Next Hero Refresh, When?

Difference being that Duke still does significant damage. Jack, Scrooge and Pan don’t even tickle enemies if there is even a small amount of armor/reality buff.

Oh I forgot to list Bo Peep. She just doesn’t work, with her abysmal evasion and weak damage. And her one good thing, blocking projectiles, is bugged as well.

And her red skill is by far the worst one now that Mim’s will be reworked


Kinda like Honey Lemon, who extends the timers on blinds and freezes but doesn’t blind or freeze herself


Herc, Olaf have a good red skill but his other 4 are so average… Nick just needs some increase stat and skill power and he will be fine

Nick’s basic attack speed is too slow. His basic attack speed should be increased

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I explain what I mean in the link. I’m mean to say that he moves need to either do something else entirely or do even more, and not just in terms of a stat boost.

…like Mim’s refresh?


Please give Scar more HP and increase silence length!

Give Mickey more everything!

Not sure if jafar got hero refresh and Syndrome hero refresh are do that soon

Jafar, maybe. Syndrome, definitely not.

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Syndrome will do when fall comes

Syndrome is good. The only other 2020 hero besides Kim and Basil that needs a refresh is Flynn. It’s not that he’s doing anything wrong but he is rather weak in comparison to other Sappers and his kit doesn’t fit his character really at all. His whole Sap thing should be Charm, that’s literally what the smolder was in the movie.

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… Sorry, could you explain that again?

Basically. For example, this is her Blue Skill:


When an ally knocks out an enemy, Hopps heals them 195509 HP and inspires them for 3 seconds.

Pretty pathetic right? And that’s her at maxed stats level 225! Well, not only should she inspire the whole team the whole match, but this is what I think it should be more like for Testify:

When an ally knocks out an enemy, Hopps heals the entire team for 25% of their max HP. Any HP healed over their max is converted into a shield.

HP healed is reduced for allies above level ----

Ursula, Ralph, and Rex. I couldn’t think of three more useless characters. Completely unusable.

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Ralph I agree with, but Idk if I’d call Rex and Ursula outright “useless”.

Rex has some unique capabilities thanks to his Purple and Red Skill especially. Ursula has her own Hex methods and overall decent Energy removal potential.

Is Simba and Nala need a refresh?

I think they’re okay, but idk what other people have to say about them.

Yes. They’re too random to formulate a team around them.

Here’s an interesting question: are there any older units that people feel are LESS in need of a refresh as some others? Not so much that they don’t need a refresh, PERIOD, but more that they don’t need as much of one as other units do.


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