This contest... this contest, just UH (Contest Talk Thread)

Well at least I won’t have to fight for the rank rewards then, since Go go will leave there :man_shrugging:


@Loutre, feedback to pass on: “Please stop the diamond increases in FTN. It’s unwarranted and ridiculous.”

On S21, FTN has required ~7,600 diamonds for months now. All of the sudden, it’s 53% higher at 11,760. Why!?
We aren’t making more diamonds… the game is the same as it was 6 months ago in those terms.

S1 went from ~12k diamonds to 16k and now 17.9k. 18k diamonds every 3 weeks? For these terrible rewards that went to special trials, which are now removed and being reworked. Gutted.


Here we are, three weeks later; is it safe to say that, instead of a “return to normal”, we’ve established a new normal?

Quite frankly, the contests aren’t worth the effort right now; I guess I’m back to playing the game as if they don’t exist, and whatever rewards I happen to get from them (if any) are just a nice little surprise (emphasis on “little”).


The rewards are almost identical for a few weeks now :joy::joy::joy: in a horrible way :joy::joy::joy: and they expect us to spend our resources for these things? :joy::joy::joy: Well, if I get them, I will. But I won’t try or stress over it anymore. It is not worth it :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:


Well, guess you’re happy? :confused:

Consolidation is still going on, so next week or never.

Yeah this, don’t count on next week

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Flashback to 4 months ago when I said that the Prize Wall will count towards FTN.

“Unwarranted and ridiculous” increases of FTN are across all servers since… pretty much the introduction of Challenger Tiers. Diamonds should stay similar, but they are obviously going upward.

Besides the only rewards mattering now are Cosmetic Crates (which were relegated to Tier 2) and as many Badge Crates as you can get (though 5 of 15 is something, compared to 45 we had before it´s nothing). Therefore… well, I am gutted for a long time and I would probably vomit if I went around PB´s office - it´s awful.


:whale:s = happy, they love spending money and buy diamonds for ftn and lack of bb crates won’t affect them anyway since they can’t exploit them.

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Nobody is happy about spending more for less :woman_facepalming:t2:


Says the guy spending 50 bucks for cosmetic crates

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I don´t think I will agree there. They just are not vocal here much.
FTN rank rewards are pretty much a self-induced “who spends more” contest. Self-induced as in they bring it upon themselves with their competitiveness over bad rewards.

Also, true :joy: Musk cares so much about heroes that he enhances every battle badge…


No… I don’t even wish so, many bonuses are just bad.
Is it possible to have that much drinks?

But I guess…

Says Numi with maxed BB on Jack Sparrow… uuu… what a spender. Uuuu…
Get a hobby…

And what are you doing here? Hmm.

Reading your comments I am actually happy rewards were nerfed.

Now… when Badge Crates will be completely removed from contests… and moved to so called trial events :smiley:


Yes, because someone consolidated accounts with megabits, my dear. :wink: Last year I haven´t spent on non-stamina deal. OR the daily diamonds. So… :man_shrugging:

I defy the policy of “free” badge crates to everyone in contest against what you suggest here.

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Whales spend thousands. $50 is nothing when their deals are horrible. Guaranteeds go a long way (until you get capped).


Not sure what on earth gave you the impression that I might be happy. Resigned is probably the best word for my feelings. It’s not like anything I say or do will convince PerBlue to restore the rewards back to what they were like three months ago, or even five weeks ago, so best to just focus on how to spend my resources going forward.


Yeah I think most of the playerbase feels like that. We are heard in some parts, but blatantly ignored in others. :man_shrugging:

Not to mention that the rewards need some meaningful scaling. Nerfing something is the opposite, even if you believe that calling it a “redistribution” changes the perception. It does not.

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Hey don’t forget, what loutre said,

Pb really, I mean really really really, cares about the playerbase.

They really do, never forget that :joy:


Why don’t we nerf points require and just go back to 3 day contests make it simple for all the last 3 days are useless anyway and the rewards are that of a 3day


So never it is…

Still the 15 broken down…

And even worse actions this week: they are like almost the same as last week, with new thing being guild coins :man_facepalming:

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On the plus side, it looks possible to get the 10M points just from guild coins, if a guild emphasizes hiring mercs before they expire.

It’s not a very interesting contest, but at least it’s not nigh-impossible.

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