State of the Game - August 2020

Oh great googly moogly no, not anywhere near as much. Though I did hear someone say a player on another server reached something like 14 million on Tuesday, which, while not pre-nerf-Gizmoduck numbers, is still pretty high.

Anyway, while I would prefer to be done with invasion in an hour or so, I think helping an off-color hero finish all 64 tiers within 2+ days qualifies as “viable”, even if just a fraction of what he used to be capable of. Of course, that’s IMHO, YMMV, etc.

Release more new heroes - we have plans to expand existing IPs and add some new ones! We’re very excited to share with you all the cool heroes we’re working on.

Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy! I hope either Alameda Slim and Yen Sid will be in the game

As of rn… my lineup does not have gizmo in it and I’m using off color heroes… Don’t see how he is viable.

Is still to soon to know if the refresh was good. As of rn… it’s not IMO.

So dose this mean ya’ll are adding new players twice a month and continuing adding red skills to players who been in the game before red came before the year ends? @Polaris

I am vip 15 and over vip 8 in many accounts

The deals are bad a spender here its better to buy daily diamond 1 year than to buy 2000 deal in s21-22

Premium quest sucks
Premium quest is awful
Nothing premium about it
Its barley better then normal deals only in s21
Even in s22 its awful

Matchmaking is now better, but the way you power-up enemies, not really! Facing teams with maxed red skill heroes is not nice. It’s terrible, tbh. Hope you guys could change something about that.

With the old system, you guys only increase enemies lv, all their skills stay the same. Now, the lv of enemies does not scale too high, which is good, but the bonus stats from a maxed red skill are not something taken lightly

Fingers crossed for gold, CW token, Epic slot and skill chips drop…

When I said Perblue refreshed Gizmo because they nerfed him too much, some people came and told me I was wrong. I wonder what those people are thinking (and feeling) right now when they publicly said that it was true

Could you guys stop considering Cosmetic crates are something good for the game pls? They are terrible, offering nothing but the infinitive dupes of the avatar we have but never like/use

The stat boost is great but I’d rather have the old system. At least, with that, I could have the avatar I want

Hooray! The thing my friends and I are looking forward to is here!!! Hopefully it will be implemented to all servers at once because no one should be punished any longer with the current terrible friend system

We can only wait and see how much you guys change. But tbh, looking at how you guys increase gold/rewards in other modes, I dont think I should expect too much. No expectation, no disappointment

I hate to break it to you but all the markets are terrible now. They have not helped us in game for so long, except the hero chips in token markets

Nothing has really changed with Gold rewards, nothing big anyways…

It just baffles me that while you guys take it slow to increase rewards (too slow in some cases), when it comes to the cost, you guys increase it like there is no tomorrow. A little too convenient, dont you think?

Cap raises are not popular with most players. Dont make it seem like just a few of us dont like it. And I wonder what kind of health it is when people are quitting one after another? Desert is a healthy environment too, just that nobody (wants to) live(s) there

Like I said, things need to speed up, like how you guys increase every single cost in this game

Oh please, who in their right mind would ever buy them? A lousy 10 hero chips??? I even specifically ask my guild mates to NOT buy these rip-off deals

The best guild deal I have ever seen is diamond crates one, but for some reason, it hasn’t come back ever since. A little contradiction, dont you think?

And nothing has changed! So I wonder, what exactly have you guys been doing?

Gold from raiding/doing campaigns, hero chips from Elite (especially now we need a tons of them for Red Skills), CW, Port… Just the top of my head

Decreasing/Waiving crafting cost will be the right thing to do, if you ask me and many others

It’s good seeing new faces in game, especially if they are my favorite. But working on them or not is another question

And how long it will be for you guys to do a deep refresh? A month or 2? By the time you are done with 1 old hero, 5 new ones appear…Yeah, that seems healthy

It’s nice hearing this but it doesnt change the fact that skill drop and skill slots Epic CW need to change/increase. And I don’t talk about having them all, I just mean about 15 main heroes we use


Originally, I planned to release a post calling out the games biggest problems for what they each really are.
But here, I find myself reassured that, all of my biggest concerns are being dealt with.
So all I can say is, I love all of this, and It has reignited my hope that this is not another sinking ship.

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How about GAME MODES? There’s not much to do in-game. The modes that exist only take a few minutes tops. For players like me who’ve restarted due to the inability to continue spending real money just to keep up, there needs to be something else.

The constant rotation of cap raises suggest more tiers which are becoming increasingly difficult to keep up with. I’ve been playing for two years and have yet to hear someone say “they quit” because they weren’t getting enough level cap increases. In fact, it’s been the exact opposite.

