Patch Notes 4.5-A

this is a game mechanic.

no cap on the shatter, mayor himself isn’t broken.


He needs to have a cap. I should not be able to hit my first bot that was 20k and take him down with a barely built mayor… that’s all I’m saying


Nice sounds pretty good :slightly_smiling_face::+1::heart::blue_heart:

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Obviously not, because he’s not even Disney…


This looks like a nice update!

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Please stop spamming this… this isn’t even possible since Joker isn’t from a Disney franchise…


And I say once again: Joker is not even from Disney so it is literally impossible to add him to the game. And THAT’S actually final.


Joker is not Disney and just because Wreck it Ralph is Sega and Sonic was in Wreck it Ralph doesn’t mean that all Sega games are Disney

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Is shego is same as zeus as that update.

And that reminds me. My wants are comes to next season is:
Onward, Kim Possible, The Lion King, and The Hunchback of Notre Dame.

Let’s find out.

What in the world are you doing? :angry:
Why would you ask someone to add a character from a franchise that’s not even Disney? Like seriously, what gives?

What about the Sheriff? We know his sharp shooter always deals a one hit takedown.

Wait. Was Chapter 53, or “Wandering”? Were you going to edit that?

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Overall, very concerning with Patch. Haven’t even been able to keep up with battle badge. @Loutre is the exception that player need to spend several hundred dollars a month to just keep top few heroes maxed?


@Nugget Is Evil Queen gonna have a patch since she’s getting refreshed? :thinking: I know there is no Snow White trial and I’m still not understanding why y’all refreshed her and not Maleficent :thinking:


No, only 4 franchises: Ducktales; Frozen; Sleeping Beauty; Cinderella,…


Querem Nerfar Zeus ? ele é o Zeus ! Ele não é o maior dano do jogo pra mim o maior dano do jogo é a Sheego chega a ser assombroso a habilidade branca dela ativada limpa a Arena de batalha

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You may want to take a look at Meilin then. Not only is she nearly unkillable, but her white skill is even deadlier than Zeus’s and Shego’s. And it’s annoying enough, when an enemy has one move that makes them zip across the screen, but she has two.

Also, Zeus is actually fairly easy to counter, if you have Mary Sanderson, Madam Mim, Baymax, Ian, Drakken, or a Zeus of your own.


Baymax needs a nerf also tbh if we’re on subject of heroes doing 1 shot kills


Yeah Meilin, Quasimodo and Baymax need to be nerfed!!!


No, they don’t need any nerf.

Baymax only does his damage once, use Shank (and any armor buff) and he will do nothing.
Meilin and Quasimodo die immediately by 22, Aurora, Shego…

They have a counters.

Zeus’s red skill has no counters.

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