My idea for a Disney Smash Bros. game

That’s a great question that I’m unsure I know the exact answer to. I know I mentioned the Horned King was one of my favorites to make though I doubt I would put him as the number 1 choice. In general, the characters I enjoy making the most tend to be a combination of both characters I like, more obscure characters who don’t get as much attention, those with atypical movesets, and those not playable in Disney Heroes: Battle Mode get an edge as well, as it makes it so I can’t just look at what the game used as moves as inspiration for mine. For the most part, I’m able to keep things different from how characters perform in this game, but a few examples, such as Chief Bogo using a large shield and Pete heavily relying on bowling, were inspired by this game but I still was able to come up with new material.

For overall favorites to make, in no particular order outside of how they’re listed on my menu, I’d probably pick:





Madam Mim

Little John

Prince John


Penny, Bernard, and Bianca




Horned King


Dodger and Oliver



Oogie Boogie










John Silver

Davy Jones

Kenai and Koda



Most of these characters fall into at least one of the categories I listed above, or have a unique gimmick to them that made them stand out as fun to design. For least favorites, I would say the three Inside Out characters were some of the hardest ones to make and not especially fun to make either.

No movesets will be posted today, as it’s been a busy day for me and I’m exhausted. I should post some tomorrow.

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I would like to see Felix’s tomorrow

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As Swashbuckler Owl stated before, they have no plans to add new characters or new Disney franchises. If you want Oswald, maybe come up with your own ideas. (Not here, but maybe write it down on a notebook or type it on the computer)

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I would love to see Flik, Heimlich, and Captain Hook.

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For today’s movesets, I’ll post the requests for Felix, Flik, Heimlich, and Captain Hook. To wrap up the Hunchback cast, Quasimodo’s moveset is on here too.


Trophy Description:

The main character of Fix-It Felix Jr., where his goal is to repair a building that is being destroyed by Wreck-It Ralph. Unlike the rest of the game’s residents, Felix is aware of Ralph’s true colors of being a good guy despite his job, and he must team up with Hero’s Duty’s Sergeant Calhoun to get Ralph back to his game once he goes missing. Felix specializes in survivability, with many of his moves healing himself and letting him stay in the battle. However, this does come at the cost of KO power.

General Information:

Felix is one of the more unique fighters in the game, as very few have a similar playstyle to him. Of all the characters, Felix is arguably the one who fits the best as the ultimate “stone wall” type of character, meaning he’s a character who prioritizes defensive capabilities over offensive capabilities. Granted, Felix is on the lighter end of the middleweights, and his agility is generally average, with average running and falling speed, and decent air speed, but what makes him a surprisingly durable character is with how his special moves function. Felix’s special moves often grant him a variety of interesting effects to improve his defensive capabilities, such as making it so he’ll heal himself if he hits an opponent with a smash attack, being able to gradually heal for some of his damage for a short period of time, and the ability to make himself invincible for ten seconds once per stock he has. As such, despite his weight not being the highest, Felix can actually be a tough character to KO. However, Felix does have notable issues, with his biggest being that in terms of damage and KO power, he is among one of the weakest in the game in both categories. Felix’s only consistently reliable KO moves, his up and forward smashes, are both among some of the weaker smash attacks of their kind in the game, and additionally, that is what they are like when Felix’s special effects are not present. If Felix is utilizing his special moves that help heal himself, the amount of damage and KO power he has will be decreased as well, and since that’s already an issue he suffers from, you need to consider if using these abilities at times is what is necessary. Additionally, Felix’s recovery is only around average and he has no projectiles, meaning he must get up close to fight. In general, Felix is quite different from the average fighter, as he can be hard to KO with all the moves that increase his survivability, but at the same time, he struggles to KO others due to his lack of power. Felix is an exceptional choice for stamina battles, in which knockback matters less and having more health than your opponents matters more, and in normal battles, while he can be tough to consistently do well with and his playstyle won’t be for everyone, he is a good choice if you want to use a character who can hang in there for a while who isn’t a large and heavy character.

Standard Special - Magic Hammer

Felix’s hammer emits a glow, which makes it so for 20 seconds, successfully hitting an opponent with a smash attack will heal him. However, the trade-off is that Felix’s smash attacks lose KO power during this time as well, and considering KO power is Felix’s biggest weakness, it is a trade-off that you must keep in mind.

Side Special - Tricky Heal

Felix hits his hammer on his hand, which allows him to gradually heal himself over 10 seconds of time. However, during this period, his speed and strength are decreased. Felix must wait 15 seconds after the move finishes to be able to use it again.

Up Special - Nicelander Catapult

A crowd of Nicelanders throw Felix into the air, where Felix can control where he goes horizontally on his way up. The attack itself isn’t very strong, and the recovery is only average.

Down Special - Power-Up Pie

Once per stock, Felix has the ability to spawn a pie that he can eat to become invincible for ten seconds. However, the pie spawns directly in front of Felix when used, so he must be quick to eat it in case someone else is standing right next to him, as others can eat this pie too and get the same positive effects.

Superstar Attack - Apartment Assault

Upon activation, a large apartment spawns in the middle of the stage, and Nicelanders run outside to attempt and grab opponents and bring them into the building. When someone is in the building, they will repeatedly take damage and be launched out after the attack’s duration is over. The effectiveness mostly depends on how quickly an opponent gets caught, as those caught late who aren’t heavily damaged will likely survive. The KO potential is solid, and this is Felix’s strongest attack, but that isn’t saying a ton. The attack lasts for ten seconds.


Up Taunt - Felix says “I can fix it!”

Side Taunt - Felix says “Why do I fix everything I touch?!?”

Down Taunt - Felix hits himself on the side of his head with his hammer.

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Felix dances with a group of Nicelanders.

Victory Animation 2: Felix is awarded a medal and celebrates his victory.

Victory Animation 3: Felix performs his game’s death animation, suddenly revives, and then goes “I’m okay; fit as a fiddle.”

Losing Animation: Felix applauds.


Trophy Description:

An ant who invents strange things that often unintentionally cause trouble much to the dismay of the ant colony. Flik enlists a group of bugs he believes are warriors to drive away a bullying gang of grasshoppers led by Hopper, not realizing at first that the bugs aren’t warriors, but circus performers. Flik’s size has been increased to human-levels to give him a fighting chance, and he utilizes his strange inventions in combat in interesting ways.

General Information:

Similar to other normally tiny-sized characters, such as Basil, Ratigan, and his arch-nemesis, Hopper, Flik has been made a lot bigger so he is able to properly compete in battle. Due to carrying his harvester on him, Flik is a bit heavier than you may expect, though he is still only a middleweight character. Flik’s agility stats are pretty average, with average running speed, slightly below average air speed, and slightly above average falling speed. Flik has two projectile attacks on him, as well as a tool to capture and throws out projectiles he captures, with one being quick to throw with low KO power, and one with high KO power that is slower to throw, giving him different options he can use to attack from a distance that he can use his best judgement for to decide which is better at the moment. Flik’s up special gives him good recovery, and for his non-special moves, his most powerful attacks are the ones that have the harvester hitting opponents, which is done with several of his aerial attacks, his up tilt, and his up and down smashes. In general, Flik doesn’t have too many major weaknesses, but at the same time, while Flik can perform most areas competently, he also doesn’t have much he is exceptional in. Overall, Flik works great as a well-rounded character, with two different projectile attacks, some good KO options, and no terrible statistics, but most of what he has to offer you can find other characters who share those qualities and do them better. At the same time though, those characters don’t share all of his features, and their flaws tend to be bigger than Flik’s, so Flik is still a solid fighter who can find good use.

Standard Special - Throwing Stalks

A large stalk is flung out of Flik’s harvester and travels in a diagonal arc until it lands on the ground and vanishes. It is a powerful projectile attack and has good KO potential, but does have a bit of start-up lag, making it a bit on the slower side.

Side Special - Throwing Grain

Pieces of grain are thrown out of Flik’s harvester and travel in a horizontal manner. Opponents hit are stopped in their path if they were moving, and the move does good damage, but with very minimal knockback.

Up Special - Flower Flight

Flik grabs a hold of a large flower and floats up into the air vertically, with horizontal movement being at the player’s input. Only the top of the flower does damage.

Down Special - Leaf Telescope

Flik pulls out his telescope and looks through it for a second, which can capture most projectiles that land in it. Using the move again with a projectile captured will throw out the projectile.

Superstar Attack - Fake Bird

Flik gives a signal, and a giant fake bird swoops down into the battlefield in a “U”-shaped arc five times. The attack is quite strong with great KO potential, and the later swoops move quite fast, but it isn’t super hard to avoid if standing in the right spots. Flik can’t be hurt by the bird, so his best strategy is to knock opponents into the bird’s path if they try to wait it out.


Up Taunt - Flik tosses a small rock into the air, which lands in his harvester.

Side Taunt - Flik says “You can’t go! I’m desperate!”

Down Taunt - Flik says “You all are very unusual-looking bugs.”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Flik triumphantly says “For the colony, and for oppressed ants everywhere!”

Victory Animation 2: Flik says “So, who is the weaker species?”

Victory Animation 3: A piece of grain falls from the sky and hits Flik on the head, and Flik then gives a thumbs up to signal that he’s okay.

Losing Animation: Flik applauds.


Trophy Description:

An obese caterpillar with a German accent who is constantly hungry and works as a circus performer for P.T. Flea. Friendly if a little bumbling, Heimlich’s main goal in life is to evolve into a beautiful butterfly. Much like Flik and Hopper, Heimlich’s size has been increased to give him a fighting chance, and he can hurl his weight around to outpower his opponents and utilize circus equipment such as cannons and flypaper to create chaos.

