ShadowMan16’s Concept Library

Why can’t you do them?

I have to be honest, I am faced with wiki bullying that has Made me too worried. No one likes my concepts anymore. Also have you researched these yet? You are doing great! Ps. and minced technically has animated meat. I hope you researched, I can’t wait to see if you do them soon. :slight_smile:

If you don’t want to anything now, Maybe just do Donut from Bfb I really want to see the twinkle of contagion in a concept.

I’ll add Donut to my list. I can imagine a move set with him.

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Also I’m very sorry for the wiki bullying you’ve been through :frowning:

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Jared Bobkin added to the list!

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It ok. I just dont like criticism.
It was harsh criticism

Any guesses?

Someone from Big City Green

Specifically Bill Green.

Nope! But, good guess! Might do it in the future.

Fries I’m right

Nope! Closer, but not quite!

Moldy/Charlotte added to the list!

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Elise Wims-Harris added to the list!

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Michael added to the list!


Yeah… I’m going to wait until the 29th to do another concept. I’m kind of tired from my long flight and I don’t want to use any of my off time doing a concept. Sorry, guys…

That’s fine! It’s good to have a break now & then.

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Ok I can wait. (I hope it’s donut)

This part wasn’t necessarily :neutral_face:

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Hey guys, I don’t really want to do a concept over Donut right now. Is it ok if I do somebody else? I’d rather do a character I’m more… invested in. I’ll do donut, it’s just not time yet. Hope you guys understand.

Edit: My hiatus is over, by the way. I’ll make another concept today or tomorrow.


That’s fine! You never did have to do a concept about Donut, in the first place.

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