Roadmap Feedback

Anyway I at least hope the new rank won´t be out before 30th March then.

I’m pretty sure you have delayed a cap increase before on the newer servers, why can’t older servers get a break for once?

When is planned update 2.7?


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You know the answer. :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face:

Disney demands their monthly royalties.


Of course I know the answer :money_mouth_face::money_mouth_face::money_mouth_face::money_mouth_face::money_mouth_face:, just want them to admit it themselves instead of “health of game” reasoning .lol

Proposition: @Polaris how ‘bout when the new rank comes out, you introduce [?]1 and turn R19 into [?]0? It would make things a bit more even :thinking:


GREAT IDEA! :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:
Honestly though you could turn R17, R18 and R19 into Y0, Y1, Y2 instead retrospectively.
So that we got 1,2,4,8,16 thing.

I would advice against having another level of Red, since player’s overall patience in terms of Disney Heroes seem to be getting dangerously low for many players and many players have already likely quit due to the current resource pressure. If R19 is easier than normal to complete I imagine it should be fine and overall be taken okey by the players.

I know you Polaris don’t usually answer me or others necessarily on these type of questions unless it is a Q&A, but I wonder if you could tell us what the reason for delaying the release of the next color rarity Yellow was? Like is it that the programming or some other things in terms of the development process that’s taking longer time than usually?

Would be interesting development insight and really appreciated if you can tell us the reason for the delay of the Yellow rank :-).


I just hope R19 won’t be another R17 which has given useless stats to 90% of heroes, and will be just like R18, almost everyone got what they needed.

There’s nothing much to want from R19.

if we’re going to have a R19 then I actually hope we will also have a R20, ending on 19 would be quite… unsatisfying

I don’t know what more complicated it can be for the new colour, if there is some sort of new Y upgrade can’t that just be delayed instead of the entire rank?


20 red ranks, it is satisfying.
R20 will make 21 red ranks.

Yellow better come ASAP.

Yet another month of red instead of new rarity just to have an even number? No one will care about that after yellow comes. Also, mathematical beauty took leave when they went beyond R16. :upside_down_face:


Yes indeed.


More people will quit this game if you decide to do R19, rather you did nothing as I have a feeling yellow will be a killer with the new feature/Skill that will come with the rank


Stop unevenness, change the ranks

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@Polaris Why is Lightning ROB not in the roadmap?:thinking: At least in the section “In Development”:thinking: Because clearly its in development since ROB has an avatar in game :eyes:


2 weeks later

@Polaris the roadmap will be updated today?

Up: Anything?


Kinda Off Topic, Delete your account.

When Roadmap is getting updated?

It really should be updated soon/now, it’s 2 weeks…

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