General Information:

Heimlich is another character who is normally tiny and has had their size increased to human levels in order for him to properly fight, and due to his overweight stature, he clocks in as a heavyweight fighter. Overall, Heimlich’s main strengths lie in him having great stage-controlling tactics and having solid KO power. His standard special allows him to summon a large piece of flypaper that opponents can get stuck in, and his down special allows him to summon a cannon that launches those who get caught in it away at high speeds, with both being dangerous and effective hazards. Heimlich’s side special is a multi-use, high-risk, high-reward move that can serve as either a powerful projectile or great utility for healing himself, and his horizontal recovery is quite strong. Heimlich’s smash attacks, in which he uses a large toothpick as a sword, also have solid strength without being too slow, and his aerial attacks have good power, albeit tend to be laggy. Heimlich’s good power and weight comes at the cost of speed, as his running and air speed are low, and his falling speed (except for when he’s using his up special and it decreases significantly) is quite high. Additionally, Heimlich’s vertical recovery is quite poor and his jumping power isn’t great, and while his flypaper and cannons are great and powerful utilities, Heimlich can also be hurt by them, so he must be careful to avoid his traps. Overall, Heimlich is a very strong fighter if you can overcome his poor speed and utilize his powerful special moves to your advantage.

Standard Special - Flypaper Fracas

Heimlich spawns a large piece of flypaper right behind him, of which only one piece can be out at a time. The flypaper stays out for around eight seconds and anyone who touches it or is launched into it will be stuck on it for a few seconds and can’t move or attack, leaving themselves incredibly vulnerable. Heimlich can be trapped by the flypaper, so he must be careful to avoid becoming a victim of his own attack.

Side Special - Boysenberry

Heimlich pulls out a large boysenberry, which after pulling out, he can hit “A” to throw it a short distance ahead of him as a very powerful projectile attack with great KO power (albeit slow and short-travelling), or hit “B” for him to take a few seconds to eat it and heal for half of his health. This is one of the most powerful healing moves in the game, but Heimlich is immobile while he eats, and if he flinches while eating, the attack will be interrupted and he won’t heal.

Up Special - Beautiful Butterfly

Heimlich pulls out four leaves and uses them to flap in midair, significantly reducing his falling speed to a very low level. While it has minimal strength or vertical gain, the horizontal distance Heimlich can cover with this move is exceptional, making it an excellent tool for horizontal recovery.

Down Special - Circus Cannon

Heimlich spawns a cannon right in front of him, of which only one cannon can be out at a time, it stays out for around ten seconds, and at least six seconds must pass before Heimlich can spawn another cannon. Anyone who touches the cannon’s hole or is launched into it will take mild damage and be shot out of it in the direction it’s facing at high speeds. The cannon synergizes well with the flypaper as a tool for Heimlich to trap opponents more easily, and the cannon is an amazing tool for scoring KOs with edge-guarding. However, Heimlich isn’t immune from the cannon’s power, and if used for edge-guarding and the opponent tries to wait it out on the ledge, Heimlich must be careful if he tries to counter-attack since there’s a high chance he could get caught in the cannon instead.

Superstar Attack - High-Action Circus Act

Upon activation, Dim flies onto the battlefield, with Francis and Slim on top of him, as the three come to aid Heimlich in battle. Francis uses Slim as a sword and makes jab attacks with him, while Dim flies around and launches away opponents he hits. Both attacks are quite powerful, with Slim’s doing more damage and Dim’s having more KO power, and since there are two groups of characters you need to avoid, it can be quite tough to avoid getting hurt by the circus bugs. Francis, Slim, and Dim stay out for 15 seconds and can’t hurt Heimlich.


Up Taunt - Heimlich eats a piece of grain.

Side Taunt - Heimlich says “Justice is my sword and truth shall be my quiver!”

Down Taunt - Heimlich says “I hate performing on an empty stomach.”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Heimlich takes a bite out of a large piece of candy corn.

Victory Animation 2: Heimlich, dressed up as a baby, rolls around and says “Ba-ba all gone! Baby wants pie!”

Victory Animation 3: Heimlich bursts out of a large cocoon, now as a butterfly with tiny wings, and yells “I’m finished!”

Losing Animation: Heimlich applauds.

Captain Hook:

Trophy Description:

A pirate who is the crew-leader of his ship in Neverland. Hook has a burning hatred for Peter Pan for cutting off his hand and feeding it to a crocodile, who he’s terrified of, and will do anything to get revenge on the flying boy, even if it means taking it out on others in the process. Captain Hook utilizes swashbuckling swordplay in his moveset and can even use a clock to summon the crocodile into the arena. Naturally, the crocodile can also hurt him like usual.

General Information:

While not without flaws, Captain Hook is one of a few villains who falls into the “all-around” type of character. Captain Hook is in the upper half weight-wise of the middleweight characters, and his agility stats are decent, being above average in running, air, and falling speed. Due to his hook hand, Hook has one of the most damaging pummels of all the fighters, and his sword is used in many attacks, which has decent range, typically does good damage, and a few of his moves with it, such as his smash attacks, down air, and standard special, possess good KO power. Speaking of his standard special, Hook can also instantly break opponents’ shields with it, making it an effective, if somewhat slow move. Captain Hook’s most high-risk, high-reward move is his down special, in which he pulls out a ticking clock and summons the crocodile. The crocodile is one of his most powerful moves, having good damage dealing capabilities and KO power, but the crocodile can hurt him, and not only that, but the crocodile specifically targets him and not the other fighters, meaning Hook will need to be on the move if he puts the crocodile in the battlefield, while trying to manipulate him into hitting other opponents while he gives chase. While this is a notable flaw, the crocodile’s high strength can make it worth using if Hook is able to avoid getting hit by him. However, Captain Hook does have another flaw that is notable, and that is his recovery. While he does have two special moves that help him recover, with one focusing on vertical recovery and the other focusing on horizontal recovery, neither of them gain him that much distance in those directions, and while Hook’s jumping power is adequate, it’s not strong enough to give him a solid recovery. Overall, if you can overcome Hook’s fairly weak recovery and can avoid the crocodile, you will likely find him to be a very solid fighter, and those who are afraid of hitting the crocodile can play it safe and just not use his down special, as while it is a great KO move, Captain Hook has other moves that do well at scoring KOs as well.

Standard Special - Shield-Breaking Sword

Captain Hook performs a powerful sword thrust after a brief charge. The move has solid KO power, and, as its name suggests, can break opponents’ shields, though it is a bit slow to start.

Side Special - Good Form

Captain Hook leaps forward with his sword sticking out. It’s a reasonably strong attack and can also be used as horizontal recovery to make up for his up special being more vertically-focused. However, it doesn’t cover too much distance.

Up Special - Leaping Pirate

Captain Hook jumps into the air with his hook positioned out to hurt any enemies it touches. It does decent damage, but this is one of the weaker recoveries in the game, with very little horizontal distance and only average at best vertical lift.

Down Special - Never Smile at a Crocodile

Captain Hook takes out a ticking clock and summons the crocodile. The crocodile will chase after Hook for ten seconds before he goes away, dealing lots of damage and knockback to anyone he hits, be it Hook or opponents.

Superstar Attack - Fire, Mr. Smee!

Captain Hook hops off-screen and reappears in his ship in the background, where he orders Smee to fire cannonballs at his opponents. Since there are multiple cannons on the ship and they fire randomly at high speeds, it can be tough to avoid them. Getting hit by one or two probably won’t KO you, but getting hit by anymore (or going into the attack with decent damage) will likely KO you.


Up Taunt - Captain Hook briefly pulls out a map and looks at it.

Side Taunt - Captain Hook yells “BLAST GOOD FORM!”

Down Taunt - Captain Hook polishes his hook.

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Captain Hook fiddles with his moustache with his hook, then poses triumphantly.

Victory Animation 2: Captain Hook plays a piano.

Victory Animation 3: Smee appears next to Captain Hook, with the latter telling Smee “I’ve won this now, Mr. Smee!”

Losing Animation: Captain Hook sits in a chair with a headache, moaning and groaning.


Trophy Description:

The deformed bell-ringer of the Notre Dame cathedral. Quasimodo has spent most of his life raised by the evil Frollo, who tells him that the whole world will hate and scorn him due to his physical deformities. After befriending Esmeralda and seeing kindness, Quasimodo learns that the world may not be as wicked as Frollo says. While he may be on the shorter side, Quasimodo has surprising strength, and is more agile than you might expect.

General Information:

Quasimodo’s stat distribution is very solid, with him being on the heavier end of the middleweight characters, which is further benefited by him being fairly short, which both gives him good defense for taking punishment and being harder to hit than most characters who share similar defense stats to him. Quasimodo generally has good strength, with a healthy number of KO options, and despite his good defense and strength, his agility is actually decent, with above average running and air speed, and average falling speed. Quasimodo’s special moves help fulfill a variety of roles, with his up special being his main form of recovery and covering excellent horizontal distance, and his side special being a projectile attack that inflicts damage-over-time effects to those hit. Quasimodo’s standard special functions very similarly to Bagheera’s standard special, with both characters summoning a large object that initially does nothing, but after enough attacks hit it, the object will fall over and function as a powerful KO move, with this, his down special, and, to a lesser extent, his smash attacks and up air, being Quasimodo’s best KO options. Speaking of his down special, it allows Quasimodo to summon a large bell which he can ring, causing it to rock back and forth as a powerful tool, though Quasimodo becomes immobile as he does this and, while he can’t take knockback, he can still take damage. Quasimodo’s biggest flaws are his vertical recovery is weak and his strongest attacks tend to be slow and/or require some set-up and work to reach their full potential. Overall, Quasimodo is a powerful fighter who does well at stage control with his ability to spawn bells and marble rocks that are also powerful, so it’s best for his opponents to stay away from these dangerous tools to minimize Quasimodo’s chances of scoring KOs.

Standard Special - Marble Rock

Quasimodo spawns a tall and skinny rock of marble in front of him, which stays until it’s knocked over or until Quasimodo loses a stock. At first, the marble rock doesn’t do anything, but after enough attacks hit it, which depends on how many and how strong the attacks that hit it are, the marble rock will fall over, and do heavy damage and great knockback to anyone it hits. Quasimodo can only have one marble rock out at a time, and he can be hurt by it, so he must be careful around it.

Side Special - Throwing Flames

Quasimodo throws a torch a short distance in front of him. The torch’s knockback is solid, and while the initial damage is low, it makes up for it by dealing damage-over-time effects to those hit for a few seconds.

Up Special - Heroic Swing

Quasimodo swings on a long rope that comes from all the way from the top of the stage, and swings in a long “U”-shaped arc. The horizontal recovery is excellent, but there isn’t much vertical lift, and the damage and knockback are nothing to write home about.

