Q&A Session - July 3

Maybe we actually talked to each other and have the same points we want to raise. Just maybe if enough people raise the same points something will actually be done about it.


@Pipsqueak If Copy and Pasting isn’t a help then why did you copy all those questions onto your own post, only to put those valid questions down?

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tbh I think it being a guildie is actually worse than if you’d just posted them on different accounts. What kind of 1984 style guild is this?!

Oh and look, you’ve summoned someone else to come complain :+1:t2:

I didn’t, I used the quote feature to highlight that they were all exactly the same.

Anyway, this is all off-topic, and I don’t really have any questions that haven’t already been asked, so time to mute


The fact that 2 people asked the same question isn’t the problem at all either. The whole point of this section is to ask questions, and that’s what we’re doing. It doesn’t matter if let’s say 10 people have the same question. The more people who ask the better answer that we’re gonna get. I think most of us here can agree that we’d like to get a response from PB and not a regular who acts to work there :stuck_out_tongue: Calling people out for Valid questions doesn’t help the matter

  1. Will we be having more thematic events in-game again in the near future? We used to do them more regularly, but haven’t in awhile. I think that this gives more opportunity for regular game immersion. Spontaneity and change keeps things interesting. Repetition breeds boredom Any hints on what kinds of events or thematic game play tasks may come in the future?

Are only PB employees allowed to try & guide people on forum etiquette and help prevent spam? The forums would get even more messy than usual if that was the case :stuck_out_tongue:


Questions aren’t Spam bud lol


I can’t wait for this O&A. I hope they tell us if there are still working on Kim or not.


Have got questions too…
1.Will there be new heroes added next week?
2. Will there be Pixar Characters (Pixar Month)?
3. Can we expect Yesss coming? (Not soon, just coming…)

A few more questions:

1: If you would add Gravity Falls characters, who would you add?
2: Will any Wreck-It-Ralph characters be added?
3: Are there any more bugs that need fixed?

Hope for Yesss with me!!!

I know she’s Ralph breaks the Internet but…

I hope for the little grape Knowsmore.

Oh yes, he would be fun!

Or JP Spamley

JP Spamley in my opinion would have easy skills to make and easy animations.

Which would you think?

With more and more heroes getting red skills, and the costs of leveling up those skills rising with each cap raise, are there plans to increase the availability of red skill chips in the game? This most recent red skill chip crate seems to have come fairly quickly after the previous one, for instance; is that intentional to increase the supply?

Within a few months, guilds that have consistently maxed out their progress rewards in guild contests will run out of perks to spend that influence on; are there more perks under discussion, or plans to extend existing perks?

What one or two heroes do you think are currently the most underrated and under-utilized? Everyone’s (rightfully) obsessing over Mulan and Goliath, but are there any recent heroes or refreshes that you think have been unfairly ignored?

Are there any plans to address how expensive it is in gold and stamina to promote and level up heroes? Obviously paying players should expect to have an advantage over the F2P players, but there’s an ever-growing frustration among players of all stripes at how hard it is to keep up with cap raises. Will we see any further actions taken to address those concerns?

Are you still monitoring city watch pairing and surge difficulty, as well as surge rewards? The recent changes have, I think, helped surge rewards, though I don’t know if they’re back to where they used to be. City watch still seems slightly easier than before to me, but I also haven’t noticed the over-server-level-cap teams that some people continue to report, which seems unfairly difficult; are those CW opponents at, e.g., level 210 when the server cap is 180 intentional, or an unintended side effect of scaling?

Outside of the occasional special-team weeks, invasion has been virtually unchanged since its introduction; are there any plans to introduce variety into its gameplay? Would you consider increasing the rewards to at least sort of keep pace with the increased costs of leveling up heroes and mods? Are you happy with the current level of participation in invasion, where seemingly a dozen or so guilds play it wholeheartedly and most guilds have maybe a half-dozen or so members plugging away at it?

Given the recent changes to contest scoring, are there plans to have greater variety in the types of contests we have? Can you tell if roughly the same number of people have been able to meet all the progress milestones in the contests affected by the scoring changes?


If they added Gravity Falls characters, I would want Bill Cipher, Dipper, Stan Pines, or Gideon.


The cap raises are part of the updates, Jody.

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