The Pixls Concept (Unlikely)

“The sheer girthitude on display here is blowing my mind!”

The Pixls, former helpers and assets of Mario and Co., make their showing by each using their powers to help out!

Team: Yellow
Role: Support
Position: Back


ENTRANCE: All of the Pixls flip into existence.


VICTORY: Each of the Pixls touch down and begin to dance, summoning a Pure Heart.


DEFEAT: Tippi stops flying as the others give a dejected look before disappearing.

BASIC ATTACK: Cudge swings downwards onto the enemy.


White Skill - Tattle


Passive: Tippi’s Basic Attack orders Cudge to attack an enemy near a Frontline ally with a melee attack that does knockback on hit, dealing twice of that ally’s expected damage.

Active: Tippi disperses and hones in on a selected enemy. (On Auto, Tippi selects the frontmost enemy.) The selected enemy is Tattled for 10 seconds. Tattle forces all incoming damage to always be critical hits. If Tippi’s Basic Attack hits a Tattled enemy, she removes (X) Skill Power from them for 5 seconds. This effect stacks.

Green Skill - Thoreau

Tippi orders Thoreau to grab a Backline enemy. Thoreau then holds the enemy over Tippi before tossing them to your Frontline allies. The targeted enemy can’t attack while grabbed and is Stunned for 7 seconds once they land. If the enemy was Tattled, they also lose 500 Energy when thrown.

Stuns applied from this skill can’t be dodged or reduced in duration.

Blue Skill - Barry and Fleep

Anytime an ally would be targeted by a projectile that would deal 40% or more of their health, Tippi orders Barry to shield that ally. Barry’s shield deals (X) damage to nearby enemies and reflects all projectiles back to the enemy who fired it, dealing 200% of the expected damage to that enemy instead. Barry can reflect a projectile in this way every 8 seconds. If an enemy is currently Tattled, Barry will always reflect projectiles from them.

Once activated, Fleep then targets a Midline enemy, flipping them out and applying Disorient. Disorient will prevent enemies from moving for 4 seconds and makes them target both enemies and allies alike for 8 seconds. If the enemy is Tattled, they are also Sapped for 10 seconds.

Purple Skill - Thudley and Boomer

Anytime Cudge attacks, Thudley and Boomer have a chance to attack a random enemy as well.

Thudley attacks by slamming down onto enemies, which does (X) damage and reduces their Armor and Reality by (X) and their Movement Speed by 100% for 10 seconds.

Boomer attacks by planting himself in a group of enemies before exploding, dealing (X) damage and removing 200 Energy per enemy he damages in this way.

When Thudley or Boomer attack a Tattled enemy, they increase the Pixls’ Skill Power by (X) for the rest of the wave.

Red Skill - The Gang’s All Here

Anytime an ally has 4 or more active debuffs or has less than 25% of their maximum health, Tippi orders Slim, Carrie, Dottie, Piccolo, or Dashell to assist them.

Slim can help any ally by making them Thin. Thin allies are untargetable and dodge all damage. Dottie prefers to target Front and Midline allies, making them tiny and untargetable. Piccolo prefers to target Frontline allies, instantly Refreshes his target, removing all debuffs applied. Dashell prefers to target Mid and Backline allies, granting them a 300% Attack Speed buff for 10 seconds. Carrie prefers to target Midline enemies, increasing their movement speed by 100% and giving them a chance to dodge attacks.

When any Pixl assists an ally, the ally is Healed (X) health and is given 2 stacks of Hardy. Each Pixl can assist an ally in this way every 10 seconds, and can do so even when Frozen, Stunned, etc. The Pixls cannot assist themselves in this way.


Pixls and Merlin - Magic Makes Memories

Attacking Pixls Apply Weary
Anytime Cudge, Thudley, or Boomer attack enemies, they apply a stack of Weary.
When an enemy loses a stack of Weary, they lose Skill Power for 1 (+1 per star) second(s).

  • Enemies lose (X) Skill Power
  • (X) Fantastic Damage to Pixls and allies
  • (X) Normal Damage to Pixls and allies

Allies: Madame Mim, Fairy Godmother, Winifred Sanderson

Even with so many of them, the Pixls find themselves spread thin when trying to help out around the City. They find a familiar comfort in the aptly-named Merlin, who offers to take them under his wing to find where they fit best.

Pixls and Joy - Take a Stand

Defensive Pixls Energize and Debuff
When Barry, Fleep, or any Pixl in The Gang’s All Here assist an ally, the ally is also Energized by 80 Energy for 2 (+2 per star) seconds. They will also remove up to 1 (+1 per star) debuff on this ally.

  • (X) Reality to Pixls and allies
  • (X) Armor to Pixls and allies

Allies: Fear, Yax, WALL-E

The Pixls tag along with Joy on a day to the park to find it’s been overrun with Creeps! With no other Heroes around, it’s up to the Pixls to stand on their own, make their names known, and push the Creeps back!


Well, great concept! This one is very creative, but I would improve something: the skills seem a little too OP even for the game itself. But seriously, great concept man!


As is unfortunately the case with some of my concepts, because I love some of these characters too much lol. But I appreciate it nonetheless :>

Well, good concept, I guess.

Great concept :+1:

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I have never heard of these guys. What are they from? Paper Mario?

Yes; Super Paper Mario specifically

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