Down Special - Ring the Bell

This is a two-part attack that starts with Quasimodo spawning a large bell in front of him. After it’s spawned, inputting this move again will cause a long rope to appear and Quasimodo will ring it, causing the bell to rock back and forth for a few seconds. The bell is quite powerful and has great KO potential, but on larger stages, it’s fairly easy to avoid. While ringing the bell, Quasimodo is stationary and can’t be knocked back, though he will still take damage from attacks. The bell goes away once Quasimodo loses a stock, and he has to wait five seconds after ringing it before he can ring it again.

Superstar Attack - Cathedral Defense

Quasimodo hops into the background where he lands a platform with a large cauldron containing molten copper. He spills out the copper from the cauldron, which rains down from the sky onto the battlefield, dealing strong damage-over-time effects to those who make contact with it. While this Superstar Attack has potential to be very damaging, the copper does very minimal knockback, meaning it’s mostly helpful to give Quasimodo quick and easy KOs after the attack rather than during it.


Up Taunt - Quasimodo says “I must be out of my mind.”

Side Taunt - Quasimodo growls and yells “GO!”

Down Taunt - Quasimodo pulls out the map of the Court of Miracles, looks at it, and puts it away.

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Quasimodo sheepishly but happily waves at the applause for him.

Victory Animation 2: Quasimodo releases a baby bird in his hands, who flies away as he smiles.

Victory Animation 3: Quasimodo yells “Sanctuary! Sanctuary!” while raising his arms in the air.

Losing Animation: Quasimodo applauds.

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I love these ideas! You are doing so well! I have one question so far: Will certain characters have “costumes” like in DHBM?

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Costumes aren’t something I’ve put too much thought into so far, but since characters in Smash Bros. generally have 8 different alternate skins (specifically in Ultimate), I imagine it would make sense to do that here as well. For some characters, like Mickey or Pete, coming up with alternate skins should be quite easy, but for some characters, such as Bagheera or Elliott, it becomes a lot harder and would probably just be various color palette swaps. Here’s an example of what Mickey and Pete, arguably the two easiest to think of different costumes, would be like.

Mickey’s Costumes:

1 (Default) - His classic outfit with the red shorts and yellow shoes

2 - His outfit from The Band Concert

3 - His outfit from Fun and Fancy Free

4 - His Bob Cratchit outfit from Mickey’s Christmas Carol

5 - His pauper outfit from The Prince and the Pauper

6 - His outfit from House of Mouse

7 - An outfit based on the one he wears as a meet-able character at the Disney parks

8 - A black and white color scheme inspired by the early black and white shorts

Pete’s Costumes:

1 (Default) - His outfit from Disney Heroes: Battle Mode and various stock art

2 - His “Tiny Tom” outfit from Officer Duck (also the outfit he was wearing in Once Upon a Studio)

3 - His train conductor outfit from Mr. Mouse Takes a Trip

4 - His outfit on the CGI kids shows starring Mickey and the gang

5 - His main outfit from Goof Troop

6 - His vacation outfit from A Goofy Movie

7 - His outfit from House of Mouse

8 - A black and white color scheme inspired by the early black and white shorts

At the moment, deciding costumes and skins is low priority, and many characters will probably just be palette swaps of their usual design like in Smash Bros., but with characters like Mickey and Pete who have numerous outfits they’ve worn over the years, I can find those in if I can.


I would like to see Mama Odie, Jafar, Merlin, and Madam Mim please.

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Can I see Pete’s Hero Concept?

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For today’s movesets, I’ll do the requests I’ve gotten for Mama Odie, Jafar, Merlin, Madam Mim, and Pete.

Mama Odie:

Trophy Description:

The 197-year-old “voodoo queen of the bayou”, Mama Odie lives in a boat located in a large tree and is an experienced user of voodoo magic. Transformed into frogs, Tiana and Naveen visit her after being told by Louis that she can turn people into humans, and she helps guide them in the right direction. Mama Odie uses her magic wand to shoot out magical blasts of fire, and she can spill out a spicy tub of gumbo onto the arena as a dangerous hazard.

General Information:

Mama Odie may be quite old, but thanks to her magic wand and various utilities, she is more than capable of holding her own in battle. Mama Odie is a fairly short middleweight character who clocks in on the heavier half of the middleweights and also has decent recovery, giving her above average defensive capabilities. Her damage-dealing capabilities and KO power isn’t too bad either, having quick standard and tilt attacks that can lead into combos, strong smash attacks with her wand, decently strong attacks with her standard and side specials, and great damage potential with the spicy gumbo she makes with her down special. While she isn’t anywhere among the most powerful characters, Mama Odie’s strength is more than sufficient, but she does have some flaws to be aware of. While not as poor as someone like Carl or Yzma, since she is old, Mama Odie’s agility isn’t the best, having below average running and air speed with above average falling speed. Additionally, her aerial attacks, while not too laggy, are fairly unimpressive damage-wise, and deal enough knockback to limit combo potential but not enough knockback to score KOs except at extreme percentages. Overall, Mama Odie is a great fighter when used well and has a lot to recommend about her.

Standard Special - Swinging Snake

Mama Odie pulls out her snake, Juju, and swings him out like a large ribbon, doing mild damage and decent knockback to those she hits, while also possessing some KO potential at higher percentages.

Side Special - Magical Blast

Mama Odie fires a magical blast of fire from her wand that travels a short distance away from her and explodes upon making contact with an opponent or solid surface. Those hit by the blast take good damage and decent knockback, though some ending lag prevents the move from becoming too spammable.

Up Special - Friendly Flock

A pack of egrets grab Mama Odie and carry her into the air in a diagonally upwards direction, with the horizontal direction being dictated by the control stick’s direction. The egrets only do mild damage and knockback, but the distance covered is pretty decent.

Down Special - Gumbo Tub

Mama Odie summons a tub filled with gumbo, and adds Tabasco sauce to it. The contents of the tub will do significant damage to anyone who lands inside it, and the tub can be attacked to knock it over and cause the contents to spill out. While not as damaging as just landing in the tub, the spicy Gumbo still does good damage with mild knockback. Mama Odie can be hurt by the gumbo, so she must do her best to avoid touching it.

Superstar Attack - Don’t Matter What You Look Like

Upon activation, Mama Odie will fire out a number of magical blasts from her wand (one for every opponent she is fighting against), with all of the blasts making contact with them and turning them into goats for the move’s duration of 15 seconds. Goats can’t attack or jump very high, and their movement speed is also low, making being in this state quite punishing, and giving Mama Odie great and easy opportunities to punish her opponents.


Up Taunt - Mama Odie says “You listen to your mama now.”

Side Taunt - Mama Odie says “You all want some candy?”, as she pulls out some ugly-looking treats and a key.

Down Taunt - Mama Odie says “Which one of you naughty children’s causing trouble again?”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Mama Odie says “Not bad for a 197-year-old blind lady.” as she spins her wand around and blows out some flames that emit from it.

Victory Animation 2: Mama Odie pets Juju and says “Y’all just loves your mama, don’t you?”

Victory Animation 3: Mama Odie does a dance with four egrets which culminates with all of them posing triumphantly.

Losing Animation: Mama Odie applauds.


Trophy Description:

The Grand Vizier to the Sultan of Agrabah and an evil sorcerer who is determined to rule the kingdom by any means necessary. Armed with his talkative parrot sidekick, Iago, Jafar’s main method of accomplishing his scheme is to obtain Genie’s lamp and use his wish-granting to gain power. Jafar’s sorcery reflects in his moveset, utilizing his snake staff’s hypnotic powers and magic blasts to overpower the competition.

General Information:

Jafar’s stat distribution is a bit all over the place when compared to most characters. Jafar is a middleweight character, being on the heavier end of the middleweight characters, and his agility stats are a bit polarizing. While Jafar’s running speed is low, his air speed is also high, and his falling speed is a little below average. Many of Jafar’s attacks tend to have disjointed hitboxes, as he frequently uses his snake staff in attacks, and foes that hit it won’t do any damage to him. In general, while Jafar has plenty of attacks that do good damage and knockback, he also doesn’t have many attacks that do both, as his smash attacks, while good at launching foes, do less damage than average, and his faster, less flashy attacks tend to more damage, but have low KO power. Jafar’s special moves are also a bit unusual, but generally effective. Jafar can hypnotize opponents with his down special, causing them to have their controls reversed for a period of time, and his side special shoots out a projectile that travels slowly initially, but travels quickly once its top speed is reached. Jafar’s standard special allows him to absorb non-physical attacks that hit the sandglass he pulls out, and once three attacks have been absorbed, he can unleash a sand gust out of it, with its strength depending on how powerful the attacks he absorbed were. Jafar’s up special is also a bit different, as he first pulls out a small object, then the player can aim where he throws it, and once he throws it, he will teleport to its location. Jafar throws the object farther if the move is tapped instead of tilted, and while it is an unusual recovery tool, it can be thrown a good distance. Overall, playing as Jafar tends to feel a bit different than the normal fighter, but despite his atypical assortment of stats and tools, he is still an opponent you don’t want to underestimate, as those atypical assets are still worthy ones.

Standard Special - Sands of Time

Jafar pulls out a sandglass that absorbs any non-physical attacks that hit it. After three attacks are absorbed, Jafar can unleash a powerful sand gust whose strength depends on the strength of the attacks absorbed. It is possible if certain powerful attacks were absorbed to have a serious deadly sand gust that can KO at extremely low percentages.

Side Special - Blast from Your Past

Jafar shoots out a burst of magic from his snake staff. The burst has poor acceleration, but moves quickly once it reaches full speed and can inflict good damage at its fastest speed.

Up Special - Vanishing Act

Jafar pulls out a small object and can throw it anywhere upon another button press. When the object lands, a cloud of smoke appears and Jafar reappears there, being his primary form of recovery. The cloud can hurt enemies, though will only launch them away if its tiny sweetspot lands, though the launch is quite powerful.

Down Special - Hypnotism

Jafar uses his snake staff to hypnotize anyone directly in front of him. Hypnotized characters are stunned for a second or two and have their controls reversed for ten seconds.

