Patch Feedback

Also I don’t see any difference between level 9 and level 10 of the Patch feature.

The level give practically the same rewards if they were cumulative like harder the level more badges bits (or badge shop currency, remember it exist right?) could be given.

Essence I think you don’t want to modify it but at least check that other reward it would be welcome.


So far not a fan only because never updated the toons needed to play to its full extent to earn the rewards needed for patch progress as much. This further proves in my opinion when players say they need to update all toons to enjoy the game to its full extent (besides countering aspect) which is hard for ftp players to do with limited resources gather each day from playing.

As much hard work went into it and is nice to see a new feature and all, kinda wish the basics of the game like guild perks, badge costs/drops, etc were more in focus if the real gap between whales and free players was the endgame goal bc this feels the complete opposite of that goal. I get it , it’s a company, and goal is to make money… but it’s makes it difficult to play the game and Be enjoyable if that’s all it is about. Just my opinion is all.


I have been getting less and less satisfaction with this game with every mechanics change. I’m seriously tired of constantly having to learn something new to “advance” my heroes while still trying to advance them from the changes three iterations ago (battle badges, anyone?) I have a lot invested in it all, but I’m wearing out, and very ready to give up entirely soon.


Patches are another stat boost but its a permanent one. Hurray we’re gonna get even more of a gap. ■■■■ f2p players amirite?


I don’t really understand the point of making it one attempt stretched out over a month. Just cram the same number of attempt into a week maybe and move on to the next? The rewards, as mentioned, are also not the best (namely 10 measly badge bits, but the essence amount could be higher as well).

As for the Trials themselves, typical resource usage baiting to get these heroes raised in order to do well. Only this time, instead of doing it for random rewards, it’s for an exclusive resource for the new feature in the game. Whales can already buy more if they want and they will already have the strong roster of all/most heroes to always clear the highest tiers as it is, so it’s not as if these restrictive tiers aren’t yet another obstacle to overcome for F2Ps, as already mentioned.

If you still insist on keeping the Franchise trials as the way to obtain the essences, then maybe either add a number of random “wild card” heroes that can be used alongside the Franchise heroes for possibly better odds of being able to complete them or add a Mercenary feature to these trials. If it’s only going to be once a day, then maybe one strong Mercenary can help to clear it. If it’s multiple attempts per day, then you can allow the use of the Merc for the daily trial battles like in CW where you can use them for the entire set of 15 waves/areas.


The essence from the highest difficulty should be 50, which is 100 across two available daily.
It’s still 100 days to unlock patches on all heroes and we still need more to upgrade them, 5 times on each, so like almost two years still, depends on scaling.

Badge bits should be replaced with badge tokens + badge crates.

I suggest these as the new rewards @Loutre, which will make life easier without ruining the economy… especially that many players will be forced to upgrade more heroes to finish these trials, more stuff is needed. :woman_shrugging:
Stage 1: 5000 Badge Tokens
Stage 2: 7500 Badge Tokens
Stage 3: 10000 Badge Tokens + 1 Badge Crate
Stage 4: 13500 Badge Tokens + 1 Badge Crate
Stage 5: 15000 Badge Tokens + 1 Badge Crate + 15 Essence
Stage 6: 20000 Badge Tokens + 2 Badge Crates + 25 Essence
Stage 7: 25000 Badge Tokens + 2 Badge Crates + 35 Essence
Stage 8: 30000 Badge Tokens + 3 Badge Crates + 50 Essence

Talents: Effects

Damage Debilitation should last for 5 seconds, if upgrading doesn’t increase duration.
Control/Tank/Damage/Support Aggressive talents should be removed.
And it would be nice to have talent which increases Normal and Fantastic Crit and Armor and Reality negation instead, if there isn’t any? Can we know?
Stout Senses should make the hero immune to all disables.
Nick Wilde’s 1st talent should be changed to Reality Blight, because his reality negation is poor while evasion good, so making him immune to these is kinda pointless, especially only two disables.

Can we get a list of possible talents?
And it possible to reveal the following franchises to get their trials in the next round?

Could we get some essence from contests from now on too?
And when heroes will be able to unlock 2nd talents?
Do the hero refreshes will be given now frequently and tied-up with the franchise trials like with 4.4.10, with few heroes getting buffed each update?


That would definitely make it easier. I was able to get through that trial.

Well Patch has it ups and downs I’d argue

The new things to unlock seem nice, but the problem is that we won’t be able to unlock for the majority of the heroes, because of the very very small amounts of Patch essence we can gain. Of course there are deals and that is of course the point …

Overal on that fron’t I’d say it is probably worse than Battle Badges, which seem less critical for heroes overall (especially upgrading)

If I look at the trials themselves I think the enjoyment is really going to differ from franchise to franchise. Big Hero 6 is a very fun one for me cause I have almost all of them Yellow and beyond. Aladdin on the other hand is a nightmare with only purple heroes. Especially the last one, doing that one today, showed me that if you can’t get Patch Essense, it is not really worth doing these trails.

