direction he’s facing. The move does decent damage and knockback and can cover a decent distance, but it doesn’t travel especially quickly.

Down Special - Whirlpool

King Triton summons a whirlpool on the ground a short distance in front of him, which lasts for around seven seconds. Anyone except Triton who enters the whirlpool gets stuck aside and wildly moves around out of control, although they can still attack. Triton can’t throw the trident into the whirlpool, and if it touches it, it will reappear in his hands.

Superstar Attack - Statue Destruction

When activated, a large statue of Eric appears in the center of the stage, and many human objects appear around it. Triton then proceeds to destroy them all with his trident, sending debris flying everywhere, culminating in him destroying the Eric statue, which does the most damage and knockback of the items. The debris does good damage, and the debris from the Eric statue has great KO potential. Triton can’t be hurt by any of the debris.


Up Taunt - King Triton says “I know you’re hiding something from me.”

Side Taunt - King Triton says “Don’t you use that tone of voice at me!”

Down Taunt - King Triton says “No…” in a shocked manner.

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: King Triton shoots a rainbow out of his trident, then stands the trident next to him while crossing his arms triumphantly.

Victory Animation 2: King Triton triumphantly rides his chariot into the scene.

Victory Animation 3: Sebastian appears on King Triton’s shoulder as Triton says “I was really looking forward to this moment, Sebastian.”

Losing Animation: King Triton applauds.

I’ll try to post some movesets tomorrow if I can, but I do now that after work, there is potential that a bad storm may hit where I live, so it’s possible I may not be able to, but I’ll definitely post either random movesets or requests if I can.

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Whenever you can, can you make the move set for Mickey since he is the first character used? I wonder what he would be like since he doesn’t do many fighting things in films.

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For today’s post, I’ll do the sole request for today to post Mickey’s moveset, and I decided to post movesets for two of my favorite Disney characters, Baloo and John Silver, as well as the moveset for Tod and Copper.

Mickey Mouse:

Trophy Description:

Disney’s most iconic character and the mascot of the company. Mickey is a mild-mannered mouse who has a pet dog named Pluto, a girlfriend named Minnie, and best friends named Donald and Goofy. Mickey is one of the most well-rounded characters in the game and an excellent character for beginning players to use. He can perform most aspects to a satisfactory level, but be warned that there’s not much he excels amazingly in.

General Information:

As Disney’s most famous character, Mickey was designed to be an all-around character who beginning players can use and get an easy idea of how he handles, allowing them to get used to the game and gravitate towards the more advanced playstyles of other fighters. Mickey is a middleweight character, albeit near the lighter end of those characters, and possesses decent agility stats, with average running and falling speed, and good air speed. His recovery covers a good vertical distance, and while it doesn’t offer much horizontal recovery, Mickey’s good air speed allows him to move through the air fairly easily. Mickey’s special moves give him good versatility for attacking at a distance, with two different projectile attacks, one emphasizing distance, and one emphasizing power, and he has a tool that allows him to capture projectiles thrown at him and throw them back. Mickey’s smash attacks possess adequate strength, and his standard and tilt attacks execute quickly and can lead into combos. In general, Mickey doesn’t possess any crippling flaws, but at the same time, it kind of works the other way around, and while he can perform most aspects reasonably well, Mickey doesn’t really have much that he shines exceptionally in. There are plenty of characters in the game who are either harder to kill, faster, and/or more powerful than him, but at the same time, those characters who have greater strengths than Mickey also tend to have greater weaknesses. Overall, Mickey is a great character to pick up and play as for any level of player, but more advanced players, while they can still do well as him, will probably find themselves gravitating more towards other characters who have more pronounced and flashier fighting styles.

Standard Special - Tool Throw

Mickey throws a wrench or a hammer in an arc a distance in front of him. The first tool thrown will always be a wrench, and then the two tools alternate every time the move is used. The wrenches do mild damage and knockback, and the hammers do good damage and decent knockback, but can’t be thrown as far as the wrenches.

Side Special - Surefire Slingshot

Mickey fires projectiles from his slingshot, which travel quickly and far. Mickey can also charge the slingshot to release a more powerful projectile that does good damage.

Up Special - Trampoline Toss

Mickey summons a trampoline underneath him, which he uses to jump into the air. The vertical distance is good, and in the air, the trampoline will fall off-screen and act as a meteor smash. If used on the ground, the trampoline will stay there temporarily, which anyone can bounce off of.

Down Special - Storage

Mickey pulls out a bucket he can use to capture a projectile that is being fired at him. If Mickey uses this move again with a projectile captured, he will throw out the projectile, which will function the same way it does when its original owner uses it.

Superstar Attack - Sorcerer’s Apprentice

Mickey suddenly dons his persona as the Sorcerer’s Apprentice from Fantasia, and summons sentient broomsticks onto the stage. The broomsticks deal damage by throwing buckets of water onto the enemies or charging into them. The brooms also home in on foes once they spot them, but overall, while this Superstar Attack does have decent KO potential, it is one of the less powerful Superstar Attacks.


Up Taunt - Mickey cheerfully whistles.

Side Taunt - Mickey says “Oh, boy!”

Down Taunt - Mickey hops triumphantly.

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Mickey waves a wand, transforming him into his Steamboat Willie outfit, and he proceeds to do the famous pose with him at the wheel.

Victory Animation 2: Mickey fires a few shots from his slingshot, then puts it away with his arms out to the side.

Victory Animation 3: Mickey says “Oh, boy! I’m the winner!”

Losing Animation: Mickey applauds.


Trophy Description:

A “shiftless, stupid jungle bum” and friendly bear who lives in the jungles of India, living by his motto of the Bare Necessities. He becomes best friends with Mowgli the Man-Cub, and while Baloo does not like to get serious, he will do what’s right to keep Mowgli safe from harm. Baloo is a bulky heavyweight fighter with very powerful throws and utilizes his simple way of living in combat. His recovery of whacking himself with a club becomes more effective the more damaged he is.

General Information:

Baloo is a large bear who is, unsurprisingly, a heavyweight, and clocks in on the heavier end of them as well. As such, he can be hard to kill due to his weight and him possessing a recovery that adapts to how much damage he has taken, allowing him to recover better with the more damage he has. In addition to his great defense, Baloo’s other major strength is his attack power. Baloo possesses many powerful attacks, such as his standard special when its sweetspot connects, his up special (especially if his damage is high), all of his smash attacks, and perhaps most notably, his throws. Baloo has one of the strongest collections of throws in the game, and is notable for being one of three characters, with the other two being Little John and Willie the Giant, who can perform a cargo throw. This allows Baloo, when using his forward throw, to carry the opponent he has grabbed, which he can lead into a variety of attack options that will be disadvantageous for his victim. Baloo also has a projectile, allowing him to have attack opportunities from a distance, and a healing move that, while tricky to get to work, will heal him a good amount if he uses it successfully. While Baloo is a powerful fighter, he does have some flaws to be aware of. Baloo’s agility is below average, with below average running speed, slow air speed, high falling speed, and having low jumps. On top of that, since he is big, Baloo is easy to hit and is more likely to be susceptible to combos. Baloo’s recovery, while good when he has accumulated damage, also doesn’t travel very far if his damage is light, though thankfully, with his heavy weight, he can probably avoid having to use it until his damage is high enough to improve the move’s distance. Overall, Baloo has many tools he can use to help him succeed, and if you can take advantage of those options, he is a tough fighter that can spell bad news for those who struggle to counter him.

Standard Special - Big Bear Growl

Baloo lets out a big roar that possesses a wind effect. The wind slows down opponents and projectiles approaching him by a big margin. People directly in front of him when he starts the roar will also take sizable damage and knockback, making it a good tool for KOs, albeit a little hard to land.

Side Special - Fierce Fruit

Baloo throws one of two fruits a distance in front of him. It has a 70% chance to be a Pawpaw and a 30% chance to be a prickly pear. Neither of which have great KO power, but the prickly pear does solid damage. The Pawpaw isn’t as strong as the prickly pear, but is bigger and easier to get hit by.

Up Special - A Bear Gathers No Air

Baloo whacks himself with a club to send himself flying into the air, though he thankfully doesn’t give himself damage while hitting himself. While this move doesn’t start out as an effective recovery, it does become more powerful the more damage Baloo has, which increases how much distance he covers with it. It is also a fairly strong attack as well, having decent KO power, though it does have some ending lag.

Down Special - Lazy Rest

Baloo takes a brief rest, and, if he manages to get through his rest without flinching, he will heal a portion of his damage once he wakes up. This move heals more than most moves that can heal a character, but it also has a lengthy duration and will end if Baloo takes damage from a move that would cause him to flinch. This move is best used right after Baloo KOs an opponent, as he takes advantage of the time it takes for the KO and respawning animations to occur to make it more likely he can heal before someone causes him to flinch.

Superstar Attack - Get With the Beat!

Baloo puts on his monkey disguise, making him immobile, but invincible, and starts dancing to the chorus of his signature song, “The Bare Necessities”. A meter appears above Baloo to show buttons you can hit while he’s dancing to release powerful shockwaves that can damage and launch opponents, and the shockwaves cover a good distance. The strength of shockwaves increases the more buttons Baloo correctly hits, with the shockwaves near the end of the attack possessing amazing KO power if his timing with hitting buttons has been good.


Up Taunt - Baloo pulls out some fruit and eats it.

Side Taunt - Baloo says “Pitiful.”

Down Taunt - Baloo says “You better believe it!”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Baloo juggles some coconuts.

Victory Animation 2: Baloo says “I’m gone man, solid gone!” and starts happily dancing.

Victory Animation 3: Baloo scratches his back on a tree while looking satisfied.

Losing Animation: Baloo applauds.

John Silver:

Trophy Description:

A half alien, half cyborg pirate who has spent his entire life in pursuit of the riches and wonders of Treasure Planet, losing body parts in the process and gaining his robotic parts. Although greedy and perhaps a little rough around the edges, Silver isn’t necessarily evil and has a good heart, caring a lot for his cabin boy Jim Hawkins and his shapeshifting pet Morph. John Silver uses his cyborg arm to do a variety of things in battle, such as using it as a sword or a powerful cannon attack.

General Information:

John Silver clocks in as a heavyweight, and while far from a small character, he is shorter than most heavyweight characters, making him harder to hit and combo. Silver’s movement speed is rather unimpressive, with below average running speed, high falling speed, and low air speed when not using his up special. However, Silver’s attacks generally do good damage, his smash attacks are powerful, and his attacks generally come out quickly, though they tend to have some ending lag. Silver’s special moves are also useful in limiting his opponents’ movement, as he has a projectile that decreases movement speed of those hit and a move that stuns people for a few seconds if it connects. Perhaps Silver’s most critical and noteworthy move is his standard special, which he normally can’t use, but when the meter by his icon is full, he is allowed to shoot out his most powerful attack in a projectile that both travels far and quickly and has amazing KO potential. However, the primary way for Silver to build up this meter is to take damage, which can be risky for both him if his damage is high or for his opponents if their damage is high, since his standard special will KO them if it lands. Silver has a lot of effective tools he can use, with his helpful special moves, giving him a versatile playstyle.

Standard Special - Cyborg’s Cannon

For most of the match, this move won’t do anything. However, as Silver takes damage, a meter by his icon increases. Once that meter is completely filled up, Silver can use this move, which allows him to quickly shoot out a projectile from his cyborg arm that travels a good distance and has excellent KO potential, being his most powerful attack and being able to score KOs at very low damage percentages. However, the trade-off for the move’s amazing strength and good speed is that Silver can only use it if the meter is full, and if the meter is full, he uses it and doesn’t hit anything, disappointment will arise as you have to build the meter up again.

Side Special - Chopped Onions

Silver pulls out an onion and uses his cyborg arm to chop it up, sending pieces flying a distance away from him for a maximum of five onions per use of this move. Enemies hit by onions take damage and have their movement speed slightly reduced for a few seconds.

Up Special - Sailboat Takeoff

Silver’s sailboat appears underneath him and allows him to hover in it for three seconds. Silver can move around in any direction in the sailboat, and damage those he hits. It’s a great tool for recovery and travels quickly, but it isn’t too strong as an attack.

Down Special - Watchful Eye

Silver uses his cyborg eye to disable and stun any opponent directly in front of him for a few seconds. The range is very small, but if used correctly, this can be a very helpful move that can allow Silver to easily hit an opponent with a powerful attack.

Superstar Attack - Mutiny Laser

Silver whistles to signal to his crew to unleash a giant laser as a surprise attack. The laser travels from the left side of the stage to the right and can only be avoided with a nearly frame-perfect dodge or if you are invincible at that time. The laser does loads of damage to those it hits, though it does have set knockback that does launch opponents, but not particularly far. Therefore, this Superstar Attack is less useful for scoring KOs with the attack itself, and more useful for building up an opponent’s damage to high percentages, giving Silver easy KO opportunities afterwards. Silver can’t be hurt by the laser.


Up Taunt - Silver pulls out a fresh pulp, takes a bite, and puts it away.

Side Taunt - Silver says “Aren’t you the seventh wonder of the universe?”

Down Taunt - Silver triumphantly hoists his cyborg arm into the air.

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Silver happily fixes his cyborg leg with a wrench.

Victory Animation 2: Silver, in his sailboat, hovers down to the ground and he happily makes a signal with his cyborg arm.

Victory Animation 3: Silver tauntingly says “You’re just like me. You hate to lose.”

Losing Animation: Silver applauds. If Jim is the winner, Silver will applaud and say “Great work, Jimbo! Didn’t I say the lad had greatness in him?”

Tod and Copper:

Trophy Description:

A young fox and hound dog who, despite hound dogs naturally hunting foxes, are the best of friends. This creates trouble since Copper’s owner, Amos Slade, is an avid hunter. When the two grow up, Tod struggles to come to the realization that things can’t be the same and he and Copper can’t have the same relationship they once had. Tod and Copper are two of the fastest and lightest characters and have to rely on fast-damaging attacks to make up for their lack of KO power.

