Treasure Planet Appreciation Thread

Sorry to respond, but this is defamation of character.

I had asked you why you disliked Frozen and the only heated bit came from you consistently insulting me instead of explaining why you don’t like it.

All I did was say what happened in the film :man_shrugging:t2:

Not once did I say that. In fact, I offered several times to watch the film and reconsider it if you would watch Frozen. You refused to even watch it.

Then I’ll be off. Don’t want to hijack your thread.


I made that same offer. The only condition they accepted was for me to watch it and for me to stop liking Frozen.

I did watch TP though but it was so boring that I had to look up the plot outline to make it seem like I had actually paid attention. Sorry @Alyssa1 if this news is shocking but no I didn’t properly watch or enjoy TP.


Alyssa, people can be entitled to their own opinion, whether you like it or not. It isn’t hurting you in any way. Trying to force opinions into others is plain wrong.


I don’t understand why you care so much about what other people think about films. You like TP. That’s cool. I haven’t personally seen it but I heard it’s good. You dislike frozen, and that’s also fine, but don’t try to ruin the movie for others who do like it.


Depends if you like cringey, cliché plots or not.

What do you mean it’s “cringey, and has cliche plots”?! What’s wrong with TP?! Explain yourself!

it just seems a little… boring.

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I watched the trailer and sorry, I didn’t understand it.

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How is TP boring?! Explain!

How is Frozen terrible? Explain :unamused:


bEcAuSe YoU bRaInWaShEd FrOzEn FaNs…


And please Alyssa don’t give us 50 or so adjectives.

But you DO tolerate it when YOU give the same sorts of criticism?


Yes mum :yawning_face:.

I never insulted TP and I didn’t come here to hate on it. I came here, because you attacked ruby for no reason other than him liking a movie. We’ll happily respect your opinions if you respect us and our opinions.


no. You can’t control us!

You hate frozen as much as baking hates vinegar we get it and that’s ok but why do you use rant about hating everything else using 50 adjectives thinking we’d agree well guess what? You’re very, VERY wrong. I can comment on this thread if want even if I love frozen.

You two were never on the same side so how is this betrayal?


You can’t stop people from posting. I really want a peaceful outcome here if possible, but you’re not making this easy.


Okay, Hello! @Champion_David here.

Now, before I get into what I wanna say lemme start by saying I loved Treasure Planet and I loved Frozen.

Watching the trailer for TP is hardly enough, as they did a crappy trailer. The movie itself is not cliched at all, first point being the protagonist does not wind up finding love.

And Frozen, similar to treasure planet, the Protagonist starts off looking for love, but ultimately chooses family over other love. This choice is what made Frozen special.

Now, jere I am, I am not a ‘brainwashed Frozen fan’, but also not a ‘cult Treasure Planet fan’.

I love them both, because ofthe differences they portray and the things done right for both.

So now that I have gotten my opinions declared, TP was considered a failure by many who refused to give it a chance. Frozen, on the other hand is a huge success because of the many people who opened their hearts and watched the movie.

@Alyssa1 How can you call yourself a true treasure planet fan if all you do is derade other people for hating on your favorite movie, or loving another one more. Instead, you should be pointing out the things about the movie that make it great.

Don’t tell me about how awful Frozen is, tell me what makes Treasure Planet a good movie on its own.

Why is it, thst you cannot just keep it posotive like this first post? Nobody wants to give a movie a chance that has someone screaning at them to watch it, so try a different approach, tell me your favorite thing about Treasure Planet. What part of the movie did you connect with?

I don’t need to mention Frozen, because this is not about Frozen, this is about TP, and you aren’t shpwing appreciation for it.

For me, I love Treasure Planet as it explores Jim Hawkins seeking an adventure, and instead finding that what he wanted was right back at home all along.


How about we just stop arguing and just post on the like normal if y’all wanna argument start a PM. This isn’t the place.

Jim doesn’t like his thread being destroyed.
And I don’t either

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