Roadmap Feedback

I think if they go further it would be more spoiler-ish, which you nor a few others are fond of… :no_mouth:

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Well, I don’t mean characters, but as far as quality of life improvements goes I don’t mind :-).

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I wonder where the Challenge Books Cleanup went… will it be in 3.3 @Loutre? Is it finished?

I’m pretty sure that occured last update:


What’s he point of having a roadmap when it shows us zero useful information? Nothing worth looking forward to in months… You guys could delete this roadmap tomorrow and I couldn’t care less

It is useless this way anyways…


@Loutre Why was the “Role” and “Team” sorting not added to the roadmap? :thinking:

I’m starting to hate the game so much because without it it’s awful trying to find a hero :roll_eyes:

Yah totally agree. There’s been nothing since Codebase for Yellow. I feel like the game is getting ignored/abandoned. There isn’t even a note to refresh any current features.

Loutre said there are thing(s) in secret development. I’m not sure why it has to be a secret if they have a roadmap. I wonder if it’s the Tower feature mentioned in a Q&A?


secret development in this kind of game is a terrible idea - by the time the secret is revealed, players have lost interest :roll_eyes:

better to at least string us along with some tidbits even if they don’t eventually come to fruition (cough, Lightning ROB)


What happened to the new NPC characters like Mega Mage ? First appeared by accident in invasion at R17 and hasn’t been seen since

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Tower Trial was announced months ago in Q&A and nothing. Buffing red skills for old heroes as well, promises that every .10 update will include hero refresh… none did happen.

Fozzie Event like Trial as permanent feature was also told.

Red skill chips from elite as permanent feature as well… oh, and red skills are still cost way too much.
… badges also ask for too much stamina.

Literally everything told isn’t happening, or it takes almost a year, as the a filter.

ROB was in data for… 2 years if not more!

And as the heroes… might be the process (but that long, it’s way more than 6 months), but still no Soul or Raya characters while other Disney games got them long time ago? Same with Onward, it’s really all far behind with others. Cruella for her movie release?

It really seems devs aren’t intresting, players as well and leaving, and game loops between cap rises and new (more or less random) heroes, which even aren’t enough as rotations are really dead. Nothing new or exciting; 6 day contests isn’t new a feature.
It just goes like that if the game was supposed to be closed next year.

It really is sad ending for such a good game, eh.


I think the issue right now is the fact that PerBlue are working on 5 games at once, 3 of them in beta as in like having to split their resources more than optimal. I understand starting 1 beta game, but 3 games around the same time sounds like way too much.

We can see here that PerBlue wants more staff, so it seems like they are trying to expand:

Though PerBlue don’t seem to be able toget hirings as fast as they would like as at least from what I have seen as no job offerings have been removed since 24 July, and while 1-2 weeks isn’t that long it seems to me like PerBlue doesn’t have enough staff to support 5 title at once and as such has to cut corners.

These 3 games being the beta games:

(Note: I don’t know PerBlue’s exact staff situation, what I said here is based on logic and observations).

To all at PerBlue I understand if you all have to cut corners due to not enough staff to maintain all the 5 games at once with the same attention Disney Heroes got before, however I do think at least the one think can help us players motivation which is the “Carrot on a stick concept” as in players having a motivation to move forward as in play. ( Like a bone on a stick for this Disney dog: ).

In my view right now there are nothing really that acts as an interesting carrot on a stick that stands out to us players in the near future which is pretty concerning, even I can feel my own motivation lowering due to it there being nothing really interesting to look forward to.

Hero Information isn’t really something that sounds that interesting even if helpful, it doesn’t sound that interesting and I am not sure if it is something that technically needed to be adjusted.

We players are dissatisfied with Disney Heroes at the moment and doesn’t meet the standard for the product quality we are expecting as players/customers of the game. We have nothing really concrete to look forward to as far as we know, so if we could get a rundown of what is coming that would be really appreciated.

I think the best way to satisfy us players right now beside actually adding interesting content to the game, the other alterative would be to make a State of the Game post in the style of the State of the Game from August 2020.


This is what I think is needed, which is trust building and adding some interesting motivation carrots on stick in terms of having something look forward to continue to motivate us to play.

At the very least I think an update like the State of the Game update from February 2020 would be the minimum, and would likely help restore motivation for us players some:


@Loutre So yeah, if you could forward this to the team it would be really appreciated, and if possible ask if you can add something to the roadmap even if small :-).
Not sure if you can say your own thoughts on what I said here, but yeah if anything at least getting to hear that it has been forwarded to the team would be nice.


