Prize Wall Feedback

:joy:I wonder who plays for 5k diamonds only

So… Some DAUs realized they get barely anything from Prize Wall. Or they have time to just log in :thinking:

Is definition of DAU just to log in or to stay active for some time?

Im really disappointed with prize wall tokens going down in number for the missions to build the hero. I preferred how it was with 5k diamonds at the end. Ithe why you guys are changing the game in the wrong direction has me wanting to quit the game lossing interest drastically.

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Gold crates :joy: :joy: :joy:

And where else we’re suppose to use these 5k diamonds but FTN contests?

Diamonds aren’t fancy anymore, maybe add something rare as City Watch resets or mission speed-ups.


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Yes, which is why it has been surprising to us to see that daily users have unused/unclaimed Prize Wall tokens that they are not interested in.

I see, thanks for clarifying Loutre :-).

What an idea! And yes, I agree Diamonds don´t do the schtick for me anymore.

Don´t underestimate their power. If they were possible to buy in millions, they would be interesting.

Or 2 green skill upgrade pieces instead of 50 diamonds

Oh, and more disk power would be good, prize wall doesn’t give that much, and adding some of disk power to daily quests, and more to hero quests should do a trick too.

Prize wall at one is great for easy 6* hero, but as Kira mentioned if hero is bad and unpopular among the community, less players will upgrade that hero.

Considering a $50 deal gives almost ~12M disk power on old servers.

Do F2P players via just playing get even 1.2M of it (aka the equivalent of $5) in 28 days?

As I previously said, we looked into this as well and that does not seem to be the case for lower Prize Wall retention.

Well, Loutre said that Winifred had higher retention despite us considering her “bad”. But that might be because there were people awaiting Hocus Pocus? And just getting their teeth banged then?

As before the hero is properly tested by the community the idea of their power is rather vague. And it’s still mostly about the hype.

Hocus Pocus has a cult… so maybe, yes… rather yes.
Same as any other hero, so far…

Underminer has nothing, check how THIS prize wall will end.

bottom line just don’t make this good game mode trashier than trash aka like codebase

Well, if only Diamond Crates gave full Orange badges. :frowning: Or the Role/Team ones.
Or Gold Crates gave full Purple badges.

The crates are just stuck in 2019 which is sad. And people start to realize slowly, but surely.

Dia crates should give yellow bits

When was the estimated game closure again :rofl:this year or next lol I forgot

Badge Crates shouldn’t drop any purple badges if player is above level… 150-200.

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