Remove the Winter Update

Ever since this update arrived, the game’s app has been shutting itself off when I am about to do a battle, and I am already sick of having to see that loading screen more than I need to.


The title is just disagreeable

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The update is pointless to me, because there’s no snow in Brazil.
Either that or add “fix random crashes on Creep Surge and Friendship campaigns” on the 2.5.02 update, because this is getting really annoying.

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And there’s no snow where I live, but am I complaining? No :man_shrugging:


I get that. I’ve lived in the southern hemisphere my entire life and Christmas time here is in the middle of Summer, so Christmas is not associated with snow here, like, at all. If you wanna claim that Christmas is “inclusive” then make it actually relevant on a global scale, or understand that your seasonal snowy nonsense only makes sense to those of you actually in snowy wintery conditions.


Have your game been crashing randomly ever since the update was released?

So you’re saying remove Jim Hawkins, remove John Silver, remove the new invasion feature, remove the new scaling for CW, the new perks? No, that would mean that the players who’ve spended on Jim Hawkins and those who worked on him for free would need all the items they used returned which would take a long time to do…


No, No, No… No Just No…


That’s not what I am saying. I meant just remove the winter theme from the main menu.
The other stuff can stay.

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That’s just Ridiculous… :neutral_face:

This thread is misleading and makes no sense to me. If this update has been causing some bugs, then I recommend to post them in this thread, but the bugs might also be an issue with your device.


The closest thing to crash was lag :man_shrugging:

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Then why are no other apps from my phone having the same issue?

Because the game has issues on some devices, which has been true for a while.

I disagree with removing the winter theming, however an option to remove the snow effects would be nice for those concerned with performance.


My device is an Asus Zenphone.

I used to use a Kindle Fire and the game was unbearably laggy and/or crash-y. I recently switched to my phone (I forget the making, something Android) and now the game is only unbearable because of how boring and grindy it is. :stuck_out_tongue:


I mean…I don’t really think that anyone said that the snow was for inclusivity. It’s just a nice theme for this part of the year for me.


Why? Just because it’s not snowing in Brazil doesn’t mean it’s snowing anywhere else. And, if you haven’t noticed, most Winter updates add snow because it’s a staple of Winter. And it’s practically a mobile game tradition to add snow for some kind of decor. And it’s probably not the reason why you’re having issues with the game.


Yeah it’s those last two words of “for me” that is the issue of this thread. It’s not “for everyone” so the idea of being able to optionally turn it off would be brilliant.

Yeah, that’s the best idea for this kind of thing. Smartest comment in the thread so far, brilliant idea and solves any problems people have

Ah ok, so is this confirmed as a winter update? Or is this just a December update that you personally connected with winter?

What did PB call it, the Winter update or the December update?

Because if it’s canon that it’s “Winter” right now in the magical world of Disney then fine, that’s fair enough.
But if it’s based on real life seasons then it is certainly only winter on half the planet, if that… And the amount of snow would be even less than that :rofl:

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Oh, but you’re forgetting: This isn’t based on real-time events. It’s gonna be snow in-game even if there’s NO SNOW during Winter.

@Xavier_The_Great I didn’t forget anything. You didn’t answer my question. Is it “The Winter Update” or “The December Update” because that makes a huge different to the context of the update…

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