Next Hero Refresh, When?

Hades isnt like one who is very hard to deal with.
Its just bcz of his red skill it takes time to kill em.


Yeah, heā€™s only a problem in certain friend campaigns

Is this better?

Davy is biggest threat Nowadays. :confused:
Bo Peep needs refresh as well

Oh yeah, can we also get an EVE refresh? I feel like she was designed to be flexible with her team comp, but that and her old stats leaves her too weak to actually justify using her.


Sheā€™s the only disable-duplicator in the game :eyes:

Yeah, EVE needs a way to get around dealing hefty damage when all disables practically fade from existence from tenacity and evasion. She also needs some disable defense herself.

Iā€™ll let the professional refresher handle the situationā€¦


And Ursula

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Also, she herself has only one skill that actually disables enemies, and it has the silly level restriction behind it, meaning it CAN fail.

Can we get stitch and Keven fyann a refresh?

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Stitch really DOESNā€™T need a refresh. I use him on my main team, and heā€™s very much a powerhouse thanks to the refresh he already had.


Judy really needs Hero Refresh

What about Alice? Would anyone say she needs a refresh?

Alice could certainly benefit from one. Sheā€™s got a nicely balanced kit, but it could stand a little improvement.


Oh yeah, how about a refresh for MEGARA?! Sheā€™s got a very unique niche, and Iā€™d love to use her more because of it, but I donā€™t think she has the proper stats or skills to properly utilize it.


Judy doesnā€™t just need a refresh, she needs a remastered upgrade. Her skills are far too simplistic and weak to hold any candle in the game.

I made a whole page talking about this: Character Concept: Judy Hopps Remastered

Refresh, no. Just improved stats.

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Theyā€™re the same thingā€¦


Apart from the obvious KPā€¦

Scrooge. Great damage, but can be taken to zero with reality and he has nothing else. Heā€™s basically a better D&B, but still not good to use. He at least needs slightly better damage stats, negation somewhere, and some new effects on skills. Disks are meh too.

Peter Pan. Kinda the same as Scrooge, a little reality and he does nothing. His Alice disk is already good for SP, but his numbers are kinda low.

Jack Sparrow. Heā€™s got both low numbers AND lack of negation. Can be decent after he uses blue skill but he doesnā€™t even get to live to use it. Also heā€™s yet another character that only does damage and could use some more effects for his skills. Maybe green skill could give him a shield since his red skill works around it?

Just to name a fewā€¦


I always forget that Duke Caboom exists in this game and this exact issue is part of it. The only skill of his that isnā€™t just ā€œdo damageā€ is his blue, and itā€™s just a standard speed boost. He has no special effects to his kit (ironic for a stuntman).

Peter Pan at least has Tinkerbell to mess with enemies in other ways that arenā€™t JUST damage. Scrooge and Duke donā€™t really have this.

I really donā€™t understand why Jack Sparrowā€™s Red Skill is dependent on him having a shield when NONE of his kit gives him a shieldā€¦

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