Unlikely Character Concept

Tnx very very appreciated

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after doing Michael Here’s Freddy Krueger a :star::star: Control hero
Quote : Welcome to PrimeTime B****
Entrance: Teleports from the dream realm kinda like in MK9
Defeat:Explodes into a bunch of children souls he has absorbed

White skill Dream Master: He Scares all enemies stunning them

Green skill Dream Warriors : after defeating a enemy he absorbs them which buffs him and his allies

Blue skill Dream Child: The fear of his fallen victims souls heals him

Purple skill Freddy’s dead or is he: He revives after being defeated

Freddy-Michael Killing sprees for days : His green skill buffs 50% higher
Freddy-Hades UnderWorld Gods: His heal heals all allies

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Sry couldn’t really think of a Freddy quote with out him say the Bi word sry
Also his skills are named after his Movies Dream Master Dream Warriors Dream Child and Freddy’s Dead

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New concepts here!

Eragon is a 2 star backline damage character
“Let us teach them to fear our names”
Entrance: Eragon walks on the battlefield and takes his bow.
Basic attack: Eragon shoots an arrow to an enemy.
Victory: Eragon laughs
K.O.: Eragon throws away his bow and Brisingr (his sword).
White - Brisingr: Eragon casts the spell Brisingr. He takes his sword and throws flames on the enemy frontline, dealing X damage to all targets and X extra damage over time. Over time damage is twice the instant damage. (Fantastic Damage)
Green - Jierda: Eragon uses the spell Jierda, then shots a powerful arrow that hits all enemies, dealing X damage to each and stunning them for 6 seconds. (Fantastic Damage)
Blue - Waise Hëill: Eragon heals the two weakest allies for X HP, and turns them invincible for 6 seconds.
Purple - Inheritance: Eragon is now immune to disables. Also, his basic attacks and “Jierda” will now deal X more damage over 2 seconds. (Fantastic damage)
Eragon/Saphira: Memory of the Dragons
+Basic Damage
-Brisingr will deal X% more damage and freeze targets for the duration of damage over time. Freeze does not affect Basic Attacks and Jierda.
Eragon/Popeye: Strengthen
-“Jierda” will deal X more instant damage
-Stunned enemies will take X% more damage from all sources. “Jierda” also triggers “Waise Hëill” effects.

Saphira is a 3 star frontline tank character
“No Hunter of the sky should end his days as prey. Better to die on the wing than pinned to the ground”
Entrance: Saphira flies to her position and licks herself like a cat. Then she starts fighting.
Basic attack: Saphira attack close enemies with her claws.
Victory: Saphira roars loudly
K.O.: Saphira falls to earth
White - Rebel Fire: (Passive) Saphira starts every wave with a shield equal to 70% of her max HP. This shield has no time limit and prevents her from being disabled. (Active) Saphira throws fire at the enemies, dealing X damage to each. If enemies are being damaged over time, this skill deals 500% more damage. (Fantastic Damage)
Green - Shining Scales: Saphira turns the enemy with the most HP into diamond for 10 seconds, stunning him and stealing a total of X HP. Diamond enemies can’t be targetted. (Real Damage)
Blue - Predator Sense: If an enemy is under X HP, Saphira jumps on him and deals X real damage. Saphira is untargettable while doing this.
Purple - Dragon Pride: Saphira gains X shield HP every time she receives a critical hit.
Saphira/Arya: Guards of the Forest
+Max HP
-“Shining Scales” turns 2 enemies into diamonds. X% of the health stolen by this ability is also turned into shield HP.
Saphira/Maleficent: The Dark Dragon
-Saphira’s basic attack deals X more fantastic damage
-Saphira scares enemies for X seconds at the start of each wave. Saphira’s allies gain X energy every time they hit a scared enemy.