To help out F2P players, PB needs to offer better new starter bonuses. Especially an XP booster. Also the pool of characters to choose from just don’t cut it. BOGO, Felix, Mr. Incredible, Woody, and Nick are all horribly underpowered and haven’t aged well within the game. I recommend offering Goofy, Elsa, Animal, Baymax, or Alice. This would give new players a better start with better non-premium characters. Also offering a new player sign-in campaign would be much appreciated.

Also, the players who have been along for the ride since basically day one are in dire need of something fresh OTHER than characters. This game is seriously lacking late-game content other than just PVP. To be very blunt, invasion just ISN’T FUN. At all. At least to me.


Mr i is great…
However ralph and the starter gang need a buff to base stats


Yes I should probably make an exception of him. However, there are many many better options for tanks . Even for starters. I’ve said it for a long time that new players should get Goofy in the first chest. Not Frozone.

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This pretty much sums up my opinion.
Put your money where your mouth is perblu, so will I.

Still striking👀 // S21


New red skills (so a red skill for Stitch is coming soon!) — YAY
New characters — YAY
Friendship refresh — YAY
I can’t wait to see what the future holds for this game!
I hereby state that this state of the game is game changing and great!


If a hero is showing up in 1/3 (or near enough) of all challenger lineups, I would say that is a problem… and perhaps the only reason they are not as prevalent as Randall was is that there are simply a slightly larger number of overpowered heroes? I appreciate the need for the power creep - otherwise whats the point in people investing time and money into new heroes, but it still feels like leaps not steps.

I can see that some efforts are being made to increase Gold from some sources… but the problem is you seem to be giving with one hand and taking with the other. Events like double or triple gold in City Watch or Surge used to feature much more frequently, but these days they seem very rare and when they do come along you often find that they are in close proximity to a contest featuring .e.g. Scoring points for City Watch… but oops guess who just used all their resets

Well that is good to hear and certainly the consumables are a welcome addition to the game… but influence is still lost / wasted due to cool down… How about some low value items with high influence costs that dont require cool down (or have very short cool down)

Overall, not a terrible update/announcement but could be better.


@Polaris Please could you provide us some news on why the 100 shop refresh tokens (for 150 diamonds) were removed from the daily rotation - every single spending player in the game was buying these.

I don’t think you could call this statement true. While technically it could pass for valid, what Perblue offer has far less to do with what players buy than what makes the most money. Bundling scarce resources with many items the player looking for those resources doesnt need is a strategy for maximising Profit and not player satisfaction.


Even I can admit there are a select few players, even on server 2 who have found a new team somewhat close to what the prenerf team was, allowing them to score the 3+ mil points to finish and then some. But no one is sharing those teams now to prevent any future nerfs. I still stand by my statement of it being wrong, underhanded and disgusting behavior for them to watch a majority of players on all servers succeeding at invasion completion and take away the main tool we all needed to continue to do so. Especially after he’s been out for almost a year (if not more) without a cap on his armor stealing. If he was actually broken they would have noticed that before and fixed it a long time ago.

Edit: not to mention they offered a $20 gizmo deal literally the day before the patch notes came out announcing his nerf. Enticed players to spend money on him, nerfed his most important skill, and now refreshed him?! Please please tell me you can see how that’s wrong.


You guys have certainly made some great improvements, but there are a few flaws that are still presented from what I’ve read.

I have to call baloney on that. When you guys did the diamond chest gift deals, 6 people in my guild (including myself) paid for it. We absolutly loved it. As for all the 10 hero chips deal, not one person has paid for it. It’s a total rip off.

I think it’s fine to raise the level every four weeks. With the amount of gold and experience offered, it’s manageable enough. The tier levels however are the things that we’re all struggling to keep up with. How about raising the tier level every 6 weeks instead?

If you do want to keep doing that however, WE NEED STAMINA. All the gold and experience won’t make a badge valued at 6000 stamina any easier to achieve. Even more frustrating when a good portion of the stamina is spent towards lower tier items that appear WAY too much.

I’ll probably make a separate post about how it’s an even more annoying problem and how it can be more manageable, but yeah, these are just my two cents over this so far. Again, you guys are definitely in the right direction, but there’s still a few bumps.


Appreciate the communication and insight. The game is great! Keep up the good work!
Some negative customer feedback that doesn’t mean I hate the game or anything silly- I ain’t gonna sugar coat though:
-CityWatch: there was lively discussion after the changes to test servers. I don’t recall much outreach about the issues raised, no acknowledgement of the practical solutions offered by players. Facing server max lvl teams is not easy no matter what my personal level on my top few heroes(Not the cap). 6*Elsa is a beast and red skill eliminates most characters who aren’t topped out. So no fun teams, challenges, cosmetic collections. Just more grinding with same top teams I use in arena and Coli that I am now again fighting against…
After seeing the gold fiasco of testing endless Surge and promises of how much better it will be after we make an adjustment. Then only for it to be revealed later- oops it was just never implemented, It seems hurried to paint City watch changes as accomplished-on to the next.
But then again they don’t see nothing OP about anyone since Randall so what could be wrong with facing maxxed red skill new release character the next day that is 40% higher level than your highest. Nope nothing wrong with that match-up on easy.