General Information:

Tod and Copper are a lightweight duo whose strengths and weaknesses tend to be notable ones. The two of them are very fast on the ground, being among the top ten fastest runners in the game, and having decent air speed and slow falling speed. Tod and Copper are also two of the shortest characters in the game, meaning they have an easier time avoiding some attacks that characters larger than them could easily get hit by. Tod and Copper’s attack speed is also very impressive, and they’re great at employing hit-and-run tactics in their playstyle. Their recovery, in which Big Mama carries them into the air, is also very good, they have a move that helps them control the stage by summoning Dinky and Boomer to attack, and they have a versatile down special which can either slow down opponents, or potentially be used as a projectile attack. However, despite their major advantages, their disadvantages are also notable. Tod and Copper are extremely light, being the third lightest characters in the game, and only being heavier than Jack Jack and Mushu, meaning powerful attacks can easily send them flying, even at low percentages. While the two can attack and move very quickly to help rack up damage, many of their moves don’t do too much damage, and on top of that, their KO power is low. Their strongest attacks, those being their up and down smashes, as well as their down special if the pail is hit by a powerful attack, while they do possess some KO power at higher percentages, they aren’t amazingly powerful, and the most powerful attacks that most other characters possess tend to be noticeably stronger. Overall, Tod and Copper work best for those who incorporate hit-and-run tactics, with the duo taking advantage of their small size and great speed to weave in and out, racking up damage while trying to avoid getting hit, but you do need to build up the opponent’s damage high to score a KO, and if you mess up, the two can suffer due to their inability to take powerful attacks well.

Standard Special - Birds to the Rescue

Tod and Copper summon Dinky and Boomer, who fly around and peck at opponents with their beaks. The pecks do very little knockback, but decent damage if they land multiple pecks on a victim, which is likely. The two birds stay out for about 15 seconds, and Tod and Copper must wait 10 seconds after Dinky and Boomer leave to summon them again.

Side Special - Tricky Roll

Tod and Copper perform a roll attack, traveling a fair distance quickly, and doing moderate damage, but low knockback, to anyone they hit. This can also be used as a horizontal recovery and can be combined with their down special to make that move more effective.

Up Special - Big Mama’s Flight

Big Mama picks up Tod, who Copper holds on to, and carries them upward as the player can aim where they move horizontally. Big Mama’s wings can damage opponents, though it is weak in both damage and knockback, and she moves very quickly, making this a very strong recovery.

Down Special - Pail of Milk

Tod and Copper summon a pail of milk right in front of them. The pail of milk can be attacked by any character, and what happens next depends on the strength of the attack that hits it. Attacks with low knockback will knock the pail over, spilling the milk a distance in front of it, slowing down anyone in the milk, decreasing their traction, and giving them a chance to slip and briefly stun themselves. If an attack that does decent knockback hits the pail, the pail will become a projectile attack that does decent damage and knockback to anyone it hits. The milk can also land on enemies and briefly decrease their movement speed. Tod and Copper are unaffected by the milk, though they can be hurt by the pail.

Superstar Attack - Big Bear Attack

Upon activation, Big Mama, Dinky, and Boomer fly on both sides of the duo and send anyone that they hit into a cinematic, where a massive, powerful bear runs towards his victims, and swipes at them. Anyone hit by the bear will take serious damage and knockback, which is strong enough to typically KO at very low percentages. If none of the birds are able to hit anyone upon activation, the attack will not proceed.


Up Taunt - Copper howls.

Side Taunt - Copper says “I smell something funny.”

Down Taunt - Tod says “Oh boy, are we ever doing well.”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: The two cheerfully chase each other around in a circle.

Victory Animation 2: Tod tells Copper “Copper, you’re my very best friend.”, and Copper replies with “And you’re mine too, Tod.”

Victory Animation 3: Big Mama stands next to the duo and says “Well, I sure am glad you boys managed to come out safe and sound.”

Losing Animation: Tod nods his head up and down and Copper howls to celebrate the winner’s victory.

As always, thanks for reading and feel free to leave me any questions or request any movesets of the characters in my game.

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These are great! I was expected ing one of Mickey’s taunts or victories be him saying “Hot Dog!” since it is his catchphrase…

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I would like to see Scrooge’s, and Huey, Dewey, and Louie’s movesets

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Okay, so you’ve knocked out a few characters.

But can you do my boy Stitch?

(And throw in Esmeralda, Belle, and Jack Skellington)

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For today’s movesets, I’ll post what has been requested so far, which are the movesets for Scrooge, Huey/Dewey/Louie, Stitch, Esmeralda, Belle, and Jack Skellington.

Scrooge McDuck:

Trophy Description:

Donald Duck’s Scottish uncle, well-known for being extremely wealthy and earning it through honest means. Scrooge is always open to increasing his wealth and can let his greed get the better of him at times, though he does deep down care for his family. Scrooge’s main method of combat is to throw coins of various sizes all around the battlefield to damage foes, and using a powerful magnet to attract coins back for extra damage.

General Information:

Scrooge is one of the lightest middleweight characters, and due to his old age, his agility isn’t particularly impressive, with below average running and falling speed, and average air speed. However, Scrooge does have one specialty that he shines very well in, and that is stage control. Due to how his special moves work both on their own and when combined together, Scrooge can easily cause chaos by throwing his projectiles around both away from him and towards him. Scrooge can throw out two types of projectiles, either smaller coins that travel quickly and hurt foes to walk on if they land on the ground, or a giant coin that is thrown slower and a shorter distance away from Scrooge, but has good KO power. Since Scrooge can have multiple of each type of coin on the stage at a time (though the coins will only stay on the stage temporarily), he can easily flood the battlefield with his tools. Scrooge’s other major trick is his standard special, in which he pulls out a large magnet and attracts coins towards it, cleaning up his hazards but returning to them at increased strength, which is especially notable with the giant coins, which, will only one can be magnetized at a time, have very high KO power when it’s returning back to Scrooge’s magnet, and is his most powerful KO move. As such, due to these three moves, Scrooge can constantly be sending items of his around the stage and making it chaotic for his foes. Outside of that, Scrooge does have a good recovery tool with his up special, and his smash attacks are fairly powerful, albeit less so than the giant coin. As mentioned earlier, Scrooge’s defense and agility aren’t terrible, but not especially strong, and due to the nature of him heavily relying on projectile attacks, Scrooge can find himself struggling against those with reflectors and/or tools to capture his coins, reducing the chaos he can create and making it so his own tools can be turned against him. Overall, when Scrooge is played ideally, he can be quite a troublesome opponent with lots of opportunities to rack up damage due to his great stage-controlling techniques.

Standard Special - Magnetization

Scrooge pulls out a large magnet that attracts foes to him for mild damage and attracts any coins back to him at a fast rate, hurting anyone who gets hit by them. The coins do more damage when magnetized than they do when normally thrown. Only one giant coin can be magnetized at a time, but the magnetized giant coin is extremely powerful.

Side Special - Chucking Coins

Scrooge throws a few coins that either hit opponents or fall to the ground. The coins hurt everyone but Scrooge to walk over, dealing damage for every second you’re on it for the time the coins are on-stage, which is about five seconds. Up to five coin batches can be out on the battlefield at a time.

Up Special - Cane Hop

Scrooge uses his cane like a pogo stick to jump into the air. The only part that does damage is the cane itself, which can be used as a meteor smash on airborne opponents. It covers pretty good vertical distance with decent horizontal distance.

Down Special - Giant Coin

Scrooge tosses a giant coin a short distance ahead of him. The giant coin is thrown slowly and doesn’t travel far, but it has good KO potential, especially when magnetized. A giant coin will stay out on the stage for five seconds, and up to three giant coins can be on the stage at a time, though Scrooge’s magnet can only attract one giant coin for each use of that move.

Superstar Attack - Monetary Typhoon

Scrooge summons a gigantic wave of coins that flood the stage and do sizable damage, with a few giant coins in the mix that can deal excellent knockback. The battlefield will be flooded with coins for 15 seconds, hurting everyone but Scrooge to walk over and giving great damage-racking opportunities for Scrooge to use against his opponents.


Up Taunt - Scrooge says “Well, nobody’s perfect.”

Side Taunt - Scrooge worriedly says “No! No! No! No! NO!”

Down Taunt - Scrooge points his cane in a manner as if he was going to attack.

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Scrooge pulls out a few dollars and strikes a triumphant pose.

Victory Animation 2: Scrooge says “Next time, do your business the right way.”

Victory Animation 3: Scrooge tips his hat and puts it back on his head.

Losing Animation: Scrooge applauds.

Huey, Dewey, and Louie:

Trophy Description:

Donald’s three nephews, with Huey wearing red, Dewey wearing blue, and Louie wearing green. The three are a troublesome trio who love to pull pranks on their uncle and provoke his fiery temper. The three use their pranks in combat by setting up traps to surprise their enemies, while also utilizing slingshots for far-ranged attacks and a skateboard to speed around the arena.

General Information:

Huey, Dewey, and Louie are one of two trios who are participating in battle, with the other one being Penny, Bernard, and Bianca, and of the two, they have a much bigger emphasis on teamwork and having an equal role in taking down their enemies since they’re more than a few inches tall unlike Bernard and Bianca. Much like that trio though, they’re characters who specialize more in speed and racking up damage rather than defense, being lightweight characters. Huey, Dewey, and Louie have good agility stats, having solid running and air speed, and below average falling speed, and their side special does a great job of giving them a big speed boost that is great for horizontal recovery and also being a reasonably strong attack. The trio’s special moves revolve around projectiles and their skateboard, with them using a slingshot that is similar to Mickey’s, but with less power but greater distance travelled. Their side and up specials give them pretty solid recovery, and arguably their most useful move is their bear traps they summon with their down special, which stay on the ground for a period of time, have good KO potential, and three can be out at a time, giving them great stage control that is also more dangerous than average. However, the three ducks have some weaknesses, most notably, their light weight, reducing the amount of punishment they can take before getting KO’d. Outside of their special moves, the trio also aren’t particularly powerful, with their smash attacks being fairly weak compared to most fighters, but their down and side specials can help alleviate that flaw. Overall, Huey, Dewey, and Louie are great fighters for speeding around quickly and throwing projectiles around, making them annoying for slower characters and/or non-projectile users, though they need to ensure they deal more damage than they take to ensure victory.

Standard Special - Sneaky Slingshot

Huey uses a slingshot to shoot projectiles, which he can hold for a brief moment to shoot out a more powerful projectile. This is very similar to Mickey’s slingshot, but it has greater range, but slightly less power.

Side Special - Skateboard Sprinters

Huey, Dewey, and Louie hop onto their skateboard and dash a distance in front of them. The skateboard does decent damage and knockback, and moves pretty fast and far, making it a very strong dashing move.

Up Special - Boosting Board

Huey, Dewey, and Louie’s skateboard suddenly gets a rocket booster underneath it, which it uses to hoist the three into the air. The move does mild damage to those hit, and the vertical recovery is solid.

Down Special - Traps-a-Plenty

Dewey throws a bear trap in an arc in front of him. Those hit by it take good damage and knockback. When the trap lands on the ground, it stays there for ten seconds, doing even more damage and knockback to those who make contact with it, though it being stationary makes it easier to avoid. A good strategy for the trio is to try and knock opponents into stationary traps to increase the chances they’ll get hurt by it. Three traps can be on the stage at a time and the trio can’t be hurt by their traps.

Superstar Attack - Mischievous Witch

Huey, Dewey, and Louie summon their witch friend, Witch Hazel, who flies around the battlefield on her broom, damaging and launching opponents she hits, and tries to spray opponents with her witch’s brew, which does sizable damage-over-time effects, slows their movement speed, and reverses their controls for the move’s duration. Witch Hazel’s flying does solid knockback and damage, and combined with the damage she can cause from her brew, it gives this attack excellent damage potential and pretty good KO potential as well. Witch Hazel stays out for around 15 seconds, and she can’t hurt the trio.


Up Taunt - Huey, Dewey, and Louie all throw their hats into the air, which fall back down onto their heads.

Side Taunt - Louie says “Get ready, boys. Here’s our chance for trouble.”

Down Taunt - Huey, Dewey, and Louie all tauntingly chuckle to themselves.

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Huey, Dewey, and Louie all roll around on the ground laughing.

Victory Animation 2: Huey, Dewey, and Louie all speed into the scene on their skateboard, and pose triumphantly.

Victory Animation 3: Huey, Dewey, and Louie all says “Well, we sure showed you who’s the best.” If Donald is present in the match and this animation is chosen, the three will instead say “Better luck next time, Unca Donald!”

Losing Animation: Huey, Dewey, and Louie all applaud.


Trophy Description:

Created by Jumba, Stitch is known as Experiment 626, designed to destroy and cause chaos. After making his way to Earth, he is taken in by two sisters named Lilo and Nani, with him forming a close friendship with Lilo, gradually losing his destructive nature and becoming a better person. Stitch is a fast fighter who can easily overwhelm opponents with low-knockback, high-damage attacks, though it doesn’t take much to send him flying.

General Information:

Stitch is one of the fighters who best fits the “glass cannon” archetype, with him having a heavy emphasis on offensive capabilities while not having much in the way of defense capabilities. Stitch has very good agility stats, being very fast both grounded and airborne while having average falling speed, and most of his attacks execute quickly and deal a good amount of damage. Stitch’s aerial attacks (especially his forward air) deal high damage with low knockback, leading to great combo potential, and his special moves can help either reduce a foe’s movement speed and endurance temporarily or inflict brief damage-over-time effects. Stitch also has one of the most spammable projectiles in the game with the blasts he fires from his plasma cannon, which travel super quickly and can easily rack up damage, though they don’t make opponents flinch. In general, Stitch’s attacks prioritize damage over knockback, with his KO options being somewhat limited to just his smash attacks plus a few of his aerial attacks if used as meteor smashes, but the options he does possess work well. However, as mentioned earlier, Stitch’s best assets come at the cost of defensive capabilities, with Stitch being one of the ten lightest characters in the game and having a hard time taking lots of punishment. While Stitch jumps very high, his up special only covers average at best vertical distance, and due to how small he is, Stitch’s attacks that aren’t long-distanced tend to have poor range. Overall, Stitch is a great fighter when utilized well due to his great speed and damage-dealing capabilities, but he can be tough to consistently do well with due to his very poor defense.

Standard Special - Mini-Plasma Cannon

Stitch shoots out plasma blasts from his cannon, dealing damage but no knockback or flinching to anyone hit. He can fire blasts at quite a fast rate and can easily rack up damage on slower characters trying to approach him.

Side Special - Slobber

Stitch uses his tongue to lick enemies in front of him, doing no knockback and mild damage, while also temporarily slowing down his foes and lowering their endurance.

Up Special - Rolling Leap

Stitch rolls up into a ball and leaps into the air, coming back down as a ball and returning to normal upon landing on the ground. If he hits an opponent as a ball, he does good damage and, if he hits them on his way down, will bounce back up into the air again. The vertical distance covered is only average though.