Arya is a 1 star Backline support character
“And then you came, Eragon. You and Saphira. After hope had deserted me and I was about to be taken to Galbatorix in Uru’baen, a Rider appeared to rescue me. A rider and a dragon!”
Entrance: Arya walks to her position
Basic attack: Arya hits an enemy with magic. Her basic attack deals fantastic damage
Victory: Arya sits down and listen to natural sounds.
K.O.: Arya snorts
White - Charming Song: (Passive) Arya can only be K.O.ed when there are no allies left, including charmed enemies. (Active) Arya sings, charming 3 enemies for 5 seconds and giving allies 300 energy. Charm may fail against enemies higher than level X.
Green - Stealthy Hit: Arya jumps among enemies, dealing X damage to each with her sword and gaining “provocation” for 8 seconds. Then she goes back to her position. While Arya has “provocation” active, she will always be the first target of enemy hits. However, area damage can still hit all the team.
Blue - Anthem of Nature: While Arya is on the battlefield, allies gain X HP and 50 energy per second.
Purple - Advanced Magic: Arya redirects 50% damage and disables dealt by enemy white skills on herself. Effect is reduced on allies higher than level X.
Arya/Eragon: Memory of an Empire
+Max HP to allies
-Allies have X% more armor and reality
-Anthem of Nature heals X% more
Arya/Magnus Chase (coming soon): Freyr’s grant
+Skill power to allies
-Arya has X% probability to deflect on enemies disables that should affect her


:disappointed: I miss when this thread was booming :confused:


Ok I haven’t made a concept in a long time but in a bit rusty but here’s goes!
Tin Toy
image https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/f/f5/Tin_Toy_poster.jpg/220px-Tin_Toy_poster.jpg
Various instrument noises

Tin Toy is a three star front line support hero!

Entrance: rolls in playing his instruments
Victory: spins in a circle happily
Defeat: gets a scared, shocked face
image https://media.giphy.com/media/FFm27mC810q4g/giphy.gif

Basic attack: hits enemies with his accordion


White skill: One Man Parade
Tin Toy parades across the screen, dealing damage to enemies.
image https://media.giphy.com/media/tuPnRq5lAOKFa/giphy.gif

Green skill: Loud Cacophony
Tin Toy plays a cacophony of sounds, stunning some enemies.

Blue skill: Band Leader
Tin Toy helps give allies increased attack speed for a few seconds.

Purple skill: Final Encore
When Tin Toy reaches 0 HP, he lets out one final sound, damaging enemies.

Tin Toy and Woody “New Toy”
Allies: Rex, Buzz, Bo Peep
+100 skill power
Band Leader now gives allies more damage for a few seconds as well.

Tin Toy and Mickey “Musical Geniuses”
Allies: Jessie, Mike, Maui
+100 HP
Final Encore now has a chance to slow nearest enemies.


Yes this a Pixar short so it may not be that unlikely but I’ve alresdy posted Pixar short concepts here so :man_shrugging:


Nice concept @TherMasterStitch :smile:


I really like dis concept. Nice work. :+1:


Yeeet Awesome


Now this is a really alright concept! It’s not too awful long, which makes it a pleasure to read! No long boring drawn out, something going on & on & on just to take up space kinda concept! I give this one a big thumbs up! :+1:

It’s also full of colorful gif’s (It’s very appealing to the eye)!
Again a picture says 1,000 words and your gif’s along with the concise concept is just right!

Just my opinion!



Oh, thank you. (Doctor Strange 25:11)


I’m glad this thread is coming back to life😄


Also does anyone know how to add GIFS :thinking:

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Same way you add pictures download and click the image button.

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Micheal Myers Concept soon :ghost:

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Breaking news: even if someone already did a concept on a character, other people can still make a concept on that character! Wow! What a shocker!


Im still gonna do it @SpiderHog plus im not copying you🤷🏻‍♂️

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Lol but there shouldn’t be 2 posts of the same character in almost the same week

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There shouldn’t be three concepts from the same author in a single day, but that happened anyway… Nobody makes the rules here. Especially not you.

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