Server Merge: S1,2-5, 21-22, 23-24 Jan 27th Information

I found your ticket and agree with the support team as you had so many accounts that this would be abusing the consolidation system and that is why they limited you to 3 accounts.


I am not seeing anything from that account. If you received an automated message that means it did go through our system so I am not sure why I am not seeing anything. I recommend you send it again via the ingame support system.

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Okay, I’ll try that

I understand the part that maybe it was abuse on my part, but don’t you think they should limit this only to accounts that aren’t level 1, or limit it only to accounts that are more active? If it is possible, could you give me the merge of just 3 more accounts?

Just sent it again. Got a bot response again but so far it wasn’t closed

I wonder about this. Did/do you have all the additional accounts on one server?

Yes, they had 76 accounts on one server. Support made the decision to only merge a few and I agree it was the correct call.


Wow, what the heck? I mean, I had 8, although yes 2 of them from the other servers and I was borderline unsure if they would be consolidated.

To be fair though, I would just put a cap to 4 for the future, if I can suggest that.



so @Loutre just lets be more specific, and announce it clearly in post above so everyone will aware of

in the future, max account to be merged/consolidated only approve is 3 account?? or how many?

To be fair, @Loutre, if you guys decide on a limit of account consolidation, you guys need to tell us that beforehand. It just can’t happen after the merge is over and be like “wait a minute…”


yeah if it wasnt announced it is 100% abuse the player
it doesnt mean that i support 76 account but hey lets be fair, tell us which is approve and which isnt

you mean you have 6 acc in one server? you not afraid when merge happen, yours only approve 3 from those 6? :joy:

Hello there all! :slight_smile:

I m confused about banked stamina, is that including consumable stamina that I will lose after consolidation?

I have around 470 stamina baterries in inventory.

It wont be transferred to your account

Those will be transferred, the stamina that you have to leave behind is the stamina you can see on top of your screen the whole time.


So, banked stamina is on top of screen and that is okay if I lose. I have 20k.
But I m curious about stamina from inventory :pleading_face:

Thanks for your reply and time :slight_smile:

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The consolidation already happened for me. :man_shrugging:

I don´t support that either to be real. On the other hand, some players can “kinda” abuse the consolidation system even by simply starting the account on another server and drag rewards - therefore it is exploitable by nature. You just have to wait for a merge - and at this point, everyone knows some will come in the future - therefore it is guaranteed for players to benefit from it if they start a new account elsewhere. @Loutre

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Nowhere it was said there is some cap of accounts to be consolidated and so all should be taken into consideration, no matter if it even was 80, it still should be all consolidated if the player wishes so, there never was any rule against this before and making one during the process shouldn’t be made, just like in Monopoly game, you can’t just make rules during the game just because.

It would be fine of course if such a rule was made in future merges, but as for now there shouldn’t be any limits, why one can do all their accounts and others not? What is this player is supposed to do with these leftover accounts?
It’s just another time when players’ trust into this game and company is being pushed away… it’s really not ok.


So if I understand you correct Musk, you want PB employees to look through 80 accounts manually, at the cost of the speed at which they can help others?

Besides the excessive amounts of resources 76 accounts would give the person, it also lays claim way too much on PB support. As I understand it, Numi with 10, and someone else with 25 were big request I believe were honoured. So I would say that is what is about reasonable, but certainly not more than 50. In that way, PB can help everyone who wished to be merged, in time.

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