Down Special - Blender Barrage

Stitch pulls out a blender, takes the top cover off, and turns it on, sending the contents flying a distance in front of him, doing damage-over-time effects to anyone hit by it for a brief period of time.

Superstar Attack - Troublesome Truck

Stitch hops off-screen and rides onto the stage in a large truck he had hijacked, driving across the stage a few times in an effort to hit his opponents. The speed and strength of the truck increases every time he turns around, with the last round of driving in particular having excellent KO potential and great speed. You can’t manually control Stitch’s truck.


Up Taunt - Stitch picks his nose with his tongue.

Side Taunt - Stitch tauntingly says “Nah-nah!”

Down Taunt - Stitch gets his extra pair of arms out. He can continue to fight like this if he wants but it offers no gameplay differences. Down taunt again and Stitch will put his extra pair of arms back in.

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Stitch plays a guitar while dressed up as Elvis.

Victory Animation 2: Stitch laughs while he shoots a few blasts from his cannon.

Victory Animation 3: Stitch hops up and down while speaking gibberish.

Losing Animation: Stitch applauds with both of his pairs of arms.


Trophy Description:

A gypsy who lives in the Court of Miracles in Paris along with other gypsies and her pet goat, Djali. Feisty, but kind-hearted, Esmeralda befriends Notre Dame’s bellringer, Quasimodo, saving him from public humiliation and helping him stand up to his evil guardian, Frollo. Esmeralda uses her gypsy witchcraft to temporarily vanish in battle and reappear in a damaging cloud of smoke elsewhere, and can play her tambourine to boost her attack speed.

General Information:

Esmeralda is a middleweight fighter who generally specializes in speed over power. She has good agility stats in all three movement fields (running, air, and falling speed), with decent attack speed that can be temporarily increased with her standard special, making her a consistently agile character. In general, Esmeralda’s attacks do reasonable damage and can lead to a variety of combos, and her up special, which is a tether recovery, covers a good amount of distance. Esmeralda’s biggest flaw is that she isn’t a character who is loaded with KO power, as her smash attacks prioritize dealing out good damage over dealing lots of knockback. Esmeralda’s most powerful tools for scoring KOs are her side and down specials, with the former also serving as a projectile attack that bounces off anything it hits until either ten seconds have passed or it falls off the stage. With each hit, the projectile will increase in speed and strength, making it quite powerful if it has repeatedly hit stuff, but the catch is Esmeralda can be hurt by the disk, so she needs to be careful to avoid becoming a victim of her own attack. Esmeralda’s down special has no risk of her hurting herself, but the KO potential comes from a small sweetspot in the center of her that can be hard to land, and the move does have some starting and ending lag. Overall, Esmeralda is a great character to help rack up damage and evade opponents without too much difficulty with her good speed, but she can sometimes struggle to score KOs, meaning those who can use her advantages to rack up damage quickly and efficiently will perform the best with her.

Standard Special - Helpful Tambourine

Esmeralda pulls out her tambourine and plays it for about two seconds, boosting her attack speed for about ten seconds once she stops. Using the tambourine once the attack speed increase is active won’t add any additional benefits, and while Esmeralda can move around when she uses this move, she can’t do any other attacks, and the attack speed increase won’t occur if she flinches while her tambourine is out.

Side Special - Flying Disk

Esmeralda pulls out a disk and hurls it forward, with the disk bouncing off anything it touches until it falls off the stage or ten seconds have passed. The disk increases in speed and strength the more bounces it has taken, with the later bounces having a good chance to score KOs on reasonably damaged opponents. However, Esmeralda can be hurt by the disk, so she needs to be careful to avoid hitting it, making it a high-risk, high-reward attack.

Up Special - Sash of Saving

Esmeralda pulls out a sash to use as a tether recovery. The sash covers a good distance and can be used as an attack, though it’s not particularly strong.

Down Special - Witchcraft!

Esmeralda disappears and then reappears in a cloud of smoke that hurts enemies. The cloud has a small, but powerful sweetspot in the direct center that, if Esmeralda hits an enemy with right when she appears, will deliver sizable knockback and damage.

Superstar Attack - Gypsy Mob

Esmeralda signals for a mob of gypsies to enter the battlefield and help her defeat her opponents. The mob fights as a collective group and will always aim for the enemy who is winning at the moment until 15 seconds have passed (in which they’ll leave) or they KO them, in which they’ll turn their efforts to second place, and so on. The KO potential is good, but not among the strongest for Superstar Attacks, and their power decreases after each KO they score.


Up Taunt - Esmeralda briefly pulls out her tambourine, hits her hand on it, and puts it away.

Side Taunt - Esmeralda yells “Justice!”

Down Taunt - Esmeralda says “Try to be a little more careful.”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Esmeralda dances while playing her tambourine as Djali prances around her.

Victory Animation 2: Esmeralda enters the scene with she and Djali disguised as an old beggar, and she takes the hood off to reveal them underneath once in place.

Victory Animation 3: Esmeralda triumphantly spins a curtain around herself and disappears in the process.

Losing Animation: Esmeralda applauds.


Trophy Description:

A book-loving woman who is considered the oddest person in town due to her love of reading and dislike of the town hero, Gaston. When her father, Maurice, comes across a castle owned by a prince transformed into a beast, she offers to take his place and gradually becomes friends and even falls in love with Beast. Belle uses her love of reading to increase her attack speed in combat and can use her father’s wood-chopping machine as a deadly Superstar Attack.

General Information:

Belle is a middleweight character whose agility stats are generally average, as she possesses average running and falling speed, though her air speed is quick. Belle does possess some useful abilities, such as a good recovery, a counter move, and her down special, which ties into her own unique mechanic that is critical to master, as Belle is a character whose effectiveness is primarily determined by how much you utilize her unique mechanic. Belle has an ability that allows her to focus on reading in combat above all else, leaving her unable to attack, but for every five seconds she spends in this mode, she will receive a buff to her attack speed. At first, it may not seem that helpful, as most of Belle’s attacks come out quickly, but its main use is to help make up for one of her two biggest flaws. In general, Belle’s two biggest weaknesses are that she lacks a projectile attack and has limited KO options, with her smash attacks and standard special, all of which featuring her utilizing a stick, being her only moves that possess noticeable KO power, and these moves, while strong, are a bit slow to start. As such, initially, Belle may struggle to score KOs. Her unique reading mechanic helps to allow her to decrease the starting lag of these moves, turning them into more reliable KO moves to make up for her limited KO options. Keep in mind that the buffs she receives are only for her attack speed, and her movement speed and attack power are unaffected. Overall, Belle is a character best used by those who understand how her central mechanic works, and the best strategy for her is to combine racking up damage with her faster, weaker attacks with trying to build up her attack speed as much as possible. Doing this strategy will make it far easier for Belle to score KOs and make herself a bigger threat than she initially appears to be.

Standard Special - Surprise Attack

Belle pulls out a stick, takes a brief moment to charge it, and swings it in front of her. While a little slow to start, and similar to her smash attacks in which she also uses this same stick, it is Belle’s only non-smash attack that has noticeable KO power, and in general, is Belle’s most powerful move.

Side Special - Magic Mirror

Belle pulls out a magic mirror, which allows her to counter any physical attack that would have hurt her otherwise.

Up Special - Helpful Horse

Belle’s horse, Phillippe, suddenly appears and hurls Belle up into the air to help her recover. The only part of the move that does damage is Phillippe’s upwards thrust, which does good damage but only mild knockback. The vertical distance covered is good, and Belle can move herself horizontally as she gets thrown into the air and falls back down once she reaches her vertical peak.

Down Special - A Good Story

Belle by default is reading a book, but will put it away when she is moving or attacking. This move will make it so Belle becomes super engrossed in the book she’s reading, leaving her unable to attack, though she can still move around. Every five seconds Belle has spent reading will provide an increase to her attack speed, and these buffs stack with each other until she loses a stock, which will then reset it to being empty. The five seconds can be done across cumulative uses of this move, and how much is built up is shown by a image of book by Belle’s icon, which lights up when this move is in use, and will have a number on it showing how many buffs she has received. This move’s primary strength is to reduce the starting lag for Belle’s standard special and smash attacks, her primary KO options, and Belle will be knocked out of this mode if she takes damage.

Superstar Attack - Wood Chopper

Belle summons her father’s wood-chopping machine, which goes berserk and rampages around the battlefield in an erratic manner. All parts of the chopper can damage opponents, but the axe in the front is especially powerful, possessing serious KO power and dealing out immense damage. The wood chopper can also be attacked by Belle or her opponents, which allows it to become slightly stronger. The wood chopper stays out for about 15 seconds and Belle can’t be hurt by it.


Up Taunt - Belle says “You are positively primeval.”

Side Taunt - Belle rolls her eyes in annoyance while letting out a sigh.

Down Taunt - Belle says “Well some people use their imaginations.”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Belle applauds and says “Bravo! That was wonderful!”

Victory Animation 2: Belle hugs the footstool dog when it comes running into her arms.

Victory Animation 3: Belle is busy reading a book, paying no attention to the applause for her.

Losing Animation: Belle applauds.

Jack Skellington:

Trophy Description:

The Pumpkin King of Halloween Town, Jack Skellington is beloved by everyone who lives there and is instrumental in their celebration of the spooky holiday. However, Jack has gotten tired of the same old deal year after year, and tries to instead support Christmas for a change, bringing “interesting” results. Jack Skellington utilizes both holidays in his attacks, throwing deformed Christmas presents and flaming pumpkins about.

General Information:

Jack Skellington is a tall character who is on the heavier end of the middleweight characters and primarily falls into the all-around archetype of character, not possessing phenomenal advantages, but lacking severe weaknesses as well. Jack has decent agility stats, with good running speed and above average air and falling speed, and his damage-dealing capabilities and KO power are decent as well. Jack’s special moves primarily involve spawning tools to help control the stage in his favor, and while these options rarely score KOs, they’re great ways to rack up damage safely. Jack’s KO power comes primarily from his smash attacks and up and down airs, which all have solid KO potential when used efficiently. His up special is also a great tool for horizontal recovery. While not flawless, Jack isn’t loaded with weaknesses and those he has aren’t too crippling. Jack’s up special has very poor vertical recovery, though due to his long legs, Jack can jump pretty high and his decent air speed give him acceptable if unspectacular vertical gain. Jack is also one of the taller characters in the game, and while he is in the heavier half of the cast, he is still a middleweight character whose weight isn’t the greatest for his size, meaning he’s more susceptible to combos than average while not being as heavy as most characters his height or taller. Overall, Jack Skellington is a solid choice, especially for those who like to litter their own hazards on the stage, and he can be a very effective fighter if you can work around his lesser qualities.

Standard Special - Jumping Jack

Jack spawns a deformed Jack-in-the-box, which hops for a few seconds in front of where it spawns and knocks those who hit it away. It travels slower than the toy duck but does more damage and knockback.

Side Special - Pumpkin Burn

Jack throws a long pole that contains two flaming pumpkins on each end a short distance in front of him. While the pumpkins don’t do much knockback, the damage done is decent and they also cause additional damage-over-time effects for a few seconds if someone touches the fire.

Up Special - Spooky Vampire

A toy vampire that has wings grabs a hold of Jack and carries him a horizontal distance, doing mild damage and knockback to those either the vampire or Jack hit. The horizontal recovery is great, but the vertical recovery is very poor. Thankfully, Jack’s normal jumps are pretty high thanks to his long legs, so he has other ways to compensate for this move’s weakness.

Down Special - Deformed Duck

Jack spawns a deformed duck that rides on a small cart, which speeds forward and hurts those who touch it. The duck moves very quickly and does acceptable damage, but its knockback is low.

Superstar Attack - Spooky Santa

Jack hops off-screen and reappears dressed as Santa Claus, piloting a sleigh that is being pulled by Zero and several skeletal reindeer. He zooms across the stage, dealing great damage and knockback to anyone Zero or the reindeer touch, and if someone touches his sleigh, they get captured and are stuck in the sleigh. Once in the sleigh, you can’t get out and you’re instantly KO’d once Jack’s sleigh flies off-screen, making this a powerful Superstar Attack that has potential to instantly KO unlucky opponents.


Up Taunt - Jack Skellington makes a frightening face by stretching out his mouth with his fingers and roars.

Side Taunt - Jack Skellington says “Since I am dead, I can take off my head.” and does so as he says it, putting it back on when he’s done talking.

Down Taunt - Jack Skellington says “You’re welcome, one and all!”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Jack Skellington takes a bow and says “Thank you. Thank you. Thank you very much.”

Victory Animation 2: Jack Skellington emerges out of a fountain and poses triumphantly.

Victory Animation 3: Zero floats around Jack as he tosses a flaming pumpkin into the air and catches it.

Losing Animation: Jack Skellington applauds.

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One character I’d love to see added to the game is Rumplestilskin

I’d love to see Cinderella and Olaf’s move sets (In my game idea, they are the first two people Mickey frees, Olaf being the tutorial opponent and Cinderella being the first in the story. So I want to see if it matches up to my ideas.) If not, or along with this, could you describe a little bit about story mode (worlds, forked roads, unlockable characters, etc.) and/or the game’s mechanics (how you use moves, mobility, where you might be able to play the game (computer or console), etc.)

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By the way, I’m wondering when and how players go about using taunts in this game and Smash Bros. and what do they do?

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I would like to see what you do with Alice, The Mad Hatter, Winnie the Pooh, and Tigger please.

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Interesting day today. Today, I’ve got six requested movesets (Cinderella, Olaf, Alice, Mad Hatter, Winnie the Pooh, and Tigger), a few questions, and some follow-up on how things are going with my remaining DLC movesets. First, I’ll post the movesets.


Trophy Description:

The stepdaughter of Lady Tremaine, Cinderella is abused by her stepmother and stepsisters, forced to be a servant to them and work all the time. She sees attending the royal ball as her chance to escape her abusive stepfamily for one night, and with the help of the Fairy Godmother, she is able to get her wish. Enchanted with the Fairy Godmother’s magic, Cinderella can swap between her ball-gown and maid outfit in battle, which have their own pros and cons.

