Player Treatment

The deals are inconsistent is probably a more accurate way of describing it.

There’s a general… let’s call it “market value” for any given set of items, and most deals will be around that range.

Once in a while, there will be a good deal that offers a high value for the money spent.

The general consensus, however, appears to be that the standard cost for a given deal is too high.


Good that somebody mentioned that!

Why deals for almost 3 weeks get such a big downgrade, especially for people who purchase things?
How it is welcoming and persuading to spend more… there wasn’t any mention from the team/Loutre that the deals gonna change, and they did randomly and they stayed the same for 3 weeks now.
Now it’s impossible to buy cosmetic crates and mission speed-ups or memory tokens from deals that before appeared frequently.
Some people are getting 42k stamina packs for $10 while others need to pay x3/4 for the same amount of stamina, how it is acceptable, it’s completely unfair.

And also most of the deals cost +$20 now, and it wasn’t a case before.


In my comments, I never threatened to quit the game. I didn’t see where Templarism did either, but maybe I missed it. I understand wanting to let players know that stepping back is an option. It was not how I perceived those comments at all. Sorry if I misread those statements.

As a player over the years, I have had times where I spent and times I didn’t depending on how I felt about things. I keep playing because of the people I play with. Good people. Fun to be around. Many of us long term players. I also understand that the game evolves and has to so it doesn’t get stale. The overall general feeling that most players I know (many are no longer with the game for various reasons) are that our opinions or thoughts about the game are unimportant and dismissed. I know you tell us that the messages are passed on to the team, but I don’t even really know what that means. Does a group of developers actually see our ideas or comments. I think some transparency in how that works would be helpful.

Honestly, even this open dialogue with you has been helpful to me. I feel more heard in this thread than any other posts I’ve made.


There is literally another thread I started in the suggested topics below about disk power that they did nothing about and I’m sure they won’t

Oh my god, people. It turned to YET ANOTHER lengthy topic about DEALS.

So RECAP for every whale/dolphin/whatever you wanna be called:
If you spend regularly (~frequency once every 17 days) you will NEVER get the better deals. -This in particular is done because you COMPLY to the price of the deals given… I mean you spend the money on them anyways.

Then if you bite your tongue long enough, you can get a crazier deal now that lets you “catch-up” with those that spend money regularly. Did you forget about Polaris saying they wanted to tighten the P2W to F2P gap? THIS is it. You can literally go and spend a $100 to get 20x 4k stamina deals. Or you can wait those 17 days to get 11k stamina deal for $5 or 22k for $10…
Even then, the “biter of his tongue” will get the stamina at most 2.5x cheaper under normal means… so you are just agreeing to pay a 150% extra.

Please if you can understand this fact and tone down the complaining.

Thank you,
your Numi


I don’t think we agree on what is cheating and what is gameplay.

If I were to play Super Mario and I used my controller and found a spot in the game where I can repeatedly jump on turtles and get 100+ 1ups, that is gameplay!

If instead I used a game genie and it altered the game code so I automatically start with 100 lives, that is cheating.

No game code was hacked in any way, and all moves were done within the confines of gameplay. If something in the normal gameplay doesn’t work as Per Blue intends, then make a fix, don’t make foes.

I’ll post it here since it was hidden.


It is in our TOS that we do not approve of using glitches/bugs to gain more resources in game.


Mario is a game you purchase and then play for free.

Disney Heroes is continual CHANGING business.

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The art of polite replies and comments can be hard to master, and for some it comes more easily than for others I think. It is hard at times, but it can be learned and practiced, so one can become good at it even if it takes time :-).

In regards to this comment from Loutre I think wasn’t mean bad, but came across as more passive-aggressive than intended.

I approach would probably be something like this:

I am sorry to hear you are considering leaving the game over this, if you want to quit or take a break for a while after this indicent I understand.
We also appreciate the feedback in regards to that we should try to be more clear in terms of a heads-up before banning in the future, whether it be short bans or permanent bans.

Even if not the second part and just the first part I think sounds more polite, but yeah any thoughts on this approach?

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Yes, and it’s still all unfair and taking advantage of those which are on very top of leaderboards to spend more as the value of deals decreases, and it strictly punishments the main target for the deals, people which are actually would spend, now players who spend regularly on good deals only got no place to raise their power.

Also taking away resources like cosmetic crates and mission speed-ups is just ridiculous.

If we’re getting technical, “bug/glitch” implies something going wrong with the code, whereas the exploit is more of an oversight in how two situations interact.

That said, I think the issue most people have with the response to it is that those who ended up with a suspension didn’t receive a warning beforehand, either as a “stop what you’re doing or you’ll be suspended” or a “your account will be suspended at X because of your actions.”

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Let’s keep it civil.
All and all, Numi was right to call out the exploit as it was happening.


Have you ever heard about logarithmic scale? That’s about how the deals work. Marginal gain is lower.

Excuse me, but you can be happy that I “sold you out”. Otherwise even people with 1 change of a guild could get a perma ban and not a 3 day one. You can be happy the team decided for that, really. If the thing was found out on Wednesday/Thursday it would be much worse. And surely someone would ‘snitch’.


I haven’t spent since the beginning of October yet I am still seeing the same lack of any decent deals. So this is false.

Also not on the subject that the OP made this thread for.

Only those that haven’t spent for more than a month or were below VIP 6 or 7 had gotten the better deals immediately on 30th October or immediate days after.

So your assumption is false. I never said anything about pre-October 30 having the 17 day clause.



Also if they didn’t spend for well over a month they would get better deals at this point.

so is yours. some resources are impossible to be purchased anymore as before.

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anyway, back to the topic. what waffles said. additionally, loutre, i feel like your responses initially were unnecessary and not keeping with customer support rapport. you’re addressing and supposedly trying to hear out the people who keep you comfy up in wisconsin HQ. it would probably be worth it to not shrug off their concerns.

in no way am i trying to be argumentative, but you are welcome…for alerting you to this loophole. so that you could patch it. heck of a way to say thanks. anyway.

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What resources?

Stamina - you have 4000 deal for $5. If you spend more at once they have gotten logarithmically worse.
Gold - you’re kidding right?
Crates - oh, but we got a way so sweet to get both Badge and Cosmetic crates
Disk Power - well, it was bad before too
Mod Power - useless

anything else? terrible Megabits? any clues?

Also, thanks @Loutre (if you did so) for hiding the comment. I would probably intensify it further. And therefore I go away.

For the sake of being on topic, I’d like to bring up a quick issue I’ve been having with word choices.

Namely, how it was brought up in another thread that when @Loutre uses the term “Ban” they are refering to a temporary restriction, and they say “Suspension” to refer to a permanent one.

For most people, however, the two terms are reversed, and even DHBM seems to use “Suspension” to refer to temporary.

This misunderstanding has definitely led to some undue stress towards some players.


And your going to get it closed if you continue the way you are.

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