Prize Wall Feedback

Even though they probably have gained the insight from the patch notes, it is good to repeat this change is a very very bad one.

The best thing to do now is just to ignore Duff completly and hope many more will do so. That is the best chance for a change

You could max him and all, but not claiming the rewards.

They took away all those lovely stamina batteries…why? :cry:


That would be a very weird thing to do and a waste of resources

I normally only upgrade the prize wall characters for the rewards of the prize wall. So yeah I’ll leave Duff to the side.

Were badge booster crates taken off the prize wall or am I just having bad luck? If they’re gone, I’m not going to bother with this one. I’ve never even heard of Duff.

They’re still on there. They always were more rare than other prizes though


Oh no…

How :frowning_face_with_open_mouth: ? This is sooo Terrible… I can’t even get them if I’m not a F2P player

Uhm…, Snow White was promoted to Y0 in just 9 days. So

Prize Wall next time will have the same reward (Like Snowy, Pacha, Phillip), everyone will agree?
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Taking out Stamina Consumables was just a terrible decision.

But knowing how PerBlue team fixes things - when it costs them money it’s immediate, if not…“well it should be in 3.1.10”.

When Badge Crates were removed, Loutre said they were “redistributed elsewhere”. Well, they were not, but it was a nice fairytale.

Now Stamina Consumables were removed. And we didn’t get even the same message that they are being redistributed elsewhere.
Meaning everything’s fine. surroundings burning


@Loutre not making any conspiration theories or anything, but it’s rather interesting that the PW tokens are included in contest after the changes were reverted.

We never got PW tokens in contest scoring after the Hero Quests rewards were changed for Underminer…


What’s your theory?

ahh I missed that you said contest!

That maybe not the primary or secondary, but some kind of a small motive was reverting changes so they can be again included in contest scoring…

Besides the data saying that it worked best.
Really hoping it’ll do worse than Phillip.

Nope, it was just reverted back due to data.

Yeah, but then… it was not included in contest scoring since Underminer’s PW regardless. Which is a bit eyebrow raising.

Again, as I say I don’t try to conspirate, I just find it funny that the first PW in a long time having a pre-Underminer Hero Quests has accompanying contest scoring, that’s all while Underminer-P.Phillip had none.

So any preliminary data about PW HQ retention after the update is done? @Loutre

So with amazing changes to max red skills there is hope for more… it would be great if prize wall was finally buffed like asked MONTHS now, grand prize should give 5x more skill chips.
Hero chips could be buffed too, going 20, 35, 50 (for stage 30 and above).

Especially with hero quests being nerfed recently…

This one too, pretty important.


Quick question about the PW.

Why are we not allowed to do the quests during the final 24hrs of the PW?

I frankly didn’t bothered in upgrading the hero to yellow even with the actual event (Fortify the Network) due to the new rewards.

I just log in, do the tasks, spend tokens and that’s all. Duff Unfortunately isn’t going to have a chance to get to yellow without the help of the extra energy. Rather that upgrade him I use it in another heroes that I already been working since with the current system of ranks I’m unable to experience or try new heroes due to the high cost of just “catching up” them to be usable not in competitive, but for just normal gameplay.

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They claim it’s Becuase it keeps things fair with diffrent time zones.

And on the note of doing things fair… can update times be changed from either the night before you guys leave and just do hot fix updates if needed instead of between 11-2 pm or after 2pm est? It’s annoying to do dailies before going to work as a steady routine just for update to be later on level/color updates day, or not being able to login after 11- 12 quickly to collect midday energy, fight last minute attacks in wars, surge , etc. sorry if seems off-topic , just piggy backing off timing concept.


Because there are only 12 resets because of timezones…

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So… @Loutre does the team already know whether the Hero Quests retention was:

A) Duff > Phillip

B) Duff ~=~ Phillip

C) Duff < Phillip


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