General Information:

Cinderella is a fighter whose stats generally fall on the average side of things, but her main gimmick as a fighter, switching between her ball-gown and maid outfit, allows her to specialize in different areas depending on which she is wearing at the moment. By default, Cinderella starts the battle in her ball-gown, which gives her average weight, below average agility stats, and average strength, with her main advantages in this form being her ability to utilize additional effects on her special moves. For example, in her ball-gown, Cinderella’s standard special allows her to dump water onto the stage that reduces opponents’ traction, but in her maid outfit, the water is on the stage for less time and doesn’t reduce traction. When Cinderella switches to her maid outfit, her endurance is decreased to being on the lighter end of the middleweights and her up special tether recovery is shorter, but her agility stats are increased from below average to being above average, and her moves typically do more damage and knockback in this outfit as well. In this form, those additional effects that are present in many of Cinderella’s special moves are absent, but the trade-off is increased speed and strength, which can be worth it in the right circumstances. In general, playing Cinderella is all about knowing which outfit is best to wear at the right times. If you need to rack up damage and/or score KOs, then prioritize being in her maid outfit, but if you need better endurance, recovery, and/or more annoying special moves, then pick the ball-gown instead. Those who can effectively utilize the strengths and weaknesses of both of Cinderella’s forms will likely be able to do well with her.

Standard Special - Soapy Water

Cinderella dumps a bucket of soapy water onto the battlefield, with its effects depending on what outfit she is wearing. In her ball-gown outfit, the water stays out longer and reduces a foe’s traction, but only does damage during the initial throw that adds it onto the stage. In her maid outfit, the water does more damage during the initial throw and does mild damage to those present in the water, but it stays out for less time and doesn’t reduce one’s traction.

Side Special - Corn Chips

Cinderella throws a group of corn chips onto the stage, which, if done in her ball-gown outfit, do damage to everyone who walks over them except for herself, but no one will take damage from them during the throw. If thrown in her maid outfit, the corn chips do decent damage and cause flinching during the initial throw, but don’t stay out on the stage.

Up Special - Sash Grab

Cinderella throws out a sash which can be used as either an attack or a tether recovery. In her ball-gown outfit, the sash is longer but weaker. In her maid outfit, the sash is shorter but stronger.

Down Special - Costume Swap

Cinderella starts the battle in her ball-gown, but using this move allows her to use the Fairy Godmother’s magic to transform from the ball-gown to her maid outfit, with both outfits having different strengths and weaknesses. In general, Cinderella in her maid outfit is stronger and faster, but her attacks often tend to lack additional effects that Cinderella has in her ball-gown outfit.

Superstar Attack - Stroke of Midnight

The sound of a clock chiming is heard as the stage gets covered with the Fairy Godmother’s magic, healing Cinderella for a sizable portion of her health if she is in her ball-gown outfit, and granting Cinderella a sizable increase in attack power if she is in her maid outfit, which lasts until the magic goes away in 15 seconds. Foes will also suffer a decrease in movement speed and in the damage and knockback they do to Cinderella specifically. When Cinderella is going into this and her damage is very high, prioritize on healing, but if her damage isn’t that bad, then go for the extra power to score some KOs.


Up Taunt - Cinderella says “Old killjoy.”

Side Taunt - Cinderella says “I’m just going to have to teach you a lesson.”

Down Taunt - Cinderella says “One at a time, please.”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Cinderella spins around and says “Why, it’s like a dream; a wonderful dream come true.”

Victory Animation 2: Cinderella walks into the scene, leaving a glass slipper behind for a brief second, which she goes back and grabs.

Victory Animation 3: Cinderella is shown in her rags, which the Fairy Godmother transforms into her ball-gown. If the Fairy Godmother is present in the fight, then this animation can’t be used.

Losing Animation: Cinderella applauds.


Trophy Description:

A snowman that Elsa created when playing with Anna when they were kids. Years later, once Elsa exiles herself from her kingdom, she recreates Olaf, who now has sentience. Olaf runs into Anna, and accompanies her as a warm-hearted, if somewhat bumbling companion. Olaf primarily uses ice and snow-related objects in his special moves, though he has a unique recovery method where he can melt into a puddle to evaporate in a different location.

General Information:

Olaf is a lightweight fighter who, despite what you may expect from his appearance and goofy personality, actually possesses reasonable strength and can definitely hold his own in battle. Olaf’s special moves contain a good mix between hurting opponents physically and annoying them with negative effects, with his side special producing a snow cloud that briefly freezes those it makes contact with, and his down special both being an effective KO option that also reduces the strength of frozen opponents that it hits. Olaf’s standard special is also an effective tool for scoring KOs that also serves as a projectile attack, in which Olaf takes off his head and throws it in front of him, and Olaf’s up special allows him to evaporate himself into a new location, which doesn’t do any damage, but allows him to keep himself safe from harm and recover efficiently. Olaf’s smash attacks also have surprising strength, though due to his short stature, the range is fairly poor. However, despite his surprising strength, Olaf isn’t without flaws. Olaf’s agility is fairly unspectacular, with below average running speed, very low falling speed, and above average air speed, and his standard special, though a powerful KO option, has quite a bit of starting and ending lag. Additionally, Olaf’s low weight reduces his ability to take punishing attacks well, meaning he must be careful to minimize the damage he receives if he wants to succeed. Overall, Olaf is an effective combatant when played wisely, as his good attack power and helpful utilities give him good assets to do well, though you must be careful to avoid getting KO’d yourself before you’re able to do the same to your adversaries.

Standard Special - Heads Will Roll

Olaf pulls his head off his body and throws it a short distance in front of him, doing good damage and knockback to those hit, and having some KO potential at higher percentages.

Side Special - Flurry Cloud

Olaf summons a small cloud that emits snow and travels a short distance away from him, freezing anyone caught underneath it for three seconds.

Up Special - Evaporation

Olaf melts into a puddle, and as he melts, the player can move a dotted path that spawns to determine where Olaf will reappear, as he evaporates from his current location to the new one and becomes a snowman again. This move does not do any damage, but it is an effective recovery move and Olaf can’t be damaged as a puddle.

Down Special - Icicle Terror

Olaf summons a group of four icicles high in the sky, which rain down in quick succession and hurt those they touch, having enough power to be an effective KO move. Olaf can’t be hurt by the icicles, and if an icicle hits a frozen opponent, they’ll be unfrozen and have their attack power reduced for a few seconds.

Superstar Attack - Wrath of Marshmallow

Olaf summons Marshmallow, who spawns in the background and attacks by punching the stage with his fists and shooting ice out of his mouth that freezes those who touch it for ten seconds. Marshmallow’s fists possess excellent KO potential, and while where he slams his fists is random, it is especially daunting to get frozen by him, as that leaves you with no way to escape his fist if he feels like attacking where you’re frozen at. Marshmallow stays out for 15 seconds and can’t hurt Olaf.


Up Taunt - Olaf says “Why aren’t you running?”

Side Taunt - Olaf confusingly says “Yeah. Why?”

Down Taunt - Olaf quietly says to himself “You’re crazy.”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Olaf wears a hat and holds a cane while dancing with two seagulls carrying the same items.

Victory Animation 2: Olaf walks into the scene with his head upside-down and says “Wait, what am I looking at right now?”

Victory Animation 3: Olaf cheerfully says “Hi, I’m Olaf, and I like warm hugs.”

Losing Animation: Olaf applauds.


Trophy Description:

A young girl who wishes for her life to be less normal and gets her wish by following a talking white rabbit into the crazy world of Wonderland. As she tries to find the White Rabbit, Alice soon realizes her wish may not be as good as she wanted when Wonderland proves to be too crazy for her. Alice uses size-changing treats in combat to become tiny and heal herself or become giant and deal out a lot of damage, with both sides having notable benefits and drawbacks.

General Information:

Alice is one of those characters who has a more high-risk, high-reward type of fighting style, as while she has some big flaws, her strengths are also quite notable. At first glance, looking at her stat distribution, Alice seems to be a poor fighter. Alice is tied in weight with Miguel, with both being lightweight fighters who are close to being middleweight fighters, and her agility stats are generally mediocre, with below average running speed, average air speed, and low falling speed. Alice has only one projectile attack, and it’s a fairly unremarkable one outside of allowing her to fight at a distance and dealing good damage. Alice’s KO power also initially appears to be an issue, as her only moves that possess KO power are her smash attacks, which are generally weaker than average than the smash attacks found by most of the other characters. However, despite her appearing to be weak upon first glance, Alice’s primary mechanic and two most notable tools are her major strengths as a fighter, and that is her standard and down special moves. These two moves allow her to become giant and tiny, respectively, which is something no character is allowed to do on their own without using the Wonderland Treat Box item, or being hit by Ian’s down special. When Alice becomes giant-sized, she becomes the biggest and heaviest that any character can potentially be in the game without the use of items, with her being very hard to KO in this form, and she is able to avoid flinching if hit by some weaker attacks that would normally make a character flinch. On top of that, her KO power goes from being in the low tier to being in the top tier, being strong enough to consistently KO opponents like Willie and Elliott (the two heaviest characters normally) with her forward and down smash attacks if they have around 50 damage. When Alice becomes tiny-sized, she becomes the smallest and lightest that any character can be in the game without outside items, and at that size, she becomes quite hard to hit. Normally, being tiny is a disadvantage, but Alice adds an additional quirk to her being tiny that is beneficial, and that she gradually heals some of the damage she has when she is tiny. However, as good as both of these forms can be, they do have some drawbacks. When giant-sized, Alice is a massive target, making her susceptible to combos, though thankfully, she can take damage incredibly well when in this form. When tiny-sized, Alice is super light and easy to KO if you’re able to hit her, and her KO power is practically non-existent at this size. Additionally, Alice can only be in each of these forms for a temporary period of time, and when that time is up, she will shrink down/grow back to her normal size, unable to use whichever move she just used for a period of time, which is shown by a timer that will appear by her icon that is over an image of either the cookie or drink, depending on which one was just used. Alice’s recovery, while good at her normal size, is also practically non-existent when she is giant and too heavy to gain distance, and when she is tiny and too small to gain notable distance. Overall, Alice’s main mechanic is quite an interesting one, and those who are able to understand the strengths and weaknesses she possesses at each size and use them appropriately will likely be able to do very well with her. However, Alice is not a character to be recommended for beginners, and she can be tough to consistently do well with, but she is a very powerful fighter if mastered.

Standard Special - Eat Me

Alice eats a cookie that makes her gigantic, making her bigger and heavier than any other character in the game. When giant, most of Alice’s attacks do substantial damage and knockback, and she is very hard to KO and won’t flinch from some weaker attacks. If this move is inputted again while she’s giant, Alice will shrink back to her normal size. Alice can be giant for a maximum of 20 seconds, with how long she has to wait before she can use this move again being determined by this formula (“How long Alice was giant/2” + 5 (all in seconds)).

Side Special - Pocketwatch Throw

Alice throws the White Rabbit’s pocketwatch a distance in front of her. The watch does good damage and some knockback, but not enough knockback to reliably be used as a KO move. The watch does not scale in size with Alice, making her unable to use it when tiny, and only dealing slightly more damage when giant.

Up Special - Floating Fall

Alice’s dress briefly acts like a parasol and sends her up into the air and slowly floating back down. The recovery is most effective at her normal size, as she’s too small when tiny to get any notable distance and is practically useless when giant as she’s too heavy to gain any distance.

Down Special - Drink Me

Alice drinks from a bottle that makes her tiny, making her smaller and lighter than any other character in the game. When tiny, Alice is quite hard to hit, and she gradually heals for some of her damage. If this move is inputted again while she’s tiny, Alice will grow back to her normal size. Alice can be tiny for a maximum of 20 seconds, with how long she has to wait before she can use this move again being determined by this formula (“How long Alice was tiny/2” + 5 (all in seconds)).

Superstar Attack - Giant Stomp

Alice eats a cookie and grows so big that only her feet are seen on-screen. Upon reaching her maximum size, Alice has ten seconds to move her foot around and decide when for her to stomp it down on the ground, and she’ll automatically do it where her foot is at if the ten seconds have passed. Enemies hit by the impact will go flying and likely be KO’d at fairly low percentages, and if you’re unlucky enough to be under her foot when she stomps it down, you’ll be crushed and instantly KO’d. Alice only gets to stomp once during this attack, so make the best use you can out of it.


Up Taunt - Alice gets annoyed and impatiently stomps her foot in frustration.

Side Taunt - Alice says “Curiouser and curiouser…”

Down Taunt - Alice says “I don’t want to go among mad people.”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Alice politely curtsies.

Victory Animation 2: Alice brushes some dirt and dust off her dress, and says “There. That’s better.”

Victory Animation 3: Alice holds her cat, Dinah, and says “Well, Dinah, it looks like I won.”

Losing Animation: Alice applauds.

Mad Hatter:

Trophy Description:

A resident of Wonderland wearing an oversized hat, the Mad Hatter is a crazy individual who loves to drink tea and celebrate Un-Birthday parties with his friend, the March Hare. While often clueless and unhelpful, he doesn’t have bad intentions. The Mad Hatter throws teapots and his hat around the battlefield to pressure foes, and he can even throw out a cake that can explode like a firework.

General Information:

Of the three base game Alice in Wonderland characters, the Mad Hatter is the most balanced and least gimmicky and risky, being easier to use and consistently do well with, though Alice and the Queen of Hearts are overall more powerful when mastered, even if they’re tougher to consistently do well with. The Mad Hatter is a middleweight character, albeit on the lighter end of them, and he is faster than both Alice and the Queen, having slightly above average running and air speed and below average falling speed. The Mad Hatter’s special moves place a heavy emphasis on projectiles, giving him great ranged attacks, with him being able to throw out teapots, his hat, and an Un-Birthday cake that explodes after it travels through the air. The Mad Hatter is one of those characters whose up special is a tether recovery, with it being above average in terms of how much distance it covers for a tether recovery. The Mad Hatter’s attacks typically do decent damage, and he has a few moves that have some KO potential, with his most powerful tool being his down special, though his forward and down smashes and side special can also work decently in that manner. However, while the Mad Hatter doesn’t have any major weaknesses, there isn’t a ton he’s amazing in, and his most powerful attacks are not as strong as many of Alice’s attacks when she’s giant-sized or many of the Queen of Hearts’ attacks towards opponents who destroyed her red rose tree. At the same time, his flaws are fewer and less pronounced than theirs, so overall, the Mad Hatter is a solid choice for those who want to use a well-balanced character who relies a lot on projectile attacks.

Standard Special - Teapot Throw

The Mad Hatter throws a teapot, doing mild damage to those it hits, stopping them in place, and slightly decreasing their movement speed for a few seconds.

