The ghost grim and grinning’s spooky concept contest

nobody cares about stinking BFB.


I wasn’t gonna enter a concept but I’ve decided that I may as well.

NB: I get that Pennywise is from horror movies but nothing in this concept should be inappropriate for younger Forumers.

Pennywise Concept

Pennywise haunts the battlefield with his spooky endeavours ensuring no one leaves unfrightened.

“We all float down here.”
Role: Control
Position: Midline
Trials Team: Red

Basic Attack: Swipes at the enemy with claws
Entrance: Somersaults in while in midair before landing
Victory: Releases red balloons while dancing
Defeat: Disintegrates


White Skill: The Dancing Clown
:sparkles: Fantastic Damage
Pennywise dances among the enemy team dealing X damage to all enemies and scaring them for 8 seconds.

Green Skill: You’ll Float Too
Pennywise pulls the furthest enemy towards him with a red balloon. When they reach the front they are stunned for 10 seconds and once the stun wears off they are scared for 6 seconds.
The scare has a chance to fail against enemies above level X.

Blue Skill: Evil Spirit
:sparkles: Fantastic Damage
Pennywise morphs into a horrific sight dealing X damage and scaring all enemies for 5 seconds.
Additionally, allies gain 80% attack speed for 7 seconds.

Purple Skill: Stuff of Nightmares
Pennywise has a 60% chance to scare enemies for 3 seconds with his basic attacks.
Allies gain X basic damage when they damage a scared enemy.

Red Skill: Red Balloons
:sparkles: Fantastic Damage
Pennywise’s basic attacks deal fantastic damage.
If the enemy targeted by You’ll Float Too is scared they will be stunned for an additional 5 seconds and take X damage per second they are stunned.
+X Damage to Evil Spirit
+X Max HP
+X Basic Damage


Pennywise and Jack Skellington “Spooky Souls”
Targets two enemies with You’ll Float Too
+X Skill Power
Pennywise targets a second enemy with You’ll Float Too (Red Balloons also applies to them). The second enemy is stunned for 2 seconds (+2 per star)
Allies - Scar, Sulley, Maleficent

Pennywise and Madam Mim “Shape Shifters”
Boosts allies vs scared enemies
+X Max HP
Allies gain X armour for 6 seconds when damaging a scared enemy
Allies gain 15% attack speed for 6 seconds when damaging a scared enemy (+15% per star)
Allies - Ursula, Olaf, Hector


I have one, this is my first concept

Stripe concept
Quote: gizmo ka ka
Frontline damage
Punch which deals x

White: crazed creature
Stripe lunges at the enemy and deals 97

Green: leader of gremlins
A group of gremlins runs in the battlefield this is similar to one of Felix’s Attacks

Blue: don’t feed after midnight
Stripe eats a chicken leg and gains more power for 8 seconds

Purple: a new incarnation
After stripe dies a gremlin egg shows up and mow hawk the gremlin shows up

No red


Creatures of the night
More damage

A Christmas themed horror
More health

Entrance and exits

Entrance: mogwi walks on field and turns into stripe

Victory: laughs maniacally

Defeat: turns into a Skelton


Mow hawk


This is pretty good for your first concept

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Thanks a lot

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Can there be an exception for Animatronic Spongebob?

No, there can be no previous concepts

Drat. Ok.
10 characters


That was 7 days ago. And this contest was made 12 days ago! My robot sponge concept was created yesterday. I demand an explanation!

He made it for the contest

10 characters

Here’s my submission.

quick question- do friendships have to be with already existing characters or can they be anyone? just want to make sure that i know before i start working and submit my entry for the first stage

It can be one of your previous concepts or a in game character

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Oh my god, I so have no chance at winning…

I’m not a judge, I set up a poll in a few weeks then when it is July 1st we go on to stage 2, you are still able to participate but it can’t be the same concept, then In the end all the winning concepts will be put in a poll, who ever wins that wins the whole thing

Still, I have no chance.

You have a chance

I doubt it.

Okay so on the 25 we will have all these concepts in a poll then whoever wins will move on to the finals (a.k.a the October stage)

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