Server Merge: S1,2-5, 21-22, 23-24 Jan 27th Information

Try refreshing, it is on just yet for me

Is Server 1 going haywire again? @Loutre Doesn´t seem like manage accounts does anything. Or maybe…?

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seems to be pretty laggy at the moment :thinking:

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I straight up can’t log in rn

I guess the restart on Saturday didn´t solve much, still spikes of activity.

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Could you tell when first one (or one of first) will be completed so we would know that we can slowly expecting it to happen for our accounts?

Just a quick 8 minute spike looks like it’s back to normal.


Account consolidations started at 9am CT today.


At this point I would say it´s just a pure cat-and-mouse game. Can come any moment.

As far as I know support works till like 4 PM (or like 11 PM European time)… so if by then nothing happens I can be safe that it will happen after 9 AM (or 4 PM European time) tomorrow :wink: or later even


There are a lot of tickets and most include multiple accounts since there were multiple servers merged so this will most likely be a longer consolidation time. This is all done manually. It may take until the end of the week.


I mean, with 9 accounts being listed for the support, I pretty much know that.

Exactly and again it is done manually by the support team so please be patient. Do not send in multiple tickets asking why it has not been consolidated as this just pushes you further back since we try to do them based on earliest sent in. If you update it refreshes to the newest time so you go to the back of the line.


Hm :thinking: I would kinda like to know which day were the earliest sent in, I am guessing it wasn´t 27th.

The merge itself was done really quickly, like never before :wink:

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Yes, but that’s not a manual process.


Basically as soon as merge is announced we start getting tickets.


Lmao, in that case see you on Friday.

Friday is when we can hope to have things finished by. It may go into next week.


Well, let´s hope it does not.


Is it safe to assume that as long as the ticket is in by the February 11 deadline the accounts ca still be consolidated?

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