Side Special - Hatter’s Hat

The Mad Hatter throws his hat a distance in front of him, which acts like a boomerang, traveling a distance and then returning back to him. His hat is large and travels quickly, but it’s more knockback-based than damage-based and doesn’t do that much damage, though at higher percentages, it does gain some KO potential.

Up Special - Tricky Tablespread

The Mad Hatter holds onto a long tablespread and throws it out in a diagonal upwards direction, acting as a tether recovery and grabbing onto ledges that it touches. It does decent damage and knockback and reaches a fair distance.

Down Special - Un-Birthday Cake

The Mad Hatter lifts his hat off his head, revealing a large Un-Birthday cake underneath, which goes flying into the air in an upside-down “U” shaped arc, exploding once it touches an opponent or the ground. The move does good damage and knockback and is an effective KO move, though the Mad Hatter can potentially be damaged by it if he isn’t careful enough to stay out of its path.

Superstar Attack - Tea Tsunami

Upon activation, the entire screen will become flooded with tea, which acts similarly to water, in that it slows down everyone’s movement speed, jumping, and falling speed, but it also does damage-over-time to everyone for its duration of 15 seconds. The Mad Hatter is unaffected movement-wise and damage-wise by the tea, though outside of the tea doing damage, there is no knockback component to this Superstar Attack, meaning its use is to help the Mad Hatter have an easier time scoring KOs than necessarily being a KO move itself.


Up Taunt - The Mad Hatter asks “Why is a raven like a writing desk?”

Side Taunt - The Mad Hatter asks “Don’t you care for tea?”

Down Taunt - The Mad Hatter jolts the teacup he’s holding up, causing the tea to go flying into the air and land back down in the cup.

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: The Mad Hatter takes his hat off and bows, revealing a large Un-Birthday cake on his head.

Victory Animation 2: The Mad Hatter says “Now that that’s over, it’s just the right time for tea!” as he starts to drink some tea.

Victory Animation 3: The March Hare stands next to the Mad Hatter as the two hold hands and dance around in a circle.

Losing Animation: The Mad Hatter applauds.

Winnie the Pooh:

Trophy Description:

A “silly old bear” who belongs to Christopher Robin and lives with his friends in the Hundred Acre Wood. Pooh is a friendly if not particularly smart individual who is obsessed with honey and will do anything he can to get as much of it as possible. Pooh is a lighter character who isn’t all that strong or fast, but he uses honey in combat to cover foes and slow them down to increase the damage they take from the bees he can summon.

General Information:

Pooh is a lightweight fighter who is slightly heavier than Tigger and slightly lighter than Eeyore, and his agility stats are unimpressive, having low running and falling speed, though his air speed is decent. In general, Pooh’s attack speed is nothing to write home about, though he does have a pretty good up special for recovering and his side special projectile allows him to have a tool to attack from a distance. Pooh’s main specialty is that, if he’s able to effectively combine two of his special moves together, he can be quite good at racking up lots of damage. Pooh’s standard special allows him to throw some honey out, which either lands on the ground and slows down those who enter it and makes it harder for them to jump, or lands on opponents. An opponent can have up to three stacks of honey on them at a time, and each stack stays on them for a good amount of time, with the more stacks of honey of them equaling a higher decrease to their agility and jumping power. Once foes start getting honey on them, Pooh will find it wise to use his down special, in which he summons a swarm of bees. Bees will sting anyone they come across, flinching them and racking up damage, and they both will do more damage to and prioritize going after foes who are covered with honey, with the more stacks of honey equaling more damage the bees will do. If these two moves are combined together, Pooh can be quite exceptional at racking up damage. However, Pooh definitely has some flaws to bring up. As mentioned earlier, he is light and not the fastest character ever, and while Pooh has great damage-dealing capabilities, his KO options are both limited and not especially strong compared to most characters. Pooh’s primary tools for scoring KOs are his forward and up smashes and his side special, which don’t develop a chance to reliably score KOs until his opponents have a high amount of damage taken, and aren’t helped by the fact that his smash attacks have very poor range and his side special is a bit slow to start. Overall, while Pooh can sometimes struggle to score KOs, he is great at racking up damage, can easily make it back to the stage, and is also great at reducing the movement options of his opponents. Those who can work around his weaknesses will likely find him to be an effective combatant.

Standard Special - Honey, Sweet Honey

Pooh throws some honey out of a pot, which can either land on foes or the ground. If it lands on the ground, it will reduce the movement speed of anyone who is in it (except for Pooh) and make it harder for them to jump. If the honey lands on an opponent, they will flinch and take mild damage, while the honey stays on them for about 20 seconds. Opponents can be covered with up to three stacks of honey, and each stack after the first stack will provide a slight decrease to their movement speed and jumping power.

Side Special - Pots-a-Plenty

Pooh throws an empty honey pot a short distance in front of him. The pot will do decent damage and knockback to anyone it hits and has some potential to KO on high-damaged opponents.

Up Special - Floaty Balloon

Pooh grabs onto a balloon, which carries him into the air. The balloon can push opponents out of the way, but does not do any damage, though the recovery is pretty good.

Down Special - Pesky Bees

Pooh summons a swarm of bees, which stay out for ten seconds and roam around the battlefield. Anyone they come across will get stung by them, doing damage and making them flinch. The bees will prioritize going after foes who have honey on them, and with the more stacks of honey someone has on them, the more damage they will take from the bees. Since the bees do not cause knockback minus flinching, they won’t be used to score KOs, but they can do very good damage to opponents who have two or three stacks of honey on them. Therefore, it’s important for Pooh (who can’t be hurt by the bees) to utilize this move and his standard special in combination with each other to effectively hinder his opponents and rack up their damage.

Superstar Attack - Swarm of Bees

A honey tree spawns right in front of Pooh, which stays on the battlefield for 15 seconds as a few large swarms of bees fly out and sting opponents they come across. Unlike the normal bees, these bees do launch opponents, and the knockback can be very strong on those who have stacks of honey on them. Their damage output is also noticeably higher as well. Pooh can’t be hurt by the bees.


Up Taunt - Pooh cheerfully giggles.

Side Taunt - Pooh says “Oh, bother.”

Down Taunt - Pooh says “I hope I have more honey on me.”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Pooh happily eats honey from a pot.

Victory Animation 2: The stitching on Pooh’s back gets undone, and he zips it back together and stands happily.

Victory Animation 3: Pooh says “Oh, now that I’ve won, all my honey will taste extra good now.”

Losing Animation: Pooh applauds.


Trophy Description:

A hyper stuffed tiger toy who prides himself on being the only one of his kind and spends his days bouncing around and having fun with his friends. While Tigger’s overly eccentric and sometimes destructive nature can be a bit much for his friends at times, he means no intentional harm with his actions. Tigger’s bounciness grants him a fantastic recovery and powerful bouncing attacks, but his stuffed nature makes his endurance rather unspectacular.

General Information:

Befitting his bouncy nature, Tigger is an active character with excellent jumping power and having the ability to recover with three of his four special moves. Tigger can gain horizontal distance with his side special, a lot of horizontal distance and a little bit of vertical distance with his up special, and a lot of vertical distance with his standard special if he charges it a bit before use. This gives Tigger a bunch of effective recovery options, which is further aided by his good agility stats, having good running speed, great air speed, and low falling speed. Tigger’s attacks typically come out quickly and his decent-damaging and low knockback tilt and aerial attacks give him good combo potential. Tigger’s down special gives him a tool he can use both as a projectile and reflector, and while his KO options are somewhat limited to just his fully charged standard special, his forward and down smashes, and (to a lesser extent) his side special, they all work well as strong attacks. Tigger’s biggest weakness is his poor endurance, with him being among the ten lightest characters in the game and struggling to take a ton of punishment. Thankfully, his recovery is great and his variety of recovery options can make it harder for opponents to predict what he’ll use to get back to the stage and possibly counter-attack him, but his light weight is still a big issue. Additionally, Tigger’s strongest attack (his fully-charged standard special) has a fairly small hitbox and typically won’t hit grounded opponents. Overall, Tigger is a strong fighter if you can make sure he deals more punishment to his foes than they do to him, and is a solid choice for those who want to use him.

Standard Special - Big Bounce

Tigger will do a bounce attack into the air, with its power and distance covered depending on how long the move is charged before used. The move is weak and covers little distance upon a simple tap, but when fully charged, Tigger gains excellent vertical recovery and does great damage and knockback to those hit. However, this attack will mostly work as a KO move against airborne opponents, as only the top of Tigger does damage, though Tigger can potentially hit grounded opponents with this move on some stages where he can pass through a platform someone may be standing on.

Side Special - Tigger’s Roll

Tigger does a roll attack, giving him a brief burst of speed and giving him another tool for horizontal recovery. Those that make contact with Tigger during the roll will be grabbed by him as he rolls, taking reasonable damage and knockback in the process. The move does have some KO potential at higher percentages.

Up Special - Soaring Umbrella

Tigger pulls out an umbrella which gets blown by the wind, carrying him and the umbrella in the direction he is facing in a diagonally upwards manner. The attack does mild damage and knockback and has great horizontal recovery, though the vertical recovery is nothing special. Thankfully, Tigger’s standard special move helps make up for this move not providing great vertical recovery.

Down Special - Peculiar Pumpkin

Tigger pulls out a pumpkin, which he can use to reflect projectile attacks. If the move is inputted again while the pumpkin is out, Tigger will throw the pumpkin a short distance in front of him, which does mild damage and knockback to those it hits and slightly decreases their movement speed for a few seconds.

Superstar Attack - Heffalumps and Woozles

Upon activation, a pack of Heffalumps and Woozles roam around the battlefield, damaging and launching opponents they hit. The Heffalumps have great KO power but move slower, and the Woozles move quicker but have less (though still decent) KO power. The attack lasts for around 15 seconds and Tigger can’t be hurt by the Heffalumps and Woozles.


Up Taunt - Tigger shouts “Hello?!?!?”

Side Taunt - Tigger says “Woo-hoo-hoo-hoo!”

Down Taunt - Tigger pulls his rubber face out in both directions with his hands, and releases them, causing the rubber to snap back into place.

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Tigger says “What’d I tell ya? Winning fights is what Tiggers do best!”

Victory Animation 2: Tigger jovially hops around in a circular pattern.

Victory Animation 3: Tigger says “Woo-hoo-hoo-hoo! TTFN! Ta-ta for now!” and runs off-screen.

Losing Animation: Tigger applauds.

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The post was too long for all of this so this is separate. For the questions:

I’d love to see Cinderella and Olaf’s move sets (In my game idea, they are the first two people Mickey frees, Olaf being the tutorial opponent and Cinderella being the first in the story. So I want to see if it matches up to my ideas.) If not, or along with this, could you describe a little bit about story mode (worlds, forked roads, unlockable characters, etc.) and/or the game’s mechanics (how you use moves, mobility, where you might be able to play the game (computer or console), etc.)

It’s great to hear you’re making a Smash Bros. style Disney game idea as well, and I hope the process of doing so is going smoothly and is fun.

Story Mode - My story mode is definitely far from complete, but I intend for it to be a mix between World of Light and Subspace Emissary, in that players explore a map and fight bosses/free playable characters similar to the former, but there are no spirit battles and levels similar to the latter are present instead, which is where most of the characters are found, though a few characters can be unlocked on the map. There are alternate paths and forks one can take, and playing every level and unlocking every character is not required to beat the mode, though doing so is required for the true ending and 100%. I know in my first level, it is a mini-tutorial level in which you get used to the game’s mechanics and fighting enemies that ends in a fight against Donald that will free him from Chernabog’s power and have him join your team, and in the level there is a timed challenge at the beginning that will lead to the unlocking for Pete that you’ll revisit later with a faster character in order to complete.

Afterwards, it leads to the first boss (the Battle Bot), and then a three-way fork in which players can choose between unlocking either Goofy, Ariel, or Jack Skellington, with the one chosen dictating which level the characters go to next (Goofy leads to a level inspired by Big Thunder Mountain that unlocks Woody and Jessie, Ariel leads to a level taking place in Monstropolis that unlocks Sulley and Mike, and Jack Skellington leads to a level taking place on Syndrome’s Island that unlocks Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl). I also know I want Jafar and Maleficent to be unlocked after defeating Genie Jafar and Dragon Maleficent, respectively. The rest of the levels and who’s present in them are still in the planning phase, but any ideas suggested are welcome and I may consider incorporating them.

Game’s Mechanics - The game functions identically in playstyle to Smash Bros., where every character has standard attacks, tilt attacks, smash attacks, aerial attacks, a dash attack, throws, and special moves. Mobility-wise, every character moves and jumps with the same controls, though how good a character’s mobility is depends on the fighter (for example, someone like Dash (the fastest character, with his speed being comparable to how fast Sonic is in Smash Bros., being extremely fast but obviously toned down from the source material) is going to be a lot faster and more agile than someone like Ursula, but both characters move around in the same way and control scheme. I haven’t really thought about where you could play it (theoretically of course, as this isn’t a real game and just a fan-made idea), but I’m upon to it being available on both computers and the current generation of Nintendo, Microsoft, and Sony consoles. The only thing I wouldn’t be sure about is online, as in whether people online can fight other people on different systems (for example, should someone playing on the Switch be able to fight someone on the Xbox? I’m not sure at the moment or know if this is even technically possible). The game will function the same on all versions with no gameplay differences outside of the controllers being different.

By the way, I’m wondering when and how players go about using taunts in this game and Smash Bros. and what do they do?

Taunts in this game work identically to how they do in Smash Bros., where they’re nothing more than a visual flair a character can use to annoy/provoke an opponent, and are often done after KO’ing a person. Much like Ultimate, I intend to have taunt cancelling by moving when taunting to be a thing.

Finally, I’d like to announce that I’m nearing the end of the DLC movesets, with only Max, Mr. Potato Head, Stromboli, and McLeach (by the way, super happy he got added) being left to get done, which hopefully I can finish this weekend.

Thanks! It is going great! At first, it was just a side project and vague thought (since I’m doing Hero Concepts and making my own Pokemon region!) But you inspired me to finish it! Thanks for that!

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^ That’s great to hear, and hopefully the process of making your game idea goes smoothly and remains fun to do throughout.

For this batch of movesets, in honor of McLeach getting added to Disney Heroes: Battle Mode, I’m going to post his moveset, and I figured I might as well post Medusa and Penny/Bernard/Bianca’s movesets to fit with The Rescuers franchise getting attention lately. I actually made a character concept for the latter last year, and about two years before that, I made character concepts for Willie and Ichabod, so I figured it would be fun to include them on here as well since all of these characters are ones unlikely to be requested since they’re on the more obscure side of things.