Superstar Attack - Snakelike Sorcerer

Jafar transforms into a giant snake, allowing him to perform biting attacks that inflict poisonous damage (which lasts for 15 seconds once inflicted with it) and send enemies flying. Despite his massive size, the biting attack is very quick and is hard to dodge. The poison effect can last after the Superstar Attack is over, and the KO potential is very good.


Up Taunt - Jafar says “Don’t toy with me!”

Side Taunt - Jafar yells “WHOOPEE! SO LONG!”

Down Taunt - Jafar says “Desperate times call for desperate measures.”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Jafar shouts “Finally! YOU will bow to me!”

Victory Animation 2: Jafar does the same evil laugh he did after he finished singing the “Prince Ali” reprise.

Victory Animation 3: Jafar says “Ha-ha-ha! Your time is up!”

Losing Animation: Jafar stands there looking unamused.


Trophy Description:

A wise old wizard, Merlin lives in a cottage in medieval England with his wisecracking owl, Archimedes. A strong believer of knowledge and intellect being the key to success, Merlin tries to educate a young boy named Arthur into what it takes to be king, believing he is destined to become the king of England. Merlin uses his powerful magic in battle to do freezing damage to his opponents and throw moving household objects around the battlefield.

General Information:

Merlin is a character who’s closest to falling into the well-rounded archetype of character, as while he does have some advantages and disadvantages, they tend to not be extreme ones on either end, and in general, he focuses more on pressuring opponents with his moveset than constantly punishing them for their mess-ups. Merlin is on the heavier end of the middleweight characters and his up special gives him pretty good vertical and horizontal recovery, making his defense better than average. Merlin’s attacks frequently utilize magic from his wand, with his tilt and smash attacks sending out magic that has a sweetspot that does more damage and knockback than the rest of the move that is small and in the middle of it. As for his special moves, Merlin has the ability to throw out freezing clouds that briefly freeze opponents, reverse his opponents’ controls for longer than average with his wand, and can conjure up and throw out a series of plates as a projectile attack, which can either be thrown out one at a time for a quicker attack or thrown all at once for a more powerful attack with reasonable KO potential. Merlin’s attacks generally do good damage, especially if the moves that have sweetspots connect with them, with his sweetspot-landed smash attacks being his most powerful tool and having pretty good KO power. In general, Merlin doesn’t possess severe weaknesses, though there are a few areas in which he doesn’t shine amazingly in. Due to him being elderly, Merlin isn’t the quickest character ever, having below average running speed and average air and falling speed, and his aerial attacks tend to be laggy without being that strong. Overall, those flaws aren’t too major, and Merlin has a good amount of positive traits surrounding his fighting style, but he isn’t among the best in any category either, making Merlin equal out to a solid fighter that can easily hold his own in battle, but those looking for characters who specialize in specific areas will find better options.

Standard Special - Medieval Muddle

Merlin conjures up five plates and can throw them individually if tapped or all at once if held briefly. The plates stop enemies in their tracks and deal damage, while all five being thrown out together do sizable damage and have enough knockback for them to possess decent KO potential.

Side Special - Knock Some Sense

Merlin whacks his wand right in front of him. Any enemies hit by his wand will take mild damage and have their controls reversed for ten seconds.

Up Special - Blow Me to Bermuda!

Merlin skyrockets himself a distance into the air, giving him great vertical recovery and hurting anyone he hits on his way up. Merlin can aim where he moves horizontally as he travels up, and it’s a pretty strong recovery tool.

Down Special - Cold Chill

Merlin conjures up a snow cloud and hurls it forward a short distance in front of him, where it stays out for a few seconds. Anyone hit by the cloud takes mild damage and becomes frozen for three seconds.

Superstar Attack - Higitus Figitus

Merlin becomes invincible and starts dancing and singing as various household objects fly around the battlefield in erratic patterns for about 15 seconds. The items aren’t overly strong on their own, but the sheer number present and the speed they travel at make them hard to avoid and can easily rack up sizable damage. Merlin usually doesn’t get many KOs from this attack on its own, but can easily finish off foes after it if they’ve taken sizable damage.


Up Taunt - Merlin gets his wand stuck in his beard, and he gets it unstuck.

Side Taunt - Merlin lifts his hat up as a load of water comes falling out and gets him wet, much to his chagrin.

Down Taunt - Merlin says “You know I just so happen to be a wizard.”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Merlin happily dances.

Victory Animation 2: Merlin flies onto the scene wearing his Bermuda outfit.

Victory Animation 3: Merlin says “I just knew I’d be the winner! I could see that this would happen before the match started.”

Losing Animation: Merlin applauds.

Madam Mim:

Trophy Description:

Merlin’s arch-rival and fellow magician. Unlike Merlin, Mim uses her magic for evil, though she isn’t without a quirky fun-loving side to her with her love of playing games. Compared to Merlin, Mim prefers to utilize brawn over brains in her transformations and isn’t against cheating. Madam Mim transforms into a variety of animals from a crocodile to a rhino in combat for powerful attacks. When she gets really fired up, she can turn into a fire-breathing dragon!

General Information:

Thanks to her main gimmick, Madam Mim is one of the more unique characters to play as. She is in the upper half of the middleweight characters weight-wise in addition to being fairly short and having solid recovery with her up special, granting her above average defense. Mim’s agility stats are slightly better than her rival, Merlin, having average running and falling speed, and good air speed, and in general, compared to Merlin, Mim’s fighting style has much more pronounced advantages and disadvantages, namely when her standard special is taken into consideration. Without her main gimmick, Mim’s damage-dealing capabilities are good and her KO power with her smash attacks (all of which have her attacking with her broom) are decent, but not spectacular. She does contain a projectile attack where she throws a few cards in quick succession, and can temporarily turn invisible to make her harder to see, but Mim’s main tool that makes her stand out is her standard special. This move allows her to temporarily transform into one of five animals (a crocodile, an elephant, a tiger, a rhino, and a dragon), with all of them having unique advantages to give each one some worth. In general, these animals are consistently stronger and heavier than Mim, allowing them to deal and take more punishment, but they also tend to be slower, are larger targets, and can’t use special moves, relying on just their jumps alone to recover. These animals generally have quite good KO power, but since they can be easy to hit and Mim doesn’t have any tools to heal herself without the help of outside items, it can make her playstyle a bit higher-risk than most. Overall, Madam Mim is a great fighter if you’re able to utilize the strengths that both she and her animal transformations possess, as being able to play as essentially six different characters in one is a valuable asset, though she needs to be careful in making sure she deals out more punishment to her opponents than they inflict on her in order to ensure success.

Standard Special - I Make the Rules

Madam Mim transforms herself into one of five animals, chosen by the player via a roulette by her icon. She can’t use special moves as an animal but her non-special moves are changed to reflect what she is. She can turn into either a crocodile, elephant, tiger, rhino, or dragon, with each animal having their own strengths and weaknesses. The crocodile is the quickest and has powerful biting attacks, but is the lightest of the five and is only slightly heavier than Mim. The elephant can’t flinch from most attacks and can shoot out water from their trunk with their standard attacks, but it has the worst jumps of the five and is the second slowest. The tiger has powerful throws and decent speed but less powerful normal attacks. The rhino moves the slowest and only jumps higher than the elephant, but can deal damage by running and has arguably has the most KO power of the five. The dragon uses fire-based attacks that often deal damage-over-time effects, making them arguably the highest-damaging of the five, has the highest jumping power, and isn’t the worst at anything, but the time period Mim can be the dragon is shorter than the other four. Mim can only be transformed for 15 seconds at a time (10 seconds at a time if she transformed into a dragon), and she must wait a bit between uses to prevent her from spamming the move.

Side Special - Solitaire Surprise

Madam Mim throws out three playing cards in quick succession for a projectile attack that flinches opponents and does decent damage if all three cards hit them. She can’t use this move when transformed.

Up Special - Broomstick Flight

Madam Mim pulls out a broomstick and uses it to fly around for three seconds. The recovery can be aimed horizontally and is pretty good in all directions, and Mim can hurt foes she runs into though it isn’t that strong. She can’t use this move when transformed.

Down Special - Cheating Trick

Madam Mim makes herself invisible for ten seconds, looking clear and hard to see for her foes. To compensate for visibility, Mim’s endurance is decreased while she’s invisible. She can’t use this move when transformed.

Superstar Attack - Wily Wizardry

Madam Mim hops onto her broomstick and flies off-screen. An arrow appears on the side of the screen for the player to aim around and release for Mim to fly across the stage at superhuman speeds in that direction and deal insane knockback (typically scoring KOs around 15%) to everyone she hits. She has ten seconds to decide when to move or the game will automatically make her use it where the arrow is aiming when the time expires.


Up Taunt - Madam Mim says “I’m afraid I’m going to have to destroy you.”

Side Taunt - Madam Mim strokes herself as if she thinks she’s attractive.

Down Taunt - Madam Mim says “So you want to play rough, do you?”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Madam Mim says “I am the best and no one can compare!”

Victory Animation 2: Madam Mim says “I am the marvelous, mad, mad, mad, mad, Madam Mim!”

Victory Animation 3: Madam Mim plays solitaire at a table and says “Sounds like someone lost. How delightful.”

Losing Animation: Madam Mim pulls on her hair and throws a tantrum while hopping up and down.


Trophy Description:

Mickey’s most famous and recurring enemy, and the first classic Disney character and villain made. Pete is a large cat who, while not the most intimidating of villains out there, succeeds in being a trouble-making nuisance to anyone who encounters him. Pete’s large stature makes him a slow but strong heavyweight fighter who uses his weight to bully opponents around and can use bowling balls as a long-ranged attack.

