Prize Wall Feedback

Uhm… tutorial is only with Ralph and Elastigirl and… I think it is possible to keep Elastigirl low HP in tutorial to fail as intended.

The other stages do not matter as they are on the map already.

Someone is always meant to “die” in the true tutorial stage.

This is moving off topic. If you’d like a thread on refreshes please make one.


2? I thought it was just the Side refresh with Sulley looooooong ago

Couldn’t you, will make things more official?

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Would be maybe easier to sort out. Or you could, Musketeer. As with next update, when.

I am very busy at the moment so I cannot. I will also not be responding here for awhile.

Fine then… sooooon.

Why some people have 5k and not everyone ? Mmmhh another bug. I Hope not another unfair decision…

I remember having the Hero Quests on for a White on one alt. Got I think 1k Diamonds…

Consider yourself lucky it did not shut for you, yet.

And the announcement is Uhm… interesting.

What is wrong with it? All the correct information needed is in there.

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Nothing. It’s just kind of a sudden change of pace that’s all.

Turning the hero quests back on was nice… but um anyone else has this issue?

Edit: nevermind, I just read the other thread

Curious, there was talk about making making an own special Refresh chatting post, so I was wondering who is going to make that post? :-).

@Loutre , maybe instead of having a certain toon mini prize wall can make it a “user choose” after unlocks it first and sticks with that for rest of the prize wall as long as not an exclusive (contest, crates, etc). As much I would like exclusive to be included, I would understand it not being inclusive.

As long as hero quests are on Prize wall good, if not think it ruins its flair. Do like the mini prize walls in between the main. But just think it can be more “user” choose its own destiny kinda thing.


Kind of like the wish crates?
Good idea - or at least give a number of heroes people could choose from - could rotate them like the invasion “stars” every week?


Long gasp

A wish wall?


@Captain_C, you’re a genius!



I listen to ftp players (am one myself), whales, and talk to those that quit the game all the time. I always try to make suggestions from all the input I get . My suggestions seem to go unactioned most of time except my one about the red dot, green dot for invasion, but always trying to think of things that benift everyone. Just wish things be applied more often :wink:.

Immediately asking to return to the previous version of hero quest rewards, and increase stamina reward from 2k to 3-5k.
or as previously, add more rare and exclusive rewards to hero quests, replacing the previous rewards, but stamina could stay, it was best part for F2P.

In daily quests add somewhere 3-5 extra tokens to make sure players are always able to get prize wall hero on the 1st day and not need to wait another day to unlock them.
‘‘Collect a prize!’’ could give 6 tokens instead of 3.

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