Trophy Description:

An evil poacher who enjoys hunting and being cruel to animals, and is determined to get his hands on a giant golden eagle named Marahute after having already killed her mate. When he discovers a boy named Cody knows the eagle’s whereabouts, McLeach kidnaps him and is determined to do whatever he can to get Cody to reveal Marahute’s location. McLeach’s smash attacks with firing bullets from his gun are among the farthest-ranged there are, though he’s somewhat weak in the air.

General Information:

Many people will likely compare McLeach to the villain from the original The Rescuers, Medusa, to figure out which one is better in combat, and both have some advantages and disadvantages over each other. Much like Medusa, McLeach is one of the more well-rounded villains, though his advantages and disadvantages tend to be a little more pronounced than hers. McLeach is a middleweight fighter who is slightly heavier than Medusa, being faster on the ground with above average running speed and falling speed, though slower in the air with below average air speed. McLeach’s smash attacks, where he fires bullets from his gun, have the unique effect of being a smash attack that is a projectile, giving him good range in addition to having sufficient KO power. McLeach also has knives and eggs he can hurl for projectiles, with the former being stronger and the latter having the ability to briefly slow down those he hits. McLeach’s standard special, where he swings his gun around in a circular motion, has good KO power, though not the quickest in starting and ending lag and can potentially leave him vulnerable. However, one area McLeach is definitely beaten by Medusa in is recovery. McLeach’s recovery isn’t terrible, and does have the great effect of summoning a large net that can capture opponents temporarily once his travel is complete, but it only covers average at best vertical distance, and combined with his mediocre jumping power and air speed, his recovery is unspectacular, though he can recover horizontally good enough. McLeach’s aerial attacks are also rather unremarkable, with most doing mild damage with enough knockback to lower combo potential but not enough knockback to help score KOs. Overall, McLeach is a great character to use for those who prefer to attack from a distance, and can be quite a solid fighter if you can keep opponents from exploiting his below average aerial gameplay.

Standard Special - Gun Whack

McLeach swings his gun around him as a melee weapon, reflecting any projectiles in his path and doing good damage and knockback to those he hits, though he must remain stationary as he uses this.

Side Special - Sharp Shot

McLeach throws a knife a distance away from him, which does decent damage and mild knockback to those hit.

Up Special - Eagle Trap

McLeach rides on a weapon resembling a rocket that takes him into the air in a diagonally-upwards direction in the horizontal field he is facing, exploding (which only does mild damage and knockback and doesn’t hurt McLeach) upon reaching its peak to reveal a net that drops down and captures anyone it touches briefly, rendering them immobile and vulnerable to taking damage, but the damage they’ll take is reduced and they’re immune to knockback. The net is an especially powerful tool on those it captures who are standing above a bottomless pit, since the chances of them being unable to get out before getting KO’d are quite high. The move covers good horizontal distance and so-so vertical distance.

Down Special - These Are Not Joanna Eggs

McLeach pulls out a container of eggs and throws two of them a distance away from him, doing mild damage to those hit and causing those hit to have a small reduction in their movement speed for a few seconds. The eggs are weaker than McLeach’s other projectile (his knives), but their additional negative effect can come in handy.

Superstar Attack - Fishing in Crocodile Falls

McLeach sends away within close range of him upon activation into a cinematic where all of the victims he got are tied onto the crane from his truck, and he proceeds to drop them into the crocodile-infested waters below, with the crocodiles attacking those opponents and launching them away. This move is quite powerful and will likely score a KO on anyone who has 30 damage or higher, though if McLeach is unable to capture anyone within close range of him upon activation, the attack will not proceed and be wasted.


Up Taunt - McLeach says “My mental facilities are twice what yours are, you pea brain!”

Side Taunt - McLeach says “No more Mr. Nice Guy!”

Down Taunt - McLeach says “I didn’t make it all the way through third grade for nothing.”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: McLeach, with Joanna next to him, says “Well, Joanna, it looks like lady luck has finally decided to smile on us.”

Victory Animation 2: McLeach dances into the scene singing “Oh, you get a line and I’ll get a pole, matey. You get a line and I’ll get a pole, friend.”

Victory Animation 3: McLeach says “I whooped ya! I whooped ya all! You’ll think twice before messing with Percival C. McLeach!”

Losing Animation: Joanna stands next to McLeach, getting anxious as he gives her an angry look, and McLeach then kicks Joanna in anger at his loss.


Trophy Description:

The greedy and wicked owner of a pawnshop in New York City. Medusa, along with her partner, Snoops, are obsessed with obtaining the world’s largest diamond, the Devil’s Eye, and resort to kidnapping a young orphan named Penny and force her into a cave to obtain it, unaware that the Rescue Aid Society is working to bring Penny back home. Medusa is one of the most well-balanced of the villains and possesses a powerful yet risky attack with her swamp-mobile.

General Information:

As noted in her trophy description, Medusa is one of the most well-balanced of all the playable villains, as most villains tend to be heavier characters who prioritize defense and power over speed. Medusa is a middleweight character, clocking in very close to the middle-of-the-pack out of all the characters in the game weight-wise. Medusa possesses a good balance between strength and speed, being, not amazing, but decent in both categories. Medusa has average running and falling speed, high air speed, and her smash attacks with her cane have sufficient strength. Perhaps Medusa’s biggest strength as a fighter lies in her special moves, which fulfill a variety of helpful roles. Medusa contains a solid projectile attack that has plenty of aiming opportunities, good tools for vertical and horizontal recovery, a move that allows her to reflect projectiles and interrupt physical attacks, and her most powerful move, in which she dashes across the stage in her swamp-mobile. Medusa’s swamp-mobile possesses high strength and is very fast, though it can be a risky move due to how fast it moves and it not being the easiest to control. While some of her special moves do have some risk factors to them, Medusa’s weaknesses as a fighter generally aren’t critical ones, and she is overall a very well-rounded character who has plenty of tools she can use to help defeat her opponents.

Standard Special - The Bumbler’s Fireworks

Medusa summons one of Snoops’ fireworks, which she can aim in any direction and fire, creating an explosion when it makes contact with an opponent or any physical object. This move functions similarly to Mulan’s side special, but Medusa’s fireworks travel quicker and have more aiming opportunities, though they are slightly less powerful.

Side Special - Swamp-Mobile Dash

Medusa summons her swamp-mobile, which she can travel horizontally in for ten seconds or until she inputs the move again while it’s out to despawn it. As far as special moves that function as charging dashes go, this is one of the fastest and strongest, possessing great KO potential and being Medusa’s most powerful attack. However, its speed can potentially be too much, making it hard to control, and Medusa can accidentally self-destruct if she drives off the stage and is unable to recover in time, though this move does work great for horizontal recovery. Once Medusa’s swamp-mobile goes away, she must wait the time given by this formula (“5 seconds” + “Amount of time Medusa had the swamp-mobile out”) before she is able to use it again.

Up Special - High-Rising Launch

Medusa gets her cane stuck on a firework, which blasts her up into the sky. While travelling upwards, Medusa can control which horizontal direction the firework takes her. This move covers great vertical distance, and the horizontal distance is decent, though her side special works better for horizontal recovery. The firework’s damage and knockback is identical to the fireworks that Medusa uses in her standard special, though it lacks the ability to be aimed and will mainly be used as a recovery rather than an attack.

Down Special - Cane Reflect

Medusa spins her cane around a few times, leaving her unable to be damaged from the front. Any projectiles that hit her from the front will be reflected back at twice the original speed and strength. Anyone who tries to physically attack Medusa from the front while this move is going on will take damage from the spinning cane, which interrupts the opponent’s attack. However, Medusa is immobile during this move’s duration, and the back of her is vulnerable to opponents.

Superstar Attack - Crocodile Trouble

Medusa summons her pet crocodiles, Brutus and Nero, who roam around and terrorize the battlefield for 15 seconds. They can perform dash attacks, bite attacks, and swipe their hands to damage opponents. All of their moves do good damage, and the bite attack has excellent KO power. Brutus and Nero tend to split up and target different fighters, and their large size and great speed can make them hard to avoid. Both crocodiles function the same and there is no difference between the two of them statistically. Medusa can not be hurt by Brutus or Nero.


Up Taunt - Medusa says “I want that diamond.”

Side Taunt - Medusa says “Oh, shut up.”

Down Taunt - Medusa says “Out of my way, you road hog!”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Medusa triumphantly holds the Devil’s Eye in her hands and yells “The Devil’s Eye! And it’s all mine!”

Victory Animation 2: Medusa yells “SNOOPS! Snoops, where are you?”

Victory Animation 3: Medusa nearly gets hit by a firework and yells “SNOOPS! Stop playing around with your infernal fireworks!”

Losing Animation: Medusa shakes her head and rolls her eyes in annoyance with her arms crossed.

Penny, Bernard, and Bianca:

Trophy Description:

An orphan girl and two mice who help her escape the clutches of her kidnapper, the evil Madame Medusa. Bernard and Bianca work for the Rescue Aid Society, which helps people in trouble, and upon discovering a message in a bottle from Penny asking for help, they set out to her rescue. The two mice hang out in Penny’s pocket and summon helpful creatures to assist the trio, while Penny utilizes human-sized objects such as a lantern and a pirate’s sword.

General Information:

Penny, Bernard, and Bianca are one of two trio fighters in the game, with the other being Huey, Dewey, and Louie. Unlike the ducks, where all three of them play roughly an equal role in combat, due to how small Bernard and Bianca are, Penny does the majority of the fighting. Due to her young age and small size, Penny clocks in as a lightweight character, though in the heavier half of the lightweights. Despite her unassuming appearance and nature, opponents should not underestimate Penny, as she has a generally good stat distribution and is stronger than she looks. Penny’s agility is above average, having good running speed, very good air speed, slow falling speed, and good jumping power. Most of the trio’s attacks, while not the strongest knockback-wise, execute quickly and do decent damage. They also have a variety of helpful special moves, such as summoning swamp critters to do additional damage, a strong recovery, and a move that can potentially allow them to heal some of the damage they’ve taken. On top of that, Penny possesses surprisingly strong smash attacks, all of which have her use a pirate’s sword to hurt opponents, which have good KO power for someone of her stature and execute quickly as well. The trio’s biggest weakness is that they are light, and while they have plenty of tools to rack up damage, they also need to be careful to avoid taking too much damage. On top of that, their KO options are fairly limited, relying on their smash attacks and side special to KO opponents, but the options they do have work well. Overall, Penny, Bernard, and Bianca have a lot of tools at their disposal to help them succeed, and as long as you’re able to deal out more damage than you take with them, they can be effective combatants.

Standard Special - Pesky Swamp Critters

Bernard and Bianca will summon one of three characters to assist them in battle. The three characters are Ellie Mae, Luke, and Evinrude, who will always appear in that order and function differently. Ellie Mae runs around and whacks anyone she comes across with her rolling pin, which does little damage, but stuns the opponent for a few seconds, giving Penny a good opportunity to hit the stunned opponent with one of her smash attacks or her side special. Luke functions similarly to his wife, but attacks with a pitchfork, which does more damage, but lacks the stun and only makes the opponent flinch. Evinrude is the final one who appears in the rotation and is the most annoying for opponents to deal with. He is faster than Ellie Mae and Luke, is guaranteed to do damage while he is out, and stays out the longest, targeting the fighter closest to the trio and dealing repeated damage through punches to them while he is out. While each punch from Evinrude doesn’t do much damage, he will not let up and can easily rack up one’s damage due to how long he stays out. Ellie Mae and Luke stay out for 10 seconds, and Evinrude stays out for 20 seconds. Bernard and Bianca have to wait 15 seconds after summoning a critter in order to summon another one.

Side Special - Helpful Lantern

Penny pulls out a lantern and throws it a short distance in front of her. The lantern creates a fire where it lands, doing good damage to anyone (including Penny) who touches it. The thrown lantern also does good damage and knockback, possessing decent KO potential and being the trio’s most powerful non-smash attack.

Up Special - Albatross Airlines

Orville appears near the top of the screen, carrying a long rope that has a bucket attached to the end, which Penny gets into as Orville flies in a diagonal direction upwards from the direction the trio are facing. The flight lasts for a few seconds and covers good vertical and horizontal ground. During this time, the trio can perform standard and tilt attacks in the bucket, but they have to do it in the direction they are facing. Orville can do good damage and mild knockback to anyone he hits, but since he is very high in the air, it is generally pretty easy to avoid him.

Down Special - Teddy Bear Heal

Penny pulls out her teddy bear and hugs it for four seconds. If she is able to last that time without taking any damage, the trio will heal for some of their damage. However, the catch is that, while they can still move and jump while this move is going on, any attack done by Penny can not be performed. Since Penny is the character performing most of the trio’s attacks, this means that either Bernard and Bianca will have to fight during that period and/or the trio need to stay away from the other fighters in order for the move to succeed.

Superstar Attack - Spooky Black Hole

A bucket tied onto a long rope appears from the top of the screen, which Penny climbs into as the rope pulls the trio to the top of the screen, rendering them immobile, but invincible as a large hole appears in the middle of the stage. This hole spews out tons of water, which reduces everyone’s movement speed, makes it harder to jump, and gradually tries to pull them down into the hole. Anyone who falls into the hole will take significant damage while they are in there, and if anyone has 100 damage or more upon entering or being in the hole, they will instantly be killed. Once the attack’s duration is up, the hole will erupt everything in there out of it, possessing powerful knockback. The attack lasts for 15 seconds, and Penny has a few seconds of invincibility after this attack ends.


Up Taunt - Bernard yells “LOOK OUT!”

Side Taunt - Penny says “Why’d you have to go and spoil everything?”

Down Taunt - Bianca says “If only I were a ten-foot mouse, I’d show you!”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Penny holds Bernard and Bianca in her hands as the two mice hop up and down to celebrate.

Victory Animation 2: Penny hugs her teddy bear and says “Don’t worry, Teddy. Everything’s going to be alright.”

Victory Animation 3: Rufus appears next to the trio and says “Penny, dear, I’m glad you came out safe and sound.”

Losing Animation: Penny, Bernard, and Bianca all applaud.


Trophy Description:

A childish and dim-witted giant who lives in a castle in the sky and creates trouble for Happy Valley when he steals the valley’s magic singing harp. A powerful user of magic, Willie, despite creating trouble, isn’t really an evil character, and anything bad he does is mainly done out of ignorance rather than malevolence. Willie uses his magic powers to shrink himself down to a large, but not giant, size, and sacrifices speed for pure power and being hard to kill with his heavy weight and ability to fly.

