State of the Game - August 2020

She is not overpowered. She is popular though and can do well with a nice variety of heroes, especially those that freeze. There are counters for freeze teams though, so not OP.


Understand that leveling bothers many players. Remember that only those who spend money are able to keep up with that.
But okay, I accept that it keeps rising every month.
But, I think it also bothers us that every 15 DAYS! introduce new heroes and much better than old ones, FORCING US to level those.
Level increase and rarity can stay the same, but it also launches new heroes with a longer period or keep it better balanced!

Otherwise, I can’t complain.


Really, aside from the joke of calling the game balanced, I’m pleased with this. Everything that was listed as upcoming (friendship rework, invasion rework etc.) looked exciting though.

Friendship rework will definitely be something, as, if I remember correctly, means that the disk will be unlocked after the first episode which is amazing because it means we aren’t forced to build heroes we’ll never use.


Oh I really like this. I hate the grind for disks.


@Polaris I would love to see alternating cap raises and color raises each month it would help f2p players catch up and still satisfy the p2w players. cause you can get the level up of your heroes while catching up older heroes cause you don’t have to spend valuable stamina on a new color of rarity badges immediately and I feel most would agree with me on this.


We’re counting on analysts like you!

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Takes the fun away tbh

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Im glad to hear that ur workin on improvin ingame rewards i have two acounts one on server 2 and the other on server 22 so im glad that ur focusin on ingame rewards on server 22 rather than makin deals give out huge resources also i was hopin that the new updated invasion rewards wouldve came in this update and hopefully the new rewards would include all kinds of mods in each invasion rather than waiting like a whole month just to get a specific mod that i wanna upgrade for a specific hero in a specific team. Also maybe makin a new diffculty in heist cause even now insane is a little easy for me now in server 2 and to a lot of other players so that would b awesome to get a new diffculty which gives out more rewards or even make a special event that give out double rewards in heist just like u do in surge and city watch.

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Difícil acreditar no que li mas é como vocês dizem " nós vendemos e você compra " triste perblue triste, infelizmente acredito que esse jogo não tenha mais solução …


Very disappointed in the response to the S21/22 deals. I 100% understand the reason to not sell the same as S1. They’re up to R11 now? Stamina requirements are out of this world. The worst server is probably S19 with not being deep in the reds, does get the same amount for a dollar.

But there has to be a middle way. A scaling of the deals. I don’t think the deals early servers right now are too terribly overpowered for the stamina required to get let’s say a war composition up to max. Whereas I as a moderate spender on S22 right now have 10 red heroes, a couple of them unlocked, and only 3 of them badged up. And in 2 weeks we get another cap raise. There is no keeping up. Let alone for f2p. Please reconsider how deals are “supposed” to be. Make up a figure of how much dollars it should take to get one hero all badges, and set the $5 deal accordingly.

Increasing the amount of resources available would also work, but that just devalues the deals even more, in favor of more equality between spenders and free to players


@Polaris I’m sorry but new heroes are powerful and can be very annoying to deal with especially if players use heroes that can pair with that strong new heroes. Honestly what bothers me about Mulan is her shield cooldown. The devs need to increase that counter skill of hers because she spams all the time. Her cooldown is so short she gets to reuse her counter during the whole energy spam freeze frame.

I would also like to know if you intend to put new heroes as crates for war, surge and heist? I never touch these coins whatsoever and are collecting dirt.


The amount of stamina required to craft newer badges does not appear to have been addressed. This is a major issue for all players, why was this not truly attended to?


Agora sim! Antes presentes da guild serem inúteis, minha opinião quando presente da guild é itens 30 caixas de isiginas. Isso é muito vale pena. Agradeço!

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@polaris So glad to see this post! I will do everything I can to help improve player satisfaction / player morale. Gathering reliable data is one of thee most important parts in creating successful updates. Can’t wait to get to work now! Maybe we can get a direct chat box for leaders to pass along data? :slight_smile: keep up the great work guys and gals!


  1. When was the last time there was a 5 or 6-week cadence?
  2. How many heroes were live when the cadence was done?

Those are mega-essential parts of why “people were quitting of the cap raise not being raised quickly enough” case. If it was a year ago when there were 70ish heroes, I do see why.
Now though we got 12 cap raises in a year and 40 (a stellar 50% increase of the) heroes.

Can devs at least think about releasing ONLY ONE RANK CAP INCREASE EVERY TWO MONTHS but MONTHLY LEVEL CAP INCREASE when the GOLDEN RANK is reached?

We know it´s coming since the color scheme goes along the Portal Quest one, so December for Golden rank.
As was said before, it´s NOT that the level cap and rank cap raises quickly, but more so that the stamina cost to get all the badges for that rank is ABSOLUTELY ATROCIOUS.
So either:
a stamina increase is needed (Get More Stamina, Free Stamina on certain times)
decrease of the last few new chapters stamina cost to 6
giving the Catch-up challenge to all players
Rank cap increase every 2nd month while level cap increase stays the same.
All of above together (which would be the best of course)


I see some good and some bad in this. Nice to see some problems addressed, and possible fixes for them. I for one still think Mulan needs a nerf, pretty much every lineup I’ve gone against in challengers for over a month has included a Mulan lol. I still think something needs to be done about level cap increases, as just as many people are still quitting with them being every 4 weeks. Maybe if it was a little easier to level up without spending an arm and a leg players would be more okay with the cap increases. Also no word on how much stamina is needed for badges these days?



Este é o único sentimento que consigo transmitir depois de lê tudo isso e vê que vocês acreditam que pensam no jogadores más infelizmente não pensam !


Their was little mention of cosmetic improvements in this state of the game update which worries me tbh. My feedback to improve cosmetics is go back to the old way of giving out purple orange badges avatar as free like they were which would free up and increase the likelihood of getting emojis and special avatars. Also if you pull the avatar of the preset emoji like rainbow you should instantly unlock it in your emoji collection. Or another way is 2 types of cosmetic crates 1 contains purple orange red badges and borders. While the other one contains emojis And hero avatars And costumes.


Server 21 here and you right, our decent offers are what prevents p2w players from completely destroy f2p. Kinda F2p people that complain about it with the strike don’t know what they want and if the offers were to become like other servers, they would quit or cry about it. I wonder if whales were left alone with super good offers and a server population of 100 whale people, would they enjoy that? Maybe yes who knows lol

On a more serious note: resources aren’t enough for people to keep up and upgrade new heroes. If perblue really cares and search for solutions, just reduce the f stamina costs for badges and gold needed to upgrade skills. Offers could be really nice as they are if you give people more “ingame” ways to play the game.

But if you just want to drain whale money - i don’t blame you, you are a company - at least spend some to FIX YOUR BUGS. Thank you (no troll).


1-we didnt know when we started spending the game didnt tell us that s21-22 were inflated so we feel robbed and scammed

2-the talk about f2p-p2p gap is just bs because we get worse f2p rewards than all other servers

3- the way deals are atm dolphins small spenders can catch up to big spenders and f2p are left behind
Meanwhile s21-22 whales are solo in the leader boards and those who dont spends thousands can never catch up

The way s21-22 is absolutely not f2p friendly and actually the highest gap between f2p and p2p
Small spenders/big whales gap in s21-22 is crazy

Making everything more expensive and less means the ones who can spend the more fly solo

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