-s21/22 deals: I really think there could be a complaint with some regulatory agency that allows them to do such loot-box(where are the posted odds for cosmetics)A/B offers! Not talking about the diamond box guild gifts we were not offered on our server: Someone in my guild had an offer that was half the price and 5x the yield as my deal offered at the same time. They admit that they are targeting particular servers based on age for worse return. In their own comparative analysis: value on s21/22 are outliers between servers to the negative.
Whelp “they buy what they buy”- but admit that custys have been buying bad deals because devs deliberately restrict offers to be predatory against new players to keep FtP on original servers. Which they can’t merge because the parity is sooo out of whack because they have been held to a crazy fast schedule.
Nothing scummy and short sighted about that strategy- especially since the newer servers are spending the most.
5 old hero chips for 500 diamonds!!!?!? With a straight face defend that pricing.
-Belle is all wrong. Just no.
-No character has been on more than blah blah fake math! Refer everyone to “using numbers to lie” ;a book all about straw for the argument.(see also more people leave when we don’t raise the cap)
Not saying Mulan needs a nerf at all. It’s just you even were like wink wink we know about her but aint doing nuthin(For now while you chase her). She IS a great character so just refresh Rex to be something better that rubbish so that he actually deals with shields(QoH treatment). Or make Daisy the anti-shield(its a duck thing). Don’t use skewd maths to state a needless assertion, but no nerfs either.
-New characters are great and all but what about shan yu? Since nobody is OP or anything whats the hold up? Meanwhile Facilier is back in shops…
-What is up with Contest prizes and Weekly quest rewards lately? They belong in the tip they do.
8 cosmetics+1Guaranteed(which means 5 dupes+1common)? 3 Hero chips-I definitely used to get more!!? Talk about rewards not keeping apace of reality.
-Gaslighting with Elites: how about you tell us when you remove someone from an elite campaign?

Yep keep on with the good stuffs, knock off the shady business practices that interfere with the new spending paradigms but the state of the game is good.


Thanks for referencing me and my comment Rhetoric, appreciate it :-).

Yeah, a lot of negative parameters December unfortunately and not all weird why many may have left.
Although, for server 1 I am actually not sure if Red skills have likely contributed to the reason why so many left, based on the information I have found.

The reason to why I think Red skills may not have affected Server 1’s huge player leaving would be from the fact that Red skills was actually implemented in September rather than December, as well as by December the original 200 Hero chip requirement had been reduced to 25.
While it it true that server 2 got Red skill in December as in the 19 December, I am not sure if server 2 getting Red skills would affect server 1 that much.

In case wondering, not trying to correct you per say as I am just more so just making sure that I have accurate and correct information and such :-). Thought you may have wanted to take this information into account as well in terms of why so many players left in the 5 week period in December.

But yes, given that Randall’s nerf and the other nerfs, solo deals and Christmas/real life I don’t think it is logical or reasonable to rely on the data for that 5 week test in terms of if 5 week intervals between Cap raises are a good idea or not as too many factors for why players left during that period.
It likely created misleading data if only looking at the period itself as in the 5 weeks rather than what other things may have caused players to leave beside the fact that it was a 5 week interval between the cap raises.

At the very least I think it is fair advice PerBlue to do another 5 or 6 week cap raise interval without anything that may lower the Player Satisfaction during those 5/6 weeks, then evaluate the data as in both the hard data from metrics and soft data from player feedback and opinions.
This way should be the best way to create an accurate test for if the 5-6 weeks intervals between cap raises is better than the 4 week intervals :-).


It always comes back to the same point. 4 weeks between cap raises can work, they just need to make it a bit easier to catch up. If they do this, I have no problems with cap raises monthly.


Phaldow@ I technically don’t have a problem with 4 weeks intervals between cap raise updates either, so if they just balance the reward and cost balance the 4 week cap raise updates should work well :-).
It might not still be ideal for those who want to max everything as they aren’t likely able to keep up properly as much as they want to, although that is player opinion thing related more so than a reward and balance thing overall.

In terms of the 5/6 week discussion my point is that they need to make sure they don’t have things distracting from the actual test influence the 5/6 week test.

But yeah, if we get to a point where it is possible for F2P players to keep up with 15 characters at once at least gold wise I think it would be good since we need 15 characters for Coliseum and Guild Wars and such :-).

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