General Information:

As you would probably expect from a character who has an overweight stature and is normally a giant, Willie is extremely heavy. In fact, Willie clocks in as the heaviest character in the game, and on top of that, his up special is a pretty good tool for recovery. This makes Willie arguably the toughest character in the game to KO. On top of his amazing endurance, Willie is also in the top tier of characters from a power standpoint, with many of his moves doing great damage and knockback. He has a powerful projectile attack, a good tool to stun opponents and leave them vulnerable, and his smash attacks, all of which have him using his mace, are among the strongest in the game and have good range for a smash attack. Willie also has the ability to turn invisible, and is one of three characters in the game, with the other two being Baloo and Little John, who can perform a cargo throw. This allows him to carry opponents with his forward throw, which can lead into additional attack opportunities for his victim. Willie’s cargo throw is the most different of the three, as his cargo throw lasts slightly longer than the two bears, but their cargo throws are slightly stronger. For all of his strengths, Willie has two major flaws you must keep in mind. Willie’s incredible power and endurance comes at the cost of speed, as outside of falling incredibly quickly and being able to travel somewhat quickly with his up special, his air speed is below average, and his running speed is quite low. Willie is also a very large character, and is easy to hit and combo when compared to most characters. In general, Willie is a character with notable pros and cons, and if you can overcome his speed and size issues, his amazing endurance and strength make a serious force to be reckoned with.

Standard Special - Pulling Out Grass

Willie pulls out a watering can and waters the ground right in front of him, summoning a patch of grass that spans a good distance. If Willie inputs this move again while he is near the edge of either side of the patch of the grass, he will grab the edge and pull the entire patch off the ground. Anyone on the grass while this happens will trip and be stunned, suffering the equivalent of having broken their shield, which leaves them vulnerable to one of Willie’s many powerful attacks. Willie can have two patches of grass on the stage at a time.

Side Special - Bouncy Ball

Upon input, Willie pulls out a ball and begins to bounce it. If the move is inputted again while the ball is out, Willie will throw the ball a distance in the direction he is facing. Since this move needs to be inputted twice before it can properly be used, it can be easy to predict that Willie is going to use it. However, the ball travels quickly when thrown and has very good KO potential. The ball will go away if Willie inputs another move while it is out, or if he doesn’t do anything with the ball for several seconds after it’s out.

Up Special - Fly Up High Like the Birdies

Willie takes into the air and waves his arms around as if they were wings. Despite his heavy weight and generally low speed, this recovery is pretty solid, and he moves at a decent speed, being the fastest Willie can move. However, the damage and knockback aren’t anything to write home about.

Down Special - Disappear into Atmosphere

Willie makes himself invisible for a short period of time, making him harder to see, but decreasing his endurance. After the time period is up, or if the control stick is tilted when inputted to cancel it, Willie will revert back to normal. However, if the control stick is tapped to cancel it, Willie will reappear as his ball as his body grows back, doing great damage and knockback to anyone who touches the ball.

Superstar Attack - Mace of Mass Destruction

Willie uses his magic to change back into his usual giant size and looms over the stage with his mace in hand. He then slams the giant mace onto the stage, doing serious damage and knockback to anyone hit by it. Once the mace hits the stage, high-damaging shockwaves are sent out from both sides of it. The mace can typically KO characters at damage percentages as low as 15%, and the shockwaves, despite doing minimal knockback, do excellent damage and can rack up one’s damage enough for Willie to have great opportunities to score a KO.


Up Taunt - Willie says “I don’t know no Fifi…”

Side Taunt - Willie sneezes and looks confused for a second.

Down Taunt - Willie claps his hands while jovially singing “Fe, Fi, Fo Fum! He, Hi, Ho Hum!”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Willie turns himself into a pink bunny and says, “You sure you don’t want a pink bunny?”

Victory Animation 2: Willie hops into the scene, happily bouncing his ball, and says “I’m a most amazing guy! A most amazing guy am I!”

Victory Animation 3: Willie flies around in a circle, disappearing into atmosphere, and then he reappears as a pair of eyes, saying “Peekaboo!”

Losing Animation: Willie applauds.


Trophy Description:

The schoolmaster of Sleepy Hollow. Ichabod Crane is a newcomer to the town who is constantly eating and winning the attention of the ladies. He falls in love with the richest woman in town, Katrina, but must compete with the town bully, Brom Bones, for her affections. He also gets into an encounter with the Headless Horseman. Ichabod is one of the more well-balanced characters, containing a powerful sprint attack and horseshoe projectiles.

General Information:

Ichabod is one of the more well-rounded characters in the game, possessing a solid stat distribution and a variety of tools to help assist him in combat. Ichabod is a middleweight character who falls in the middle-of-the-pack in that category, and possesses adequate strength and speed. His air speed is high, and his running and falling speed are slightly above average. His smash attacks have good power, and his moves generally possess decent damage. Ichabod’s special moves help fulfill several roles, with his standard special giving him great speed and a powerful tool for horizontal recovery, his side special being a projectile that increases in power if it hits something, and his down special being able to function as either a projectile or a tool to trip foes. Ichabod’s biggest weakness is that his recovery isn’t the most ideal, as his up special provides little horizontal distance and only decent vertical distance. His standard special is great for horizontal recovery, but the speed at which he moves can lead to trouble if not handled correctly. In general, while Ichabod may not be among the best in any one category, he is able to perform most aspects to a satisfactory level, and his flaws aren’t too major, making him a good choice for those who want to use a balanced character.

Standard Special - Schoolmaster Sprint

Ichabod’s legs spin around in a cartoony manner, turning his legs into a speeding circle. Ichabod then sprints forward, moving very quickly, and dealing enough knockback to be an effective KO move. This move can also be used for horizontal recovery, though Ichabod needs to be careful not to run off the stage using it, as it will be hard for him to make it back if he messes up.

Side Special - Horseshoe Toss

Ichabod throws a horseshoe in the direction he’s facing. The horseshoe will bounce off the first thing it hits, and on its second sweep around, it is faster and stronger. The first sweep is fairly weak, but the second sweep does solid knockback and decent damage. This move can be rather unpredictable, since whatever it bounces off of (or the fact that it may potentially not bounce off something) will determine its effectiveness, though it is a solid projectile under the right circumstances.

Up Special - Lucky Ladder

A ladder is summoned right in front of Ichabod, and he quickly climbs to the top of it. The ladder is decently tall, but the vertical recovery is more along the lines of “good, but not great” than really good. The horizontal recovery is also very weak, though Ichabod’s standard special is strong enough in that department to make up for this move having little of it. The ladder falls to the ground or off the stage depending on if it’s used on the ground or in the air. The ladder is a powerful meteor smash in the air, and does decent damage on those it hits when falling on the ground.

Down Special - Sack of Potatoes

Upon input, Ichabod pulls out a sack of potatoes, rendering him immobile, and he must move the control stick in any direction within three seconds to perform an action with this resource. Moving the stick left or right will have Ichabod throw three potatoes in the direction the stick was moved in. The potatoes do minimal knockback, but it’s easy to get hit by all three in a row, doing solid damage. Moving the stick down will have Ichabod spill out a bunch of potatoes on the ground, which will cause anyone who moves over them (except for Ichabod) to trip and be temporarily stunned. Moving the stick up will have Ichabod put the sack away, which he will automatically do if no input is given within three seconds after he pulls out the sack.

Superstar Attack - Crooning Tune

Ichabod croons a tune, which puts everyone on the stage to sleep, and in the meantime, a bunch of food rains down onto the battlefield. Opponents stay asleep for 15 seconds once Ichabod stops crooning. This is one of the more strategic Superstar Attacks, as Ichabod needs to decide whether it’s better to eat the food to heal himself and/or prevent opponents from eating the food once they wake up, or trying to KO the opponents while they’re defenseless and can’t fight back.


Up Taunt - Ichabod takes out a pie and eats it.

Side Taunt - Ichabod tips his hat and takes a bow.

Down Taunt - Ichabod crosses his arms and looks at the camera with a smug smile, raising his eyebrows a few times.

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Ichabod sits in a chair, holding a large plate with a bunch of food on it, and begins to eat.

Victory Animation 2: Ichabod laughs hysterically while holding some cattails, beating them on his head.

Victory Animation 3: Ichabod walks into the scene reading a book, which he puts away once in place and stands triumphantly.

Losing Animation: Ichabod applauds.

With McLeach’s moveset done, all I have left to do is type up Stromboli and Max’s movesets (which I have planned out) and figure out what to do with Mr. Potato Head. As always, feel free to leave any questions or requests you may have, and thanks for reading.

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Could you do Basil’s moveset? Also, would you just use your up, down, and side moves when the competitor is KO’d to use a taunt?

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^ You would use the D-pad to taunt instead of the control stick, which is used to move around and perform up, down, and side special, smash, tilt, etc. moves. The D-pad is only used for this purpose and won’t move your fighter.

For the final batch of movesets today, I’ll do the request I got for Basil’s moveset. I’ll also throw in randomly decided movesets for Frozone, Slinky, Ralph, and Barbossa.


Trophy Description:

London’s greatest rodent detective who is known for how intelligent and thorough he is in his investigations. Basil is constantly on the trail of his nemesis, Ratigan, and will do everything he can to ensure Ratigan finally gets his just desserts. Since he’s normally the size of a mouse, Basil has been made larger so he can have a fighting chance. He has a unique study mechanic that helps make his attacks stronger.

General Information:

Basil’s size has been increased to roughly the size of a human in this game to allow him to fight properly, considering the vast majority of the characters he’s fitting are usually significantly bigger than him. While Basil is average in height, he only barely clocks in as a middleweight, being on the lighter end of that spectrum. Basil is generally a character who prioritizes speed over power, with him having good running speed, very high air speed, and slow falling speed, but his attack power under normal circumstances is fairly weak. Despite his fairly low attack power, Basil does have a unique mechanic that allows him to increase the amount of damage his attacks do, which is called the study meter. As the battle goes on, Basil has a variety of ways, involving using his special moves, to increase his study meter, and the higher his study meter (shown down by his icon), the more damage his attacks will do, though it will reset to nothing if he loses a stock. Basil’s special attacks primarily revolve around increasing his study meter, with two of them also functioning as projectiles. Basil also has a good recovery in his up special, which also functions as his strongest move without the help of the study meter, though his smash attacks become more powerful than it once the meter is high. Basil’s stat distribution is generally good despite not being the heaviest, and overall, if you can make good use of the study meter to increase his attack power to reasonable levels, Basil is a solid fighter.

Standard Special - Closer Inspection

Basil pulls out his magnifying glass to study any foes within close range of him. Anyone who gets studied takes light damage with no flinching, and Basil’s study meter increases. This is the primary method Basil can use to increase his study meter, as it fills it up the fastest, but is otherwise pretty useless as an actual attack, especially once the study meter is at the highest it can be.

Side Special - Darts of Doom

Basil throws three darts in quick succession at his enemies. Each dart does set knockback and will cause opponents to flinch, and every two darts that hit will increase the study meter. Therefore, if Basil used the move twice and all six darts hit, the study meter would have increased three times. This is a good projectile to use to slow opponents down and annoy them while dealing some damage.

Up Special - Handy Propeller

Basil uses the propeller from Ratigan’s blimp to fly into the sky, where he can control what direction he moves horizontally. The blades are the only area that hurts, but they hurt quite a bit, and this is one of Basil’s most powerful attacks, possessing decent KO potential initially that can become even higher if the study meter is filled up high. It also covers good vertical and horizontal distance, making it a very solid move.

Down Special - Chemical Concoction

Basil throws a beaker with a red chemical inside a distance in front of him. The chemical leaves an impact on the ground once the beaker hits it and shatters, with the residue staying on the ground for about five seconds and hurting anyone who touches and/or walks in it. Every hit someone takes from the chemical will increase Basil’s study meter.

Superstar Attack - The Game’s Not Over Yet!

Basil whistles to summon Toby, who runs across the battlefield a few times. Since Toby’s size still remains proportional to Basil, Toby is giant-sized and will naturally hurt quite a bit. Toby can be jumped over if your character has a good recovery, but it can still be tricky to avoid as Toby can randomly speed up and slow down during his running, which makes his movement patterns unpredictable and harder to avoid.


Up Taunt - Basil says “No one can have a higher opinion of you than I do.”

Side Taunt - Basil impatiently mumbles “Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on…”

Down Taunt - Basil throws his magnifying glass into the air and catches it.

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Basil shouts “Ah-ha!” and strikes a triumphant pose.

Victory Animation 2: Basil says “Thank you.” and poses for a celebration picture, saying “Smile everyone!”

Victory Animation 3: Basil sits in a chair playing his violin.

Losing Animation: Basil applauds.


Trophy Description:

Lucius Best’s superhero persona. Frozone can control and summon all forms of ice, and is best friends with fellow superhero, Mr. Incredible. Unlike his friend, he adjusted well to the law of superheroes being illegal, and would rather their “bowling nights” be about bowling than breaking the law. Frozone uses his ice powers to freeze the opposition and create icy items to aid him and hinder his foes.

General Information:

Frozone is a middleweight fighter who has above average running and air speed, low falling speed, and places a big emphasis on using his super-powers of being able to shoot freezing ice out of his hands. In fact, all four of his special moves have him doing this, and all of them can potentially freeze opponents, which renders those affected immobile and unable to attack temporarily, but they can’t be knocked back and will take reduced damage from attacks that hit them. As Frozone’s attack speed is good and he has a high chance to freeze someone at some point, dealing damage with him tends to be easy. Frozone can create an icy bowling ball to use as a projectile, create a wall of ice that makes it very difficult to hit him if on the other side of it, and a helpful tool for stage control in freezing a portion of the ground in front of him in ice, which greatly reduces the traction of everyone except for him and gives those affected a chance to trip and leave themselves vulnerable. Frozone’s recovery is solid as well. However, while Frozone can deal damage fairly easily, his primary weakness is that his KO power is fairly poor. None of Frozone’s special moves do much knockback, and his only useful tools for scoring KOs are his smash attacks, which are decent, but prioritize damage over knockback, which can make it tricky for Frozone to score KOs at times. Overall, if you’re able to consistently rack up your foes’ damage to high percentages and land your smash attacks on them once that’s done, Frozone can be quite effective.