General Information:

Pete is big and overweight, which naturally makes him a very heavy character. Pete is also quite powerful, and while he isn’t quite in the top tier of attack power, he isn’t far from being in that category, and he possesses a high number of attacks that possess some KO potential, giving him many options to work with. Pete is one of the few characters in the game who possesses at least some KO potential with all of his special moves, most of which involve him using bowling balls. His standard special is a solid projectile that travels quickly and does decent damage normally, and can be charged into a powerful ball, his down special has a very powerful sweetspot, and side and up specials allow him to hurl his weight around, which with someone as big and heavy as he is, would naturally hurt quite a bit. Pete’s smash attacks and back air are also quite strong, and the latter of which executes fairly quickly for how strong it is. Pete also has surprisingly good recovery when mastered, as it does have a major quirk to it that makes it dangerous to use if you don’t know how to properly use it or you forget that it functions the way it does. Pete is not flawless though, and he unsurprisingly pays the price with his attack power and endurance with agility. Pete runs slowly, has poor air speed, and one of the quickest falling speeds in the game, which can make it tough to perform aerial attacks with him due to how quickly he falls. Pete is also one of the bigger characters in the game, making him a big target and more susceptible to combos. As mentioned before, Pete’s recovery, while good, does have one big quirk to it, and that is Pete will move in the direction opposite of where he is facing, so you need to make sure you quickly turn around when off-stage to allow him to properly return. While Pete’s lack of speed can pose trouble for him, those who are able to work around it will be greatly rewarded with a bunch of powerful moves that can easily control the stage in his favor.

Standard Special - Bowling Ball Barrage

Pete throws a bowling ball out that rolls across the floor and damages opponents it hits. The move can be charged up to three seconds for a more powerful ball that possesses great knockback and can potentially score KOs.

Side Special - Hurling Heavyweight

Pete tries to throw a bowling ball, but his fingers get stuck and he accidentally hurls himself a short distance in the direction he is facing. The move is a bit slow to start, but Pete’s heavy weight makes it pack quite a punch.

Up Special - Self-Injury

Pete hurls a bowling ball into himself, which sends him flying diagonally in the opposite direction he is facing. This move does great damage and good knockback, and Pete travels very far, but it can be awkward to use, as you need to make sure Pete is facing the opposite direction of where you want him to go. If you try to recover with Pete the normal way you do with most characters, you will likely cause Pete to self-destruct, but if you can get used to this tricky quirk, this is a great recovery tool and attack.

Down Special - Wild Jackhammer

Pete pulls out a jackhammer and uses it where he’s standing, sending debris flying out on both sides of him and rendering him invincible from knockback (though he can still take damage) for the move’s three second duration. While the debris does good damage, but minimal knockback, this move does possess great KO power if Pete uses it directly next to an opponent when he activates it, as the move’s sweetspot is very powerful.

Superstar Attack - Cemetery Shove

Pete suddenly dons his role of the Ghost of Christmas Future from Mickey’s Christmas Carol, and slaps all characters in front of him upon activation. Everyone hit is sent into a cinematic where they’re thrown into an open grave, where the coffin at the bottom opens up to spew out fire and smoke while Pete maniacally laughs. The fire does great damage and launches opponents forcefully, giving it great KO potential.


Up Taunt - Pete says “Goodbye, and good riddance!”

Side Taunt - Pete mimics shooting sounds while using finger-gun expressions and laughs.

Down Taunt - Pete boastfully says “Sometimes I’m so smart I scare myself!”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Pete strikes a triumphant pose and says “Oh, I’m good!”

Victory Animation 2: Pete says “No one, and I mean, no one, messes with the mighty Pete!”

Victory Animation 3: Pete falls onto the floor rolling around while laughing hysterically.

Losing Animation: Pete angrily throws a bowling ball to the ground and yells “This stinks!”

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Can I see Meilin Lee’s Hero Concept?

Sorry for the inconvenience, but since Meilin isn’t in my game (I wanted to go up to 2020 as the cutoff with December 2020 being my fan-made date for the game’s release date), I’m afraid I won’t be posting a moveset for her for the time being, though if I do add more characters eventually (which is unlikely at the moment), there is a good chance she’ll be added.

I decided to post three more movesets today, with these next three ones being for Russell and Kevin, Jumba, and Flynn Rider.

Russell and Kevin:

Trophy Description:

Russell is a Wilderness Explorer who is determined to win a badge for assisting the elderly, which arrives when he ends up accompanying a reluctant Carl in his journey to Paradise Falls. Kevin is a giant bird that the two come across on their journey that turns out to be a mother bird. Russell rides on Kevin in combat, with the bird doing the majority of the attacks. Russell can throw chocolate bars to manipulate Kevin into charging in the direction of the bar.

General Information:

Russell and Kevin are a duo fighter who are primarily led by Kevin, who is tall and heavy, albeit on the lighter end of the heavyweight characters. The two of them make for one of the more balanced heavyweight characters, with Kevin having a good balance of solid speed and strength and not possessing too many major weaknesses. Kevin runs fast on the ground and falls quickly, albeit she is slow in the air, and Kevin’s side special, up air, and smash attacks are the duo’s primary tools for scoring KOs, which all possess good KO power. Their up special is reasonably effective for recovering, and Kevin’s side special has the interesting effect of having its speed and strength increased if Russell throws out a chocolate bar before-hand, as Kevin will sprint towards the chocolate bar at a faster pace in order to eat it. Russell can also potentially stun opponents with the trumpet he uses in his standard special. As noted, Russell and Kevin don’t possess too many major weaknesses, but their strengths, while definitely notable, aren’t anywhere among the best in any category. Additionally, Kevin being tall makes their susceptibility to combos a bit higher than you might like, and while the chocolate bars can be used as a tool to attack from a distance, they are quite weak and are mainly there to make Kevin’s side special more powerful. Overall, Russell and Kevin are a great choice for those who want to use a heavier character with sufficient strength that also don’t sacrifice too much speed in the process, and they can be quite effective if played well.

Standard Special - Stunning Symphony

Russell blows his trumpet, which has a very short range, but can stun any opponents hit by it for three seconds, doing mild damage-over-time effects to them during that time.

Side Special - Rampaging Bird

Kevin charges a short distance in front of her, dealing decent damage and knockback to those she hits. Kevin doesn’t move particularly fast, but her speed and strength can be increased if a chocolate bar is out, in which she will move to the nearest one instead of her original path, doing more damage and moving quicker too. This doesn’t work as horizontal recovery that well since Kevin will still fall quickly while in midair.

Up Special - Boy Throw

Kevin hurls Russell a sizable distance into the air, and Russell falls back down after reaching his midair peak, where Kevin will spawn where he lands. Only the top of Russell when he’s flying up does damage, which is fine, but nothing special, and the vertical recovery is pretty good, with the player having horizontal control when Russell flies up and falls down.

Down Special - Chocolate Bar Frenzy

Russell throws a chocolate bar a short distance in front of him, doing very mild damage and knockback to those hit. Chocolate bars on the stage can be picked up and eaten by anyone, but only Russell and Kevin will heal from one once eaten. This move’s primary use is to make the duo’s side special stronger, as when a chocolate bar is out when used, Kevin will move to the nearest one at a faster pace to eat it. Up to three chocolate bars can be out at a time, and if two are within equal distance to each other as the closest, Kevin will run towards the one that was put out first.

Superstar Attack - Dogs on a Plane

Muntz’s dogs, led by Alpha, try to capture Kevin by bombarding the stage with their airplanes for a brief period of time, during which Russell and Kevin are invincible. The dogs can swoop down anywhere on the stage and at random speeds, and they possess solid KO potential with their great damage and knockback, though the slower airplanes can be easy to avoid.


Up Taunt - Russell says “This is fun, isn’t it?”

Side Taunt - Kevin mockingly squawks.

Down Taunt - Russell throws a badge into the air, catches it, and pins it on his sash.

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Russell holds onto Kevin’s legs, standing between them, and rocks her around playfully.

Victory Animation 2: Russell says “The wilderness must be explored! Caw! Caw! Roar!”

Victory Animation 3: Kevin hurls Russell into the air, and licks him playfully when he lands back on top of her.

Losing Animation: Russell applauds while sitting on Kevin.


Trophy Description:

An alien who claims himself to be an “evil genius” and creator of over 600 alien experiments, including Stitch. When Jumba is arrested for his illegal experiments, he is allowed to be released from prison if he recaptures Stitch, who has made his way to Earth. Despite what he says, Jumba isn’t really evil and is more just crazy. Jumba is a heavy character who is armed with a plasma cannon more powerful than Stitch’s, but isn’t very agile.

General Information:

Jumba offers a stark contrast to both Lilo and Stitch in terms of size and weight, being a large character who is among the ten heaviest characters in the game, whereas both of them are small and among the ten lightest characters in the game. Jumba’s attack power is also pretty solid, having plenty of damaging attacks and a number of effective KO options, such as his smash attacks, his up special, his neutral and down airs, and his dash attack. For his special moves, Jumba places a heavy emphasis on attacking from a distance, with three of the four being projectiles and the other being his up special, which is a tether recovery which he charge up to both increase the distance it reaches out (which is a good distance away from him) and its power. Jumba’s three projectiles all offer differing statistics between power and speed, with his down special being the strongest and slowest, his side special doing the least knockback but travelling the quickest, and his standard special having the least starting and ending lag, but not travelling as quickly as his side special. Due to this, Jumba has a bunch of tools he can use to attack from a distance and keep his foes guessing as to what he’ll use next. Jumba’s two biggest weaknesses are that he is a large target, making him more susceptible to combos than average, and his agility is poor, being slow on the ground in the air, and falling incredibly quickly. Overall, if you’re able to work around his low speed and keep fighters away from you with your long-distance and/or KO-inducing attacks, Jumba can be quite a powerful character.

Standard Special - Mega-Plasma Cannon

Jumba shoots out plasma blasts from his cannon, dealing damage and low knockback to anyone hit. He can’t fire his plasma cannon quite as fast as Stitch’s similarly-functioning plasma cannon, but his cannon does more damage and can make opponents flinch and halt them in their tracks when approaching.

Side Special - Plate Throw

Jumba pulls out three plates and throws them in quick succession. It’s easy to get hit by all three in a row, and the three combined do reasonable damage.

Up Special - Grappling Gun

Jumba pulls out another blaster that has a grappling hook inside, which shoots out and can grab onto ledges, allowing him to use it as a tether recovery. It can be charged to increase how far the grappling hook goes, and as for being used as an attack, it does solid damage and knockback and can potentially KO at higher percentages.

Down Special - Experimental Concoction

Jumba pulls out a beaker with a chemical in it, and throws it a distance in front of him, where the beaker lands and shatters, leaving the chemical residue on the ground. Anyone who walks over the chemical will take damage and have their controls reversed for five seconds after they exit the chemical. Getting hit by the beaker does solid damage and decent knockback.

