Patch Notes 4.5-A

Interesting new Franchises joining, where again 1 is going to be hard, 1 is going to be easy and 1 is going to be mid for me!

Only of course if you buy Patch essence, cause otherwise you won’t ever have enough :hugs:


There goes one of the best heroes…
And it isn’t true that he is hard to counter. You just need to have your Reflect-game right :man_shrugging:

Poor Agent P…

Now that I think of it, reducing his damage might make countering him even less easy, cause Reflect will work worse, and he keeps his energy steal. So wrong move both for defense and using Zeus in offense. So bad in every way.

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Nugget can you please clarify this?
The way I am reading it is that you can only level up a hero to Patch Level 2 if all Patchable heroes are level 1?

Also, is the Patch Powers included in hero filters?
Or could the team add a different filter for Patch Powers specifically?

If I am looking for “Invisible” I probably don’t want to have heroes be included that I don’t have the Patch Power unlocked?
Similarly, could the filter be specified for Memory Disks, Patch Powers and Red Skills to be included / excluded.

Also on filters, can you add a filter for non-maxed red skills?

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To come back to this, I have a great example of today’s CW with a line-up that contains Zeus, but where he is not the big problem:

With my Shego I can one-shot Zeus and Sisu out right away. Baymax can follow with more difficulty, but the real problem of this line-up is Tron. He is way too strong here having gained the reflect, while taking away my reflect game.

So if a hero needs a nerf, it is Tron with his disk!



Yeah, definitely not. What needs to happen is PB fixing Joy’s red skill.

Also, even now, you can use Madam Mim.


Zeus isn’t hard to counter whatsoever…what are you talking about?

Nerfing Zeus is about the dumbest thing I’ve heard.

Seems to me, the people who complain about Zeus haven’t yet learned that there are about 10 different toons who counter him, which include at least 4 different methods.

I suggest if you must do anything with Zeus, to remove his “stun” disable accompanying white skill.


There is nothing against energy stealing. His damage was counterable.

And this freely allows Zeus to his white skill every second.
Of course, pb didn’t changed that, and as Lucas mentioned, reflect will be less effective now on him.

Zeus isn’t hard to counter. How about instead you let heroes still move when someone uses their white skill. That way people wont have to sit through their heroes not moving just because someone is spamming their white skill freely


Tried that, but the stun that the hex should provide didn’t work

So maybe the nerf Tron needs is getting some evasion or tenacity away from him, so he actually gets that stun

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  1. He has none
  2. Pb never changes badges

Zeus doesn’t need to be nerfed, because he’s easy to counter, putting a Mary on him prevents him from using his white ability, using doctor draker you manage to reduce Zeus’s initial damage and thus there are several Zeus counters. the argument presented by the Perblue company is not viable and logical to nerf Zeus, I totally disapprove of their decision, all it does is divide the game community.


And Hatter exists too.

His damage isn’t a problem, but energy steal. :robot:


:thought_balloon: Imagine if their team had a Mad Hatter, Hex (at beginning of wave) will be actually useless 'cause his Red Skill

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While I agree that Zeus is perfectly counterable, he IS extremely overused so nerfing a bit doesn’t seem such a bad idea
But yes damage was the wrong nerf, he just needed his energy steal tuned down a bit. Heck he’s become even more spammy since the Hercules collection


you can use doctor drake and fix the problem , if it bothers his red ability so much, lower the steal of wick and debuff a bit

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This is exactly the thing, Zeus isn’t impossible to beat or anything but since his release, gameplay has honestly been so stale because every team is exactly the same. No one has any reason to use anyone else. I think that it’s a necessary step to revitalize the game, he’s just got too much power.

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Okay, thanks!



Yes, his red skill needs nerf. Not damage.

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At comparable levels and power, Zeus is 100 times easier to defeat than new Baymax. You can boost up armor with Shank, but Zeus has several counters that has been around for much longer. I’m not saying Zeus doesn’t need a nerf (he is very powerful, but so is Shego and others at top of tier chart), but the new Baymax is crazy. The new Baymax is blocking (low level players) friendships and normal and elite campaigns now that new Baymax is way stronger than other heroes at comparable levels.


You sound like she is the only counter against him :upside_down_face:

Which is far from the truth.

And none of them help against energy steal, so what will happen after 10s?

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Also, I’m willing to bet Baymax change in usage in the last few months have been higher % than Zeus’s change. As soon as more people invest into Baymax, he’ll be used as nearly as much as Zeus. I’m seeing lots of Baymax in use and the only people (like me) who aren’t using Baymax are ones that doesn’t have the money or resources to spend on him (yet).

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