Next update, when? [Season 2]

So when you say that “others” believe the cap raise will be announced in patch notes today, what you mean is that you believe the cap raise will be announced in the patch notes today.

And by “We”, you apparently mean you, since Nugget has already said PerBlue won’t be doing that:

So once we do not have a cap raise this Tuesday, will you admit PerBlue isn’t trying to make one happen a week early, or will you continue to make that claim just to be proven wrong every four weeks?

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The guy literally tries to make the truth out of like every claim they have. :man_shrugging:

Yeah, just wondering if maybe they’ll stop doing this one every four weeks. Probably not, but I figured it was worth a shot.

Would be nice if with more features (or higher costs) it had been a 6 week schedule tbh.

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So here I did an elaboration of what I think will happen after Patched Heroes are released:

Red Skills at R0… Megabits at Y0… Patched Heroes at Y20/21

Coincidence? I think not.


Just going to put this here so there isn’t any confusion on the assumptions made about the unreleased Patched Heroes feature.


I think we had enough laughs already. Let’s save some for the actual release. insert a clown meme


I don’t understand why there is a need for yet another super complicated way to make heroes stronger - just to “balance older heroes”

Why not instead of creating new “Patches” for every hero, just look at Base stats, Badges, Battle Badges and skills and refresh those

Front line DAMAGE hero
Purple skill (Magic Carpet Ride)
Start of combat dealing damage 9.8M at TL 335


Chip & Dale:
Front line SUPPORT hero
Purple skill (On the Case)
Start of combat dealing damage 257M at TL 335
ALSO energizes allies
AND with memory disk Stun and Sap enemies

:roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes: nothing wrong here

No mods, just base stats that are skewed for old heroes

Now the team need to spend time looking at every hero and testing it “to make sure it doesnt break the balance” cough Shego, Meilin, Zeus cough
Instead of just levelling current heroes thay people love to play with but get killed by power creep and then they quit.

@Nugget please feel free to pass this along to the devs

Also, based off the previews there is NO WAY these “patches” will breach the gap of old heroes to new heroes, Alladin will need to do at least additional 3,000% to control enemies to make him barely level with a support hero like Chip&Dale
→ 9.8M x (1 + 3,000%) = 303.8M damage


how does one monetise a hero refresh without offering up more resources :man_shrugging::sweat_smile:

creation of a new resource is a very easy way to monetise without making progression any easier, since the resource doesn’t yet exist

100% agreed
But people are not suddenly going to buy stuff for Aladdin if he is still 3,000% less useful than Chip and Dale, they will just keep using heroes they have
That is lost stamina revenue

Also, game makers in general should just be careful to not price themselvea out of a player base in the near future

Aladdin’s purple skill with maxed red skill deals (90M x 3) x 4-6 damage against control role enemies. And additional 120% with the patched new buff.

What would be good if red skill would work against all types of enemies, then his purple would be quite devastating. It shouldn’t require a lot of work…

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Yes and Chip and Dale with max red skill ads 51M skill power against all enemies
Your point is?

All negated by armor buffs, while Aladdin has full armor negation.
Aladdin could do more damage if it would work on all enemies.

Also, what would be point of new heroes if they would be weak? Who uses Anna, Horned, Sarah? If new hero fails to be good it’s useless and nobody uses them.

I just rewatched the Hunchback of Nortre Dame and I understand why Quasimodo was added after rewatching it

And why would that be?

Him swinging into action and getting fan play

What does that mean?

Guys is it me or we should get more Winnie the Pooh charaters soon then just winnie tigger and eyorye maybe piglet or atleast Christopher

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@Nugget sorry if this was mentioned somewhere, tried to find something but couldn’t
but is 4.4.10 today or only next week?


No patch notes today!

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