Spending boycott

I haven’t spent any gold leveling up heroes since the goldgate disaster. I now have over 30 million gold saved up… seems like the hoarding excuse backfired for perblue


Careful… They will see this in their “data” and increase the Gold costs on everything now.

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Keeping the boycott alive…still haven’t spent a penny and most of my guild has joined in the boycott as well. Those guild coins gifts have tremendously decreased.


Keeping the boycott alive here in Server 7…its hard but I am stubbotn guy :gem::moneybag::chart_with_downwards_trend:


I mean, why would I be interested in chasing new heroes and their chips and badges when the lack of gold keeps me from maximising my current guys?

PerBlue apparently don’t understand the lure of these games is using lots of different favourite characters in weird and wonderful combinations, not picking a few people early on and then doing nothing but work on them.


It is a good suggestion. But keep in mind that the majority still are spending money. I stopped cashing the time they ontroduced 6*. It is already a long time ago. Still going strong not spending a dime in this game. At the beginning I was struggling cause I was ranked around 130 on my server. It was painful to watch me going down. Now I dont really care anymore *currently ranked at 246.

I started to enjoy the game again without pressure. No need to keep up and forced to buy stuff again. The urge to buy good bundles is long gone. :slight_smile: It was the best decision ever. I enjoy the game more and from the money I dont spent here, i went on a holiday trip and buy 6 aquariums :joy::joy:

I must have been not clear in my mind throwing my money out of the window in such a game only to get disappointed greatly from time to time. But not spending money at all, I’m not bothered/ less bothered by perblue making the bad decisions in their game :joy:


The top spender on Server 7 has quit the game. Good job PerBlue.


Yes i am on Server 7 too
Track gave up - he was my idol

Yeah, I just heard this morning. Crazy.

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He lost a couple of ranks than He was without a guild…very sad
Nightowl from "die Gilde"here

Chopper from Hellenic here. Yeah, it’s a weird time. Some of my guys are really struggling with the changes, but moreso the stance of PerBlue. Arrogant, hypocritical, and blatantly contrary to their customers’ concerns. It’s difficult to support a game with developers like that. Guild comradary is the only thing keeping the wheels turning, I think. We’d all miss each other if we stopped playing!


Arrrgh Hellenic Army our ancient foes - we meet again :joy:
I really like my guild they are a bunch off loveable weirdos but I am unwilling to spend money on a game anymore which treats me like I am an annoyance and not a cherished customer - I would have spent more but…

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@Polaris 185 comments and you are still silent?! :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:


Polaris already answer it here!

Yeah. For me going F2P is more because of the lies they used to try to justify the changes and the treatment afterwards. Not as much about the changes themselves.


Hey! @Wild_Eule, @Wicked_Piglet_III

Transfer to another game with your guildies. Dreamworks is coming out soon…


HAhahaah LOL nice find !!!

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Wasn’t me who found it. I just heard about it from someone else.


I just started playing the game when all these changes came, I’m hoping they pay attention to the boycott from OG players! :mask:

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Just to clarify, we aren’t going to undo this change. As I said at the top, we sometimes have to make changes that are good for the long-term health of the game, but are not popular with the community. We’ve heard your feedback, and it’s generated some interesting conversations here in the office. We will be considering different options when we make changes in the future. So, while your feedback won’t change this, it will have a positive impact on the future of the game.

I’m going to lock this thread now, not because we don’t appreciate your feedback, but because the conversation has run it’s course.

Thank you for being valued members of the game!

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