I don’t understand why there is a need for yet another super complicated way to make heroes stronger - just to “balance older heroes”
Why not instead of creating new “Patches” for every hero, just look at Base stats, Badges, Battle Badges and skills and refresh those
Front line DAMAGE hero
Purple skill (Magic Carpet Ride)
Start of combat dealing damage 9.8M at TL 335
Chip & Dale:
Front line SUPPORT hero
Purple skill (On the Case)
Start of combat dealing damage 257M at TL 335
ALSO energizes allies
AND with memory disk Stun and Sap enemies
nothing wrong here
No mods, just base stats that are skewed for old heroes
Now the team need to spend time looking at every hero and testing it “to make sure it doesnt break the balance” cough Shego, Meilin, Zeus cough
Instead of just levelling current heroes thay people love to play with but get killed by power creep and then they quit.
@Nugget please feel free to pass this along to the devs
Also, based off the previews there is NO WAY these “patches” will breach the gap of old heroes to new heroes, Alladin will need to do at least additional 3,000% to control enemies to make him barely level with a support hero like Chip&Dale
→ 9.8M x (1 + 3,000%) = 303.8M damage