Red Skill Chips From Elite Campaign Feedback

What contest?!

Also, sometimes there are skill chips requires in contests… yes… but adding them to elite actually makes skill chips available to EVERYONE, not just +130TL players. This is huge improvement.


Great event. Great reward concept. Thank you.

But the most useless charge in battle badge is that need your hero to be K.O so it will effect. Change it please no one like their heroes to be K.O

it’s not bad, but as everything this game delivers to players, it’s too little for what the game asks for.

Yes, love it. Great idea. Please do it regularly!


I love it.
It was great event.
I wish it would come regularly or be permanent.

I like this idea, however it makes it a bit unfair to heroes who aren’t in elites. But then again, that’s just how games work. Please make this permanent if possible.

Like all resources in this game, red chips are far too spacrely gained for the needs of most players. Make permanent & increase # dropped.

It was actually really good!

Muito fraco…agora com os ataques automáticos na patrulha épica, desnecessário esse evento… queremos mais evento de bônus na compra de vigor, de espólios duplos na campanha Normal…podia ter um dia na semana fixo para cada um dos eventos…e no final de semana os Torneios…

I like the idea, but it seems to impact hero chip drops. This would make farming chips for heroes almost impossible for free players. If the hero chip drop rate is fixed then this is awesome.

I don’t think that was changed :thinking:

The rate is not changed. Per 15 raids (3x spots, 5x tries) you get roughly 5 chips. It has always been like that.

it’s good but when it becomes permanent it will be better lol

I like the idea of it! It makes these skill chips easier to obtain— especially since the elite city watch only gives you a chance of getting the chips for the heroes you use, so if you’re trying to grind for a specific hero— you may not get what you want!

Thanks for the implement! Excited to see what everyone else thinks about this update.

Really good idea. Really helpful. Keep it up!

I like it. It’s a nice little bonus and one we have a little control over in which stages are run, but not so great as to lessen Epic City Watch.

Well done!

I thought it’s a pretty decent event. Maybe I can use it whenever I’m out of CW keys. :slightly_smiling_face:

I definitely think this should be permanent. No matter how hard I try to earn red chips through epic city watch or even through the crates on the rare occasion I can never get the ones I need.

It was a great event!

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