So new feature is really a meh for me :man_shrugging:

But no worries, there is luckily still great things to look forward to. I’m for example very exiting for the Yellow quality of life update that is coming. Those are the things that are great: making is more viable for players to actually level up and upgrade all those special skill (red skill, battle badges, now patch levels) that have been added in the last few years.


So you mean “Team Trials” :grin:

Now this is good! Considering we can get about 250k Badge Tokens in Invasion (which is too low and should be changed but ok)… 30k is reasonable. I’d like 10k, 15k, 20k, 25k, 30k, 35k, 40k and 50k though.

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Really good

At this point of time the Patch system looks…alright? Honestly, hard to say. The new trials are enjoyable, yes. The stat bonuses from the levels are’t big enough to be a game changer, but a pleasure to aknowledge, I guess. The talents though…again, hard to say right now, but just as Codebase, characters will most likely to separate into those whose talents are barely noticable and those who dominate with it.
Giving any constructive feedback after just a day is hard, but right now, the system looks fine. It all depends on how you expand it further: how often will the new levels appear, how much they will cost, how many characters will receive new levels at once.
The only minor nitpick I have is the blue number on an icon. I would say it should be removed entirely. Having it in the little menu you see when tapping an icon is enough.

Parches absorventes de dinero para el juego…y nada de valor para los jugadores…es como comprar un nft…:unamused::unamused::unamused::unamused:

I personally think that it so dumb, I got a patch on go-go because she is the only franchise hero I have upgraded. Should I spend my patches on her or wait for my main hero’s to be on the trial? The patches are way to hard to get, I’m assuming this is on purpose so you can get more money!


What were disk power and mods when introduced?
What were red skills when introduced?
What still are megabits?


They were and still are hard to max.


The idea is great. Helping old heroes gain usefulness again - however this could have been achieved with just base stat boosting like we have been asking for for years
Now it is linked with another way we need to spend money on resources to just play the event
This is not helping the average player, this is helping the wales just become more out of the average player’s reach.

Sorry but you need to go back and look at orher ways to close the gap between F2P and P2W players.

The increased exponential cost loomung is also troublesome
Will it be like Megabits? 21 updates ago and still getting the same amount from Virus Trial?
No thanks.

This thread is for general feedback, not only complains, so don’t forget to add what you like about the feature!

Some very limited feedback given we’ve had this for 2 days only.

Positive feedback:

  • The feature adds diversity - The abilities a patched hero gets may very well give a good edge vs a non-patched hero. Assuming we won’t be able to patch all heroes, it means we need to choose wisely which heroes to patch which adds depth. Similar to how we choose which disks to level up.

  • Trials are fun - especially if you don’t have a good team, you have to think outside the box to get those 3 stars bonus.

Negative feedback:

  • The feature is pretty complex and the tutorial is very very short - e.g. I still don’t understand how this patch power works, or how patch levels limits work, how to unlock further skills or level the skills. Not to mention I learned from this thread that there are different patch level essences.

  • Missing notification - probably just a bug that’s gonna get fixed

  • Lower levels not giving patch essence - as people mentioned earlier there is no initiative to do those. If you can’t do Stage 5, no point in doing it at all. Weaker players will not progress.

  • Calling the feature Patch - “This Patch releases Patch but we have some issues with the Patch”. Good luck googling for guides.

  • Raiding - not sure this is a good idea… usually Trials have different opponents every day. It is what makes them unique. Maybe today you can’t make that last level, but tomorrow you will! Being able to raid after you clear it once? Not a fan, personally, unless the enemies are fixed (which would make trials dull).

Apart from the above I guess we need more time to see how it plays out.


I see a lot posts about the widening gap between Free to Play and Pay to Win players. Of course PerBlue is going to cater to the Pay to Win players - they’re the ones keeping the revenue stream flowing.
That said, I do think increasing base stats of older characters would add to the game, as most players don’t even bother with 90% of the character lineup. As soon as one new overpowered character comes out, a previous one gets dropped(in usage) in favor of the new character. Show of hands: When was the last time anyone used Ralph? (Not including newer players)
I’d much rather see Surge and City Watch get rebalanced before any new content gets released. Also for Heist… either I get randos that are severely under leveled joining a Shocking Heist, or people that do nothing (easy to kick), or people that join and get a battle queued up but don’t start it so they CAN’T be kicked then do nothing. I remember one time I had a lobby up for over an hour, and didn’t get one player in - with most players that only join a Heist AFTER its already started and almost done for a quick win.
It’d be nice to get an AI or multiple AI’s to take up player slots until a player joins. I still enjoy Heist and it’s hard enough to get decent players, let alone ANY players to join.

Yes, but not the way they were before.

Yes, but giving only Patch Essences won’t really make the P2W players spend much once they find out that the Patch merely satisfies their hunger for Hero Power, a meaningless number…

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Absolutely agree that it is too early for people to say “this is P2W!”. This is just negative thinking. Yes, P2W players will get everything faster. That doesn’t make a game P2W. The question is can you get everything you need to compete fast enough for free? It is too early to say how much time we will need to get the Patches we need and how important they will be.

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