Popular Suggested Heroes

Hercules, a frontline Tank with unimaginable strength of body, and of heart. His experiences as a true hero have prepared him for every possible labor he could endure.

“I’ve beaten every single monster I’ve come up against. I’m the most famous person in all of Greece… I’m an action figure!”

BASIC ATTACK: Melee, a punch following a short wind-up of his arm

  • WHITE: “Zero to Hero”, gains a godly glow as he flexes, making himself immune to all damage for a period of time. However, he is unable to attack during this time as well.

  • GREEN: “Herculade”, drinks a specially branded beverage and regains some Energy, with a chance to remove negative Status Effects as well. This skill also triggers at the end of every stage, in addition to during combat.

  • BLUE: “Air Herc”, charges headfirst into the enemy team, barreling past them and greatly knocking back whoever he hits. This deals more damage to the first enemy to come into contact with Hercules, and slightly less damage for everyone after the first. Deals True damage.

  • PURPLE: “Gift of the Gods”, grants increased Attack Speed and Basic Damage when at full health. When he falls below 15% of his Max HP, this buff is removed, but is regained if he is healed back above that 15%.

APPEARANCE: Based off his adult incarnation, such as from the Hercules movie.

ENTRANCE: Jogs in from off-screen and puffs out his chest, glaring down the enemy team.

VICTORY: Shows off one of his action figures, which flexes its arms in his hand.

DEFEAT: Falls to his knees, breathing heavy from fatigue.


I really like dis Hercule Idea. With that white ability of his, that should make him a 3 star hero


Maximus, a frontline Tank who preserves the law, protecting allies with fierce determination as the most noble heart of the royal guard.


BASIC ATTACK: Melee, a toothy bite

  • WHITE: "Under Arrest”, neighs loudly and Silences a group of enemies. The enemy with the lowest Power affected is instead marked as “Wanted” for a short period. Deals Normal damage.

“Wanted” would be a new status ailment, represented as a pair of handcuffs.
Other status ailments (such as Stun, Blind, and Silence) last for a longer duration on and are easier to affect enemies marked as “Wanted”.

  • GREEN: "Hot Pursuit”, gallops through the enemy team and knocks them back, dealing more damage and knockback to enemies marked as “Wanted”. Deals Normal damage.

  • BLUE: "Trial By Swordplay”, dodges and counterattacks a melee attack, Stunning the enemy in the process. This also marks an enemy as “Wanted”. Deals Normal damage.

  • PURPLE: “Captain of the Guard”, greatly grants extra Armor to ally Damage dealers.

APPEARANCE: Based from both the Tangled movie and animated series.

ENTRANCE: Crawls forward as he sniffs at the ground like a bloodhound, before neighing at the enemy team with a commanding pose, preparing for battle.

VICTORY: Neighs in triumph as he stands on his hind legs, front hooves kicking in the air.

DEFEAT: Falls and lays his head on the ground, huffing.


Love your suggestions! Keep up thd good work

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You should do a design for a Indiana Jones character

I really want some Cars ideas pls. I would really appreciate it if you did. :grin:

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I’m very glad everyone still enjoys these suggestions! I haven’t given up of course, just brainstorming new Heroes when I find the chance.

@Drone_IX At the moment, I’m not sure how someone from Cars could fit in (size wise and gameplay wise) but if something comes to me, you can bet I’ll post it here! :smiley: Most likely, it’d be Lightning or Mater at the very least.

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At least U try your best Epic Mickey! even you don’t make Cars ideas, at least your others are still good. :grin:

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@Drone_IX Thank you so much, I really appreciate that! :heart: :smiley:

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I’d think Mater would be your best bet in regards to making a Cars hero, if only for his tow hook. I’ve only seen the first movie, so the only thing I could think of adding would be something to do with tractor tipping. He did secret agent stuff in the second one, right?

Also, if you’re looking for ideas, I haven’t seen anyone make any suggestions for Rafiki. He’d probably be an amusing one.


I say one of Mater’s skills is he reals in the furthest eneny with his Hook.

Bolt! He already has powers in the movies


Well… :thinking:. He actually doesn’t have powers. His directors just tricked him into believing he has actual powers.


I think I got what Swisher was saying. After all, if the City could turn Buzz’s laser real, imagine what it could do to Bolt! :smiley:

Also, working on (at least) two more character suggestions that will hopefully be ready soon!~


I see what U mean there. Like Ralph gets buffed & electrized, Vanellope got a soda soaker, Buzz’s laser can do damage & he also gets the anti gravity belt, & Hiro gets his neurotransmitter for his microbots. So the city really changes some of the heroes. And it really fits them well.


Oh, never mind :joy:. I forgot that Buzz’s lasers aren’t effective…

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Gizmoduck, a mid Damage dealer clad in high-tech armor. Fenton uses the outlandish weapons and gadgets to keep the peace and deliver justice to all.

“Blatherrin’ blatherskite!”

BASIC ATTACK: Ranged, fires a small rocket from his chest

  • WHITE: “Weapons Array”, reveals several larger rockets and opens fire at a single enemy, hitting four times. Deals Normal damage.

  • GREEN: “Duck Blur”, reveals afterburners and charges all allies with increased Movement Speed and gives a chance to dodge enemy attacks.

  • BLUE: “Gizmo Blades”, reveals circular saws and slashes at a single enemy, hitting multiple times and dealing increased damage to Shielded enemies. Deals Normal damage.

  • PURPLE: “Self Detonation”, when beaten in battle, and during his DEFEAT, damage is dealt to the entire enemy team equal to a percentage of his Max HP. Deals True damage. However, if the team Gizmoduck is on is defeated before his DEFEAT concludes, then damage will not be dealt at battle’s end.

APPEARANCE: Based off the new DuckTales cartoon.

ENTRANCE: Fenton looks scared of the enemy team before uttering his QUOTE. Parts of the Gizmosuit fly around his body and assemble in a flash of light, revealing Gizmoduck when it fades.

VICTORY: Points forward with a fist by his hip, a futuristic blue glow emanating around him as he poses.

DEFEAT: The Gizmosuit short circuits and explodes off of his body, leaving a dazed Fenton sitting on the ground.


I’d love to see a Three Caballeros update with Donald, Jose and Panchito! I’m loving your well described character suggestions.

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@A_Potato Thank you very much! :smiley: To be completely honest, Panchito is and always has been planned to be one of my suggestions, to join his amigos José and Donald!

Only reason for the delay is that me brainstorming his specific moveset has been difficult back when I posted José, but hopefully he should be ready soon! :smile:

After all, no matter where he goes… they one two and three go!~ :duck: :bird: :rooster:

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