Superstar Attack - Spaceship Assault

Jumba hops off-stage and gets into his spaceship, where it zig-zags around in the distance before it charges through the stage from the front view. The spaceship in this portion has incredible power and can KO at low percentages, though its slow speed makes it not terribly difficult to avoid. After that is done, Jumba enters a first-person view from inside his spaceship where a reticle shows him where he can shoot a powerful laser from the spaceship’s cannon. Jumba has five seconds to shoot the laser, or it will automatically go off. The laser is slightly less powerful than the spaceship’s opening attack, though it is still quite powerful, and the reticle’s fast-moving speed makes it much harder to avoid.


Up Taunt - Jumba says “It’s showtime!”

Side Taunt - Jumba pulls out a newspaper, goes insane, and starts tearing it up and eating it.

Down Taunt - Jumba says “Hey, I like that song!”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Jumba maniacally laughs and says “It’s great to be an evil genius!”

Victory Animation 2: Jumba proudly says “My experiments are theoretical and made completely within legal boundaries.”

Victory Animation 3: Jumba puts on a wig and says “Say, I look good in this, don’t I?”

Losing Animation: Jumba applauds.

Flynn Rider:

Trophy Description:

An outlaw who steals a crown from Corona and seeks refuge in Rapunzel’s tower to avoid the law. When Rapunzel agrees to let him keep the crown, now in her possession, if he takes her to see the kingdom’s floating lanterns, he reluctantly agrees to do so, eventually befriending and even falling in love with the long-haired girl. Flynn Rider is a well-rounded character who can use a sword for melee attacks or a satchel for long-distance plays.

General Information:

Flynn Rider is among one of the most well-rounded characters in the game and doesn’t really possess any major advantages or disadvantages. Flynn Rider is a middleweight fighter with above average running and falling speed, average air speed, good vertical recovery, typically does reasonable damage with his attacks, and has a few good KO options that aren’t loaded with insane power but are strong enough to be reliable. His most powerful options are his smash attacks with his sword, his down air, and, under certain circumstances, his side special. Flynn Rider is a very spammable projectile in his standard special, and arguably his most interesting and unique feature is how his side and down specials work in tandem with each other. His side special has him throw a satchel as a projectile attack, which normally, is pretty weak. However, its power can be increased with the help of his down special, in which he opens the satchel to capture any projectiles thrown into it or any items that are next to him. These tools will add weight to the satchel, giving it more damage and KO power, with its KO potential being pretty solid if Flynn Rider has captured a powerful projectile or item. In general, Flynn Rider doesn’t have too many weaknesses, but his horizontal recovery isn’t anything to write home about, as his up special prioritizes vertical recovery, though he does have decent jumping power, so it isn’t terrible. Additionally, if items aren’t on and/or if Flynn Rider is against those who don’t have any projectiles or only weak ones, his side and down specials will significantly go down in effectiveness due to a lack of options to maximize their potential. In general, Flynn Rider can easily hold his own in battle due to a lack of crippling flaws and is easy for anyone to pick up and use.

Standard Special - Daring Dagger

Flynn Rider throws a very small piece of a dagger that flinches those hit and does mild damage. There is very little ending lag, making it so this move can be spammed fairly easily.

Side Special - Satchel Throw

Flynn Rider throws his satchel a distance in front of him. Normally, the satchel is pretty weak, but it can be made stronger with the help of his down special, which allows him to store either an item or projectile inside, with the weight of the item affecting this move’s strength.

Up Special - Flying Lantern

Flynn Rider grabs onto a flying lantern as it floats into the air. There isn’t any horizontal distance, but the vertical recovery is very good. The lantern doesn’t do any damage.

Down Special - Satchel Grab

Flynn Rider opens his satchel and can store any projectile thrown into it or any item that happens to be next to him at the moment. Using this move again with something inside it will have him discard it, which isn’t done as an attack. This move’s primary use is to help make his side special stronger.

Superstar Attack - Hectic Horseplay

Flynn Rider summons Maximus, who roams around the stage, performing kick attacks and spitting out apple cores from his mouth. The apple cores do decent damage and travel far, and his kick attacks are quite powerful. Maximus usually prefers to sniff the ground until he smells someone within his range and will generally tend to prioritize them until someone else overshadows the current target for him. The attack lasts for 15 seconds, and Maximus can’t hurt Flynn Rider.


Up Taunt - Flynn Rider nervously asks “Why are you smiling at me?”

Side Taunt - Flynn Rider says “Sorry, I don’t do backstory.”

Down Taunt - Flynn Rider says “May I just say… Hi.”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Flynn Rider does the smolder.

Victory Animation 2: Flynn Rider runs into the scene saying “Gentlemen, this is a very big day!”

Victory Animation 3: Flynn Rider looks at a wanted poster of himself, in which his nose is clearly drawn wrong, and says “Now they’re just being mean.”

Losing Animation: Flynn Rider applauds.

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Can I see Snow White, Aurora, Pocahontas, Mulan, Tiana, and Merida please

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For today’s movesets, I’m going to do the request I got to post the movesets of the remaining official Disney princesses, specifically Snow White, Aurora, Pocahontas, Mulan, Tiana, and Merida.

Snow White:

Trophy Description:

A kind and wholesome princess whose status as the “fairest one of all” makes her a target of her vain and jealous stepmother, the Evil Queen. Seeking refuge in the cottage of the Seven Dwarfs to escape the Queen’s wrath, Snow White befriends the little men who in turn protect her from the Queen’s evil scheme. As an animal lover, Snow White summons her forest friends in battle to give her a helping hand to come out on top against her opponents.

General Information:

Snow White is a character who is easy to use and doesn’t contain any major gimmicks or quirks to make her difficult to adapt to her fighting style, with an even mix of advantages and disadvantages to make her a fairly balanced character. Snow White is on the lighter end of the middleweight fighters and has average agility stats, having average running speed, above average air speed, and below average falling speed. Arguably Snow White’s biggest strength is her reliability on being able to attack from a distance, thanks to the animals that frequently support her in her special attacks, such as a deer who performs a launching dash and two squirrels who throw plates on the sides of her. Snow White’s attack speed is good, her up special gives her solid recovery, and the combination with a lot of her attacks doing decent damage and low knockback give her opportunities for combos. However, Snow White does have one weakness surrounding her that is notable, and that is her KO power is fairly poor. Her forward and up smashes are her only consistently reliable tools for scoring KOs, and even then, they aren’t overly powerful. As such, Snow White will need to take advantage of her good abilities to rack up damage while trying to minimize the punishment she takes to be able to build up her opponents’ damage to a more dangerous state than hers. Overall, Snow White is an easy character to get a hang of and has some good abilities in landing combos, but if you’re looking for a character with lots of KO power, you’ll find a bunch of options who fit that playstyle much better.

Standard Special - Charging Buck

Snow White summons a deer that charges a short distance and does mild damage and decent knockback to those it hits.

Side Special - Dusting Rag

Snow White pulls out a dusting rag and swirls it around in front of her, trapping opponents who touch it in for a short combo that does decent damage and slightly reduces their movement speed for a few seconds after they’re damaged by it.

Up Special - Bird’s Root

A flock of birds carry a large tree root, which Snow White grabs onto as they take her into the air, and the player can influence what horizontal direction they move in. It covers a reasonable distance in both directions, making it an effective tool for recovery.

Down Special - Squirrel’s Silverware

Snow White summons two squirrels, one on each side of her, that throw a plate, which does decent damage to those hit by it and are stopped in their tracks.

Superstar Attack - Dwarf Pack Attack

Snow White will summon the Seven Dwarfs, who will attack those within close range of Snow White upon activation with their pickaxes and series of punches, culminating with a final launching blow. This attack does good damage and has good KO potential, but there are plenty of stronger Superstar Attacks, and if no one is within close range of the Dwarfs when they appear, the attack will not continue and be wasted.


Up Taunt - Snow White says “Stop it! Stop it! Go away! Go away!”

Side Taunt - Snow White says “Won’t you smile for me?”

Down Taunt - Snow White tauntingly waves.

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Snow White dances triumphantly.

Victory Animation 2: Snow White sings to a bird perched on her finger, who then flies off.

Victory Animation 3: Snow White laughs and says “That was fun!”

Losing Animation: Snow White applauds.


Trophy Description:

King Stefan’s daughter, who was cursed by Maleficent at birth into touching a spinning wheel’s spindle on her 16th birthday and falling into an eternal slumber. The three good fairies, Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather, raise Aurora as their own to keep her hidden from Maleficent, leaving her unaware of her true status as a princess. The fairies assist Aurora in battle with their powerful magic, though if they manage to be KO’d, Aurora on her own is not a tough fighter.

General Information:

In general, Aurora is a character who has big strengths and big weaknesses. Aurora’s stat distribution is fairly poor, being on the lighter end of the middleweight characters, and her agility stats aren’t great either, having average at best running speed, below average air speed, and low falling speed. However, Aurora’s major advantage that helps make up for her mediocre stat distribution is that the three fairies, Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather, help assist her in combat. While only one of them can be out at a time, they will be with Aurora the whole time until they get KO’d, in which Aurora will have to fight on her own until she loses a stock. The fairy assisting Aurora will generally hang out right behind her, and they are the characters who provide the vast majority of Aurora’s effectiveness as a fighter, as they have good attack options. The fairies also differ statistically from each other, with Flora being the most balanced of the three, Fauna prioritizing supporting Aurora and defensive tactics, and Merryweather prioritizing attacking and offensive tactics. As such, their attacks will often slightly differ in how they function, though they will usually remain fundamentally the same. Aurora’s down special allows her to swap which fairy is out, though the fairy who is currently with her must stay out for at least ten seconds before they can be swapped out. Aurora’s biggest weakness, in addition to her unspectacular stat distribution, is that the fairies can be KO’d, which will create trouble for her once it happens. If attacks that possess at least mild knockback hit Aurora, she and the fairy will usually be separated from each other, during which the fairy will usually try to make it back to being right behind her. However, if they’re knocked away from each other and the fairy is unable to make it back to the stage, they will get KO’d and Aurora will be on her own until she loses a stock. Without the fairies, Aurora will be unable to use certain attacks, and her attack power and recovery will go from being good to being among the worst in the game, and she will usually go down quickly and struggle to KO once the fairies are gone. Overall, Aurora can be a big threat with the help of the fairies, though she will suffer significantly in battle once they get KO’d, meaning Aurora functions most like a “glass cannon” character who can deal out a lot of punishment and be quite powerful, but will go down quickly if her fatal flaw is exposed.

