Popular Suggested Heroes

Elsa, a mid Damage dealer who embraces the bitter cold as her own. She can overwhelm enemies on the battlefield with sharp icicles and groups of Snowgies.

“The cold never bothered me anyway.”

BASIC ATTACK: Ranged, a blast of icicles from her palm. Every 5th BASIC ATTACK could Freeze an enemy for a few seconds.

  • WHITE: "Avalanche”, launches a wave of icicles at the enemy team. This attack is more likely to deal critical hits. Deals Fantastic damage.

  • GREEN: "Spring Fever”, sneezes and summons two Snowgies that go to and wreak havoc on the enemy backline. They automatically attack by biting and can only last a short time before melting. Elsa can have up to 6 Snowgies out at once. Deals Normal damage.

  • BLUE: "Snowstorm”, targets the enemy with a most Skillpower and puts a violent flurry over their heads, damaging them over time and slowing their Movement Speed. Deals Fantastic Damage.

  • PURPLE: “Frozen Heart,” whenever Elsa becomes Frozen, she gains an increase in Armor and Reality, as well as recovering HP for the now shorter duration of the status. The bonus Armor and Reality are lost when she becomes unfrozen.

APPEARANCE: Based off her ice dress appearance in Frozen. During her ENTRANCE she wears her purple cloak, which flies off when the ENTRANCE completes.

ENTRANCE: Walks in with snowflakes and trailing behind her and the wind blowing towards her. With a hand, she unfastens the purple cloak around her neck as it blows offscreen, leaving Elsa confident about the upcoming battle.

VICTORY: Waves her hands and creates snowflakes around her, smiling.

DEFEAT: Falls to her knees and curls up, sobbing at the loss.


Panchito Pistoles, a backline Damage dealer armed with his dual pistols and a magical flying serape. His urge for thrill seeking combines beautifully with his impatient, trigger happy tendencies.

“We shout, ‘Ay caramba!’ ”

BASIC ATTACK: Ranged, two shots from his pistols. This attack hits twice.

  • WHITE: “Stage Dive”, launches himself to a random mid enemy and body slams, gaining increased Attack Speed when he gets back up. Deals Normal damage.

  • GREEN: “Caballero Crow”, gives a loud battle cry, granting himself and allies Courage and Inspiring them for a short time.

  • BLUE: “Magic Serape”, drapes his serape over his shoulder, boosting his Reality and giving him a 30% chance to dodge enemy attacks.

  • PURPLE: “Pistoles Power”, allows Panchito to deal more damage the closer he is to an enemy.

APPEARANCE: Based on his appearance in the new DuckTales cartoon.

ENTRANCE: His sombrero is already on the ground, before Panchito rises from underneath it and strikes a daring pose, drawing his pistols and preparing for battle.

VICTORY: Gives a happy cry and fires his pistols into the air, releasing pink and blue confetti down around him.

DEFEAT: Gives a startled cry as he retreats back under his sombrero, the hat hanging comically in the air for a split second before landing on the ground, the tip of the hat drooping.


@Swisher If it helps, I had made a suggestion for Penny & Bolt as a unit (much like Sulley & Boo) in one of my earlier additions.


Yes! Thats how I envisioned the skills


Had to repost the pic in spite of somebody reporting it as spam :roll_eyes:


Not for nothing dude, but you really, really do spam these board with Bolt requests. Just chill out with it. You don’t need to put Bolt’s picture everywhere in an attempt to be heard.

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I like it!
My suggestion would be instead of a Body Slam, have a Sarape Flyby (doing the same kind if damage) where he jumps on his Sarape and shoots down at nid-rangers.

You could then switch out the Magic Sarape to be a Caballero Samba where he does a Samba dance that gives him his dodge chance and his reality boost.

Ultimately it’s the same as what you suggested, but with slightly different animations.

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@A_Potato That’s really good, I’m liking it! :smiley: and I’m glad you like Panchito as well, he’s been a Hero I’ve meant to do much sooner, but was drawing a blank on for quite some time!

I’d like to see lilo jumba pleakly or Randle for monsters inc, and lilo and stitch

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Just an update involving the most recent Patch Update 1.4

Now that some actual villains have joined the cast of playable Heroes (that I can’t argue are more “anti-heroes” like Zurg or Barbossa), this gives me a much greater range for suggested characters!

I’ll start brainstorming dedicatedly evil characters in addition to the usual heroes like I have before :smiley: I’ll admit I was wary to think of villains being playable in Disney Heroes but I’m happy to see Maleficent, Hades, and Scar, and all three were created so wonderfully!

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Someone notice me​:cry::cry:please

Are you OK? What’s wrong?

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No one notices me I’m still new but that doesn’t mean I should be ignored

Don’t worry buddy! We can cheer u up! :wink:

I’m sorry. I’m not trying to be mean or anything, but I’m pretty sure Epic Mickey is considering your options. It takes time to think of a good character and it skills, so don’t feel like you’re being ignored, there’s a chance that Epic Mickey will make a skillset for your said characters.

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I do have an idea for Randle just go to prince Aamir’s wishlist

And lilo. a new stitch is a WIP work in progress

I would absolutely love it the recess gang was in here can you imagine T.J, Ashley aks Spinelli,Mikey, Gus and Gretchen as your line up? With darkwing duck,pepper Ann,Doug Gadget from rescue rangers and Kim possible for your mid team. With the weekenders and Fillmore bring up the rear? Give us a one Saturday morning lineup please.

@Prince_Aamir Like Hero_Dante said, I’m giving the characters deep consideration. I did have Randall on my mind originally as a frontline Damage dealer, but with Scar’s release I’d have to give the monster another run through to keep his abilities and functions more unique to try and salvage him. Lilo too I’ll give some consideration!

@Joor79 While I did make a suggestion for Kim in a previous post, I have been giving another related character some thoughts as of late :wink:

I will be honest in saying life has gotten a bit busier for me than I expected, but I am still invested in this game and all the wonderful characters that could be included, thank you to everyone reading or commenting for sticking with me thus far! :smiley: :heart:


Nice speech it was beautiful :cry:

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