The information you are suggesting regarding the studio staffing is not correct, but I cannot speak more regarding internal information.

As I said yesterday; there are things I’d like to add to the roadmap, but am still waiting on approval.


Don’t forget the Borders and Emerald Credits that have been in the data for around the same time


Not saying that it is exactly correct, but it would be how it seems for us players on the outside which is still something even if just a feeling. Completely understand if you can’t say more on it though.

Ah, I didn’t catch that you were specifically waiting on approvals to add more things, but yeah thanks for letting us know Loutre and hope you get the approvals soon :-).


I like your post Kira.
Tbh what I found out in my gameplay since July 2019 (2 years already yeesh!) is that the cycle of things in the game did not change.

Yes, we got higher rewards in contest recently.
Yes, many modes were made better.
But… it´s still the same: cap raise - heroes released - cap raise - heroes released.

What I mean by it is that I sincerely regret PerBlue is heading this way, basically because the current strategy makes about 30-35 heroes (out of NOW 150) viable in combat, while using others feels like an ultra deadweight.

And no, I don´t think every deadweight hero needs a refresh. It just happens that the threshold of stats for new heroes keeps raising at a rather alarming pace. By that I mean that almost any hero released more than a year ago already needs an HP refresh at the very least.

Skills do have a higher base value for every new hero, which while keeping stable income for the game also has a side effect - any investment made on over a year old heroes starts to be a bit useless.
Every 6 months there is a “new problem” made (a rather OP hero that is never nerfed) only to be indirectly nerfed by another “new problem” (basically the hard counter to that problematic hero, while there is a time to figure out another counter for this hard counter).

There were several raise of Hardy/Disable/Fatigue heroes in rotation 1. And then several Freeze/Anti-Freeze heroes in rotation 2.

I sincerely wonder. On February next year we will get another Freezer that will counter Fred? Like every time the Freeze is cleansed the character freezes again? Or just another new debuff that makes Freeze viable again?

All of those are just legitimate question going on in my mind.


Examples of a repeated waves are many, but this one in particular I like:

Evil Queen - an anti-speed character released last year in summer
Vinny - a new anti-speed character released just days ago

The span is roughly similar, but Vinny just got much higher stats than EQ and overall EQ does very little to enemies by this time. Therefore EQ feels like a deadweight character and whoever invested in EQ might feel like not throwing stuff again at Vinny.


Thought to put the pictures of these borders together in the Avatar Borders Cosmetics page where they should be and at this point it’s been over two years so the name of the other two borders isn’t really much of a spoiler

At this point in time they should’ve already been in game and probably along side ROB for Invasion

The way they do their business is questionable. Power creep between new and old heroes are just too much. Why can’t they give them similar power and let us choose the ones we want to work on, instead making them stupidly OP and people have to use them???

And you know what’s worse? OP heroes change all the time. And much, much faster than it is used to be

I don’t chase OP heroes as I see them come and go all the time. It was Calhoun (Vi), Jack sparrow after his refresh, Merlin with his squirrel disaster, Bo Peep, Bunny, Jafar, the annoying lizard Randall, Mulan, Wasabi, Shego, Mr.Big and now Fred. And many will after them

I did use Bunny Ducky and Bo Peep and still use Mulan but the rest, I never touch the rest. Things change but not out resources, especially Stamina. It has always been the one problem everyone talk about in 3 years, yet barely anything changes. Are you guys that much ignorant, @Loutre?

Red skill cost is too much, stamina is too much, disc power needed is too much, exp bottle needed is too much, … Everything is too much yet there is nothing look forward to in Roadmap. Is this the way you guys keep your players? Wow, just … Wow


At the end of the day, they are a business and they sell a service.
As a player base, we can voice our concerns, but the company does not have to listen or change to accommodate us if they do not want to.

If you take for example a clothing store that markets themselves to sell clothes for everyone. But when you get there they only have clothes for children. You can voice your concern, but if the company doesn’t want to sell other clothes, just go buy clothes somewhere else.

Whether the company will continue to make money is unknown, because people might stop going there - even if they want clothes for kids, because it doesnt feel like a friendly environment to shop at.

It is just sad to see that good players are leaving after 2 years of playing, just because they’re bored with the content and because they can’t keep up the cost of playing. Hopefully things change, and very soon.


@Loutre Not to nag or anything and I hope it is fine, but yeah I wonder if you could let us know if you think we have to wait for the Roadmap approvals until the next Roadmap update comes around in two weeks, or might they be added before that if they get approved?

No worries if we have to wait until the next Roadmap update in 2 weeks, just thought I ask as it is it nice to know just in case for us players :-).

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