Standard Special - Rainbow Barrier

The fairy assisting Aurora will create a rainbow in front of where Aurora is standing. The rainbow will absorb any attacks that hit it, and after it takes enough damage, it will be destroyed with an additional effect depending on which fairy summoned it. Fauna’s rainbow will heal Aurora for most of the damage it has taken if she is near it when it’s destroyed, though opponents near it when destroyed will also be healed, but less so. Merryweather’s rainbow will explode as a powerful attack when destroyed, which has great KO potential, but Aurora and the fairies can be hurt by it as well. Flora’s rainbow does both the healing and attack, but the healing and attack aren’t as strong as the fairies who specifically focus on that aspect. Only one rainbow can be out at a time, and it will go away after 20 seconds if it isn’t destroyed by then. This move can’t be used if the fairies are KO’d.

Side Special - Deep Sleep

The fairy assisting Aurora will shoot out a blast from their wand that travels a short distance forward and puts any opponent it touches to sleep for a set period of time, rendering them immobile and unable to attack. Fauna’s version puts a foe to sleep for 5 seconds, but does no damage. Merryweather’s version puts a foe to sleep for 2 seconds, but does decent damage, albeit with no knockback. Flora’s version does mild damage and puts a foe to sleep for 3.5 seconds. While the move can be reflected, Aurora can’t fall asleep from the reflected projectile if it hits her, though she will still take damage. This move can’t be used if the fairies are KO’d.

Up Special - Fairy’s Favor

The fairy assisting Aurora will summon some magic that will carry Aurora a diagonal distance into the air, with its effectiveness as both a recovery and attack depending on which fairy is out upon use. Fauna’s version doesn’t do any damage, but gives Aurora excellent recovery. Merryweather’s version doesn’t travel as far, but the magic does good damage and can potentially KO at higher percentages. Flora’s version is somewhere in-between, doing respectable, but not spectacular damage, and traveling more distance than Merryweather’s version but less than Fauna’s. If the fairies are KO’d, Aurora can’t use this move, making her recovery only limited to her jumps and very weak without the fairies’ help.

Down Special - Fairy Swap

Inputting this move will allow Aurora to swap the fairy she has out for one of the two other fairies, though she must wait ten seconds after this move is used before she can use it again. If a fairy who is assisting Aurora gets KO’d, Aurora will be unable to use this move until she loses a stock. Flora is always the one who is out by default, both upon the start of the match and upon Aurora respawning after she loses a stock.

Superstar Attack - Spinning Wheel Bonfire

Upon activation, the three fairies all appear, and Flora and Fauna summon a bunch of spinning wheels in the center of the stage, which Merryweather then sets on fire with a blast from her wand. The fire is large and does great damage to those who touch it, and debris and flames go flying out of the pile, keeping opponents on their feet throughout the attack’s duration of 15 seconds to avoid taking lots of damage. Aurora can’t be hurt by the fire. If this attack is activated while the fairies are gone, they will still appear in the Superstar Attack, but they won’t come back after it ends until Aurora loses a stock.


Up Taunt - Aurora curtsies.

Side Taunt - Aurora says “You know I’m not supposed to speak to strangers.”

Down Taunt - Aurora waves in a flirtatious manner.

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Aurora sings and smiles to an owl perched on her hand.

Victory Animation 2: Aurora spins around and curtsies.

Victory Animation 3: Flora and Merryweather fight over what color Aurora’s dress should be between pink or blue, making it a mess, and then they turn it back to normal.

Losing Animation: Aurora applauds.


Trophy Description:

Chief Powhatan’s daughter, who frequently has dreams that are trying to guide her in the direction she should take in life. When American settlers come to her homeland in Virginia, she falls in love with one of the explorers, John Smith, and is able to keep her tribe and the settlers from going to war. A lover of nature, Pocahontas utilizes many nature-related resources in her special moves, such as cornstalks, her raccoon friend, Meeko, and the colors of the wind.

General Information:

Pocahontas is a well-rounded fighter who tends to prioritize agility and attack speed over attack power and defense, but her advantages aren’t too extreme and those aforementioned stats are still competent, just not anything spectacular. Pocahontas is average in weight, being a middleweight character, and she has good running, air, and falling speed. Most of her attacks execute quickly, and her special moves give her some helpful tools to work with. Pocahontas’s up special is a solid recovery tool, and she can get into her canoe and dash forward, which is weak and slow on the ground but faster and does more damage in the air, while also being a good tool for horizontal recovery. Pocahontas can summon Meeko to help rack up damage on foes he latches onto, and she can also summon a cornstalk to make it very difficult for foes on the other end of the cornstalk that she is not on to hit her, as their attacks can’t travel through the cornstalk. For her KO options, Pocahontas is a bit limited to just her smash attacks, but they possess acceptable strength, but overall, her KO power is only average when compared to most of the cast. Factoring in all of Pocahontas’s attributes makes it clear that her advantages and disadvantages tend to not be that pronounced, giving her good methods to hold her own in battle without being spectacular in any category. Less experienced players will likely find Pocahontas a great choice since she is a less risky character to use, while more experienced players can still do well with her by utilizing the tools she has to their advantage.

Standard Special - Rascally Raccoon

Pocahontas summons Meeko, who roams around and latches onto enemies in front of him, pummeling them and doing decent damage, but no knockback beyond flinching. Meeko stays out for about seven seconds and must wait a bit between uses before he can come back out.

Side Special - Wood Canoe

Pocahontas gets into her canoe, which charges a short distance forward. On the ground, the move is weak and doesn’t travel far, but in the air, the move travels a good horizontal distance and does reasonable damage.

Up Special - Colors of the Wind

A strong wind carrying many different colored leaves hoists Pocahontas into the air in a diagonal direction in the way she is facing. It doesn’t do that much damage, but it works well for recovering.

Down Special - Cornstalk Barrier

Pocahontas spawns a cornstalk right in front of her, which prevents anyone standing on one side of it from being damaged by an opponent on the other side of it. After ten seconds, the stalk will de-spawn and the corn will fall to the ground, which anyone can eat and heal a small portion of their damage. Only one cornstalk can be out at a time.

Superstar Attack - All Bark With Bite

Grandmother Willow spawns in the middle of the stage, and she comes to help Pocahontas by sending various animals such as rabbits, squirrels, otters, and owls out to attack foes, and using her branches and roots as attacks. The animals are fast and plentiful, but don’t do that much damage or knockback, but Grandmother Willow’s branches and roots are quite strong and can be hard to anticipate which ones will attack due to the quantity of them and their good speed. Grandmother Willow stays on the stage for 15 seconds, and she and the animals can’t hurt Pocahontas.


Up Taunt - Pocahontas waves her arm in a circular motion and says “Wing-gap-o.”

Side Taunt - Pocahontas says “What is my path?”

Down Taunt - Flit flies around Pocahontas, making some buzzing sounds.

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Pocahontas holds Meeko in her hands as he eats some cherries.

Victory Animation 2: A strong wind carrying leaves blows through Pocahontas’s hair, which she is shown to be enjoying.

Victory Animation 3: A falcon perched on Pocahontas’s arm flies off into the sky, and she stands there triumphantly.

Losing Animation: Pocahontas applauds.


Trophy Description:

Fa Zhou’s daughter, who is struggling to find her place in the world. When a man from every family is expected to fight in the war against the Huns, Mulan takes her aging father’s place in fear that he’ll die if he does go. Despite her initial lack of experience and difficulty in hiding her gender, Mulan ends up saving China from the Huns. Mulan is a fairly balanced character who can easily compete in the battle and uses a powerful projectile attack with her fireworks.

General Information:

Mulan is one of the more well-balanced characters in the game, possessing plenty of tools that, while not amazing, are pretty solid and help to make her competent in most areas you would want a character to perform acceptably in. Mulan is a middleweight with fairly average speed stats, having above average running speed and average air and falling speed, and her damage-dealing capabilities and KO power are decent as well, with some moves being noteworthy as doing well in those areas. For damage, Mulan’s side special, down tilt, neutral air, and jab combo are solid tools for racking up damage, and her most powerful moves for scoring KOs are her smash attacks, standard special, and side special. As her side special was listed in both of those categories, it is a very solid move, in which Mulan shoots a firework that travels in an arc and explodes upon making contact with something, dealing solid damage and knockback and being a good projectile attack. Mulan’s down special is also a solid move, being able to block attacks that hit her and heal a small portion of her damage for how powerful that attack was. In general, Mulan doesn’t possess major disadvantages, though her weakest attribute is probably her recovery, which isn’t terrible, but just kind of average, with her up special covering good but not great vertical distance, and very minimal horizontal distance. In general, Mulan’s advantages and disadvantages tend to not be too extreme, so she is a good choice for less experienced players, and can still perform well and be a threat in the hands of a more advanced player.

Standard Special - Sword Thrust

Mulan thrusts her sword into the ground, hurting anyone nearby on either side of her. It is more knockback-inducing than damage-inducing, but can be helpful for scoring KOs.

Side Special - Firework Launch

Mulan launches a large firework that travels in an arc and explodes upon impact on either an opponent or the ground. The explosion does solid damage and knockback and is a decent KO move.

Up Special - Upward Slash

Mulan jumps into the air swinging her sword, doing decent damage and mild knockback to those she hits. The move has good vertical distance but the horizontal distance is very poor.

Down Special - Fan Assist

Mulan pulls out a fan to use as a tool to block an attack and heal a small portion of her damage. She can’t damage enemies with this attack and it will heal her less the more she uses it, but it can be very helpful if a powerful attack is about to hit her.