Standard Special - Bowling on Ice

Frozone uses his powers to create an icy bowling ball and rolls it across the floor, doing mild damage to opponents it hits. The move can be charged up to three seconds for a more powerful ball that does more damage and freezes those hit for four seconds.

Side Special - Icy Slide

Frozone freezes a portion of the ground right in front of him with ice, leaving it frozen for seven seconds. Characters on the ice will have their traction greatly reduced and have a chance to trip and leave themselves vulnerable. Frozone’s movement speed is increased when on ice and his traction is not decreased. Foes who get hit by Frozone’s freezing powers will get frozen for five seconds and take damage. Frozone can have two frozen areas present on the stage at a time.

Up Special - Frozen Staircase

Frozone uses his powers to create a staircase out of ice which he can walk up to help him recover, as this staircase falls very slowly. Anyone else who touches the staircase will get frozen for three seconds and take mild damage.

Down Special - Cold Barrier

Frozone summons a small wall of ice, blocking attacks from one side of it from hitting anyone on the other side. It stays in place for ten seconds or until enough attacks break it to shatter it, sending ice shards flying as projectiles. Those who touch Frozone creating the wall will get frozen for four seconds, and the ice shards do solid damage with mild knockback.

Superstar Attack - Avalanche!

Frozone shoots out a giant spread of ice into the air, which falls back down as icy rocks that damage and launch those that hit them. The rocks come in different sizes and fall at various speeds, with faster and bigger rocks being the most powerful. The move has solid KO potential and can be hard to avoid on smaller stages. This attack lasts for ten seconds and Frozone can’t be hurt by the rocks.


Up Taunt - Frozone smiles and chuckles to himself.

Side Taunt - Frozone says “ I don’t want to know about your mild-mannered alter ego.”

Down Taunt - Frozone says “Ha! Never heard that one before.” in a deadpan manner.

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Frozone says “I’m talking about the greater good here, everybody!”

Victory Animation 2: Frozone yells “WHERE?! IS?! MY SUPER SUIT?!” in his Lucius Best persona.

Victory Animation 3: Frozone says “Tell you the truth, I’d rather go bowling than be here.”

Losing Animation: Frozone applauds.


Trophy Description:

A stretchy dog toy belonging to Andy whose spring allows him to extend himself to long lengths. Friendly and fiercely loyal to Woody, Slinky is a pleasant toy to be around and is easy to get along with. Slinky can bite his tail to create a temporary forcefield to absorb damage he takes from his enemies, and his spring allows him to stretch himself out to reach the stage when recovering with ease.

General Information:

Slinky is a bit of an unusual character as, while he is a lightweight character, he can actually be surprisingly hard to KO due to how a lot of his special moves function. Slinky’s side and up specials give him great tools for horizontal and vertical recovery, respectively, and his down special allows him to summon a forcefield which surrounds him for a few seconds, protecting him from damage and allowing him to absorb 60% of the damage from any attack that hits him and heal for that amount. This, in combination with him being short (making him harder to hit than most), gives Slinky deceptively good defensive tactics, especially for a lightweight character. However, while his defense is good, Slinky’s speed and power aren’t quite as strong. Slinky’s agility stats are fairly unimpressive, having average-at-best running speed, low air speed, and one of the lowest falling speeds in the game. Slinky does have a few powerful special moves with his standard and side special, though the former has a very short range and the latter tends to be telegraphed in advance, and outside of that, his only tools for reliably scoring KOs are his forward and down smash attacks, which aren’t terribly weak, but aren’t that strong compared to most smash attacks. Slinky’s movement and jumps are also greatly reduced to very low levels if he has a forcefield active. In general, Slinky specializes in using his special abilities to outlive his opponents over out-powering them, with him being a good choice for those who want to use a character who will hang in there for a while who isn’t big, and those who can work around his flaws will likely be able to do well with him.

Standard Special - Electric Pooch

Slinky growls, and his spring generates electricity, doing great damage and knockback to those hit by it, though only his spring and not the rest of his body will do damage. Its power is great, though its small range can make it hard to land.

Side Special - Stretchy Slinky

Slinky’s back half stays in place, and he dashes forward, extending his spring to its maximum length, and biting opponents or ledges he comes across in the process. Once he reaches his maximum length (unless he bites a ledge, in which his back half will move towards him), Slinky’s spring will quickly and suddenly snap back into place where his back half is located, with the sudden force of him snapping back being an excellent KO move. If used in the air, Slinky’s falling speed will be decreased considerably, which in combination with how far he stretches, is an excellent tool for him to help recover horizontally, since his up special focuses on vertical recovery.

Up Special - Springy Soar

Slinky hops into the air with his spring extended to its maximum length, doing mild damage and knockback to those he hits and granting him excellent vertical recovery. The movement doesn’t have any horizontal movement, but Slinky’s side special can be used to recover horizontally instead.

Down Special - Built-In Forcefield

Slinky bites his tail and summons a forcefield that covers him for a few seconds. The forcefield allows him to absorb damage from any source that hits him, healing him for 60% of the attack’s damage, though his movement and jumping powers are greatly reduced during this time.

Superstar Attack - Barrel of Monkeys

A bunch of Barrel of Monkey toys rain down from the sky, and roam around the battlefield in erratic movements, doing damage and launching opponents hit. The monkeys are small, but very quick, and the sheer number of them can make them difficult to avoid. Compared to similar Superstar Attacks like this one, its KO potential isn’t quite as high, as the monkeys prioritize damage over knockback, but it can be easy for the monkeys to rack up one’s damage if they struggle to avoid them. This attack lasts for 15 seconds and Slinky can’t be hurt by the monkeys.


Up Taunt - Slinky says “I may not be a smart dog, but I know what roadkill is.”

Side Taunt - Slinky stretches his back half closer to his front to scratch the back of his head with his tail, and then stretches back into place.

Down Taunt - Slinky yells “BAD NEWS?!?”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Slinky cheerfully hops up and down a few times, and stands triumphantly.

Victory Animation 2: Slinky laughs and cheerfully says “Golly, bob howdy!”

Victory Animation 3: Slinky says “That’s the way to go, guys. Never doubted you for a second.”

Losing Animation: Slinky nods his head in approval and respect for the winner.


Trophy Description:

The villain of the game Fix-It Felix Jr., who despite his job, is actually a very good guy who desperately wants to overcome the stigma surrounding him being a bad guy. On his quest, Ralph befriends Vanellope, another video-game outcast, and helps her become a star in her own game, Sugar Rush. Ralph’s big size limits his movement speed, but he has great durability, and his large hands grant him powerful melee attacks.

General Information:

As you’d expect from his large size, Ralph is quite heavy and very strong. Ralph is the fifth heaviest character in the game, and he’s among one of the stronger characters in the game as well. Ralph’s huge fists are especially powerful, with his down special, up and down smashes, and forward and back airs using them and being quite powerful attacks with solid KO power. Additionally, Ralph has one of the most powerful forward smashes in the game, in which he performs a powerful dropkick. While Ralph specializes in close-quarters combat, he does have two tools that allow him to fight from a distance, with those being a projectile attack in which he quickly throws two bricks, and a giant cupcake that he causes to roll around the battlefield and harm those that make contact with it. However, Ralph’s strength and weight do come at the cost of speed and recovery. Ralph has poor agility stats, with low running speed, very low air speed, very high falling speed, and poor jumping power. Additionally, a lot of Ralph’s attacks, particularly his most powerful ones, tend to possess noticeable starting and/or ending lag, making them powerful, but risky. Ralph’s recovery is also unspectacular, with his up special granting him only average at best vertical recovery and mediocre horizontal recovery, and him being quite large makes him a big target and more susceptible to combos than the average fighter. Overall, Ralph’s strengths and weaknesses tend to be big ones, and he can easily be overwhelmed by faster opponents, but if he is consistently able to land hits on his enemies, Ralph can be quite the threat.

Standard Special - Big Cupcake

Ralph summons a large cupcake and rolls it away from him, where it damages anyone in its path. The damage and knockback are solid, though the cupcake doesn’t move too quickly.

Side Special - Brick Barrage

Ralph throws two bricks in quick succession. Compared to most of Ralph’s attacks, this one isn’t especially strong, but it is quicker and farther-ranged than most of his attacks.

Up Special - Stump Jump

A stump appears under Ralph’s feet, and he hops into the air. If the move is done in the air, the stump will fall down, and does good damage and knockback to anyone it hits. It also works as an excellent meteor smash on airborne opponents. However, the recovery is only average at best.

Down Special - Hand Hop Smash

Ralph hops into the air and hangs in midair as he proceeds to punch the ground below him a few times, sending small pieces of debris that can fly out and do mild damage to foes, or doing a ton of damage to anyone caught under his hands. The knockback isn’t as strong as some of Ralph’s attacks, but the damage output can be very high if Ralph’s hands continually hit someone.

Superstar Attack - Ground Pound Dash

Upon activation, Ralph becomes invincible as he starts rapidly dashing, punching the ground repeatedly as he does so. The attack lasts for 15 seconds as Ralph dashes from one end of the stage to another, and then turns around and does it again, getting faster each time he turns around. He will attempt to do as many laps on the stage as possible before the attack ends. The attack has great KO potential and can be pretty hard to avoid on smaller stages, though on bigger stages, this attack can lose a lot of its effectiveness, since Ralph won’t be going as fast and there’s more room to avoid him.


Up Taunt - Ralph says “I’m gonna wreck it!”

Side Taunt - Ralph pulls out a large cherry and takes a bite.

Down Taunt - A bug lands on Ralph’s hand and he shoos it away.

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Ralph says “I’m bad, and that’s good. There’s no one I’d rather be than me.”

Victory Animation 2: Ralph is awarded a medal and celebrates his victory.

Victory Animation 3: A bulldozer moves Ralph’s stump (with him inside), and he pops out and yells “Hey, you moved my stump!”

Losing Animation: Ralph applauds.

Hector Barbossa:

Trophy Description:

A pirate who has stolen Jack Sparrow’s ship, the Black Pearl, and is under a curse with his crew after obtaining treasure that turns them into undead skeletons in the moonlight. Barbossa is desperate to get blood native to Bootstrap Bill Turner, which is needed to break the curse. In this game, Barbossa can turn into his skeletal form without moonlight, which grants him greater KO power and attack speed than his normal form but also decreases his endurance.

General Information:

Barbossa is a little bit heavier than Jack Sparrow but a bit lighter than Davy Jones, clocking in on the heavier end of the middleweight characters, and his agility stats are a little bit weaker than Jack but are still generally average, having average running and falling speed and slightly below average air speed. Barbossa generally does good damage with his attacks and his KO power is decent, having strong smash attacks, neutral and down airs, and up throw. Barbossa’s unique mechanic as a fighter is his ability to transform into an undead skeleton with his down special, which gives him more pronounced advantages and disadvantages. While undead, Barbossa’s attacks become stronger and faster (though his movement speed remains the same), but at the same time, due to his lack of flesh, his weight also gets decreased, going from being on the heavier end of the middleweight characters to being on the lighter end of the middleweight characters. This essentially transforms Barbossa from being a mostly well-balanced fighter into a “glass cannon” type of character due to his increased offensive capabilities and decreased defensive capabilities. His primary KO options go from being “decent” to “pretty good” when undead, and the increased damage on most of his other moves is pretty good as well. Barbossa can also summon his pet monkey, Jack, onto the stage to help rack up damage, and he has a projectile attack that can help reduce the endurance of those he hits, with Jack being notable for also briefly stunning those he hits when he becomes undead along with his owner. Barbossa’s biggest flaws come from having a below average recovery and no tool to heal himself, meaning he needs to be careful when undead to minimize the amount of damage he takes. Overall, Barbossa is a very solid fighter both in his normal form and when undead, with the latter making him more rewarding but riskier to use, and those who can carefully work around that form’s flaws to help enhance his fighting style will find him to be an effective combatant.

Standard Special - Faithful Monkey

Barbossa’s pet monkey Jack roams around the stage for five seconds and briefly latches on to anyone he comes across in that time frame. When latched on to someone, Jack does a biting attack that does good damage but no knockback. When Barbossa is undead, Jack turns undead as well and functions similarly but now stuns the victim for two seconds after the biting attack.

Side Special - Cursed Gold of the Aztecs

Barbossa throws an Aztec gold coin a distance in front of him. Anyone it hits will take mild damage and have their endurance slightly decreased for around seven seconds. While undead, the coin does slightly more damage, but the move otherwise functions the same.

Up Special - Sword Slash

Barbossa hops into the air with his sword sticking out to damage anyone it hits. The move has no horizontal recovery but the vertical recovery covered is good. If Barbossa is undead, the attack does more damage, but the recovery gained is identical.

Down Special - Undead Pirate

Barbossa changes into his undead skeletal form after a short transformation. In this form, Barbossa’s strength and attack speed see a minor but noticeable increase, but he becomes a bit lighter and therefore easier to KO as well. Inputting this move while Barbossa is undead will have him return back to normal. Barbossa can only be undead for 20 seconds at a time before he turns back to normal and has to wait an amount of time dictated by this formula (“How long Barbossa was undead/2” + 5 (all in seconds)) before he can become undead again.

Superstar Attack - Undead Army

Barbossa summons his crew of pirates (who are all undead, regardless of whether Barbossa is undead or not upon activation) to enter the battlefield and take down his opponents. The attack lasts for 15 seconds and the undead pirates flail their swords around while running around the stage. Their attacks do good damage and knockback but it isn’t one of the stronger Superstar Attacks. The pirates can be knocked out for a second or two if hit with a strong attack, but they quickly revive themselves and become stronger and faster for the attack’s duration if this occurs. Barbossa can’t be hurt by the undead pirates.


Up Taunt - Barbossa pulls out a coin and says “This is Aztec gold.”

Side Taunt - Barbossa briefly does a signaling pose with his hand while saying “Ah-ha!”

Down Taunt - Barbossa says “I’m disinclined to acquiesce to your request.”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Barbossa takes a bite out of an apple with Jack on his shoulder.

Victory Animation 2: Barbossa says “You best start believing in ghost stories. You’re in one!” as he transforms into his undead form.

Victory Animation 3: Barbossa stands next to a treasure chest while happily tossing the coins inside around.

Losing Animation: Barbossa applauds.

As always, thank you for reading and feel free to leave any specific requests or questions you may have. I finished Stromboli’s moveset today and should have Max’s moveset fully complete tomorrow, and potentially Potato Head’s as well; then everyone will be complete and just need to be posted.


What is your favorite character you have done so far?

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