Prize Wall Feedback

I also agree, I like how they did the update and the prize wall!!

Yikes! Then I suggests EVE and Calhoun, a good stat refresh could really made them big like Syndrome…

Oh yes, as Numi said, for these starting 5 heroes could they red skills be buffed as it’s nowhere close beginning of game?

The Hero Refresh threads are watched by our devs so I suggest putting your suggestions in there as well.

Which one exactly…?

One, off-topic. Two, only EVE. And since you said them, you use them. And that counters what Loutre said about mostly unused heroes…

Anytime one is made.

We should start a superthread about it.

One player doesn’t make them used… everyone uses someone, doesn’t make them anywhere near popular

I see more EVEs and Calhouns than just you.

Isn’t mr inc considered “the beginning of the game”? He got a refresh.
Red skill chips would be nice on the mini prize walls. It’s getting very difficult to obtain them and some toons need them at max level to make them useful.

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Technically it is only Ralph, Elastigirl, Vanellope, Frozone and Yax.

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Ahh my bad then. He must have gotten a refresh before I started, but from what I am aware of in this past year we have not looked at any beginning game Heroes as it may break the start of the game.

But Mr. Inc isn’t beginning of game character.
What Numi said are the starting heroes.


Yes but…

This is more accurate. “Free 2* heroes” do not seem to really fit.

I’m currently very busy so my brain may not be working properly.

I know this has been said many times and it’s fine - but why is this?

Diamond Crates are given in plentiful supply at the beginning of the game and can drop the newest, beefiest heroes for people to use. So it’s not as if improving those ‘starter’ heroes would unbalance things?

Even then it is kinda funny since you can get a lot of Diamond Crates Day 1 which kinda counters the point of the beginning of the game.

Heck, you can get Voyd Day 7…

^ we’d have to redo the entire beginning of the game first and that would take A LOT of time.

Ahhh as in the guided combat sequence you have to step through making attacks one by one? That would make sense as I guess it would flop if you suddenly KO’d the enemy out of turn :man_shrugging: :slight_smile:


Technically, the devs did kinda, both Mr. Inc and Bogo were fully refreshed and they appear as enemies in CH1, making things harder, since then Ralph dies during tutorial.
Dash got 2 stat refreshes as well.

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