Superstar Attack - Firework Frenzy

Mulan becomes invincible and starts firing a bunch of fireworks around for a short period of time. These fireworks are only slightly stronger than the normal ones she avoids (which is still pretty strong), but the large number being fired and their quick erratic movements make them hard to avoid. It’s fairly easy for Mulan to score KOs with this attack or at least get others to critical damage percentages. The attack lasts for around 12 seconds.


Up Taunt - Mulan briefly pulls out a cage with Cri-Kee inside.

Side Taunt - Mulan waves a fan.

Down Taunt - Mulan says “Are we in this together or not?”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Mulan strikes a triumphant pose and says “My name is Fa Mulan.”

Victory Animation 2: Mulan throws an arrow to the ground from the top of a pillar, and she hops off of it and poses triumphantly.

Victory Animation 3: Mulan rides onto the scene on Khan, hopping off of him once they stop.

Losing Animation: Mulan applauds.


Trophy Description:

A hard-working waitress whose goal in life is to earn enough money to build her own restaurant to honor the wishes of her deceased father. When she is bribed by a prince who is transformed into a frog into kissing her, Tiana herself gets turned into a frog as well, and must find a way to become human again. Tiana is a mostly well-balanced character without any major strengths or weaknesses and works hard to give her foes a tough time.

General Information:

Tiana is a fighter whose attributes generally fall around the middle of things, giving a playstyle that has some strengths and weaknesses, but both of these aspects tend to be downplayed. Tiana is a middleweight fighter with completely average agility stats, with her running, air, and falling speed all being perfectly average. Tiana’s strength is also average as well, not being a weak fighter, but not being overly strong either, possessing decent tools for dealing damage and scoring KOs that aren’t exceptional, but are serviceable. Tiana can slow down opponents by using her standard special to cover a small area of the stage with cobwebs, can capture non-physical attacks with her dad’s gumbo pot that can become a powerful stew once three attacks that are strong enough are captured, and has a slower, but more powerful projectile in which she throws a large plate with several smaller plates of food on it, which does decent knockback and can fall onto the stage for Tiana and her opponents to eat. Tiana’s recovery is also serviceable, but not spectacular. Tiana’s flaws mostly come from the fact that her side special can give her opponents an opportunity to heal, so it’s important to use it if you think you can knock them farther away from the food than you are, and while she doesn’t severely struggle in anything, there isn’t anything she does that is anywhere among the best. Overall, Tiana is a great choice for those who want to use a well-balanced character who doesn’t possess any major flaws. For more advanced players, they will likely find themselves gravitating towards other characters with flashier, more exciting movesets, but Tiana can still pose a threat if utilized well.

Standard Special - Dusty Cobwebs

Tiana pulls out a broom with cobwebs on it and brushes the cobwebs off the broom onto the stage, which do mild damage to those who walk into them and slightly decrease their movement speed for five seconds.

Side Special - Waitress’s Plate

Tiana throws a large plate that has several smaller plates with food on them, which doesn’t travel far, but does good damage and decent knockback to those hit. Some food may fall off the plate when it’s out, which anyone can pick up and eat to heal a tiny portion of their damage.

Up Special - Ray’s Friends

A large herd of fireflies travel airborne and move Tiana with them, doing mild damage and knockback to those hit by them and serving as Tiana’s main recovery tool. This move covers decent distance both vertically and horizontally, but isn’t an outstanding recovery move.

Down Special - Gumbo Pot

Tiana pulls out her dad’s gumbo pot, which can capture any non-physical attacks that hit it. After three attacks are captured, Tiana can throw out a stew whose strength depends on the strength of the attacks captured in it, with it having the possibility to be incredibly strong if all the attacks captured were strong.

Superstar Attack - Trumpeting Alligator

Tiana summons her alligator friend, Louis, who spawns in front of her and begins to play his trumpet, sending out numerous notes that damage and launch opponents. Each individual note does about 15 damage with solid knockback, so while getting hit by one or two at low damage shouldn’t be too dangerous, the quantity of them can make them hard to avoid and can help rack up someone’s damage. Louis stays out for 15 seconds and Tiana can’t be hurt by the notes.


Up Taunt - Tiana says “How can I let up now when I’m so close?”

Side Taunt - Tiana does a taunting salute.

Down Taunt - Tiana rolls her eyes and says “Very funny…”, unamused.

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Tiana looks at a picture of Tiana’s Place and says “Don’t you worry, Daddy. We’ll be there soon.”

Victory Animation 2: Tiana struts into the scene and triumphantly poses with her hands near her head.

Victory Animation 3: Louis plays his trumpet right next to Tiana and he triumphantly poses with her when he finishes playing a brief tune.

Losing Animation: Tiana applauds.


Trophy Description:

A rebellious Scottish princess who is an expert at archery and dislikes having to follow the age-old traditions of royalty, much to the chagrin of her mother, Queen Elinor. Despite frequent conflicts between them, Merida and Elinor do love each other, and Merida regrets it when she inadvertently turns her mother into a bear in an attempt to change her mind. Merida carries several types of arrows into battle, including fire and ice arrows which are powerful, but limited in quantity.

General Information:

Merida is a character who typically falls into the more well-rounded sort of playstyle, being a middleweight fighter with good running speed, average air and falling speed, and decent recovery. Merida’s specialty is in her arrows she uses as projectile attacks. Merida typically carries normal arrows on her, which travel quickly and do decent damage, though their knockback is little more than just flinching. However, Merida carries two additional types of arrows on her, with those being fire and ice arrows, which attack similarly to what their names suggest and are more powerful than the normal arrows, with fire arrows doing the most damage and knockback of the three and the ice arrows being able to temporarily freeze opponents. Merida’s side special also allows her to spawn a target, which she can shoot one of her arrows onto to cause an effect that is dependent on what type of arrow hit it, ranging from a temporary increase in her movement and attack speed to a heavy damaging fire. Merida’s attacks that allow her to fight up close also tend to be effective. Her smash attacks have good KO power, and her back throw guarantees she will hit an opponent with whatever arrow she currently has on hand, which is great if it’s the fire or ice arrow. However, Merida’s weaknesses, while not severe, still need to be addressed. Outside of using her fire and ice arrows, Merida’s KO options are somewhat limited to just her smash attacks, which are effective, but have poor range. Additionally, her fire and ice arrows are also limited in quantity, unlike the normal arrows, which are less powerful but unlimited. Merida only carries five fire arrows and five ice arrows with her per stock, making them important to use strategically. Thankfully, Merida will gain two additional fire and ice arrows if she scores a KO, so there is a way to increase her quantity, but the quantity present will rarely be high unless she isn’t using them at all. If Merida loses a stock, her fire and ice arrows will be restocked back to five of each if she has less of them, though if she loses a stock and has more than five of either on her, she will go back to only having five. Overall, Merida has a variety of tools to help her do well, working great with a “hit and run” playstyle, though she is used most effectively by using her fire and ice arrows at appropriate moments to increase the amount of punishment she can inflict on her opponents.

Standard Special - Archery Ace

Merida fires one of three different types of arrows, depending on which type she currently has out. She starts the battle and each stock with the normal arrows equipped by default, which are the fastest and do decent damage, but little knockback and have no additional effects. The other two arrow types are fire and ice arrows, which have their own unique attributes. Fire arrows are the most powerful of the three damage and knockback-wise, possessing decent KO power and inflicting brief damage-over-time effects, but don’t travel as fast or as far as the normal arrows. Ice arrows do slightly more damage than the normal arrows and freeze opponents they hit for five seconds.

Side Special - Right on Target

Merida spawns a target a distance in front of her, which doesn’t do any damage on its own, but if she shoots the target with an arrow, it will trigger an effect depending on what arrow type hit it. If hit by a normal arrow, Merida’s movement and attack speed will be slightly increased for a short period of time. If hit by a fire arrow, the target also turns on fire, which does a lot of damage to those who touch it (including Merida). If hit by an ice arrow, the target will also freeze, and if anyone hits it with a powerful attack, it will go sliding across the stage until it hits a wall or falls off the stage, dealing good damage and knockback to those it hits. Only one target can be out at a time, and they stay out for ten seconds.

Up Special - Trusty Horse

Merida’s horse, Angus, suddenly appears and hurls Merida up into the air to give her a recovery. Merida can be moved horizontally while she’s being thrown into the air. This move functions identically to Belle’s up special, with no major differences between the two.

Down Special - Arrow Swap

Using this move allows Merida to swap between what kind of arrow type she is using between the normal, fire, and ice arrows. Merida has unlimited normal arrows, but her fire and ice arrows are limited to five per stock each. The only way for Merida to gain more fire and/or ice arrows during a stock is that if she scores a KO, she will get two extra of both arrow types in her inventory. As such, the fire and ice arrows, while effective, must be used wisely to avoid letting them go to waste.

Superstar Attack - Heavy-Piercing Arrow

Merida pulls out a very large bow and arrow, which she then fires, doing significant damage and knockback to those it hits, though its damage and knockback do decrease for each person it hits. This move has excellent KO potential, especially on the first person it hits, and any further victims also have a great chance to get KO’d as well. Foes who try to shield this to avoid it will have their shields instantly destroyed, giving Merida an opportunity to punish them when this attack ends.


Up Taunt - Merida says “Legends are legends. They ring with truths.”

Side Taunt - Merida says “There’s no point in having a go at me.”

Down Taunt - Merida pulls out an apple and takes a bite out of it.

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Merida fires an arrow into the air and rests upon her bow triumphantly.

Victory Animation 2: Merida rides into the scene on Angus and raises her bow triumphantly.

Victory Animation 3: A group of wisps fly around Merida as she raises her arm in triumph.

Losing Animation: Merida applauds.

Can I see Moana, Cinderella, Asha, Anna, Mirabel Madrigal, and Meilin Lee please

Moana been done
Cinderella been done
Anna been done
And they are not taking characters that are not listed at the moment.


While we’re on the subject, when/if you decide to include new character; will it be open discussion or will you surprise us?

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I will probably notify people that I will be adding new characters before anything is posted, but whether I keep who I am adding a secret or not is still debatable (leaning towards not doing so, as I’ll likely try to add characters from post-2020 movies, making it fairly obvious as to what characters could be added).


I’m not sure if you’ve said it or not, but are all DLC characters finished?

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What I meant by open discussion, I meant are you going to let other people pick character or are you going to pick them yourself?

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