Server 21 purchase strike(all servers welcome)

[Edit: This is an answer to Grimreper’s post #147] Unfortunately the point does not seem to be to improve player satisfaction over all but to push deals, nevertheless on what server you are playing.
I stated in several posts why heist is such a tedious task. On S5 you hardly find 4 other people who play actively. On S16 it’s getting harder and harder to find players for heist.
People left and leave this game in droves.

The poor decision that has being made by the developers was to roll out tremendously overpriced deals on younger servers (18+), with a “healthy” player base and excitement for the game. This is why we are at the state the game has now. I would even allege it started with servers 14/15, but I don’t have proof since I don’t know people who are on those servers.
This business model is not sustainable over time because people are not dumb and do their math.

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Edit: @Serenity_II I meant this message as a reply to yours but somehow messed it up.

I agree with what you’re saying. The game has a lot of problems, and my experience (along with other players’) is deteriorating.

However, what proof do you have that this is a poor decision (in regards to deals pricing) for Perblue? Perblue has the numbers, right? They know how much they are making for each server. The deals are priced the way they are most likely because like you said, these servers still have good player bases and those players are buying those “overpriced” deals.

On the point of it not being sustainable, I disagree with you on 3 fronts:

  1. They can adjust the prices when the sales start dropping. (in other words, if people stop buying, we’ll start seeing improvements)
  2. Maybe they don’t even care. When the cow runs dry, get a new cow.
  3. People are dumb ;p

@Polaris is that how they see us?

Because I think so.
I don’t understand the reasoning for the so absurd different price range on different servers. We have done the math and comparisons. We know other servers have “more” toons and higher level badges and what not. They still don’t match up.
Either have them start matching or say goodbye to a lot of paying customers.
We all know players that stopped playing not because they didn’t like the game but because it got to expensive to keep playing.
We all do love the game. However, the so off price matching of “deals” is killing the game. We feel scammed and cheated.
Goodluck Perblue on fixing this.
The Next step is to reach Disney themselves.

Together we will be loud and our voices will be Heard!!


The Next step is to reach Disney themselves.

I agree with your sentiment, but I think the next step is to stop giving them $.


Literally just keep spreading this message across all servers. PB will only start caring about players once they notice a big hit to their bottom line. If a game isn’t going to be respectful with our money. Then the game doesn’t deserve our money til it fixes itself. Server 2 here, keep spreading the word! Give players value for our dollar PB, otherwise you won’t get our dollars!!!

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I knew it!!! Im Server 22, I’ve been scratching my head over some deals i see on YouTube.


Get you fellow Server 22 Brothers and Sisters on Board
I tried spreading the word on Server 22 but kept getting shot down. Server 22 severely needs this. They get the worst of it.

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Keep striking guys!

The deals are just ridiculous!!!



You would assume that but I didn’t curse, threaten or do anything. Just spoke my mind.

Oh, was it maybe off topic? I just don’t think that it would’ve been flagged without reason.

No I think they were being rude to be which you can’t do

I always see these crazy high percentage drops…
Im almost certain that they don’t apply to us but they are there and work for the other servers.

This deal is only 10% more and you get 8 thousand staminas hahahahahahaahaha WTH

S21 gets this garbage!

Even though I don’t spend money on games I agree with this strike 100%!


This is Sever 22

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that’s just unfair!


Hello fellow server 22!

Anyways, They should maybe have a deal to make up for the bad ones.

Wow, just wow. What a joke. 31 stam packs. I just can’t believe it. 31 packs do nothing for Orange 8 or Red 0.



Approx S21-22 should get 500-800 Stamina Packs

Thats Just Unfair…And A joke.

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